Beyond His beauty & his Charm...

By ScriptStories13

189K 1.2K 172

Karla is just a normal 22 year old girl making a living in NYC . While trying to succeed in getting a her dip... More

Beyond His beauty & his Charm
Beyond His beauty & his Charm chap 2
Beyond His Beauty & His Charm... chap 3
Dreams or Visions
Walk in Central Park
walk in the park part 2
Angels Wings
Angels Wings - Part2
In a Italian Restaurant
If only She Knew!
New teacher is who?????
The truth comes out.
Sparks Fly
caught on the couch!
Introducing Libby
In the Mirror In My Dream
Secret Idenity ... he's a WHAT!
Home sweet Home [part 1]
Home Sweet Home [part2]
Baby Shower [part 1]
Baby Shower [part 2]
Love Bite Under the Moon Light.
Little Zoe
Tied up
The Great Love Guru
The Night Of the Sacrifice.(part1)
The Night Of The Sacrifice (Part 2)
Back to New York
She's Missing
Mangers Office
Johnny's Timber,Cars and Co. [Part 1]
Johnny's Timber,Cars& Co. [ part 2]
At the hopital (chapter 27)
Chapter 28- Still The Same Raph.
The Perfect Distraction
30- Meeting Penelope Walsh

Thank you

148 5 0
By ScriptStories13

This isnt a chapter... sorry for the false hope.

BUTTTTTTTTTTTT im actually writing a filler chapter now hoping to complete it itll be in between afew chapters to make the new chapter flow easier . Im sorry this is screwing up it all i should have stopped writing and thought it over long before i posted this many chapters.

SO i was going through my notifications, which i only just found i can actually see. After how many years of being on here. God im stupid i know. Im sorry. Any way.

The last few weeks ive seen people adding my book to their reading lists and voting for some random chapters and i wanted to take the time to thank those people. I honestly have given up on writing this book, ive just been writing random stories came into mind instead of focusing on this book. I have the worst attention span. Honestly, its probably equivilant to a 2 year old. Argh frustrating.

Anywho thank you all so much i could cry because i now know my book still has some sort of veiws and likes. That its not completely thrown away into to oblivion because i am a sucky writer who never updates anymore. Im shit i know. Im not as talented as some people on here.But i try. And ill try my best to finish this book by the end of this year hopefully or by early next year. I already have a christmas themed chapter written for about 2 years now i need to go through my jotted ideas and add and subtract and edit and plot *rolls eyes* alot of work. So im saying im stillllllllll.... after all my author notes... stillll trying to fix this story up. Ill pop a bottle of wine the day i take down the hiatus sign and finish this book. When i see that green tick ill dance in my undies around my house while singing obnoxiously ... probably drunk too. Because itll be a huge feat for me.

Its encouraging that my book is still getting some love after all this time and its pushing me to update so thank you for adding my book to your library and voting kind people of watt pad. :) youve encouraged me to actually push this book up my list of priorities :)

Also ill be merging my new edited verions straight into this one cause honestly i cant be bothered hahaha im too lazy to rename chapters and what not plus this one is the original so its be easier.

I cant wait to post the coming events im actually quite happy with my chapters and how their plotting out :) im excited to get it off my computer too hahah :) till then

Much love



ps. sign the petition for gaza at ( World peace is probably s far fetched dream but a little help for people in need is a step closer :) and im not taking sides i know nothing about the hystory but i see people being hurt and killed and its breaks my heart to know innocent children are witnessing this all and going through this all, i imagine a child my nieces age seeing such gorry and horrid visions and i cant help but want to cry. I hope both sides can come to some kind of truce or something happens that stops this, its hard to watch.

I just dont want to see more people dead, this year has taken enough poor souls from their families.

((( never mind the petitions over so glad atleast some are going to recieve help))) 

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