Time Travel Lovers **BEING RE...

By EmpressAelin

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**Okay, dear readers. You all know I've been dead with this story. I've got no excuses other than when I try... More

Chapter 1: Making the Jutsu
Chapter 2: WE'RE FIVE!
Chapter 3: Breakfast and a Plan
Chapter 4: Fooling Hiashi and the Hokage
Chapter 5: Date in the Park
Chapter 6: Called Out
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: Night-time Shenanigans
Chapter 9: Personal Training
Chapter 10: Date Night
Chapter 11: Talk with Hiashi
Chapter 12: Chat with Itachi
Chapter 13: Naruto's Party
Chapter 14: Confrontation with Itachi
Chapter 15: Operation Neji
Chapter 16: Neji Learns
Chapter 17: Christmas and a Birthday
Chapter 18: Birthday Morning
Chapter 19: Hinata's Lonely Morning
Chapter 20: Naruto's Errand
Chapter 21: Party and a Surprise
Chapter 22: Time to Fight
Chapter 23: Fight
Chapter 24: Avoid Hiashi
Chapter 25: One Week
Chapter 26: Two Days
Chapter 27: One Hour
Chapter 28: Zero
Chapter 29: Wave
Chapter 30: Tazuna
Chapter 31: Bridge
Chapter 32: Back in Konoha
Chapter 33: Confrontation
Chapter 34: Trouble Brews
Chapter 36: Hiashi Moves Forward
Chapter 37: A Night Out
Chapter 38: Toads are done with your shit Naruto.
Chapter 40: Farewell For Now
Chapter 41: Forward
Chapter 42: Sand Beast
Chapter 43: First Meeting
Chapter 44: Assassination
Chapter 45: Clarity
Chapter 46: Konoha's Healing
Chapter 47: Seal Problem
Chapter 48: Therapy Session #1
Chapter 49: Temari
Chapter 50: Gaara's Training
Chapter 51: Sand Tag

Chapter 39: The End of Step 1

3.2K 155 46
By EmpressAelin

Only one more chapter to this story. I'm going to either pick up in a different book or a just continue here. Do you guys want me to continue this story in another book or for me to just hiatus this book until I have part 2 ready to launch?

Itachi looked out from the roof of his family home. Gazing over the Uchiha district. He had been up here for most of the morning. Lord Third had given him this week to complete his mission. And he dreaded what was to come. Below and around him in the streets people were milling around, like a seemingly normal day. But there was a tension filled the buzz on the streets. Anyone over twelve or anyone that had graduated the academy were well aware of what was due to happen soon. The Uchiha coup was due to happen within weeks. And everyone but he and one gennin, who had been beaten into submission and had become an emphatic supported of the coup, had shown any sign of going against the rebellion. Even Izumi, his dear child hood friend, was well informed and felt it was the Uchiha clans place to take back control.

But the thing that no one but Itachi, Lord Third, Danzo Shimura, and Sasuke knew, was what was about to happen in the next three days.

Sasuke didn't know all that was going on. Itachi had taken him out to practice and play a few days earlier. They had enjoyed their time, or Itachi did as much as was possible. Itachi worked with Sasuke on shuriken, jutsu, taijutsu, and anything he thought his brother would need to know. He knew he didn't have enough time, there would never be enough time for all he wanted to do. After they were done and Sasuke thought they were going to head back, Itachi instead took Sasuke by the hand and led him to a small pond. There they sat for a bit. Sasuke confused and Itachi sad.

Silence filled the air between them. Heavy and oppressive. Itachi was the one to break the silence, "Sasuke. I'm going to have to leave soon."

Sasuke looked up with confusion written over his young face. "You leave all the time. What's different this time?"

Itachi looked into the innocent eyes of his younger brother. "I won't be coming back for a very long time Sasuke. I will be gone for years. I might not even see you again."

Sasuke jumped up from his place besides Itachi. His little body full of anger, shock, and sadness. All these emotions swirled into a mix of hurt that was evident in Sasuke's eyes. Itachi had flinched even before Sasuke started to shout.

"What! Why are you leaving?!"

Itachi grabbed Sasuke's hands, which were balled up in small bruised fists from their training, and pulled him in for a hug. Sasuke tried to struggle against the hug, squirming and wriggling, trying to be mad at his brother who wasn't making any sense. Itachi wasn't like this normally. Sasuke could tell Itachi was being fake. He wasn't happy today at all, no matter what Sasuke had done, Itachi had stayed sad. Normally Sasuke could make Itachi happy. Not today.

Itachi hugged Sasuke close and with a rushed whisper into Sasuke's ear, confessed the weight that was bearing down on him. "Sasuke, I have to kill many people soon. I have to protect Konoha, and you. I have to try and save you and this village. I wish there was another option Sasuke but there isn't. I have to do this and then I have to leave to protect you and the village."

Sasuke went stiff. He knew his brother had to kill people. It was a ninja's way of life. But the way Itachi was acting clued seven year old Sasuke in that something was very different about this mission his brother was going to have to do.

"Why? Why do you have to do it? Can't someone else do it?" Tears were falling down Sasuke's face now. Slowly dripping down, even as Sasuke tried to stay strong.

"No Sasuke. No one else can. I have to do this. I don't want to leave you behind and I don't want to hurt you the way that this will. But I need you to know what's going to happen. Because I need your help."

Sasuke sniffed and pulled back to look at Itachi's sorrow filled face. "Help? How can I help?"

"I can't tell you, yet. It could put you in danger. Because if anyone knows what I have to do, they could come after you. But I promise, I will tell you what needs to happen when the time is right. You just need to stay strong. Can you do that Sasuke?"

Sasuke heaved another breath and nodded. Itachi smiled sadly and stood up. He picked Sasuke up and placed him on his back.

"We need to go home now." Sasuke nodded against Itachi's shoulder. "I'm pretty sure you know already but just in case, you can't tell anyone, not even Father and Mother."

Sasuke nodded again.

"I know this will be hard on you Sasuke, but I have to do this. The fate of the village rests on it. If I don't, many more people will die."

"I understand."

Itachi sighed and they walked for a few minutes in silence. "Just remember Sasuke, I love you."

"I love you too."


It was the night. And after having turned down help from a strange man in a mask, Itachi was tense and scared. How had this other man known he was going to act tonight? Not even Lord Third knew for sure that tonight was the night. Itachi paced around his room for a few more minutes until he left to Sasuke's room. He knocked on the door twice before sliding it open and walking in. Sasuke sat at his desk coloring. When Sasuke looked up and saw Itachi's face he set down his colors and nodded sadly. Itachi fell to a knee and opened his arms. Sasuke rushed forward and gave Itachi a hug that nearly choked the young ANBU captain.

"What do I need to do?"

Itachi gave Sasuke one last squeeze before he began to detail Sasuke's part.

"I need you to go and get as many of the children in the clan as possible by any means. Have them sneak out, convince parents, you have an hour to get as many kids as you can outside of the district. Have them go to other friends, to the park, to the other clans. Get anyone younger that ten. I will get the rest before I have to start my mission."

Sasuke stood staring at Itachi. Pieces were falling into place. Itachi watched as the light in his brothers eyes dimmed. Sasuke had realized what was going to happen.

"Take me with you."

Itachi was taken off guard. He thought his brother would be disgusted with his and angry all over again. Not this. Itachi had not expected to be faced with the shaking form of his little brother, begging to go with his soon be mass-murderer of a brother.

"I can't." Sasuke looked up sharply but Itachi silenced him and continued. "I need you to take care of the other kids for me. I am doing what I must, but you must do what you must. The clan has been planning to rise up and take over Konoha. I cannot let that happen. This is my burden."

Sasuke hiccupped and fought down the sobs. "Why are they doing this? Why would they think it was a good idea? Why!"

"I have ask myself that question for a very long time little brother. And I don't have an answer. I don't know the minds of our parents or those of the rest of the clan. But what I do know, is that I have to protect you. Can you help me do this? Can you be strong, for me?"

Sasuke's lip trembled. With a shaky nod he gave his promise. Itachi reached out a hand and together the brothers walked out of their family home. They went opposite direction outside the door. Sasuke to their neighbors, Itachi to gather his gear and prepare for the worst night of his life.

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