Rogue Slave

Af Bittyone23

716K 19.9K 2.7K

⚠️MATURE MATERIAL ⚠️ (book 1 in the Rogue series, very dark and intense. ) ️The rogue Alpha Jarlen wanted... Mere

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
Chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
Chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
chapter 59
Untitled Part 63
The Alpha's Nurse
third story in the series

Chapter 46

7.7K 277 44
Af Bittyone23

I planned to talk to Debra as soon as I got there,  that male had me so pissed off I couldn't think straight.   She always seemed to have good insight , maybe she could come up with a few ideas  on how best to handle the load of crap I was just handed. 

 I noticed there were several males still guarding the area around the house. I got suspicious looks from the one nearest the door.  Why were they even  here, the trial was over and we "won" so to speak . So the threat shouldn't be there anymore.  Jack's pack was leaving soon, and he was apparently done using us .  So why did we need protection? 

 Or was it really about protecting us, maybe it was all about keeping us where they want us. Were we truly free now or have we just traded owners.   My distrustful mind was full of conspiracy theories about both of these packs. All the lies they fed us in the last twenty four hours, and how events were twisted to fit their needs.

 I trusted none of the males that surrounded me, and I never would with good reason .

Closing the door behind me after entering the house, no one even noticed I came in. The room was busy in loud conversation. Two of the females sat on the bed crying, while the discussion flew around them. I quickly found Debra and pulled her aside to talk. I needed to find out what the uproar was about and deal with it . I had time later to discuss my problem with her.

" What's going on here?"  

"Apparently two of the female found their mates, they are in Jack's pack" Debra said with a sigh.

I never even gave any thought to that happening.Sure there  was always a possibility , but it was the last thing any of us had on our minds. But now I understood their distress, I wouldn't have wanted my mate to find me here under these circumstances.  There is no way they couldn't have known about all the sexual abuse suffered here.  

" Were they rejected by the males?"  That wouldn't have surprised me, who wants a mate that was treated like a cum depository for all the males in this place.  Males prefer virgin female mates, they want to be the one that "goes where no man has ever gone before".  That wouldn't apply to  any female in this room, including myself. We were used good as far as they were concerned.  It didn't matter if the male had other females  before her, they could whore around all they wanted but not the females.  Our society was full of these double standards, not just in werewolf society. It wasn't fair.

"No,  actually they  want to take them back to their pack when they leave. It's the females who  want to reject them, they are afraid and scared of the males. "  As Debra spoke, I knew it just wasn't those two who had that fear.  Everyone of us has had nothing but abuse from the males around us, how can you expect anything else after that.

" It's up to them, I understand totally if they refuse to go. I don't think I could either at this point."  it was the truth, right now I would do the same thing. I'm not interested in finding my mate , my life is a mess right now and I have to work on fixing it first.

Debra's face glazes over, someone is mind linking her. After a few minutes it's over , and she looks kinda pissed off .  

"That was Alpha Andrew, we have to go back to the food building. He has some final  announcements for everyone, Jack's pack included.  We have about thirty minutes before we have to be there" 

She announced it to the others so they could get ready. Before returning to our little talk.

"Why the pissed look, what aren't you telling me?"  She's holding back something from me.

"All I know is that it's has to do with all of us, and the pissed look is because I don't want to see that asshole Jack's face again."  

" And I haven't even told you our conversion yet, that pissed look is going to be there for awhile" then I gave her the lowdown on Jack and our talk.  She was furious by the time I was done, and my anger returned with a fury just talking about it. 

"Let's go see what those two are planning now. " Debra is seeing her Alpha in a different light now, he isn't the great benefactor she thought he was. No one likes to be played. 

The males that guarded the building escorted us all the way there, and even followed us inside to our seats. They sat down at the tables on either side of us, so once more we are surrounded. But this time we were being guarded.

Leaning close to Debra's ear so only she could hear "Protection my ass"  She shook her head in agreement before shooting dead glares at the ones  closest to her.  

It wasn't long before Alpha Andrew and Jack entered the room. The two of them looked like best buddies now, smiling at each other and talking as they walked to the front . The room quieted down as they took up a position in front, standing side by side.

Alpha Andrew spoke first. " I have several announcements to make before Jack and his pack leave. It has to do with the care of the females that were found here. " He  looks at us and has a fake smile plastered on his face. "  After much discussion with Jack, we have decided upon a plan that would benefit all of us .I'll let  Jack will explain the details to you. " 

 Right, all of us as in all of the males, doubt it would do a damn thing to benefit  me or any of the other females sitting here.

Alpha Andrew motion to Jack, and he  spoke next " Since most of the females here do not have a pack to go back to or have a  mate waiting for them at this time .  It has been decided that half will come to my pack and the other half to Alpha Andrew's pack.  That way the burden of care doesn't fall on just one pack."

I stood straight up from my seat as his words rang thru my ears. 

"OH HELL NO, You will not take away our rights to decide that . WE ARE NOT CATTLE, to be traded and passed around like we are nothing."   

"Just settle down and listen, no one is calling you cattle. " Alpha Andrew glares at me, it didn't take much for that fake smile  to fade. " It will take time to find living family , if there are any , for the females in the room. Therefore dividing it between two packs would make the job easier and you would have a home and protection. Isn't that the main concern right now?"

"I thought the plan was that we all go back to your pack together until we contact our families. We need each other for support and do not want to split up. Twelve females aren't that much of a burden. The money taken from this pack should cover our financial needs, the money you promised us as compensatory damages."

I hadn't forgotten about that , those videos of us made that money and it belongs to us.  It a small price for everything done to us. I wanted  that money to help raise my pups , there isn't a mate to support us.

" We have taken that into consideration too. That is a lot of money to just hand over to females to manage. Therefore the money will be divided between the two packs, to be used as support for the females living there."   Alpha Andrew has his smile back now as he spoke. These assholes stole what was rightfully ours, and he must of changed his mind after seeing how much it was. 

Money grubbing thieves, they are no different than Jarlen and Balok. They just screwing us in a different way. 

All of us are fuming at the table, Debra looks at her Alpha in disbelief . He isn't the fair Alpha she told me about all those days locked in the cell together. There is nothing we can do, we our outnumbered and at their mercy. And they know that too, both have smirks on their face as they stand there.

Alpha Andrew sold us out , the thought of keeping that money for his pack or just for him won out. Jack played him so he could get his hands on me and my pups.  My little female was in Alpha Andrew's pack right now waiting for me, there had to be a way to stay there at least till I figured something else out. The  last think I wanted to do was go with Jack back to his pack. 

Debra spoke out " We should at least get to pick which pack we go to. Give us some say in this" 

The males around us voiced agreement with her request.  

"Let them pick "  "That's only fair" were few of the things said

The two leaders didn't look happy, but they wanted to look like they were being fair  in front of  their packs. As far as the males around were concerned, they seemed to go along with them up until now. 

" Of course, that would only be fair. They may choose which pack they will go to, except for the two females who have found their mates in Jack's pack.  They will have to go with him." Alpha Andrew announced " We will let the rest decide, but it has to be quickly because Jack is leaving within the hour"

It is illegal to force a mating, even if they are mates there is a choice. Rejection is rare, but it can happen.  The pull is there but it has to be built on to develop into love. The Goddess gave us freewill in all things.

 " I expect the six coming with me to be meet  in front of the Alpha house in one hour, we leave then. Don't make us come and get you" Jack says to our group, he quickly adds  " please " when the males around us give him a look at  hearing  that last part. 

It doesn't take long for us to divide the group, I had explained to them my situation with Jack and  my need to stay away from his pack.   Four females volunteered to go with Jack's pack, they wouldn't be there long because they had packs to go back to. The two who had mates there had no choice, but both were going to contact their packs when they got there. It they didn't want to stay they had another choice. 

Debra was of course going back to with her pack,even though right now she wasn't proud of it. Linda stayed with me, she had family in Montana to go to and offered a place for me there. That might come in handy, it's a decent sized pack and she said the Alpha was a fair one. 

I doubt I'd ever be able to believe that of any male again.  Linda and Debra are the only ones who know I have a living sister and where the pack was. The pack is smaller than either of these two, but  no one else knew about them.  I swore them both to secrecy, so as far as anyone knew there was no one to help me.

The six leave before the hour is up, no sense in risking a scene , it wouldn't change anything. We wished each other the best, and hugged before leaving. The sounds of truck engines filled the air around the camp, and soon they rolled out.  Jack didn't look happy that I wasn't one of them.

Heading back to the food building for the evening meal, our group felt so small , like a piece of us was missing. Lost in my thoughts , a hand gently pulled on my arm stopping me. It was Don and he was alone.

" We need to talk now."  He speaks in a low tone so only I can hear him.  We walk into an empty male house nearby, as the rest continue on their way.

" I know what is going on here and I want to help you. Jack can't get his hands on you or your pups. " His face is so serious as he speaks. "I'm the one who made that call giving him the location.  But I didn't figure on him doing anything like this.  He didn't used to be like this when I was a part of that pack. The years have made him bitter"

"I needed to get my pup and disappear , can you help me do that?" 

" It's already in the works, had a plan started  before this all went down and looks like we still need it. But you can't tell anyone about this"   

He seems so serious, but can I trust him. He just admitted he was the one who called Jack and he used to be a member too. How do I know if he isn't just going to deliver me and my pup right into Jack's eager hands.  I don't have any options right now.

I know it just a matter of time before Jack finds a way to get me into his pack, this is only a short reprieve before that happens. 

" Tell me what you have planned" trying not to let my voice betray my feelings.

" We need to leave tonight, right after the meal.  Kurt is on his way here with Alisha as we speak. He should be here within two hours. " His face looks so sincere , do I trust him with us?

My pup is coming back and Don is taking us to safety.

I hope he isn't lying to me, could he be the one male I can trust.

We shall see.


Hope you enjoy this chapter

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