Rowan [NaNoWriMo 2018]

By lyricalwords87

1.9K 460 2.3K

The America that she knew is gone, replaced by the new country Icamera. Can Rowan adapt to the new ways or wi... More

Twenty- Five
Twenty- Six
Thirty- One


51 14 68
By lyricalwords87

"Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. We have to break the rules. And we have to discover the sensuality of fear. We need to face it, challenge it, dance with it." -Kyra Davis

Six months later...

Rowan boarded the airplane with a sense of dread. She had never flown before. She was heading to Seattle to see her sister for Christmas. Laurel was unable to make the trip home this year due to scheduling conflicts with her job. Rebekah and Samuel had decided that Rowan's Christmas gift would be a two week long trip to Seattle. Rowan had no complaints about it, well, except maybe the whole airplane and flying aspect. It was during this trip that she was supposed to start training with Matthew.

After Rowan slid into her seat by the window, she shot Laurel and her parents a text letting them know that she had boarded and would be turning her phone off. After she turned her phone off and placed it inside her backpack, she dug around until she found her Seattle guidebook. Rowan opened the book and flipped to the dining page. While she was reading, she heard a voice ask "Is this seat G2?"

Rowan looked up to see who was speaking, and to her surprise it was Matthew. "What even are you doing here?" She asked.

"I am heading to Seattle," he replied as if it was the most obvious question he was ever asked.

"If not you're on the wrong flight," Rowan replied grinning.

"Seriously though," Matthew said sitting down. "I had some business here, and Laurel knew you'd probably appreciate the company since this is your first flight, so we managed to get seats together."

Rowan couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Of course she did. I do appreciate it though."

The flight attendant came over the loudspeaker, and Rowan clung to every word that was said. She paid careful attention to the closest flight attendant that was showing how the safety equipment worked.

"Don't worry," Matthew whispered in her ear. "I'll show you how everything works in the unlikely event of an emergency."

Rowan elbowed him in the side but said nothing.

As the plane started to taxi Rowan jumped in surprise from the sudden motion. Matthew laughed, and Rowan stuck her tongue out at him.

When the plane left the ground, Rowan visibly paled. "I am going to die."

Matthew discreetly slid his hand into hers. "Just squeeze my hand when you get scared," he whispered.

Rowan squeezed his hand tightly until the plane reached cruising altitude. "I'm sorry if I hurt your hand," she said.

Matthew smiled. "It would take a lot more than that to hurt my hand."

Matthew leaned over and opened his backpack; he pulled out a notebook and pen and began to write. After several minutes he elbowed her and turned the notebook slightly toward her so that she could read it.

"I know we have many things to talk about, but we must save them until we get to Seattle. I forgot myself when I was so chatty when I approached you. If anything is said to me, I think I can get away with the excuse that I escorted your sister during Testing and became your acquaintance. I cannot speak much to you from now until Seattle. There are many Officials on this flight. Please do elbow me if you get scared. I can still offer you my hand discreetly."

Rowan nodded to signal that she had finished reading the message. She turned back to her guidebook and hoped that she didn't look interested in the man sitting next to her. Moments later she heard a tearing sound coming from Matthew's direction. Out of the corner of her eye she watched as he slowly tore the note out of his notebook. He put the note in his hand closest to her and balled it up. He then stood, and she watched as he made his way to the lavatory. Ahh, he's going to flush that note down the toilet.

Several hours passed and Rowan woke with a start. Matthew was tapping her shoulder.

"Hey, we just landed," he announced.

"Really?" Rowan asked. "And I slept through it?"

"Yes you did," Matthew replied.

After the flight attendant gave the okay to exit the aircraft Matthew stood and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Well, now off to baggage claim," he said seemingly to no one in particular.

Rowan, however, knew he meant that he would meet her there. She stood up and reached into the overhead bin for her small suitcase which held everything she needed for the trip. Rowan glanced down at the boarding pass in her hand and noted the baggage claim for the flight. Once she entered the airport, she was overwhelmed by the size and activity. Her airport at home was much smaller. She began walking and followed the signs to the baggage claim. She spotted Matthew by the door and kept a careful distance from him. He met her eyes and nodded at her then nodded his head toward the door. Matthew went out the door, and Rowan counted to five and followed behind him. Once they arrived at his car in an isolated corner of a parking garage, he turned to face her.

"Stick your bag wherever you'd like," Matthew said, unlocking the car doors.

Rowan opened up the back passenger door and tossed her duffle on the seat. She closed the door and opened the front passenger door and climbed in.

"You good?" Matthew asked once he had gotten in the car.

"Much better now that I'm not on the plane. Also, I'm not going to lie; it was hard to act like I didn't know you," Rowan answered.

"I understand. Life was so much easier when I didn't have to pretend," Matthew responded with a noted sadness in his voice.

"Pfft," Rowan said. "My whole life the past couple of years has been full of pretending"

Matthew shook his head in disagreement. "Surely not everything has been pretending. Is your love for Laurel pretend? Is your love for the rest of your family pretend?"

"Well, no," Rowan admitted.

"Then don't say that," Matthew said shortly.

Rowan wrinkled her nose. What's up his butt?

Rowan watched the landscape in awe as they drove into the city; being from the Appalachian Mountains, this was a whole new world to her.

Matthew broke the silence. "I'm sorry I snapped at you back there. Sometimes the burden I bear is so heavy, and I trip under the weight."

"Hey," Rowan said softly. "You don't have to apologize. I need to recognize how good I still have it and not whine."

"There is that, I suppose," Matthew said lightly.

They finally pulled up in front of a tall brick building. Matthew climbed out and walked over and opened Rowan's door.

"Thank you," she said trying to shake the feeling of being flattered away.

"You are welcome," Matthew replied as he reached into the back seat and grabbed her bag.

Rowan followed Matthew into the building and to a large sitting area. He pulled out his cell phone and typed out a message. A few moments later an elevator dinged and Rowan heard a squeal that she was very well.

"Rowan," Laurel gushed excitedly as she wrapped Rowan into a hug.

"I'm so glad to see you," Rowan replied.

"Thank you, Matthew, for delivering my sister here safely," Laurel said.

"It was not a problem. Let me know if you need anything at all, Miss Wise," he answered.

The sisters watched him walk out of the building.

"Okay! Let's get you signed in and up to my room," Laurel directed.

"Sounds like a plan, Stan," Rowan agreed.

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