Bride of th Dragon King -Now...

By HeidiFedor

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Prologue: Her Recurring Dream
Chapter One: Lover's Betrayel
Cast of Charcters
Chapter two: A Stranger's Hospitality
Chapter Four: The Dragon's Most Prized Treasure
Chapter Five: Physician Heal Thy Heart
Chapter Six: Uncontrollable Temptations
Chapter Seven: A Rose By Any Other Name
Chapter Eight: Be Careful What You Wish For
Chapter Nine: Animalistic Desires
Chapter Ten: Deja Vu
Chapter Eleven: What Dreams Are Made Of
Chapter Twelve: The Truth Can Hurt Sometimes
Chapter Thirteen: Where True Monsters Come From
Chapter Fourteen: Confessions From The Heart
Chapter Fifteen: The Ties That Bind
Chapter Sixteen: Let The Festivies Begin
Chapter Seventeen: Saints And Sinners
Chapter Eighteen: Shadows
Chapter Ninteen: Roots And Wings
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Price Of Love
Chapter Twenty Two: And A Child Shall Lead them
Chapter Twenty Three: Accepting The Inevitable
Epilogue: A New Kingdom

Chapter Three: Echos

1.9K 71 13
By HeidiFedor

"Damn!", thought Elisabeth, "If I had know, I would have applied make-up.  Wait?  What am I thinking?

"Hello.", she said, "My name is Elisabeth."

"That's a lovely name, it suits a you.", he replied with a smile, "Pardon me, hope that wasn't too much of a clique?"

"Um, no.", she replied, with a confused look upon her face.

"Is ther something wrong?", he asked 

"No.", replied Elisabeth, "Iguess-I guess I've just heard that one before."

"Well, none the less.", he replied, "Your name does suit you.  How are you feeling today, Elisabeth?"

"Okay, I guess.", she replied, "Except I just found out  that I've been unconscious for two days, my ankle hurts, and I have no idea where I am.

"Yes.", he replied, "This town is a little isolated.  We don't get a lot of visitors, and never as charming as you."  He then took her hand, kissed the back of it.

"Oh my God!", thought Elisabeth, "This guy is really laying it on thick."  Of course she was blushing the whole time.

"Excuse me sir.", she said, "Why was I brought here?  Shouldn't I be in a hospital?"

"Constantine.", he said while smiling, "Let's just say it's a lot easier to get down the ravine, than to go back up.  Where a simple community, I guess you could say similar to Amish.  Although, maybe not as morally strict.  We just like to live off of the land.  We really don't have much contact, with the outside world.  This is just how our families have lived for generations.  Father Francis found you, and then he brought me to you.  I carried you here."

"Wait!  You carried me?", she asked, "Wasn't that kind of far?  Also, I'm sure you're a very good healer, but you can seriously injure an unconscious person by moving them.  No offense, but I think I would like to see a doctor."

"Don't worry, my dear.", he replied, "I assure you.  I took every necessary precaution.  I didn't have a choice.  A bad storm was coming.  I couldn't just leave you there, waiting for some kind of medical transport.  Where we are located, it can take a day to get back to a main road.  Had we left you there, to get help, I doubt you would've survived the night."

"Um, I"m sorry.", she replied, feeling a since of deja vou,  "You know what, never mind what I was about to say.  Um, don't you have a phone?"

"As I told you before, we live a simple life.", he said, "Don't worry.  I promise, you are getting best care.   Now, why don't you let me look at that ankle?"

Feeling that all of her questions were just goiong to continue to be evaded, Elisabeth complied.  Constantine moved a chair, to the right side of the bed.  He then began to examine her ankle.  He gently took her right leg, and began to massage the ankle. As he did so, he kept staring into her eyes.  God, did he have beautiful eyes. 

It was almost as if Elisabeth was becoming entranced.  His touch was gentle, and sensual.  He looked at her with an alluring smile.  His hands then slowly made their way up her calf.  Somehow, this didn't seem right to her.  However, at the same time, she didn't care.  The more he continued, the more aroused she came.  Did he know he was affecting her way?  To her disappointment, he then stopped.

"Well?", he asked, How does your ankle feel now?"

"Actually, it does feel a lot better.", she replied.

"Well, why don't you try walking of it.", he said.  He then helped her out of the bed.  To her astonishment, the pain was completely gone.

"How did you do that?', she asked.  He just smiled at her.

"That, is a secret.", said Constantine, "If I tell you, you won't need me anymore.  How else will I have an excuse to visit such a charming patient?"  He then playfully bopped the tip of her nose, with his index finger."

"I've never had a sprained ankle heal so quickly.", she said.

"It's just an ancient art, really.", he realized, "All who have been educated to be healers, pass on the information to their pupils.  You know with all of modern man's advances.  There are many things I can do, that mankind cannot."

"LIke what?", she asked.

"Now that really is a secret.", he told her.

"Well, thank you.", she told him, "I really do appreciate it.  Look, when I get back to modern civilization.  I'll be able to get, some more money.  I will be able to repay for the hospitality.  You know room, and board, and also your services."

"Your money's no good here, you're my guest.", he replied, "Besides, I'm afraid you're going to be here for awhile."

"Why?", she asked, while looking puzzled.

"I'm afraid the rain had flooded out the way to the main road from here.", he said, "You may be here for at least a week.  That's how long it's going to take the area to dry out."

"A week!", exclaimed Elisabeth, "But I have to get home."  Constantine then smiled at her. 

"Don't worry my dear.", he replied, "I'll make sure you get to where you belong.  Just trust me."

"Alright.", she replied, "I still feel like I should pay you, in some way."

"I'll tell you what.", he replied, "Even though your ankle feels better, it's not one hundred percent healed.  I need to do some rehabilitation with you.  Perhaps you could join me for a picnic.  I would be honored by the pleasure of your company.  It's supposed to be a lovely day tomorrow, ideal for a small picnic."

"Sure.", replied Elisabeth with a smile."

"Until tomorrow, then", he said. Constantine again took her hand, and kissed the back of it. 

Elisabeth began to blush.

"Until then.", she replied.


She awoke from her slumber, feeling safe and  warm.  It was at that moment, she realized she wasn't in her bed chamber.

"Why did I sleep in my wedding dress?", she wondered."Wait!  This isn't a bed."  It was then that she noticed, she was resting in some sort of a coil.   It was black, smooth, and covered in scales.  Scales!?  She began to panic.  She looked up, and saw that she had actually been sleeping in a coiled dragon's tail.  Quickly she covered her mouth to keep from screaming,

It was all coming back to her.  She was getting ready for her wedding to a knight that won her hand.  The knight's name was Sir Addrick.  As she was getting ready for the wedding, she began to sing.  Not because she was happy, it was because her betrothed was cruel.  Her song was full of sadness, and not that of joy. Unbeknownst to her, a fierce  dragon happened to be flying close by. Enchanted by her voice, as well as her beauty, the dragon abducted her for it's own pleasure .

"MINE!!!", the great beast roared. The frightened young woman then let out a horrified scream.  Her door had been locked, she couldn't escape.  As she kept banging on the door, crying for help, it had broken through her bed chamber window.  It then gently wrapped it's talon around her, and carefully lifted her out of the room of the castle.  With that, they took off in the night sky. Terrified, by the entire events as they were unfolding, the poor girl knew her fate had been sealed. Through both fear, and uncertainty, her mind couldn't take anymore. It soon afterwards, that she had slipped into unconsciousness.

"How am I still alive?", she wondered, "Why hasn't it eaten me yet?  Where are we?  How is there a light source?" Instead of trying to solve those mysteries , it was probably best to try and get out of there.  Quietly she began to back away.  After backing away for a little, trying to make sure the creature didn't wake form it's sleep, she turned around.  As she did so, she started to run.  All of a sudden it's tail slammed down in front of her.

"Where do you think you're going, princess?", A deep male voice asked her.  She turned around, and saw two red eyes staring down at her.  Did it just talk to her?

"I asked you a question.", he told her, "Where do you think you're going?"

"Y-you talk?", she asked.

"Actually I am communicating with you telepathically.", he responded, "If I tried talking to you, it would be too loud.  But you still haven't answered my question.  Where do you think you're going?"  She was afraid to answer.

"H-home.", she told the dragon.  He just laughed at her.

"My dear, you are home.", he replied sounding quite amused, "Did you think I would bring you all the way back here just to eat you?"

"Then why did you bring me here?",  she asked, still feeling nervous.

"I brought you here to be my mate.",  he replied.

"What?", she asked, quite surprise, "We're not even the same species.  Why would you want me as a mate?"

"Because I find you enchanting.", he answered her.  "I am the last of my kind.  Your kind has driven us to brink of extinction.  It can get rather lonely.  It's only safe for me to fly at night.  To protect myself, I hide in these caverns during the day.  Although we can be mortality wounded, we are immortal beings. If no harm comes to us, we can live forever.  Unlike your species, my mind is not as limited.  I know true beauty when I see it.  And you my dear, are extremely beautiful. Also, dragons are shapeshifter.  There was a time when we wound take human form, and share a human's bed. Unfortunately, that has become dangerous. But you my pretty human, are worth the risk. However, unlike my dalliances with human females before, I don't want to let you go. Stay with me, and I will share my immortality with you. Just stay by my side, my fair beauty, and I will worship as a goddess. I can give bodily pleasures, that no mere human male ever could. Besides, with the genocide that man has inflicted upon my species, does man not owe me a human bride?"

"But I am already betrothed.", she responded.

"Usually when a woman sings, on her wedding day.", he began, "It should not be a song of sadness.  Is it not supposed to be a joyful day?  It was your voice that first enchanted me.  Much like the Siren, your song lured me to you.  You have the voice of angel.  I heard you singing, and I was curious who you were.  To my surprise, your beautiful voice matched your physical beauty. Surely a rare creature, such as you, deserves a better mate then any mere human man.  You are the type of woman I've been dreaming about. You have the honor of being my chosen mate."

"Look.", she said, "That's flattering, But I'm going to have to decline."  She slowly began backing away.  The dragon began to laugh.

"You don't understand my dear.", he told her, "I wasn't asking.  YOU ARE MINE!  Whether you like it, or not, my dear. You are now, my mate!  You may be a siren, but I am a demon.  If a siren is foolish enough to enchant a demon, then she will soon learn that the demon will stop at nothing possess her.  I'm sure over time you will come to appreciate me."

"No!", she cried, "You can't make me!  I will find a way out, or my father will rescue me.  Surely they know by now what has happened."  Again the dragon just laughed.

"My guess is, they have assumed you have already been eaten", he replied, "Man is a foolish beast!  A human father would rather believe that a dragon would eat his beloved daughter, instead of pleasuring her! Your father will never except that I am going to be bedding you, or that you're even alive. Not that it matters, these caverns are actually a hollow mountain.  It does not have an entrance.  It only appears when I enter, or exit the caverns.  They will never find us."

"Please!", she cried, "You can't make me do this!  I won't!  You'll have to kill me first!The dragon then let out an annoyed sounding growl.

"We're in my kingdom now, princess!", the dragon exclaimed, "And you are mine to do with as I please. I think it's time for someone to learn her place!"  He gently picked her up, and brought her up close to him.  She became frightened as it carefully placed it's claw under her dresses neckline.

"Let's just see how pretty you really are.", he growled lustfully. 

"NO!", she screamed, as he ripped the dress right off of her now naked body. She was completely exposed, and began to cry.  She not only felt violated, but there was another reason.  To his surprise, her body was cover in bruises.  This made him angry.

"Your kind has the nerve to call us monsters!", he growled, "Who has done this to you!!?"  She said nothing, as she turned her face away from him. Feeling mortified, she did her best to try and cover herself.

"WHO HAS DONE THIS TO YOU!?", he cried.

"Addrick my betrothed!", she cried, "I caught him im bed with a handmaiden.  He got angry, and accused me of spying on him.  He said he would teach me to behave.  So he just kept beating me.  He made sure not to harm my face.  That way no one would know."  Tears kept streaming down her face.

"Why didn't you tell your father, the king?", asked the angry dragon.

"I-I did.", she replied while trembling , "He told me to make sure not to anger Addrick anymore."  This only made the dragon angrier.  He sighed in disgust, and then gently lowered her to the ground.

"There's some clothes, and a bed for you over there.", he said pointing towards the one cavern wall, "If you get hungry, please help yourself to any food that I have. However I am an herbivore, and from now on so are you. Please, make yourself comfortable.  I shall return to you soon."

"Where are you going?", she asked, fearful of what he might do.

"You are my mate.", he replied, "I shall avenge you!"


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