Imagine Fili saving you, then carrying you home

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(I added the song because it's how I came up with this story and because I think it sums up Fili quite nicely)

The battle has only just begun and I have already killed more than ten orcs. I am fighting with all the strength, anger and hatred for these creatures that I have left. I stab an orc in the chest while dodging an axe thrown by Dwalin, then I spin around and ungracefully kill the orc behind me. "Y/n!" I hear a gruff voice shout. I duck under an orc arrow before looking his way. "Head to Ravenhill!" Dwalin shouts over the chaos in front of us. I nod and fight my way through the battlefield. We soon get to a river that has been frozen up by the snow. Suddenly a battle ram chariot comes whizzing by, and me and Dwalin get pulled along with it. It's Fili, Kili and Balin... with a troll behind them. It's so big that the ice can't hold it up, so it's wading through it like water. "Shoot it!" Dwalin shouts to Kili. The younger dwarf turns around to shoot. "Where?!" He shouts back. "Shoot it in its jam bags!" Dwalin yells concentrating on helping Balin control the chariot. "He doesn't have any jam bags!" Kili replies. "For Durin's sake Kili, just shoot the thing!" I say and he sends me a cheeky smile before shooting the troll in the chest, making it fall to the ground lifeless... but the fight has barely started.

Another big troll that is holding a large bit of wood and some orcs surrounding it is next. Dwalin shouts something and Kili shoots it in the throat, making it fall back and we use its body as a bridge. Next up is wargs as Kili so dearly points out. I look to Fili and he shrugs. We don't have any long-range weapons. The first warg dives and takes out a battle ram and the second one does the same with another ram. It doesn't even feel like we're controlled anymore as we slide about on the ice. Kili slashes an orc riding on a warg with his sword, then Fili does the same. We skid into a rock killing a warg in the process. Another warg comes and takes out another ram. "There's more coming!" Kili says making us all look behind us. Dwalin looks at his older brother. "We're pulling too much weight, we won't make it," he says. "Cut the ropes, ride them to Ravenhill" Balin replies. "No Balin" Dwalin argues. "My goat riding days are over" Balin persuades. Dwalin puts his hand on his brother's arm. Balin whispers something to his younger brother making him nod. Fili then jumps onto the front of the chariot, killing an orc in the process, jumps onto a ram and cuts the rope with his sword, setting off. My eyes widen as I push past Kili and copy what the blond prince did, not noticing the smirk on the young dwarf's face. I cut the rope with my sword, then hold onto the ram tightly.

I make sure Kili and Dwalin are behind me before following Fili as fast as the ram can go. We see Thorin riding a battle ram over a bridge. "Ride on!" He yells at us and we make our way to Ravenhill. When we get to a certain point on the cliff, we realize that the rams are tiring and can't climb any higher. We jump off the battle rams. I whisper a quiet thank you to mine before we head the rest of the way on foot. When we get to the top I catch up with Fili. My eyes blur with tears at the thought of the possibility of this being the last I see of the blond dwarf. But Fili is too smart and knows me too well to not notice, so he pulls me behind a rock after telling Dwalin and Kili that we will catch up.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" He asks and I look at the blurry figure in front of me. I wipe my eyes stubbornly refusing to let the tears fall. He sighs, cupping my cheek with his hand. "Y/n, it's okay to cry... we have time...". "No Fili, that's the one thing we don't have, time. We could die at any possible second, any one of us" I interrupt. His facial expression softens as he removes his hand from my cheek, sliding it into my hand instead. He looks at me. "We?" He says gently. I nod "we, as in the company". He gives me a look, but I look away from his gaze. "Just don't die" I mumble, then let go of his hand before catching up with the others.

We meet up with Thorin, only to see that Azog isn't here. "Where is that piece of filth?" Dwalin asks. Thorin looks at us, then out of nowhere, Bilbo appears. How did he get up here without a ram? "Bilbo" Thorin breaths out. The hobbit catches his breath before speaking. "We need to leave now, it's a trap, Azog has another army" he explains. Thorin looks around "no, this is what he wanted". He looks at his nephews and me. "Fili, take your brother, search the lower levels, y/n go with them. If you see anything, report back, do not engage do you understand?" He orders and we nod. I walk away without taking a second glance at Fili.

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