Colorblind Love (Merome Fan F...

By TheGalaxyDragon

10.5K 319 130

All of Team Crafted, or what's left of them, are hanging at the TC house for the summer. Jerome and Mitch, tw... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Fourteen

481 17 4
By TheGalaxyDragon

                            *Jerome's P.O.V.*

    I checked my phone after finishing two hours of Doctor Who. Jason was the one who suggested we watch it. He was a big fan of the show, whereas I would enjoy a few episodes every once in a while.

    My phone said that it was 5:02. I wondered briefly where Ian and Mitch really had gone. I highly doubted that they were hanging out with Rob and Preston.

    Then, it dawned on me. Mitch must've fallen for Ian! Even I could see that Mitch was hiding something from us, and that must've been it.

    Jason and I chatted with each other as Ryan played with his phone. A minute later, Ryan stood up and said, "Who's up for some coffee?' I immediately jumped up, all for the idea of getting coffee. If you didn't already know, I love coffee.

    Ryan grabbed his keys to his truck, but Jason snatched them from his hands. "I'll drive this time," he said and walked out of the house. I found this slightly suspicious, but I let it roll off my shoulder and followed him to the truck. I took shotgun and Ryan relaxed in the back. We then drove to the coffee shop. On the way over there, I saw a car that looked exactly like Ian's drive by. I frowned when I saw it, my suspicion growing. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see the license tag, so I couldn't confirm my suspicion, yet.

    We pulled into the parking lot of the coffee shop and Jason stopped the engine. We all got out and walked inside. I walked to the front of the group and ordered what I wanted. The others did the same and Jason ended up paying, before we could walk away to go sit down, the person that served us asked, "Wait, are you MinecraftUniverse?"

    Jason turned around and gave a slight bow. "Why, yes I am." The girl gasped while Ryan and I giggled at our friend. She said, "It is an honor to meet you, Jason." Jason smiled and said, "It's an honor to meet a star like you." We then walked away, leaving that girl star struck. We sat down in a booth and started to talk. A waiter then came over and gave us our coffee. We continued to talk as we drank our hot drinks.

    After about 45 minutes, we decided to head back home. We got back into the truck and drove back home. When we walked inside the house, we saw Ian sitting on the couch, watching TV. He looked up at us and said, "Hey guys. Where'd you go?"

    "We went to the coffee shop not far from here. Also, where's Mitch?" I asked him, sitting next to him on the couch. "He went to hang at the park near Downtown," he replied without hesitation. He then began talking about the show that was on, telling us how cool it was. I didn't like how quickly he changed the subject, and the fact that Mitch wasn't here.

    Because I was curious, I said, "I'm going to see Mitch." In an instant, Ian objected, "No, he said he wanted to be alone." I raised an eyebrow and, finally getting too suspicious, I blurted out, "What are you guys hiding from me?!"

    Silence filled the space between us and Ian sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you the truth. He was planning a surprise party for us at the park," he said, sounding sad. "Oh..." I mumbled, putting my hands behind my back. I was for sure that they were secretly going out, but I guess I was wrong. "That's awesome! He was throwing a party, just for us!" Jason said happily. I smiled at his enthusiasm, glad that he could always lighten the mood.

    "So, he wants us to hang here until 8:30, then we'll meet him at the park," Ian said. We then enjoyed some TV until that time.

                               *    *    *    *    *

    We all climbed into the truck. Ryan was driving this time and Ian was sitting in the back with me. As we drove out of the driveway, Ian took out a long strip of cloth. I frowned as he played with it, not understanding why he needed it.

    We drove onto the main road and Ian whispered, "I'm sorry, Jerome, but this must be done." Before I could ask or say anything, Ian tied the cloth around my eyes. Something else was tied around my wrists and I yelled, "What are you doing?!"

    "We have to do this, Jerome, or it won't be a surprise!" Jason said I struggled to get free. I finally gave up, cussing all of them out in my head. What kind of surprise is this?

    Finally, the car pulled to a stop. Someone got out of the car and opened my door. They led me out of the car and untied my wrists. I moved the blindfold from my eyes and stared at the path of rose petals leading into a small forest. I heard soft music playing somewhere up ahead. I knew where I was and my heart jumped as I thought of what this might be.

    The guys left in the truck, leaving me. I picked up a little card that lay in the middle of a circle of petals. I flipped it open and read it out loud to myself, "'To my sweet Bacca: You're cute, adorable even, and a great friend. I think it's kinda cute when you get scared. And, I just wanted to say, I love you too. Now, follow the rose petals.'" 

    After I was done reading the card, I put it in my pocket. If this was from who I thought it was, then I would want to keep it forever.

    I then followed the winding path of petals until I was at the edge of the forest. I gasped at what was before me.

    Lights hung from the branches of nearby trees, illuminating a beautifully decorated table for two. But, what made my heart stop was seeing Mitch standing there with his hands in his pockets. "Mitch..." I whispered, happy and surprised at the same time.

    He stretched his arms out, inviting me to hug him. "Come here, biggums," he said with a smile. I ran over to him, embracing him in a hug. "You really love me..." I trailed off, almost crying. He took me to arms length and said, "Let's just enjoy this night together."

    We then ate delicious steak for dinner. After that we lay down on the shore and watched the stars blink in the sky. Mitch had his arm around me and I snuggled up to him. I began to grow tired and felt my eyes slowly closing. "Does this mean we're now going out?" I tiredly asked him. "Of course, biggums," Mitch replied. Before I fell asleep, I whispered, "I love you Mitch." And, with that, I fell into a peaceful sleep.    

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