His Grasp..{A trolls Poppy x...

By Annoyingsister2004

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(COMPLETED) (I'm sorry for this fic, I have no idea why I wrote It 🤣) Summary: Poppy, and Branch, were walki... More

His song of Illusion...
Under his control...
Sunset Red...
Special Sunrise...
Exciting New Day...(Epilogue)

Starry night...

451 3 5
By Annoyingsister2004

{Archer, looks so dam cute in the picture~}

Disclaimer: I do not own trolls (They are DreamWorks Productions) I do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a trolls on the on beat fanfic)

(Warning there is arguing and action that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I don't watch it a lot so forgive me if some characters are a bit ooc)

(As usual,Hope you enjoy this little fic~😘)

Poppy, and the others were back in Branch pod, it has been about 24 hours, since they were at the library. Poppy looked at the others, they were all playing a game. They soon packed it up. Poppy looked up at the clock, it was, 10:30pm at night and they were exhausted. 

"Hey Poppy?" Poppy heard a yawn.

"Yeah?" She answered, it was Biggie speaking.

"Were all going asleep" He spoke, before lying down with the others.

Poppy nodded, she watched am, the others lay down, except one.. 

"Poppy?" A hesitant voice spoke, Branch..

"Yeah?," she questioned back.

"You alright?" He questioned back.

She hesitated, before answering back. This was nearly like the Bergens adventure, except this tribe leaders was capable of, so MUCH more than eating them. He was manipulate, persuasive, and cunning. She could on naming it, like a list...

She knew, there was something suspicious between Archer and Bash, because he looked super nervous like seeing a distant friend again or family member...

Poppy was then brought back to reality, by Branch's, stare. He was, looking at her worried. She then answered.

"I'm, fine"

He looked at her skeptically, but seemed satisfied with the statement.

She then heard even breathing, Branch was asleep. Thank gosh..

Her mind drifted to Branch, he was strong, compassionate and nice, once you got to know him. She was glad,she brought his colours. She knew he loved Creek, and she supported it. It was a surprise, they hadn't gotten together yet though. She chuckled, they still argued like an old married couple. Even when he came to the village, they still argued but they were stubborn, and shy to admit their feelings.

Her mind then drifted to yesterday, at the library when they had the book.


"What's the solutions?" Poppy asked, she held her breath.

"The solutions are..." Branch trailed off.

"There's three of them," He told them.

"Number one. Try to sing to them, and remind them of who they are".

"Number two. Try to reach their memories and make his/her Heart good again".

"Number three..." Branch trailed off, his face in shock.

"Yes?" Poppy asked, nervous.

"Kiss them, if you love them..." Branch confessed, shocked.

Poppy looked in shock, and blushed, big time. She managed to get her face back to normal, a few seconds later.

"Ooookkk..." She trailed off, changing the subject.

"Lets go" she walked away.

The incident seemed forgotten, and they walked away..


Poppy, came out of her daydream, and opened her eyes again. Archer was the source of her thoughts, she saw he had defenses around himself, but she didn't know why. In fact, she remembered a little incident in the fun dungeon...


"To be continued.." Keith trailed off, as he ended.(A/N: Personally, I included him, because he is honestly funny, and it never showed the ending of the episode properly so I included a bit of an extra bit)

After a bit of commotion from Biggie, guy diamond, and even Archer, Poppy spoke up.

"Well, well, well Archer" Archer looked towards her. "Looks like you enjoyed, the story, so that means.. you bonded with us" She added, with a smirk.

"Pffft no" Archer answered, Poppy smiled slyly.

"Then I guess, he doesn't have to come back in tomorrow" They began to walk away.

"Wait!!!" A voice shouted. Archer sighed. "Tell the kid to come back tomorrow, huh, I didn't hate the story" He added.

"Keith! Keith! Keith!" They shouted.

Poppy stopped and turned to Archer.

"So Archer~," Poppy asked. " Are You closer to being out friend now?" She wondered.

He sighed. "Maybe" He implied.

"So you aren't going to give troll village away?" Poppy asked, curious.

Big mistake, everyone saw Archer's eyes, flashed briefly with anger and sadness. He folded his arms, defensively.

"Why would I give anything to them willingly?," He blurted out.

Everyone was shocked, Poppy especially. They realized the words slipped out of his lips.

"Willingly?," Poppy asked, concerned for him.

He widened his eyes..

"Its nothing," Archer added.

Everyone was concerned for him then. His tone was closed off and fragile with A hint of desperation.

"Archer..." Poppy started..

"Leave" Archer muttered..

"Archer.." Poppy continued.

"JUST LEAVE!!!" He yelled.

They left, in fright.


Poppy's mind came out of the memory and felt exhaustion creep up on her.

After a bit, she closed her eyes, and drifted to sleep.

Archer, was sat near his brother. He saw the others talking, and he felt funny, he felt like he was evil, and not evil at the same time. What he didn't realize that, was that his heart was having an inner battle. And unfortunately the darkness was slowly winning, as he slowly, and unconsciously surrendered to it.

"Kaploweey!" A shout from his brother, Bash brought him out of it.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"How long do you think, we'll be here?" Bash asked him, as he called along with The others.

"Probably about a month, or two it's amazing, how much party supplies they have" Archer spoke truthfully.

He zoned out , for about an hour.

"Archer?" Someone called out to him..

"Yeah?" He asked. It was pow.

"Its your turn to sing" 

He blinked surprised.

"Umm, okay" He shrugged, and stood up.

He went to a little mushroom..

"Here's, my song" He shrugged.

*I'm not the same as yesterday*
*Ooh...It's hard to explain*
*How things have changed*
*But I'm not the same as before*
*And I know there's so much more ahead*
*I can barely believe that I'm here*
*And I won't surrender quietly*
*Step up and watch me go*

*Break down, ya really want it?*
*Wanna make a scene?*
*Show me what ya mean*
*Let's get it started*
*Let me see whatcha got*
*Can ya take it up a knotch?*
*Don't think you got it*
*Can't handle the pressure?*
*Get, off, stop talkin' about it*
*Gotta make this count, let's go*

*When we move*
*We camouflage ourselves*
*We stand in the shadows waiting*
*We live for this and nothing more*
*We are what You created*

*Are you ready? Are ya ready?*
*Are ya ready for me?*
*Are you ready? Are ya ready?*
*Are ya ready to see?*

*When we move*
*We camouflage ourselves*
*We stand in the shadows waiting*
*We live for this and nothing more*
*We are what You created*

*When we move*
*We camouflage ourselves*
*We stand in the shadows waiting*
*We live for this and nothing more*
*We are what You created*

*When we move*
*We camouflage ourselves*
*We stand in the shadows waiting*
*We live for this and nothing more*
*We are what You created*

Archer finished his song..

"Woo!!" Everyone cheered. 

He bowed. 

"That was for you, dear brother" 

"Aww, thanks kaboom" Bash replied.

Archer, decided to go to the forest.

"Hey guys, I'm going for a bit" Archer started.

"Ok" Bash replied.

Archer went to the forest and to a hidden lake. It was covered with plants, completely hiding it from eye view. He climbed a tree and enjoyed watching a few creatures and even firefly dance, savoring this moment.

Poppy stirred in HER sleep and suddenly was awake. She then walked outside, wondering why she was awake. Then, she walked and tripped down. When she opened her eyes, she saw fireflies dancing, her mouth flew open. It was rare, to see something like this, and when you did,it was amazing.

"Hehe.." She heard a faint chuckle.

She looked around and was shocked, there was Archer stroking a firefly, and laughing at it in a soft, tone.

"Hey little one, want me to sing?," He asked poppy.

Poppy breath flew, he spoke in a soft tone, somunlike the hard one he used earlier, on her and the others.

She heard faint music then and hid behind a leaf when she climbed up the tree, near him. She saw him look away from the firefly, and at his reflection in the lake. A tune came from his lips then.

*Beautiful silence**Beautiful pain**We're only human*We're meant to dream**Lost in a life full of mistakes**We do what feels right**Then fall with no grace*

Poppy, was already enchanted with the lyrics.

*Chased by the sun*

*Escaping flat lines**Dreams are a curse**Wake up you're alive*

Poppy, went a bit closer to Archer, and saw that his eyes were full of confusion.

*Oh, slowly fading from the misery*

*I've accepted who I'm supposed to be**I've accepted who I'm supposed to see**Lady in the mirror*

Poppy w ondered if he was actually aware of what was going on.

*Oh, everyday I'm getting a bit older

*And every time I break I get stronger**Everyday it's getting a bit colder**When I grow closer**To the devil on my shoulder**To the devil on my shoulder*

Archer was so confused, as he sang what did poppy mean to him?

*Beautiful silence*

*Beautiful pain**Beautiful people**But we're all stained**Lost in a life full of mistakes**We do what feels right**Then we fall with no grace*

*Imma sinner*

*Imma tainted saint**Imma savior**Its all the same*

'He's a sinner?' Poppy thought.

She w ondered what he head done and been through in his past.

*Oh, slowly fading from the misery*I*'ve accepted who I'm supposed to be**I've accepted who I'm supposed to see**Lady in the mirror*

Poppy, w ondered if he was accepting the control, she felt come up in her as she thought it.

*Oh, everyday I'm getting a bit older**And every time I break I get stronger**Everyday it's getting a bit colder**When I grow closer**To the devil on my shoulder**To the devil on my shoulder*

She put him put hid hand on his shoulder, as if to prove a point.

*We're all broken it's fate**It's the way that we're made**All the pieces are there**They just aren't in there place**So I struggle to stand**But don't ask for a hand**My pride tells me no**You're better alone*

Poppy wondered if she could help archer regain his senses. It really looked like he was struggling.

*I'm uncomfortably numb**As I stuff what I've found**And I start to shut down**Freeze in front of a crowd**It's what I don't say**I don't love I don't hate**Closing my mouth and turning my face*

*But it's no way to live to have nothing to give**Consuming the doubt**Not letting them in**But I'm not here to win**To survive but I'm already dead**So I picked up my head**I picked up my head*

Poppy was relieved, she went from timid, to suddenly confident.

*Oh, everyday I'm getting a bit older, older**Oh, everyday it's getting a bit colder, colder**Oh, everyday I'm getting a bit older, older**Oh, everyday it's getting a bit colder, colder**When I grow closer**To the devil on my shoulder**To the devil on my shoulder*

The song ended. And she saw him beginning to prepare to go.

'This is my one chance, alone with him' She thought.

"Poppy?" A voice questioned.

She then looked behind her, and saw Branch, and the snackpack. She then explained, what happened and about Archer.

"It seems, like he's more vulnerable on his own," Branch concluded.

"Guys?," Suki began. " It looks like he's going". She pointed out.

Poppy snapped her head up, in time to see Archer. He got muzzled by a firefly and started set off. Poppy didn't know what possessed her.

She ran...

Poppy ignored the voices, of Branch and the others.

She jumped on Archer, and kissed him. A couple of seconds,

"Mmph!" She slowly turned her head away.

Then she turned it again. And saw Archer have a confused stare, and he was blushing, big time. He then growled at her.

Branch and the others, came running in Poppy's direction. They saw her on top, of a surprised, and growling Archer. She looked afraid, but didn't get off him. He then did something no one expected..

He kissed her.. They all stood in shock.

Archer was confused, on why Poppy kissed him. But apart of him, was surfacing, the part with feelings. He kissed her.

Poppy kissed back, he felt intoxicated by her strawberry, and bubble gum scent. It drove him, over the edge. Their kiss was passionate, and it struck apart of him inside. Their tongues, flashed for dominance and he won.

"Mm~" She moaned, and he smirked.

Then, she teasingly, licked his bottom lip.

"Ugh~" He groaned.

'Loyal to brother' A voice whispered.

Archer's eyes, widened. And he broke the kiss.

"Why did you do that?" He questioned.

"Do what?" Poppy questioned.

"Kiss me?" He folded his arms, out of habit.

Then Branch, and snackpack stepped in.

"Hey, you kissed her back, too pal" Branch interfered.

"Not that.." Archer mumbled.

"Then, what?" Branch and Poppy questioned.


They were about to argue back, when...

"Pow?!" A soft voice called. 

They recognised her.. It was pow,

She looked. 

"What are you doing, with them" She questioned. 

Archer turned around..

"Nothing, I ran into them, and i was about to go," He replied.

Pow nodded, satisfied at the reply.

They were about to leave then poppy looked at Archer. She saw his eyes, which gave her hope. They were normal, aware and he winked and smiled at her, before he left. Poppy then realized something..

'Bush's influence, has been broken on him,' she thought excitedly.

When they got back, everyone said their goodnight.

Poppy layed down, satisfied, and fell asleep with a small smile on her face.

(A/N: Finally finshed!!, sorry it took so long, it was a long chapter)

(How'd you enjoy the Poppyxarcher)

(Comment down, if you like this)

(Bye bye now~ 👍😗

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