Fili Imagines

By Wayward_Stark

45.8K 608 67

I am very sorry you all have to witness this atrocity of a book. Do yourself a favour and just pick something... More

imagine Fili falling in love with you despite being a mute
imagine Dean taking you out on a date
Imagine 7 minutes in heaven with Dean
Imagine Fili saving your life
Imagine being in an arranged marriage with Fili
Imagine giving Dean a nickname
Imagine Fili taking care of you when you're sick
Imagine Fili comforting you
Imagine Fili saving you, then carrying you home
Imagine running away
Imagine braiding Fili's hair, not knowing what it means
Requests open!
Imagine accidentally hurting Fili
Thank you!
Imagine avoiding Fili

Imagine getting hurt in BOTFA

2.1K 37 8
By Wayward_Stark

This imagine was requested by  kimscreativitycrusae

I cannot begin to explain how sorry I am for it being late but I hope you like it.

Fili and I have always been close, we grew up together, he's my best friend. We grew up playing in the forest and fields outside The Blue Mountains. We played hide and seek until the sun went down, we'd go to Bombur's bakery and steal cookies. We did everything together, but now it's different. In the past few years, I have fallen for Fili, quite badly. Of course, I'd never tell him that. The only person who knows is Bofur. I grew close to him over the past few months of the quest... and he caught me looking at Fili.

At the moment, we are all waiting... by we, I mean the company. For what?... I have no idea. Thorin has been affected by the dragon sickness, that made him order us to stay here and do nothing, while others are fighting outside right now. That's when Thorin comes back... and he doesn't have the crown on. Kili walks towards his uncle "I will not stand here while others fight our battles, for us!... it is not in my blood, Thorin". I can't hear what Thorin said, but I assume it was a good thing as they put their heads together. Then he turns to us "I have no right to ask this of any of you, but will you follow me, one last time?". I think about how he used to treat me... he didn't like me because I was a bad influence on Fili. But, he is the only fatherly figure I have. I nod, standing with everyone else. That's when Fili comes over to me. "Can I talk to you?" He asks, but I don't get an option since he dragged me with him anyway.

He leads me away from the company, then stops. "Listen, I didn't think I was going to say this to you... but I need you to stay here" he starts. I furrow my eyebrows "what?". He sighs "y/n, please stay here". I shake my head "no, Fili I am fighting whether you like it or not... I can't stay here, knowing that people are dying out there". "I understand that, but I need you to stay here... please" he tries to persuade. I cross my arms stubbornly "why? Do you not trust me?". "No, of course, I do... I just want you to be safe, I can't lose you" he admits. Tears start to form in my eyes, it just hit me that Fili might not come back. "No, I am coming with you and there's nothing you can do about it. Where you go, I go" I remind him. He shakes his head "not this time, y/n".

"Stay here, I mean it. Do not take one step out that door, understand?" He says. I sigh "okay". "Thank you" he replies before going to join the company. If he thinks I'm staying here, then he's got another thing coming. I watch as they all charge out into battle. I get my sword from where I was sitting before, then put my armour on. I wait a few minutes before heading out. As soon as I am outside, I start fighting and killing orcs.

A few hours later

I found Bofur earlier and we've just stuck together for now. "Bofur, where's Fili?" I ask as I impale another orc through the chest. "Lass, you don't know? Fili went up to Raven hill with Kili, Thorin and Dwalin" he replies. "He's what? Why's he up there?" I question him. "They're going to find Azog" he answers. Before anything else is said, I run in the direction of Raven hill. Eventually, I get to the bottom of the hill, then I realize I'll need to climb since I don't have a ram to get up.

It takes me a couple of hours to get to the top, but when I do, I see something horrifying. Fili is being held off the very top ledge by Azog, with a sword pointing directly at his back. My eyes widen. No, no... I will not let anything touch him until I know he's okay. I start to sprint up the hill as fast as I possibly can. I've never run so fast in my life. I get to the very top and right before Azog has the chance to kill Fili, I throw my sword at the back of his hand, stabbing the flesh. Azog screams in pain, causing him to drop Fili and turn to face me in the process. Then I feel excruciating pain in my ribcage, so I look down to see Azog threw his sword, and it hit me. I drop to the ground, suddenly feeling nothing. I hear a faint scream and the snow crunching as someone kneels beside me. The last thing I see is a blurry Fili before everything goes black.

3 days later

I slowly open my eyes. It takes a few minutes for me to remember what happened, but it soon comes back to me. I then start to sit up, feeling a bit sore but it's not too bad. When I am sitting up, I look around the room. That's when I see Oin, the healer. He smiles kindly when he notices me. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" He asks. I shrug "better". I sound like a frog. "I'm glad to see you're awake, but there's someone else who would like to see you," he tells me. That's when Fili comes in "Thank you Oin, can I talk to her?". "Yes, of course" the older dwarf quickly leaves. I have a feeling I know what he's going to say, but I'm not going to test it. "Y/n" he starts, making me look up at him.

"Why did you do that?" He asks, rather calmly. "Because I couldn't let you die" I mumble. "And that gives you a reason to take your own life?" He questions. "If it results in you being safe then, yes" I reply. "No y/n, the answer is no. I told you to stay here, but you didn't listen and nearly got yourself killed, do you not know how important you are to me?" he says. I shake my head. "Y/n, if you died, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. You are the single most important person in my life, I can't lose you... especially to an orc" he admits.

Both of us are quiet for a few minutes. "Fili... I can't lose you either" I say quietly, making him look at me. He kneels beside the bed with a sigh "Please... don't ever do that again". I turn my head to look at him but I don't say anything. "Y/n, why did you save me?" He asks suddenly. "Because, I love you" I mumble, but I didn't realize I said it out loud. "You what?" He gasps. "What?" I reply in confusion. "You just said you love me," he says. My eyes widen and I blush "I didn't know I said that out loud". He chuckles "I love you too, y/n".

"You do?" I ask shocked. He smiles slightly as he takes my hand "of course I do".

- W.S

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