I'm A Mess (Completed)

By couldyapleaseleave

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Gerard's a mess. He smokes and drinks, and he's a miserable piece of shit. He could never find a job and neve... More



62 6 10
By couldyapleaseleave

Frank, Gerard and Mikey, sat down on the couch, wasting precious time by chatting about actual bullshit. That was when Frank received a text. 

He furrowed his eyebrows and stuffing his hand in his hoodie pocket, grabbing the familiar black phone he spent hours on. He saw his mom's contact and read the text beneath the name. 

I'm waiting outside, hun

He switched off his phone, sighing a bit as he realised it was the end of hanging out with the two men. He nudged Gerard's ribs with his elbow to get his attention. When Gerard breathed out a quick "ouch", he turned to Frank, seeing him move his hand as a sign for him to lean down. 

"My mom's here, I have to go" Frank whispered in Gerard's ear. He nodded and turned back to Mikey who cocked up an eyebrow. "Frank has leave" He said, standing up as he stretched out his limbs, showing a bit his stomach when he raised his arms up. 

"Awe, I was having fun" Mikey pouted as Frank giggled, standing up as well. "My ride is here so, I have to go" Frank spoke, walking to the door along with Gerard and Mikey following. 

"Fine. Till next time, right?" Mikey grabbed Frank and embraced him a bit too tight. Frank looked up at Gerard, his cheeks turning a shade of pink with the sudden affection Mikey had shown. Once he detached from him, he sighed happily and patted the younger boy's shoulder. 

"Right..." Frank smiled. He walked over to Gerard and rose up on his tip toes to kiss his cheek. Mikey awed in the background before saying bye to Gerard's 'boyfriend' again before he left.

"He's a keeper" Mikey chuckled once the door closed. "Yeah, I guess" Gerard scratched the back of his head before heading to his room. "Though, he looks really young for twenty year old, huh" Mikey said, following him. 

Gerard's mind went blank. Fuck. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"You know, like he has a baby face. No stubble or beard. He's really short too. And his voice is still quite high" Gerard sat down on his bed, trying to ignore the remarks coming from Mikey. "So? He's a late developer" Gerard scoffed, grabbing a pile of worksheets from his case along with a red ink pen. "I know, just pointing out the obvious" Mikey giggled, sitting down next to Gerard. 


"Rise and shine, asshole! It's a brand new day!" Mikey yelled as he pranced into Gerard's room at 6:00 in the morning. "Go away..." Gerard mumbled through his pillow, cuddling up to the sheets more. "You have work, buddy" Mikey hopped onto his bed, making both of them bounce. The older brother groaned, stuffing his head into the pillow much more. 

Mikey sighed, grabbing hold of the sheets as he ripped them off of him. Gerard hissed once he felt the cold air hit his shirtless torso and exposed legs. "Fuck off" Gerard groaned, grabbing at the sheets to try and retain some warmth. 

"I'll fuck off if you get up... plus make me breakfast" 

"Oh, fuck you-"

"-Deal? And no, that would be incest, Gerard" Mikey smirked, making a really shitty joke out of what Gerard grunted. 

The teacher opened his eyes just to roll them as he tried to sit upright with full force. "Fine..." He muttered, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. "Great! I want pancakes with syrup and strawberries" Mikey ruffled up Gerard's messy hair before skipping out of the room. Gerard shook his head, slightly chuckling from Mikey's attitude. 

It was actually quite nice having him around again. It reminded him of sharing a room with his brother as a kid. It's the same thing except now Gerard's 22 and Mikey's 21. 

He reached over to a packet of cigarettes on his nightstand, grabbing the last one in the pack before sticking it in his mouth. He grabbed a lighter and lit the end of the paper tube up. 

Standing up, he walked over to the kitchen to see his brother quietly waiting on the table with his phone in his hands. 

"I bought pancake mix yesterday. Just add milk and oil and toss it in a pan" Mikey said, not looking up from the screen. Gerard did just that. He grabbed the box of yellow-ish powder and added the liquids in. Once that was finished, he turned on the stove and got everything cooking. 

"Thanks" Mikey said once he saw Gerard walk over to him with a white plate of 2 pancakes, syrup and the maximum of 5 strawberries delicately placed around. 

Gerard took the burnt out cigarette from his mouth and placed it in an ashtray before heading over to Mikey with his own plate of pancakes. He sat down across from him and started to dig into the warm food. "It's good. Franklin definitely got himself someone who can cook, huh" Frank smirked up at Gerard, seeing him roll his eyes. 

"What was that eye-roll for? I gave you a compliment" 

"Sure, I guess" Gerard tried to ignore the statement. He couldn't go into deep conversations about Frank. It would just end up badly considering the truth. 

"You know, I like the guy. He's fun to hang out with, not like you" Mikey continued eating. "Thanks for the support" 

"No, I'm serious. I want to meet him again. Invite him over today" Mikey mumbled through the food in his mouth. 

"H-He's busy-"

"-Oh, c'mon, big bro. Text him or something" Mikey kept on forcing him. Gerard just got more annoyed, gritting his teeth as he tried not to beat the shit out of his brother to shut him the fuck up. "Mikes, you're acting like mom. Stop" 

"No, Gee. He's my brother's boyfriend, I want to hang out with him-" 

"-Maybe you won't be wanting to hang out with him when you know he's my student!" Gerard raised his voice. Well, shit. He really fucked up on this one, huh. He froze, turning red as he looked down at the table, running his hand through his hair. 

Mikey dropped his fork down on the table, his lips parting as he furrowed his eyebrows. 


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