A Dangerous Game •Jon Moxley•

By rawisrollins

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Astrid moves to Cincinnati Ohio and tries to keep to herself, just wanting to finish her senior year and grad... More

01; Booty Calls & Coffee
02; First Day & Realizations
03; Surprises & Encounters
04; Cin City & Interviews
05; Our Names On The Diner Table
06; Hospitals & Guilt
07; Let's Share Our Secrets
9; Good Thing You Got Those Napkins
10; Limos, Chili Fries & Amnesia
11; When You Look At Me, Look Closer
12; Perspectives & Detention
13; Elections & Solutions
14; Fundraisers & Playing Dirty
15; Next Best Thing & Riots
16; Debates & Dunks
17; Diner Girl & Committing Crimes
18; We're Gonna Have So Much Fun
19; Kisses & Road Trips
20; Phone Calls & Columbus
21; The Tragic Party & Friends Again?
22; What Are We?
23; Fires & New Opportunities
24; Humilation & GoodByes
25; Rex Young & Trust
26; ...Mom?
27; The Warning & Happiness
28; Unexpected Friendships & Bad News
29; She Doesn't Like Chili Fries..
30; Strictly Casual & I Don't Care Anymore
31; Dear Katie & Acceptance
32; Prom & Old Habits
33; Promises & I Love Yous
34; Irony About Love & A Woman Scorned
35; Mothers & The Ignition
36; Let's Just Sit In Silence
37; Deja Vu & The Irony
38; Like Mother Like Daughter & Wedding Bells
39; Blast To The Past & Ceremony
40; Summer

08; Confusion & Freak Outs

821 21 1
By rawisrollins

"Everything's okay right? I hope your not mad.." I watched as his grip was tight on the steering wheel.

He pulled into the driveway and glanced at me. "I'll see you tomorrow in school."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me how you feel, are you mad? Tell me why your mad!" I exclaimed.

"I'm just confused, Alright?! Apparently you and Jon hang out now, fine, but I want you to tell me. Not him while he's being a dick." He snapped.

"I-I understand..I'm sorry. It was nothing, I swear!" I defended. "It's not like we're friends either. It was a one time thing."

"Alright. So I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked as I got out of the car.

"Yes you will. Thanks for breakfast." I smiled, waving as he pulled back out.

I headed inside to see Jacob and Grace making out on the couch.

"Ew, can't you do that in your room?!" I grumbled, throwing a pillow at them.

"Well you know if we go into our room, you'll hear more then just us kissing-"

"Stay right there. I'll go to my room" I interrupted, before rushing up the stairs.

I was watching one of my favorite movies of all time, A Walk To Remember, when a soft knock sounded at my door.

"Come in!" I said, pausing the movie.

"Hey..it's just me." Grace smiled, coming in.

"Oh..uh, hey." I waved, confused as to why she was in here. We've never made the effort on being super close.

"I heard about what happened at the diner, and trust me, I understand if you have a crush on Jon. The typical bad boy, every girl goes through that phase. But, I'm warning you, if you hurt my girl Olivia, I will personally make sure there is hell to pay." Her sweet eyes turned sinister.

"Grace..you have nothing to worry about, like at all. And besides, where'd you hear about what happened at the diner?" I questioned.

"Jon's downstairs talking about it with Jacob." Grace shrugged.

Oh that's it. I was tired of him, everything about him aggravated me at this point.

I threw the covers off me and stormed downstairs. Grace right on my heels.

Jon and Jacob looked pretty surprised to see me.

"I don't know if you get joy by talking about me and making up lies, but I'm fucking sick of it! You can't accept the fact that someone actually wanted to be your friend, so you go out of your way to make them absolutely miserable! Well congrats, it worked!" I screamed.

"Astrid.." Jacob warned.

"Don't EVER try to talk to me again!" I growled, before stomping back upstairs.

I didn't come out for the rest of the night.

- - -

After school, I practically raced down to the Eagles Gazette office, because today was the day. I was either going to become a part of the team, or not.

"Everyone, gather around please." Max requested. "I've had time to look over the three applicants articles, and I've chosen the newest member of our team."

I bit my lip, hoping I'd get it. I needed something good to happen as of right now.

"Astrid!" He announced, and I grinned.

"Congratulations, your piece will be printed on the front cover. It was a strong article that was pieced together nicely. You'll be a great addition to our team." Max nodded. "Everyone else, maybe next year."

I ran over to Matt as he opened his arms for a hug.

"I knew you'd do it." He whispered. "Your amazing."

"Thank you, Matt. Without you, I wouldn't of had the confidence I did." I smiled. "Thank you. Really."

"Well now this means we have to go out and celebrate. I'm calling Jacob and Grace right now." He smirked.

I took my first seat at my desk right beside his, and let out a deep breath I'd been holding. I logged onto my laptop and began my next assignment.

Max had emailed me saying I could handle The Gossip Page. Which basically meant any drama or news floating around campus, I'd cover.

He told me specifically to not let personal emotions get in the way of being honest. So I was pretty excited to begin my new piece for next week's paper.

It was going to be about Olivia..and Grace.

- - -

"Alright, two Shirley Temples for us, a large order of chili fries for the newest member of the Eagles Gazette, and a bacon burger for mwah!" Matt chuckled, as we clinked our glasses.

"Thank you." I giggled. "I wonder where everyone else is."

By everyone else I meant my cousin and his girlfriend. I had no other friends. Although I didn't consider them friends, because he was sort of obligated to come tonight, considering we're related.

"Alright, normally I'd be a little ticked with this particular person coming and joining us, but Jacob texted me a while ago and said Jon and Olivia were tagging along." Matt sighed. "I figured this is a special night so the more the merrier."

"I appreciate you looking on the bright side, but uh, I'm fine with just spending the night with you. Going to get ice cream or whatever." I shrugged.

"Really? You don't wanna wait for the rest of them to get here?" He questioned.

"Nope. I kind of flipped on Jon yesterday, and I'm not that close with Grace or Olivia. Besides, you've been my number one supporter through all this." I explained.

"Well..Let's go before they get here." Matt stands up, slapping a twenty on the table. He threw his coat on as I did the same.

We got in his car and headed to the ice cream shop. After getting our Sundae's, we settled back in the car.

"Tomorrow when the paper gets released, remember that feeling you get when you see your article on the front page. I remember how amazing it felt to have mine there. You never forget it." Matt smiled. "It's sort of why I keep writing I guess. Because of the feeling."

"I will..gosh that's gonna be surreal. I'm gonna get so many copies." I chuckled. "I know Kathie will wanna have one."

"Of course She will, I know she's super proud of you. I am too." Matt grinned.

We ate our sundae's engaged in conversation about what inspires us for writing, and I realized something I had never thought before.

I-I might like Matt. Like a lot.

- - -

The following day, I walked to school early so I could begin everything I wanted to do. For my article topic this week I was writing about Grace and Olivia, how students can affect one another's school life, for a number of reasons. Most popular one being boys. Or in this case Jon.

So to dig deep and find out how they got this way, I wanted to follow them around for a day. See what they really do. But the only risky thing was I was doing this without their knowledge.

I figured the best writers could analyze people discreetly. Plus in my piece I wasn't using their names, I'd switch them up a little bit.

As I entered the school, I saw janitors still cleaning up the hallways, athletes were the only kids I saw passing by me.

I dropped my bag off at my locker and figured the one spot teenage girls would be before school was..the bathroom. To touch up makeup, fix their clothes, gossip, the usual.

I brought my notepad and pen to jot down key points I wanted to say in my article, and then headed to the biggest bathroom in the school.

It had a big mirror which was constantly used for selfies.

I walked in and saw Grace, Olivia, and a few other cheerleaders huddled in the corner. They were trading lip glosses and nail polishes.

They looked over to me and started whispering.

"Hey Astrid, where were you last night? Me and Jacob went to that shit hole diner and didn't see you or Matt." Grace crossed her arms.

"We left early, didn't feel like waiting. Sorry."
I shrugged.

"Jon and I just made out in the bathroom the whole time. Besides, I figured you two would be..preoccupied." Olivia winked at me.

"Ohhhhh, you two were doing..each other Hmm?" Grace snickered.

"N-No we weren't. Not that it's any of your business." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm just glad you remembered my advice I gave you a few days ago." Grace muttered as she walked by me.

"Let's go girls. We have to scope out the boys locker room." Olivia called out, following Grace out the door.

When the bathroom was empty, I took my notepad out and wrote down in big words, INSECURITY ?

I waited a few more minutes before walking out of the bathroom and following them. I figured it was going to be an..interesting day.

- - -

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