From the Baroness's Diary: Th...

By CristianeSerruya

21K 229 5

At the tender age of 18, Lady Chloé de La Fleur was married off to 40 year-old Baron Beardley, a wealthy Engl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

1.6K 20 0
By CristianeSerruya

My First Day as Baroness

Mon Cher Journal,

The manor that is now my home is incredibly beautiful.

As I walked through the long corridors, where serious men and women looked down from their framed paintings, I wondered when my portrait was going to be hanging on those walls and made a mental note to ask my husband to commission a painting of myself.

The butler, Mr. Longman, instructed me in his baritone voice that breakfast was already served on the gardens by the lake and that the baron and the dowager baroness were already waiting for me.

My cheeks blushed red in shame for being late and though I wanted to run to catch even a few precious seconds, I thanked Mr. Longman and walked sedately through the main hall and outside admiring the manicured lawn and the perfectly trimmed green foliage and flower beds.

Five minutes later, I almost tripped over my husband's English hounds which were frolicking near the lake. Recovering my composure, I walked the last paces to the huge white sunshade under which my husband and his mother were seated at a teal embroidered cloth-covered table, with delicate china tea-cups and saucers and shining silverware and gleaming pots.

"Good morning. I'm sorry I'm late," I said as the baron rose.

"Morning!" exclaimed my mother-in-law with alacrity.

"Good morning," said the baron, and kissed me on the cheek, then pulled my chair for me to sit beside him. "I hope you are feeling rested."

I smiled at him. "Oui, merci."

My husband didn't say another word on our first breakfast together, but his mother—Dieu!—his mother reminisced about her years as a young baroness, lecturing me on the many tasks I am to oversee. As if I haven't been preparing for it all my life!

Afterwards, the baron invited me for a ride and showed me the beautiful land that surrounded Beardley Manor, the estate I am now lady of.

When we arrived at the west entrance of the manor, where there was a green maze, he dismounted from his stallion and helped me alight from the sweet mare I was atop, tying both of our mounts on the fence.

"Come," he said, stretching his hand out to me.

Together, we wound our way through the labyrinth while the baron told me stories of his childhood and how much he liked to play there.

When we reached the center, he invited me to sit on a large swing that was placed strategically under a tree shade and sat by my side.

Taking off my large black hat, which was topped with red roses, he touched the tip of his fingers to my cheek in a caress. "You have such beautiful skin."

"Merci." I smiled at him shyly.

But my shyness didn't last long.

He pulled me into him for an open-mouthed kiss, his tongue thrusting between my lips. I yielded to him, yearning for his touch. Tentatively, I put my hands on his shoulders and slid them over his neck and into his hair, touching his tongue with mine. One of his hands found my breast and began to knead it, his fingers pulling at my nipple, and his other hand lowered to my thighs and pushed them apart. I moaned on his mouth and kissed him hard as he rubbed me down there over my breeches.

"Oh. Oh." I trembled and a warm feeling washed over me. I kissed him tenderly after it was over. "Thank you, Joseph."

He grunted low, and picking up my hand, pressed it down on a small bulge in his trousers.

I knew what that was: his male member, but I didn't know what I was supposed to do so I left my hand where it was.

He put his hand over mine and panted in my ear, "Rub it. Like this."

He showed me what to do as he nibbled on my earlobe.

I was startled by how the once small bulge grew under my ministrations and I withdrew my hand to look at it. There was a...rod in his breeches and it seemed to be wanting freedom. My fingers fluttered over it and it twitched in response. I blinked, astonished. "Oh."

"I'm sorry." Joseph blushed and stood up, adjusting his blazer over his culottes to conceal it. "I shouldn't have done this."

Why not, I wanted to ask as he secured my hat on my head, but I held my curiosity in check.

As I followed him back to where the horses were tied, I ogled his rod and noticed it had shrunk to just a small bulge again but not as small as it was before we started.

Intrigued by his bodily reaction and by his denial to enjoy what pleasure I was sure was to bring him, I couldn't contain myself, and asked, "Why did you stop, Joseph? I was doing it right, non?"

He blushed even redder and sternly looking me in the eye, he told me, "Chloé. Ladies don't do that or talk about that. Much less, question their husbands."

It was my turn to blush and I lowered my eyes. "I'm sorry."

He helped me onto the mare and we made our way back to our house in a heavy silence.

I smiled and thanked the groom who was waiting to take our horses back to the stables and beside my stiffy husband I climbed up the steps to the grand mansion that was now my home.

The baron introduced me to the house staff and made sure they understood they had to report to me from now on.

I was a bit disappointed when we joined his mother in the library. While Joseph read his newspaper, the old woman showed me her recipe book. I must confess I have no interest in cooking at all and as she went on and on I had to make an effort to keep my eyes opened and insert a yes and no. She occasionally stopped her incessant chatting to take a quick breath.

After a delicious lunch, my husband smiled down at me, his good mood restored by what I think was my demure behavior. "I have some pressing business to attend to and I won't be back until after dinner."

"Oh. Aren't we on honeymoon?" The baron had explained to me we couldn't travel for a proper honeymoon due to his businesses, but that we would have a lovely time together and it would be as if we were on honeymoon.

He must have seen the disappointment on my face.

"Be a good girl," he said in a low voice and pressed a chaste kiss on my cheek. "I will visit your rooms later."

I beamed at him, showing how much I was looking forward to it and dutifully accompanied him to the door and waved until his sports car couldn't be seen anymore.

I busied myself with house matters and was surprised to find the day had gone by when my mother-in-law said we were to have dinner in my private rooms.

Despite her incessant talk, the meal was pleasant.

Then under her scrutiny, her maid helped me bathe and prepare for tonight. The night.

My mother hadn't told me I had to shave my armpits, my legs, or my sex. But the Dowager said it would please the baron, so I did. She also gave me a bottle of scented oil to rub on my skin. Then I put on my new long white cotton nightgown, the one with lace trimming and silk ribbons, and slid between the sheets.

Before she retired to her bedrooms, the dowager sat by my side and gave me the same instructions my mother had given on the days preceding my wedding, plus reinforcing I shouldn't clean myself of her son's seed after he finished the act. I guess I blushed at that, because my face felt too warm.

A few minutes ago, I heard the baron's footsteps in the corridor.

I can feel myself tremble in anticipation but not because of their tales.

My husband has given me pleasure twice and I am sure in the recess of my chambers he will give me more, much more.

In a few minutes!

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