Cherished Malevolence [Arshi]...

By SnowSpringBud

170K 5K 1.4K

:::COMPLETED::: (07.02.2017) šŸ‘‰šŸ» Declared Second Runner-Up (Adore) in IPK-CHARM-AWARDS 2018 šŸ‘ˆšŸ» ā™„ļøā™„ļø Th... More

šŸŒŸ Introduction šŸŒŸ
šŸŒŸ Three šŸŒŸ
šŸŒŸ Four šŸŒŸ
šŸŒŸ Epilogue šŸŒŸ
ā¤ļø Thank You ā¤ļø
ā¤ļø Request ā¤ļø

šŸŽ‰ Bonus Chapter - Happy Birthday! šŸŽ‰

9.4K 434 67
By SnowSpringBud

Kiddo_Star - Baccha, belated happy birthday. I guess giving you belated birthday gifts has become a tradition of mine these days. Forgive me for the late post as well as enjoy the sweet little surprises you have stored in this update as you read. I love you so much!! 😘😘



Khushi ran around the house as if she had wheels on her legs. Arnav sat on the sofa keeping a careful watch on his wife as well as the kids who were crawling on the ground and playing with their toys.

"Khushi, calm down! Why are you running around like this? You're going to exert yourself."

"Arnavji, I'm telling you already. You don't get to stop me today. I have important works and nothing is done." Khushi went from warning Arnav to muttering to herself as she counted the works pending, her eyes widening with each finger folded on count.

"Stop! Stop! Your eyes will pop out if you widen your eyes anymore."

"All because of you, Arnavji. You didn't let me do anything while I've been telling you that I have somethings to work on before the sun sets. Everything is your mistake." She hit him on his chest making him Arnav look at her with wide eyes.

"Excuse me!?" He couldn't be more bewildered. He looked behind to see their family watching them both as if they were some daily soap actors and they're enacting a live show in front of them.

"Guys!" He waved his hands at them seeing them just watching. "I'm glad we are entertaining you, but I could use some help here." He made a duh expression as he saw for some help. But as if distracted by something all started looking somewhere other than him making him blurt out his favorite phrase.

"What the!"

"Yeah yeah, what the! Your vehicle is struck at what the, nothing after that." Khushi's irritation was palable while all Arnav could show is cluelessness because he is certainly clueless of everything happening. "As if he's some majesty.. Laad Governor!"

"Dammit woman! Atleast tell me what's happening in the house."

"PARTY!!" She screamed from the kitchen before she disappeared into it.

"What the! Party? Where? When? What?"

"Arnav Bitwa," he looked behind as Amma started speaking. "It is Shreya bitiya's birthday today. So she is planning to throw a party for her." She explained patiently not able to withstand her Arnav Bitwa's plight anymore.

"But without the birthday girl, how?" Arnav could literally scratch his head.

"Someone remembered me?!" All turned around to see Dr. Shreya Patel standing at the entrance in all her glory wearing a black top, faded blue jeans and with sunglasses perched on top of her head.

Everyone smiled at the girl who came to mean so much to them since a couple of years. Mama and Mami are aware of Shreya when she visited them for Payal's marriage a few months back.

"It's a surprise, Shreya, how are you?" Arnav greeted her warmly as he gave her a side hug.

"Maybe that should be happy birthday, Jiju?" Shreya pouted at him accusingly.

Arnav smirked at her in a 'you-know-me' way making her pout more. The family members gathered around her wishing her and blessing her.

"You leave him, Munchkin. He doesn't know the basic manners that a human should know. How will he wish a happy birthday?" Khushi intervened glaring at Arnav as she gave a wide smile and bear hug to Shreya.

"Wish you many many happy returns of the day, Baccha. I missed you."

"I missed you too Didu!"

"Is the emotional drama done?!" Arnav had to intervene much to the displeasure of Khushi and amusement of Shreya and other family members.

"Is it necessary for you to speak on every matter?" Khushi gritted out.  Arnav just shrugged with a cheeky smile.

"Woah woah woah! Hold on you guys. What's actually happening here? What am I missing?" Shreya asked suspiciously as she looked from an angry Khushi to careless Arnav. She is sure something happened because she never saw Khushi this angry on Arnav, not even when he stopped her from eating Jalebis at the time of pregnancy.

"Ask this Laad Governor only."

"Hey, its you who is speaking. Then tell this also to your lovely sister by yourself." Arnav crossed his arms acting stubborn.

"Not me, but you should speak."

"Huh! As if you give me any opportunity to talk."

"Haww! Who is the one who comes behind me asking me hundred and one times if something is wrong when I don't speak for like ten minutes?"

"Who is the one then who asks me to shut up whenever I say anything?"

"Hey! I say that when you speak about business in front of my babies."

"Oh! Your babies? They're my babies also!"

"No.. They're my babies."

"Khushi, you didn't by yourself get pregnant. Give me the credit in getting you pregnant also."

Shreya and the other family members looked at Khushi, then Arnav, and back and forth as they started fighting with words. It's like two born enemies are made to stand before each other and they are at each other's neck to get their possession.

"Do you think I did any wrong by asking them the reason, Buaji?" Shreya went behind the fighting couple and whispered to Buaji.

"Even I'm wondering the same, bitiya. None of these two will calm down. You go to the guest room and freshen up."

"But Didu and Jiju?"

"Bitiya, I promise by the time you come down Khushi will be blushing and Arnav will be teasing her. It's a daily thing you know right? You must be tired, go and freshen up." Garima took the initiative to send Shreya for freshening up.

Nodding Shreya was about to go towards the stairs when she noticed the two little tots sitting and playing on the floor. She couldn't contain her excitement as she moved to go near them calling them 'cuties' when the voice(s) startled her.

"DON'T!" Shreya jerked in her place before turning around to see the source of the voice and found the two aggressive parents pointing a finger at her.

"Shreyu, go and wash yourself. Or else babies will be infected."

"I would've told right? Why do you interfere?" Arnav glared back at Khushi. "Shreya! Don't touch my babies with those dirty hands." He had to have a say.

"Chill guys! I'm a doctor here. I know it." Shreya couldn't help but mutter. "I was just going to greet them!"

"See! I told you Shreya is careful. She knows." Arnav again went back to arguing with Khushi.

"Then who shouted at her to not touch?"

"You also did!"

"Hey Devimaiyya!" Shreya looked up completely exasperated before walking to her room to just freshen up and cool down. Or else she is sure she will blast them then and there.

After having a shower, she walked out into the room and slipped into her favorite red and black summer dress comfortably. She could finally relax after the days of stress at the hospital.

There has been a virus spreading in and she had been completely occupied, along with her fellow doctors, with daily patients coming in and the surge nowhere taking a downhill. Just because she forwarded a leave request to her head two weeks back could she actually take the leave with another doctor covering her shifts. Though the initial 4 days leave was reduced to only 2 days due to the surge, cancelling her trip to go home and spend her special day with her parents. When she spoke about the same to her Didu, Khushi understood her sadness of not being able to go to her parents and called her home determined to make her sister's birthday a memorable one. With a persistent Khushi on her neck, Shreya couldn't deny. Also because she has been shifted to Mumbai branch of their hospital a few months ago didn't give her a chance to find anymore excuses.

She walked down the stairs, deciding herself to not look at either Arnav or Khushi as they fight with each other and play with her cutie patoties. Only enjoy the day, only enjoy the day, Shreya chanted to herself. But as soon as her feet hit the ground floor she couldn't help but roll her eyes as she saw Arnav and Khushi sitting in a love seat with his hand around her shoulders muttering something into her ears smiling while Khushi sat blushing even though trying to reprimand him.

Khushi noticing her coming down got up from beside Arnav, who immediately pouted, and brought her to sit before them and started chatting with her. The tiny tots who got bored playing with the toys crawled to their parents.

Arnav was on his heels in a moment as he lifted Aanshi in his hands cooing to her who happily giggled and patted her father's cheek merrily. His princess indeed!

Arush, as Shreya always noticed, is a silent kid who was of less nuisance or dramatics while even at this age of 1 year, Aanshi could get her parents on their toes with her antics. But what amused the family is when the twins are together. It's like they are in a world of their own. Either Arush goes naughty with his sister or Aanshi would become the silent kid with her brother. It all depends on their mood. But none have till now seen the kids fight or cry with each other. Afterall, it's a bond of womb. From a tiny dot in their mother's tummy to crawling on the floor, they did everything together.

"Ole ole my Ashu.." Shreya had to pick up the chubby kid and cuddle him. Apart from being twins, they both are also so comfortable to cuddle. "How are you? Maasi missed you."

"Aru, say hi to Maasi." Khushi prompted to her son.

"Maach.." He purred making all look at him in awe. He sure is a fast learner. Shreya showered him with kisses even as he tried to push her away irritated.

Where Arush looked like his mother in terms of skin tone being fair, straight nose but he inherited his father's mesmerizing brown eyes making him look cute and handsome even at this small age. On the other hand, Aanshi was an equal mix of her parents, her mother's eyes and the beautiful smile with her father's anger and impatience. Though none could stand the kids when they're either hungry or angry.

"Shreyu, you can come to the dining hall. The food is ready. And it's all your favorites." Khushi said getting up. "Also i'll feed these two meanwhile. Come on!"

"Thanks Didu!"


The lunch was a gala affair with Shreya being entertained by the whole family along with the kids, sitting on their high chairs, who literally made their mother sweat in irritation with their antics and not eating the food. Oh yeah! It's the playful day for them. Arnav already considering something like this went behind Khushi and kept the kids occupied while she fed them. Later they both had their lunch together before everyone sat down to just talk.

"How are uncle and aunty? I'm sure they're feeling bad for missing out on your birthday!" Khushi exclaimed as she patted Arush in her arms readying him for his afternoon nap. While Aanshi took up her brother's place of a while before in her Maasi's lap.

"I'm sure Mummy is pretty upset but they will understand. They called early in the morning to wish me also." Shreya smiled. Definitely she missed her parents but then she also is in this profession knowing that it's not always possible for something's to happen her way.

Aanshi pulled at her hair grabbing her attention. "Yes princess?" Shreya picked up the habit of calling Aanshi as princess from Arnav who wouldn't call his daughter with name as if he has vowed not to utter her name.

"Aachrrr kuchhh Pa Maa.... Macch.." Aanshi pulled at her cheeks as said gibberish before she rested her head on Shreya's shoulder clearly indicating her tiredness. Shreya patted her head smiling before her mobile rung beside her.

Shreya looked at it only to blush as she cut the call. She could always talk later. Not with everyone around.

"Who is it?" Khushi asked curiously while she signalled Arnav to take Arush from her arms who was lightly snoring by then. Both the kids slept only in their mother's arms as a habit.

"Errr.. It's Karan." She muttered shyly.

"Ohh!!" Khushi teased knowingly noticing Shreya's red face. Karan is her fiancé who she is set to be married in some months from now. He had been her friend from past who she developed a crush on and then they started dating when they were both doing their MBBS. Now finally the matter is out in open and with their parent's acceptance they got engaged too.

"Don't do that, Didu." Shreya whined. Enough said and done, Shreya couldn't hold her blush at the mention of her fiancé. And Khushi totally enjoyed teasing her knowing how even she is same in the matter of blushing.

"Hello guys!" And it's another round of greetings as Payal and Vikram entered the home.

"Payal Didu, what a surprise? You both here."

"Blame the madam!" Vikram raised his hands in mock surrender. "Khushi told her that its your birthday and you're going to visit us. So she started her blackmail on me. You know if I would've denied she would fly alone but here it's my default that I can't stay without her so even I flew down with her." He explained patiently though Payal, who was among her parents and Buaji, looked at him in anger.

"It all starts with blackmailing, Vikram! You've gotta be careful now." Arnav, who walked down after leaving Arush to sleep in his bed, advised.

"I know what you're saying, ASR. I do." He replied empathetically.

"Trying to gain sympathy here are we?" Khushi intervened. "We all know who is the victim and who is the guilty. First makes us do everything they want and then put all the blame on us. Laad Governor!" Khushi glared at him.

"Dude! I just got this covered." Arnav muttered exasperated noticing Khushi's glare. "Anyways, let's not steal the light from the birthday girl yet."

"Wish you many many happy returns of the day, Shreya. And here's your gift." Vikram handed her a gift box smiling.

"Thanks. But there wasn't any need for the gift." Shreya muttered embarassed. Though she knew every member here, she didn't have much conversation with Vikram except meeting and congratulating him on his wedding. And she being super shy around people who she doesn't know makes her act embarrassing herself.

"Don't worry. He has zero contribution in this gift, Shreya. It was me who went to the store and got it for you." Payal informed as a matter of fact as she put her tongue out mocking Vikram who glared at her.

Shreya laughed along with the family. The Guptas were glad to see their daughter lively and happy again. They couldn't thank Vikram anymore than this. Khushi and Payal being happy in ther lives made all their other worries a nothing for them.


The youngsters reached the hotel by evening six all washed and ready. The elders denied to accompany, wanting the couples and the birthday girl herself to enjoy themselves, also taking the responsibility of kids for the evening. Khushi planned for a small cozy party for Shreya since she couldn't complete all the preparations she wanted to do for Shreya. And since it's more easy to organize one with the assistance of the hotel staff than give a incomplete one, Khushi decided the venue and ordered for all things to be present at the party.

"Okay so Shreyu, I still didn't give you your gift. So come, I'll take you to your surprise for today." Khushi quipped holding her hand.

"But Didu, it isn't needed. I'm happy spending time with you guys today."

"Shut up! How come I won't give you a gift on your birthday? Or rather a surprise."

"But Didu.."

"Just get up you."

"You might as well go with her, Shreya. She can be quite persistent. I'm telling you from the experience." Arnav made a serious tough face to emphasize his point.

"Always ready to make fun of me." Khushi whined at him while Arnav just smirked and threw her a flying kiss. Yeah, Arnav enjoyed PDA much to the embarrassment and shyness of Khushi though he remained sane before the elders.

Khushi pulled Shreya along with her as she walked out of the private cabin they all sat to another side of the resturant. "Didu, where are you taking me? To the restroom?" Shreya asked confused seeing them walking towards the washroom sign.

"No. But to make you meet us." Shreya looked away from Khushi shocked at the voice only to see her parents standing up with smiles on their faces in the cabin beside the washroom area.

"Mummy!" Shreya exclaimed shocked as well as excited seeing them before her eyes. She ran to hug her parents and accepted their wishes with a happy smile with tears in her eyes.

"But you guys said you will not be able to come." Shreya complained. Yes, she asked them if they could come and spend the two days with her. But they gave some lame excuses making her more sad.

"Oh! Blame me for that." Khushi interrupted the family with a charming smile not even a least bit guilty. Okay maybe just a bit. "I asked them not to."

"Didu, you didn't." Shreya was surprised that her parents got convinced with such crazy plans.

"Actually I did." Khushi was her cheeky best. "But where's the other surprise?"

"What other surprise now?"

"Okay, sorry, the flight was late not me. I'm here as soon as I can." Karan ran to the group muttering sorries of his own as he smiled and took blessings from his to-be-in-laws. "And you weren't picking my calls." He complained adjusting his glasses.

"Err.. Sorry, I was busy." Shreya murmured with a blush while he gave her a side hug wishing her birthday.

"She wasn't busy. She was blushy." Khushi informed to Karan who looked confused for a moment before he understood seeing a red faced Shreya.

"You're so not helping here, Didu!" Shreya muttered making everyone laugh. All joined together, finally revealing the cake.

"Panda!!" Shreya exclaimed happily seeing the panda shaped fondae on the cake. Everyone chuckled at the kid who is actually a highly respected doctor. Amidst the roaring wishes and the excited claps, Shreya celebrated her birthday, cutting the cake feeling just happy to be around the ones she loved.


Forgive all the spelling and grammatical mistakes. I try to avoid them, but nevertheless they roll out in some way or the other. If you find any, don't shy out to point them. I'd like to keep my works without mistakes. So I'll appreciate the effort.


I'm really not sure how this shot came out, Kiddo_Star, forgive me Baccha if this isn't good enough. 😅 And I know its not Karan, but then you know who I imagined while writing about that guy, don't you? 😉 Send me your blushing pic.. 😁 I love you heaps Baccha. Belated Happy Birthday again!! 🎂 🎁


Make sure to let me know how did you find this one? Good? Bad? Boring? Worst? I'd appreciate your feedback!!

Encouragement and constructive criticism is always welcome...

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Will be waiting for your reviews!

Loads of love,
- Lucky

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