Watch N' Learn

By TipHarris

2.4M 51.5K 13.2K

Being a part of a close-knit group of friends has its perks. You share laughs together, you have fun together... More

Watch N' Learn
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 8

53.1K 1.1K 467
By TipHarris

Chapter 8








I had got back to Ezra’s house faster than I thought I would because my mom and dad weren’t home yet which was a good thing.

I found E on the couch looking like he was sleep and that bitch was on the couch too! I thought she was here for his sisters. I guess she just use that excuse to get closer to him.

I kissed him on the lips and said, “Wake up babe.”

“I’m up B. Let’s go upstairs.” He said.

I helped him off the couch and we went to his room and oh my gosh! LaMaya was there in his bed. I looked at him and he stared back at me.

“What the-where did you find her?” I asked him as I went over to the side of the bed she was laying on.

I’m glad he’s not nasty and changed his sheets.

“She was with Dre.” He said.

“He beat her?” I asked.

“Yeah, I actually caught him doing it and it pissed me off and we got into an altercation then I got her and we left.”

My face got so heated, I’m sure I was turning red. Just seeing her like this made me mad. Why the fuck would you do this to a girl?!

“Why’d he do it? Do you know?” I asked.

“She pregnant by him and he said it ain’t his then said Emma got his baby. That’s that shit I don’t like. This nigga knew he laid down and fucked her be a man bout yo shit and take care of your kid shouldn’t nobody have to tell you that.” Ezra said.

“E, your friends are here.” Madison said peaking in his room.

“Who?” he asked.

“King and Jamahl.” She said.

“Aight.” He said.

“Lala.” I said shaking her.

It took a moment but she opened her eyes and looked at me. My heart just broke and I felt so sorry for her.

“Come on babe.” I said helping her out the bed so I could take her to the bathroom and get her cleaned up.

I know Ezra didn’t want to touch her cause he think I would accuse him of doing something with her but I trust him and I’m very confident that he loves me and I don’t have nothing to worry about.

King and Jamahl walked in and they stepped to the side as we walked out the door to go to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me.

LaMaya sat down on the toilet seat and looked down.

“Why didn’t you tell me he was doing this to you?” I asked.

“I was scared…he told me he would kill me if I told anyone.” She said. That single tear that fell from her eyes did it for me.

I wanted to fucking kill that animal.

“I’m so sorry Lala.” I said.

“…when I told him I was pregnant he tried to kill me and my baby…” she said.

I just went over and wrapped my arms around and I just cried with her. When I see him again I’m gonna kill him.

“You should have told me Lala, I promise you I’m gonna always be there when you need me. All of us.” I said.

“Zoey he denied our baby and told me that Emma was carrying his child.” She cried holding on tightly to me.

“It’s okay sweetie, whatever you need I’ll give it to you. I’m here for you and I’ll give my last.” I told her and I meant every word.

I cut the shower on and helped her in the shower. I know it had to hurt because she had bruises and cuts on her. I felt so bad for my friend.

“Lala do you need me to stay and help you?” I asked.

“No, I’m fine.” She said weakly.

I will kill him and not regret it at all.

“Okay, I’m gonna be in Ezra’s room across the hall so come in if you need me.” I said walking out and going back into his room.

I walked in and Madison was in there all under Jamahl while Ezra was on the phone cussing someone out.  I don’t think he would approve of her all in Jamahl’s lap. They were just flirting and shit.

“Madison, what are you doing?” I asked staring at her because Jamahl just look like he was chilling with his cute ass.

She looked at me and smiled. “I was talking to Jamahl about something.”

I know I’m not that much older than her but she is fast. She got on this short tight ass skirt and holding his hands between her legs. Humph! Couldn’t be my sister.

“Aw okay.” I said smiling and he looked at me, I just shook my head.

“You gonna get yo ass beat.” King said to her.

“Shut up King.” Madison said smiling.

“Jamahl get that girl out your lap.” I said to him.

“I mean damn everywhere I sit, she just come sits in my lap.” He said.

Ezra turned around and looked directly at Madison.

“Get the fuck out of here with yo fast ass.” He yelled at her.

“Whatever E, you are not my dad.” She said.

He stood up about to go over to her and she hurried and got off Jamahl and left the room slamming the door.

Ezra continued on his phone talking to whomever and I sat down between King and Jamahl and they looked at me smiling.

“E, knocked the pictures off yo walls huh.” King said smiling.

“What?” I said trying to act like I didn’t know what they were talking about.

“Bella you can’t lie to us, we know ya’ll fucked cause it’s all in your face.” Jamahl said.

“Ya’ll that was the best time of my life! I will never forget that.” I said smiling extra hard.

“That’s my nigga.” King said.

LaMaya walked in looking a better excluding the bruises and shit. Ezra got up from his side of the bed to let her lay down then King and Jamahl moved to the floor.

“How you feeling?” King asked looking at her.

“I’m fine.” LaMaya said smiling at us.

“Are you sure? Do we need to take you to the ER?” I asked.

“No I’m fine, I’ll make an appointment to go the doctor next week.” She said.

“You don’t think that’s gonna be too long to see if the baby is still there?”

“I’m fine Zoey.” She said.

“Okay.” I said.

Ezra was off the phone by now and he was just leaning against his dresser staring at Lala.

“Don’t even be fucked up about dude though cause his girl fucking another nigga.” King said.

“Damn ya’ll knew about that?” Ezra asked.

“Hell yeah, that probably ain’t even his baby.” Jamahl said laughing.

I guess I’m not the only who knows that stupid hoe has fucked everybody.

“Damn I didn’t know that shit until Bella said something earlier.” Ezra said.

“That’s what his stupid ass get.” LaMaya said.

I laughed at her.

“Jamahl you better stay yo ass away from my sister that’s all I know.” Ezra said.

Jamahl laughed. “Mane I don’t even know what’s up with that situation. She like me but I’m trying to hop on Sky.” He said.

Ezra stared at him. “I don’t want to have to fuck you and her up.”

I laughed and walked over to Ezra. “Quit harassing my friend. We all know that was your sister coming on to him.”

“Jamahl my nigga but she off limits to everybody.”

“I feel you on that bro, I don’t want your sister.” Jamahl said.

Ezra smiled like yeah right.

“I’m really hungry Bella.” Lala said.

I turned around to look at her and Ezra pulled my back to his chest. I like this.

“What do you want to eat?” I asked.

“Anything to just put in my stomach.” She said.

Ezra, King and Jamahl just started laughing. They are some freaks!

“Ya’ll are nasty.” I said.

“I hate ya’ll.” LaMaya said smiling.

“We nasty? Who walls got knocked today?” Jamahl said smiling.

I smiled and flipped him my middle finger.

“Omg, you and E had sex?” LaMaya said laughing.

I didn’t want to talk about it right now but I just want her to be happy and she seem like she’s okay. She’s laughing and talking to us so that’s a good sign.

“Yes we did.” I said.

“How was it?” she asked.

My mouth dropped and I stared at her then looked at them and they were waiting on me to say something.

“I can’t tell you why they are all in here but I’ll fill you in.” I told her as he kissed my neck and wrapped his arms tightly around me.

“Hey E, we are leaving. Mom and dad so no more company.” Madison said walking in his room.

“Alright.” Ezra said.

“Oh and Makiyah wants to talk to you.”

“Tell her to come in here.”

“Alright.” Madison said walking out and closing the door.

“Ya’ll my nipples are hard.” I said laughing and covering them.

“Don’t tell us like we can do something about it, ya boyfriend right behind you.” King said smiling.

“Nooo, I’m just saying.” I said smiling.

Ezra trying to be slick eased his hands under my shirt and started rubbing on my nipples and I just let him, shit he’s my fucking boyfriend and it felt good.

“Mane Bella is a freak.” Jamahl said laughing.

“Ya’ll I am and plus it feels good. I don’t care.” I said.

Makiyah walked in with this long ass trench coat on and some heels. Who the fuck she think she is?

“Damn, I bet he already fucked her.” King said.

She looked at him and rolled her eyes.

“What’s up with you?” Ezra said.

Her eyes went down to where his hands were and she tried to look like she was disgusted. I know this bitch didn’t.

“Uh bitch do you hear him talking to you!” I said irritated.

“Hush babe.” He said in my ear.

“Let’s talk in private.” She said like the bitch was just doing the damn thang! Uh no!

Ezra sighed and moved me to the side and I crossed my arms and watched them leave out.

“She bout to fuck him or suck him.” Jamahl said.

“Girl don’t let another female take Ezra away from you.” LaMaya said half sleep.

I needed to get her something to eat so I left the room and went into the kitchen. I found her some chicken noodle soup and cooked it then was on my way back to E’s room when I saw them in another room with the door half way open.

She was trying to convince Ezra to break up with me and he was like no I love her and all that then this bitch took that damn coat off and was ass naked. I laughed and shook my head and walked back to Ezra room and gave LaMaya her food then told Jamahl and King to follow me so I could show them.

King slapped my ass and I turned around and hit him.

“Fat ass.” He said.

“Shhh!” I said hitting him.

We just stared in there at them. My body was sexy as fuck compared to this bitch! Why the fuck would Ezra leave me for her? He wouldn’t.

“Ezra, I miss you baby and I know you miss being inside of me because I miss it too. I’m so wet right now and I just want you to fuck me.” Makiyah said to him.

I smiled.

This bitch was past thirsty with her begging ass.

“Mane why you do this shit? My fucking girlfriend in the next room and what the fuck I look like fucking you? I moved on ma and you need to do the same because I’m happy with the girl I got. What’s between yo legs don’t matter to me straight up cause I want more than that and I got it with my girl so when you here visiting my sisters don’t fuck with me cause you gonna get me caught up.” Ezra said.

I smiled so big and Jamahl and King were just staring at me so I grabbed them and walked back to his room. It’s not that I don’t trust my boyfriend because I do, I just wanted to see what this bitch was up to.

“Mane you got my nigga sprung Bella.” King said.

“Hell yeah.” Jamahl said laughing.

I looked over at LaMaya and she was knocked out in the bed and I’m just glad she’s getting some rest. That girl is my heart and I love her like a sister.

Ezra walked back in and I looked at him.

“Nothing happen.” He said to me.

“Nigga faithful and shit. I ain’t never seen that before.” Jamahl said laughing.

“Fuck you.” Ezra said smiling.

“Plug the fucking Xbox up and let’s play shit.” King said.

“It’s set, let’s play.” Ezra said as they all moved in on the floor to play. I grabbed me a blanket and sat down with them.

“Babe.” I said to Ezra.

“Come sit in my lap.” Ezra said looking at me.

I smiled like a big kid and sat between his legs with the blanket. I love my baby so much.

“You straight?” he asked looking down at me.

“Yes.” I said with my head in his chest.

“Aww that’s so cute.” Jamahl said laughing.

“I love Ezra!” I said smiling.

“I love you too baby.” He said.

I grabbed his phone and went through it. He had me as the home screen and lock screen! I love this boy so much!

“Two players the first round which one of ya’ll sitting out.” Ezra asked.

“Bitch you didn’t even want to play.” King said.

“I know, sit yo ass out and be ya girl shit.” Jamahl said.

“Ima fuck ya’ll niggas up, don’t talk shit to me you hoes.” Ezra said throwing his controller at King.

“You my nigga though.” King said laughing.

“Babe let them play.” I said.

“I’m playing in the next game no bullshit.” Ezra said.

“Aight, shut the fuck up.” Jamahl said.

“Bitches.” Ezra said.

I laughed cause they just talked to each other like that all the time like it’s freaking normal or something. I stood up to see if LaMaya was doing fine and she was so that was great. I’m just glad E helped her when he did.

“Damn Bella, you got your P all in my face. I’m trying to watch these niggas play.” Ezra said grabbing my hips and trying to move me to the side.

“You’re so rude, now apologize.” I said hitting him in the head.

He stared at me smiling.

“You think that’s funny.” I said sitting down in his lap facing him.

“I’m sorry babe but I couldn’t see the TV.” He said.

“Your attention needs to be on me.” I said.

“I just want to watch the game.”

I stared at him.

“No, baby I didn’t mean it like that. You sexy as hell and I’ll fuck you on this floor right now but instead I just want to watch.” He said smiling.

“You get on my nerves. I just want some attention.” I said standing up about to leave but he grabbed me back down.

“Alright, you got my attention babe I’m sorry.” He said kissing me on the lips.

I smiled and turned around to face the TV with my back to his chest so he could watch this stupid game. I covered the blanket over me and just watched.

“Ya’ll asses.” King said laughing.

“Shut the fuck up.” Ezra said.

“Bella you better put yo nigga in check.” King said.

“Babe.” I said.

“Yes ma’am.” Ezra said.

I just watched on and then Ezra freaky ass gonna slide his hands in my panties.

“Ezra!” I said.

“Hush.” He said.

“Baby no.” I said as his cold fingers played with my wet P.

We just sat there like nothing was going on as he slid my panties off. There’s no telling what he was about to do.

“When we do this, I want you to be as quiet as you can.” He whispered in my ear.

“What is it?” I asked as he slid his shorts down.

I felt his long, hard D!

He pushed me a little and that’s when I caught on to what he was doing. I looked under the cover and his D was sticking straight up.

“Slid down.” He said.

I did just that and I tried my hardest not to let a moan escape my mouth. Damn it felt so good. I have never tried this position before but obviously he has because he was blowing my back out. His chest lightly hit my back as he did it.

He then pulled my back to his bare chest and I was just biting down so hard on lip.

“You wanted my attention now you got it…” he said so sexy in my ear. I would ride his D all night long if he let me.

I am a freak and I don’t care who has something to say.

Ezra is my baby and he can get it whenever!

I gasped and Jamahl and King looked back at us and I just smiled at them like nothing was going on but under these covers he was fucking me!

He pumped me from behind until I came and then a little later he did. He bust inside of me and I just closed my eyes as he pulled out.

“Damn.” Ezra said.

“Freaks mane.” King said laughing.

I laughed cause he knew what was up but I didn’t give a fuck. I reached under the covers and grabbed his D and I just played with it! Lol yeah I did it!

“Be careful with playing with ya friend.” Ezra in that sexy deep voice.

“If ya’ll wanna fuck then we’ll leave.” Jamahl said.

“Hell yeah.” King said.

“We aren’t having sex.” I said turning to face Ezra and he stared at me. He looked like he was high but was probably just sleepy. He put his hands on my bare ass and just squeezed and I smiled cause I like it.

“You like that shit huh?” he said smiling at me.

“I love it.” I told him smiling and kissing him.

Our tongues felt so good against each other and he just rubbed and slapped my ass more.

I put the covers over us and pushed him down on the floor and he pulled my shirt off and started sucking on my titties.

“You are a freak mane damn.” Ezra said laughing.

I smiled and kissed him.

He pulled me on top of his so cooch was right where his mouth was…and I’m the freak? I rode the fuck out of his face. I just gave up trying not to moan and I let that shit out.

Hot sweaty sex.

When I came he ate it all up and I just moved back down beside him and he looked at me smiling.

“That P real good.” He said.

“I know baby.” I said wiping his face for him.

“Get ya’ll freaky ass up.” Jamahl said.

“Turn your heads okay guys because I am completely naked.” I said.

“Aight.” They both said at the same time.

I threw the blanket off me and put on one of his big t-shirts then told them they could look again.

“Why the fuck did ya’ll have to do that shit right now?” King asked.

Ezra laughed. “She wanted my full attention and she got it.” He said.

I looked over to see LaMaya woke and texting on her phone so I walked over to her and she just started crying.

“Lala what’s wrong?” I asked.

She just shook her head and cried. “I don’t want to have a baby. I can’t take care of it by myself.”

I wonder why she just said this so randomly so I grab her phone to see her and Dre going back and forth. He continued denying her baby and threatening her.

“LaMaya don’t worry about that.” Ezra said.

“What am I gonna do? I can’t support a child financially.” She cried.

“It’s okay. I’ll help the best way I can.” I told her.

“I want him to be a part of it’s life.” She said.

“Stop worrying about him Lala, you still got us.” King said turning and looking at her.

“Why do he hate me so much? I gave him everything I could.” She cried.

“LaMaya look, I’ll help you out on whatever you need. I’m not the richest person in the world but if I have to then I’ll get a job and help you out so you won’t have to depend on him for shit.” Ezra said.

We all turned and looked at him. He is the sweetest person in the world I promise you he is. He cares about everyone’s feelings even though it don’t seem like it most of the time.

“You don’t have to, it’s okay.” LaMaya said.

“Nah, it’s cool. I just don’t want to see you down like this, I hate it. I’ll be there to help you raise him or her like it’s my own cause he probably won’t do it.” Ezra said sitting on the bed beside me.

“Yeah, I’ll help you out too mane.” Jamahl said.

“We are all gonna help you raise this little girl.” I said smiling.

“It’s a boy.” Ezra said staring at me.

“No it’s a girl.” I said rolling my eyes at him.

“It’s a boy.” Ezra, Jamahl and King said at the same time.

“I love you guys. I don’t know where I would be without you.” LaMaya said.

“We love you too.” I said hugging her.

“Looks like we got a baby on the way.” King said smiling.

“I know right.” Ezra said.

“Thank you guys so much. Ezra you are such a good person and I’m glad Zoey is your girl because you guys are meant for each other.” LaMaya said.

“Aww.” I said smiling.

“Well you know I try to be a good person.” Ezra said pulling me into his arms.

“You are and thanks for taking me away today. I appreciate it and everything else you did.”

“You welcome Lala, I got you mane don’t forget that.” he said hugging her.

“That’s so adorable.” I said smiling.

“Awww.” Jamahl said laughing.

We all laughed at him and I just went over and hugged my best friend.

I would do anything for her.


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