Under the Dining Room Table-J...

By nancysue64

182K 6.4K 2.8K

It was suppose to a leisurely meal with family. Kim Seokjin's baby sister had brought home her new boyfriend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not An Update...But a Thank you!!
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Tell Me What You Want!!!
Yay!! 2K!!!
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35-The Final
A sequel, yes or no?

Chapter 30

3K 101 88
By nancysue64

Back with Chapter 30!! Can you believe it!!!

Seokjin sat listening intently as Jungkook told her their passionate night before. He wasn't believing that he could be so forward and try to dominate the younger. He got a kick out of it though. Jungkook seemed to grumble and clenched his fists as he told what went on.

Seokjin gigged while trying to cover his mouth but the attempt failed and Jungkook's head flew up, eyes blazing with irritation and his mouth set in a thin line. He was pissed and he was pouting. It was a side to behold to the older one.

"I like where this story is going, Kookie." His whole body shook with laughter and he slapped a hand on his thigh to emphasize his enjoyment of the whole thing. He leaned forward in his seat, his eyes crinkled to half cresents and sparkled with amusement. Jungkook on the other hand avoided the olders piercing gaze, arms folded across his chest and huffed with annoyance.

"Shut up, Princess. You were drunk and not yourself. I let you have your fun." Seokjin nodded but only snickered some more. "Right. So when are you gonna get to the good part? Huh, Kookie? You know the part where I plowed that luscious ass of yours? Hmm?" Seokjin quickly moved out of the way when Jungkook tried to swat at him.

"So did I give it to you good, Princess?" Seokjin smirked and licked his plump wet lips in anticipation.

"I-I...." Jungkook stammered. For the first time in his life was uncertain how to answer Seokjin.

"Well, here's the thing, princess.  Not only did not give it to me good, you threw up all over the floor and then passed out.  So your fantasy of plowing my ass will stay that way."

Seokjin's mouth dropped out he covered his hands to hide his face.  His confidence completely wiped out in under ten seconds.  Not only was embarrassed at his actions but the fact that he lost his drink all over the floor and in front of Jungkook.  

Jungkook snatched Seokjin's hands and held them firmly in his large hands.   He pushed back a stray piece of hair that had fallen over Seokjin's face, masking his emotions.  His bottom lip stuck out in a childlike pout.  Jungkook chuckled.  How cute.  "See, princess.  I will always be the one to plow your ass.   Don't be disappointed, love."

Seokjin looked up in to those large doe eyes of Jungkook's and his heart just caught in his throat.  How could he want this man so much.  Why did it have to be so complicated.  Why couldn't Seokjin met him first and not his sister.

He shook the thoughts away.  Right.  It was a mistake running into him and almost hooking up with him in his drunkened state.

"I'm not disappointed, Kook-ah.  I let myself get too intoxicated and let it control my mind and my actions.  It was a mistake.  You and I can't be.  You are too tangled up with my sister and i just broke up with Hoseok.  I'm weak and vulnerable.  I'll admit my body wants you, all the time but my heart and my head can't be with you.  I'm sorry."

Jungkook's happy mood vanished with the reality of Seokjin's words.  In fact he was pissed off now.  What the hell did he have to do to get this stubborn mule to accept his heart.  He hated every time he let his guard down Seokjin stomped on him.

"Keep running away from me, princess and I'll keep chasing after you till you give in.  I don't care if it takes the rest of my life to have you by my side." Jungkook snarled and voice dropped dangerously low.  It scared the older.

An annoying buzzing from Jungkook's phone broke the heavy tension.  Jungkook ignored it.  He wasn't finished with Seokjin.

"You better answer the phone, Kook-ah.  Could be important."

"You are more important, princess."  

"Stop, please.  Kook-ah.  You are making this so hard.  Please just leave me alone."  Seokjin pleaded with the younger.  Tears slid down his cheeks and dripped onto the table.  Seokjin angrily wiped them away with the sleeve of his shirt.

The buzzing continued. Seokjin snapped and grabbed the younger's phone.

"What do you want?" Seokjin blasted into the phone.  HIs voice pinched with irritation and pain.

"Who the hell is this?  Yinnie?  What the fuck are you answering my husband's phone?"  Yuyu spat back through the line.  Her nerves already on edge now about to boil over with the realization that her husband was with her brother, again.

"Because I just spend last night in his bed and this morning too.  He's buying me breakfast after a night of hot sex and more sex.  I'm tired, my body aches and is sore so I'm gonna let you go.  Goodbye, Yu."  He hung up as his sister was screaming at him.  He didn't care.  He was tired of her shit and just lost it on her.  

Jungkook just sat back, jaw slacked, eyebrows arched, shocked and amused as his perfect little princess finally lost his carefully composed self.  He loved how his princess spat out those dirty words to Yuyu.  Seokjin wasn't one to lose it often but now that he's seen it happen it intrigued him.

"Wow, princess that was incredible.  You finally let your sister have it.  Haha.  I'm so proud of you...."  Seokjin held his hand up in front of Jungkook's face.  "Now wait a minute.  Dont think because I lost my cool and when off on her meant anything.  I was tired of her crap.  Now that I think of it that probably wasn't a good idea to do.  Because now...."

Buzzing started up again.  Both of them looked down at Jungkook's phone.  It was his mother calling.  "Fuck."  They both said in unision.

Jungkook slowly picked up the phone and held it to his ear.  Though he held the phone just slightly away from his ear anticipating shouting and screaming to blare out of the device and he was right.

MJ: "Why did your wife call me just now, hysterial and crying?  I could barely make out what she was saying!"

JK: "Hello Mother.  I don't know what her problem is.  It's probably the fact that the leash attached to my collar broke and I wandered away too far.  Is that it?"

MJ: "Don't get smart with me, Jeon.  You know full well that she's in a delicate condition and upsetting her is a bad idea." His mother explained though Jungkook was barely listening.  His other hand was toying with  Seokjin's.

JK: "Right.  She needs to let this farce of a marriage go.  I'm not going to stay with her.  I'm moving out of the house and I'm taking up with my boyfriend."  Jungkook eyed his princess lovingly.  Seokjin's eyes widen and he pulled his hand away from Jungkook, shaking his head in the process.

MJ: "Absolutely not.  You cannot do this.  You want to become the laughing stock in all of Seoul, the world probably?"

JK: "I don't care what everyone else thinks, Mother.  I love him and I'm going to be with him.  I'm not a married man anymore. Never was."  Jungkook rolled his eyes as his mother continued her babbling.  He eyed his princess and flew him a hand kiss that Seokjin just refused to except.  He turned away from the younger.

MJ: "You have a wife and a daughter on the way.  You can't abandon your little girl now can you?"  Jungkook scoffed at his mother's underlying tone.  He clenched his hand into a fist and pounded the table.

JK: "You will NOT use my child against me.  I will be a father to her in every way that counts but for once I'm going to follow my heart and that is with the man sitting across from me right now and you can't stop me!!"  He hissed into the phone and his mother temporarily was stunned into silence.

MJ: "Do you want to lose everything that you hold dear to you?  Be cast out of The Jeon House, go back to living by the skin of your teeth?  You won't possibly be able to see your daughter without the means and the money which I provide for this family."  

JK: "Listen here because I'm only going to say this to you once.  I am leaving, Yuyu.  I am going to be with man I love.  I don't need the Jeon money, cars, clothes or fancy homes to live.  I made my way through life just fine before you found me.  I can do it again.  That, Jeon Nia is the final word on the subject.  Oh and forget the family dinner today as I'm not longer considered family from this moment.  Goodbye."  Jungkook's voice came out like frigid ice, cold and indifferent.

MJ: "You will regret this, son."

JK: "I won't. I love Seokjin and I'm going to make him mine." Jungkook cooly spoke, hearing his mother's breath hitch.  It made him laugh. A boisterous hearty laugh.  Then he hit the end button and dropped his phone down on the table. 

Seokjin rolled his eyes at Jungkook and scoffed at the younger.  He started laughing all of a sudden.  This brat couldn't be serious.  He couldn't possibly mean what he said.  It was just ridiculous.  He sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest.  He tried to read Jungkook's body language but he was keepin it very guarded.

When Seokjin finally quit laughing, he leaned forward to get a better look at Jungkook his face remained stoic and flat.  "What's your deal, Kook-ah?  You can't possibly mean to make me yours.  It's absolutely comical."

Jungkook finally met Seokjin's eyes.  He stared intensely and seriously.  "What if I said that I was serious?"

Seokjin's mouth dropped open and his eyes weirded out. He dropped his head down for a moment to get his thoughts together.  When he came back up, his heart literally stopped. He didn't hear or see the younger had come around to his side of the table and was kneeling in front of him.  Seokjin slapped at him and tried to pull him up to his feet but the maknae wouldn't budge.

"Kook-ah, for the love of god, get off the floor.  People are looking at us."  Seokjin pleaded with the younger, trying to yank his arm to pull him up but Jungkook was unmovable.  His eyes searching Seokjin's.  His hands capturing Seokjin's and he caressed the delicate skin under his thumbs.

"I don't care if they are looking.  What if said I meant?  You are the only that matters me to me.  All I need is you and only you.  The rest of the world can fuck off, princess."

Seokjin's mouth couldn't form any words.  He was stunned.  He just stared in stunned silence at the younger.  His large brown eyes looking so seriously at him.  It made Seokjin squirm in his chair.  

"I love you, Seokjin. All I need is you."


Hoseok was home from the hospital.  He still had to wear his neck brace and found out that he had twisted his ankle in the fall so his leg was splinted for a short time. He came back to the apartment he and Seokjin shared.  Little Chuhan yipped excitely when she saw Hoseok come in the apartment.  She ciricled around him and yipped for his attention.  He coudln't bend down to pet but he cooed at her from where he was standing.

Namjoon had brought him home.  He at first refused his ex's help but found that it was entirely futile to argue with the man.  He helped Hoseok to get to the couch and lie down.  He got some pillows and propped up Hoseok's leg.  "I'll get you some ice for your leg.  Doc said it would help bring the swelliing down.  I can order some food if you are hungry."  Namjoon's mouth going a mile a minute. He didn't want Hoseok to reject him or send him away so he tried to busy himself and Hoseok saw it. 

He smiled warmly at his ex.  He appreciated the help.  He really did but he wasn't ready for Namjoon to be back in his life like Namjoon wanted to be.  His heart was still reeling over losing Seokjin and to be honest he wasn't sure why they broke up in the first place.  

"Here's your pain medicine.  Take it with lots of water." Namjoon handed Hoseok the pills and a glass of water.  He nodded and swallowed the medicine easily. He laid back and closed his eyes.  His head still hurt it was making him feel dizzy.   He was tired too.  He wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep but Namjoon's flurry of activity throughout his apartment kept him awake.

The man wouldn't sit down.  He kept going from room to room and asking Hoseok if he needed anything else.  He was nervous and fidegty.  Hoseok finally grasped his arm as Namjoon was walking past him and yanked the younger man down to sit by him.

"Slow down, Joon.  You're making me dizzy."  Hoseok's voice was hoarse and raspy.  It concerned Namjoon who instinctively put his hand to Hoseok's throat then touched his head to see if he was hot.

"You're a bit feverish, Hoseok-ah.  I'll stay with you tonight to make sure you are okay. I don't want you to stay alone here while you are sick and injured.  And I'm not going to take no for an answer.  I'm staying."  Namjoon's hands cupped Hoseok's face. He held for a few moments.  Worried etched on his face.  He leaned in and kissed Hoseok's baby cheeks.   When Hoseok didn't protest, he kissed his little nose, again he watched for Hoseok's reaction.  The older man wasn't rejecting him so he continued.  His left a lingering kiss on Hoseok's forehead.  His eyes closed and Namjoon breathed in Hoseok's familiar scent.  

When he opened his eyes they fell to Hoseok's heart shaped lips.  He stared at them.  When Hoseok didn't protest but his breathe hitched in his throat, heart beating wildly.  He looked to Namjoon's eyes and got lost in them.  Namjoon moved his head closer to Hoseok and Hoseok closed his eyes anticipating the kiss that was coming.  When Namjoon's plump lips touched Hoseok's it was like a wildfire was ignited.

Namjoon kissed tentatively at first, tasting the older's sweet lips, waiting for Hoseok to respond back.  It didn't take long before Hoseok was kissing Namjoon back.  He sucked his ex's plump lips between his teeth and pulled.  Namjoon groaned.  He titled his head to deepen the kiss and slipped his tongue in Hoseok's mouth tasting every inch of his wet cavern.  Hoseok moaned while Namjoon held Hoseok's neck still so he could kiss his ex more passionately.  Their lips stuck together in a hot sexy mess of a kiss.

Hoseok pulled away first when he felt lightheaded from lack air.  Both men were breathing heavily, lips swollen and wet.  The magic was still there. Hoseok's heart raced a mile a minute.  He traced Namjoon's face with his slender index finger.  Remebering the passion they shared and how it was still there, just waiting for him to let Namjoon back in.

Namjoon kissed Hoseok's forehead again and sat back away from his ex.  Hoseok hummed contently.

"Won't you let me back, Hoseok-ah?  Give me a chance please?"


An envelope arrived at Taehyung's apartment where Jungkook was staying.  It was addressed to Jungkook from The Seoul Verifi Lab on DNA Paternity Testing.  Taehyung eyed the package curiously but made no attempt to open the envelope. He took the envelope and placed it on Jungkook's bed.  Whatever contents that envelope held must be important.   He pulled out his phone and texted his brother.

TH: Hey dillhole, you got some funky looking package delivered to the house.  Must be one of your baby mama's asking for a paternity test.

Jungkook responded a few minutes later.

JK: No, it must be one of your kinky sex toys you want to use on your boyfriend.  Maybe it those anal beads or a cute little butplug shaped like a butterfly to stick up your boyfriend's ass

TH: Hell, Jeon.  That was one time!  One time and no one said you had to open that package!  It wasn't addressed to you, you little dick sausage.

JK: First off my dick ain't little just ask....well anyone.  Including your precious Seo Joon.

TH: WHAT?  Did you fuck...

JK: Don't get your panties in a bunch, he walked in a few days ago when I was masterbating on the living room couch.  He screeched but didn't look away when I stood up in all my naked glory. Got an eyeful before scurrying away.

TH: I swear, brother of mine.  You are so cocky.  Why didn't you cover up?

JK: Have you ever known me to be bashful or shy?  I'm proud of my large c-

TH: Just stop it.  Your damn package is on your bed.  Get it when you get home.

JK:  Okay great.  I'm bringing someone home with me.  So put your headphones on or go stay at a hotel with Seo Joon cause it's gonna get really loud.

TH: You horny shit.

JK: That's right.  See ya, bro.


Jungkook pulled Seokjin up and dragged him out of the cafe.  He hailed a cab and told the driver to get to his house in a hurry.  The taxi driver sped along the streets of Seoul quickly.   When he pulled up to the fancy looking building, Jungkook threw a bunch of money at the cabbie and pulled Seokjin by his arm into the building.

The short ride up the elevator wasn't short enough.  Jungkook still had a tight hold on Seokjin's hand.  The older steadfastly tried to get away from Jungkook but the younger wasn't having any of that.  He practically threw Seokjin through the front door of the penthouse.  It was errily quiet which meant Taehyung had gotten his message.

Jungkook pushed Seokjin up against the front door and forced himself between Seokjin's legs.  He attacked Seokjin's neck with heavy kisses, licking and biting the skin where ever his mouth traveled.  Seokjin moaned loudly.  He lifted his legs and locked them around Jungkook's lean waist.  When Jungkook finally took Seokjin's lips in his, he devoured them.  He sucked at the plumpness, pressin his mouth deep needing those lips more and more.  It wasn't enough he tore his mouth away, panting, sweating and needing Seokjin.  His pupils blown wide and black as night stared intensely into Seokjin's.   He watched his face.  His skin flush red, sweat dripping down his neck, lips kiss swollen and juicy.  He slipped a hand into Seokjin's pants and palmed his member.  He was hot and heavy in Jungkook's hand.  The minstrations making Seokjin's dick get hard and leak with precome. 

Seokjin bucked against his hand.  Their bodies buzzing with lust and passion.  Jungkook went back to sucking and kissing at Seokjin's neck, licking the salty skin, biting at the hollow and grazin his teeth across Seokjin's wide shoulders.  He was losing his mind.  Jungkook pulled his hand from Seokjin's pants, tore the olders shirt open and off his upper body.  Seeing Seokjin's milky white skin begging to be marked sent Jungkook into a frenzy.  He pulled off his own shirt, abs slick with sweat and flexing them for only Seokjin's eyes to see.

Seokjin dipped his head and kissed the heated skin of Jungkook.  HIs lips kissed the sweaty skin of Jungkook's muscled upper body.  He sucked a deep mark into Jungkook's collarbone.  The younger hissed and slammed his hips into Seokjin's.  They were both hard and aching for release.

He grabbed Seokjin's face, kiss his addictive lips again.  He turned his head to whisper in Seokjin's ear.  "I'm gonna bend you over that couch behind me and fuck you till you scream my name.  Do you want me to stop?"  He pulled Seokjin's sensitve ear into his mouth and licked the soft skin.  His hips rubbing erotically against Seokjin's groin.  Seokjin bucked back against Jungkook and heard the younger release a sexy groan. 

Seokjin captured the younger perfect pink lips and kissed him hungrily. When he pulled away he murmured against Jungkook's lips.

"Take me, I'm all yours."

End of Chapter 30.

So sorry again for the long hiatus from this story.  I never mean to let weeks go by without updating!  Well It's here and I hope I delievered a good chapter!!

Another one of my famous endngs, leaves you wanting more!!!

Ty luvs!

Chapter 31 will be soon!!

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