Eden || Edward Cullen

By Just_A_Lonely_Girl3

64.4K 1.8K 590

The voices in her head weren't her own, but the voices of everyone around her. [EdwardxOc] More

[1] Hello, Eden
[2] Walks in the Woods
[4] Visit
[5] Sick
[6] Chase
[7] Healthy Ditching
[8] Hunting
[9] Suspicions
[10] Port Angeles
[11] Explanation
[12] Weep

[3] Glowing

6K 167 61
By Just_A_Lonely_Girl3

Eden couldn't sit still. As she continued to glance at the clock every few moments, Bella and Charlie knew something was up.

She's practically glowing, Charlie mused, spooning cereal into his mouth but choking as a thought came to mind. She isn't pregnant- is she?

Eden had to stifle a giggle. Although she couldn't read Bella's thoughts, her face was similar to an open book to the girl. Bella knew it had to do with a boy. A few more minutes, Eden realised,  as a spike of butterflies spread through her. She tried to keep the blush off her face as she stood, having put a little more effort into her outfit today. She still had her black boots but decided on black skinny jeans and a white shirt, complete with a black jacket. It wasn't much, but it was the most she had put into an outfit after her mother died.

"I'm guessing you won't need a ride today, hey?" Bella smiled, and Eden nodded shortly.

She glanced at the clock once more. "Yeah," she said softly, "Edward's picking me up."

Charlie dropped his spoon, resulting in milk to splash his chin. "Cullen?"

Eden nodded, fiddling with her sleeve. Bella's smile widened, and she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her. Eden flashed her eyes out of the window to see a silver Volvo and softly said goodbye to her uncle and cousin. Charlie's mind was spinning with possibilities, and many of them made it harder for Eden to hide a startled blush. As she walked outside, she noticed the light rain flittering down from the usual grey clouds, and Eden was glad she dressed warmly. Edward was leaning up against the vehicle wearing black sunglasses and a dark coat and his hair seemed more spiked up. He gave her a wide smile, and opened the passenger door for the girl, hastily walking to the driver's side and getting in the car.

"It's snowing," Eden said, her voice gently excited. "Back in Amsterdam, we didn't get much snow. It's beautiful."

"It is," Edward agreed, but his eyes stayed on her as he tapped the wheel. He started up the quiet vehicle, and the two began the short drive to the school. Edward spoke up shortly after, "I think I'm going to introduce myself to your cousin today, I think I gave her the wrong impression last week."

Eden giggled. "Yeah, she was quite angry."

Edward went silent for a moment, and Eden turned back towards him. Although he was driving, his eyes remained on her, a gentle smile on his lips. 

"You should focus on the road, you know," Eden reminded him, rolling her eyes at his smirk.

"It's difficult," Edward sighed, but looked towards the road regardless, "when an angel is sitting next to me."

Eden laughed, and the car pulled up at the school. The two got out, and Eden sat with his family all morning until the bell rang. She greeted Bella on the way to her first class, who's nose was scrunched up in disgust whenever she glanced out the window. It was no secret that her cousin disliked the snow, let alone anything cold or wet, as the girl was from sunny Phoenix, Arizona. Eden was more used to the snow and cold, and it was a gentle reminder of the home she once had. Eden was more than ready for lunch; when she would get to see the Cullen's again. She had grown close to all of them, connecting to them in her own way. Even Rosalie, the cold, guarded blonde Hale had found a friend in Eden. 

Eden strode up to Bella, who was holding a coloured binder to her head to block the snow flying around. Mike and Jessica, her friend's, were next to her as they walked towards a table, animatedly speaking about a snowball fight being planned at the parking lot. Glancing at her usual table with the Cullen's, Eden quickly said goodbye to her cousin, and walked over. As she took her spot at the table, greeting her friends, she noticed the light in Emmett's eyes.

"What are you-" Eden asked, but was cut off as a wad of snow barreled past her. She let out a squeak and ducked further away, turning to see Edward's dark hair wet with saturated snow. 

Edward growled playfully, "You're going to regret that." He flicked the snow out of his hair, making it go over Jasper and Emmett. 

They erupted in a bunch of laughs, Eden joining in too, and tried to calm down.  Eden glanced back at her cousin, distracted as Edward's name coming up in Jessica's thoughts. Edward turned too, on reflex, and gave Eden a quick glance.

"You've got biology with Bells next, right?" Eden softly asked the boy, who nodded.

He went to reply, but was cut off by the bell. Eden frowned. Had lunch really gone that quickly? All stood, and Eden was brought in for a sudden hug. She froze. Despite him not being human, Edward was warm. Immediately, thoughts rushed through her head, though they weren't hers.

Are-are they hugging?

Does she even have standar- oh who am I kidding, he's just as beautiful as her-

Damn Eden, getting in there-

Of course she's getting with Golden Boy, I bet she's slept with half the grade by now-

Edward pulled away from Eden, a small smile over his face. It was clear he had heard what other students had been thinking, but he didn't care. "Forget about them," he said softly, tilting her chin towards him. "You're perfect."


Eden woke to Bella's groan of horror, sitting up to see her cousin sitting at the window. It felt different to the days before, with somehow clearer light. There was no fog veiling the window as there had been everyday before. Snow. Eden smiled at the fine layer of snow, but Bella voiced her annoyance to the frozen rain. It had set the needles on tree to gorgeous patterns, making the driveway ice slick. 

"I'm going to fall," Bella cried dramatically, glaring at the fallen snow, "so, so many times."

The two noticed that Charlie had left for work as soon as they went downstairs, and Bella threw down a hasty bowl of cereal with juice from the carton. Eden could see Bella's excitement, and a tinge of jealousy shot through her. Was that because of Edward? Eden knew her jealousy was misguided- she knew that they weren't dating, but she felt as though they had already grown so close... It was strange. It was times like those that Eden wished she could read her cousin's mind just as easily as she did everyone else's. Sure, it was refreshing to not have to hear all of Bella's secrets and thoughts, but it was so difficult to read the girl. Eden knew that Bella had come out of her shell when Eden had come, making an effort to help her cousin; Charlie had already mentally voiced that fact. Was Bella thinking about Edward's perfect face? The way his eyes brightened when his smile widened? They way his eyes darkened when he heard negative thoughts?

Dressed in usual black jeans and a dark blue button-up, Eden finally stepped out of the door. She had to help Bella make her way across the icy brick driveway, who had to cling to the side mirror to save herself as she reached the truck. It was an old, red Chevy truck, and Eden had grown fond of it, despite never liking the cars like it. She wasn't planning on getting her own car anytime soon, so she was glad her cousin had a suitable vehicle.

"God, today is going to be nightmarish," Bella moaned, pulling out of the driveway, and Eden hummed in agreement.

The truck seemed to have no trouble with the dark ice covering the roads, but Bella still drove slowly to avoid carving a path of destruction. When they got out after reaching the school, Eden pointed out the chains crisscrossed in diamond shapes around the tires. She made a mental note to thank Charlie, who had gotten up earlier to put the snow chains. The unspoken concern made Bella giggle in shock for a moment. Eden knew they weren't extremely close, but she was glad the two shared a moment. She couldn't imagine not being with her father, even if they weren't as close as her mother and her were once. Once.

Standing by the back corner of the truck, watching Bella fight back the wave of emotions the snow chains had brought her, Eden heard an odd sound. It was a high-pitched screech, and she heard Bella mutter a confused jerk before they looked up, startled. It was becoming increasingly loud. Too many things flew at Eden at once, and she barely registered shoving Bella out of the way. Her cousin was safe, but she was not. She wished everything moved like they did in the movies, where time would slow down, and she'd be able to process everything. Instead, adrenaline pumped through her body, and odd details stuck out to her all at once. The ice on the road created a beautiful pattern, the green of the forest clear and crisp. A gently beautiful sight. And then there was Edward's face. It stuck out from a sea of faces, all frozen in similar masks of shock. But the dark van skidding towards Eden drew most of her attention. Tires locked and screaming against the brakes, spinning wildly across the ice in the parking lot, Eden knew it was going to hit the back corner of Bella's truck. It was going to hit Eden. She didn't even have time to blink, to flinch. To scream.

Oddly enough, Eden's parents came to mind. It had been a car accident, a simple trip turning dark. It was only down the end of the street, where a small market had been open throughout the day. Eden hadn't come, and she wasn't sure if she would be alive if she had gone. Vera and Quinn Bane had simply been alive one moment, and gone the next. Eden was glad their death wasn't slow, and not dragged out. They were in a better place and, one day, Eden would see them again.

Just before the shattering crunch Eden knew was coming when the van folded around the truck bed, something crashed her to the ground. It wasn't, however, from the direction she had been expecting. Her head hit the icy black road, with something solid and cold pinning her to the ground. She snapped open her eyes, laying on the pavement next to the tan car she had been parked next to. The car was still spinning and sliding, about to collide with her again. It was apparent somebody else was with her, especially as two, white hands shot out to stop the van with a shuddering groan a foot away from her face. His hands moved so fast they blurred. One was suddenly grabbing the under body of the van, and then her legs were being sung around until they hit the tire of the tan car. Eden's ears stung from the metallic thud as the van settled- right where her legs had been a moment ago. 

It was silent. And then, all at once, both voices and thoughts scared her. 

Eden!  Oh my god, oh god-

Was that-? Oh no I-


Eden was aware of the students screaming her name, Bella's sticking out the most, but Edward's frantic, low voice sounded in my ear. "Eden? Are you all right?"

She snapped her head towards him, rewarding her with a piercing pain that she winced at. "I-I'm fine."

"Careful," he warned,  lifting one of his arms from the tight hold he held her in to drag his thumb lightly over her forehead. It came back red.

Eden gasped, struggling back and trying to hold back a cry. "The- the blood-"

"It's fine," he assured me, but she frowned and try to pull away. "Eden. I couldn't dream of hurting you, please. You'll hurt yourself if you keep trying to get away."

Eden looked at his concerned, innocent expression, nothing but warm stubbornness in his gold eyes. She wanted to scowl, but knew he just wanted her safe. That, and the fact that her head ached. The students found them shortly after, and it was only then that Edward gently let her go. Tears streamed down their faces, shouting at each other, shouting at them. 

"Don't move," someone instructed, but Eden kept her eyes on Edward. He looked conflicted and tried to avoid her eyes, but when gold met brown, his eyes held nothing but concern. He wanted to keep her safe.

"Get Tyler out of the van!" someone else shouted, and Eden moved to stand but was pushed down by Edward's cold hand.

He frowned, "Just stay put, you hit your head pretty hard."

Inside her chest, Eden's heart was racing, and she was sure Edward could hear it; vampire, or not. She wanted to throw up and cry at the same time. Her parents had gone through this, and they hadn't been lucky enough to be saved. She hadn't been able to save them.

"Eden." Edwards voice sounded again, and through blurry, teary eyes, Eden met Edward's gaze as he lifted her chin. He knew. He knew that she was thinking about her parents. "They'd be proud of you, you know that? They loved you, and there was nothing you could have done to stop that. Nothing."

Eden would have responded, but two things stopped her. The first was the sirens in the distance, the quiet whirring cutting off her words and gaining her attention. The second was the fact that she didn't know how to respond. His words had struck her close to home, and her heart warmed at the concern. He was there for her.

It took six  EMTs and two teachers - Mr. Varner and Coach Clapp - to shift the van far enough away to bring the stretchers in. I immediately declined one, the object bringing back uncomfortable memories, but Edward insisted, holding my hand the whole time. He didn't need one. A neck brace was even put on, and with the entire school watching soberly, Eden felt her breath quicken. Everyone was looking, staring. Edward had to ride in the front, but he had whispered comforting words before he had gone. To make it worse, Bella had joined with Charlie and explained the situation and Chief Swan yelled in panic when he recognised her.

"Eden," he breathed, his eyes wide in shock.

Eden was quick to assure her uncle. "I'm fine, honestly."

Charlie turned to the EMT for a second opinion. The last thing she saw before her eyes fluttered shut was the Cullen's and Hale's, all of their eyes wide. Alice looked terrified, clutching Jasper who Eden knew would have been calming her down. Rosalie looked slightly angry, and Eden wasn't sure where the anger was directed to. Even Emmett frowned, holding his wife's hand tightly. And then? She was cold.


Can we just take a second to appreciate the support this story has gotten? I'm so grateful for every read, every vote and every comment. Every bit of feedback is accepted and encouraged, and I'm so glad people have been enjoying it. Sorry for the later update, writer's block seemed to have taken its hold. The next chapter shouldn't be too much of a wait. Once again, thank you to all the support. Thank you, xx

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