There Goes My Life *larry mpr...

By heartfullofharry

492K 21.8K 12.1K

Louis is in deep shit. He doesn't have a crush on Harry Styles. Well, sure, he's beautiful, but not Louis' ty... More

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By heartfullofharry

"Woah, woah, woah," Louis picks Joshua up from where he's starting to climb on top of the kitchen table. "Nuh uh, little dude."

"Daddyyy," Josh whines, smacking his hand against Louis' chest. Louis rolls his eyes fondly, kissing the top of Joshua's head and carrying him over to the refrigerator.

"We're supposed to be making Mummy breakfast, mate," Louis reminds, giving Joshua a squeeze. "Eggs and toast, right?"

"I-I wan' cake," Josh mumbles.

"Well, we don't eat cake for brekkie," Louis explains, pulling a carton of eggs out of the refrigerator. "So how about we make you some toast too?"

"'Kay," Josh mumbles, his little baby curls falling into his eyes. Louis brushes them back before closing the refrigerator with his hip.

"Maybe later we can go play some footie in the park," Louis mentions. "How's that sound, J?"

"Yes!" Joshua gasps, and Louis chuckles. "I-I wan' be goalie, Daddy."

"Sure, bubba," Louis grins. "You can be goalie." He sets Josh down on the counter, resting his hand on Josh's little tummy so he won't move. "Stay put, okay? Mum doesn't like it when you sit on the counter."

"Mumma mad," Josh mumbles.

"'S right," Louis nods, pulling a pan out of the cabinet and setting it on the stove. "And Mumma's scary when he's mad."

Louis makes Harry's eggs and toast, with Joshua babbling on about everything under the sun (Louis cam understand him, like, 75% of the time). When Louis' finished he scoops Joshua up and carries him and the food upstairs.

"'G morning," Louis greets when he sees Harry's awake. Harry looks away from the telly and grins at his two boys, raising his eyebrows at the food.

"Good morning," He says, laughing when Joshua wiggles out of Louis' hold to climb up onto the bed. "You guys made breakfast?"

"Don't feel too flattered," Louis teases, setting the food on the bedside table and kissing the top of Harry's head. "'S really for the baby, not you."

"Ah," Harry nods while Louis rests his hand on the curve of Harry's tummy. "Well, then, it kind of has to be for me, right? Since she's, you know, inside of me."

"Technicalities," Louis rolls his eyes playfully. Harry just giggles, placing his hand over Louis' so they're both resting on his bump. "Josh helped Daddy make brekkie, right, buddy?"

"Mhm," Josh grins, looking up at Harry. "I-I put the buttah on the toasts."

"Really?" Harry gasps over-dramatically, glancing over at the toast with mounds of butter on it. "Looks good, bubba."

Joshua beams, and Harry kisses his forehead. Louis climbs onto the bed, scooping Joshua up and making him squeal. Harry smiles fondly, shaking his head.

"You alright, H?" Louis asks as Josh cuddles into his chest.

"'M fine," Harry assures. "She's behaving today."

"That doesn't happen often," Louis hums. He kisses the top of Josh's head. "What do you think, mate, will your baby sister be a trouble maker like you?"

"I'm not a trouble baker," Joshua pouts. Harry throws his head back and laughs while Louis just smiles adoringly. He loves his boys (and his girl). Harry takes a bite of his egg before wincing.

"That bad, huh?" Louis asks.

"No," Harry assures quickly. "No, baby, it's good. Think she just moved weird."

Louis twists his mouth sympathetically, his arm wrapped around Josh as he holds him close. "You gotta tell your sister to behave, kiddo."

"Leave Mumma alone," Joshua scolds, and Harry starts to giggle while Louis gives Josh a high-five. Harry's laughing until he winces again, and gives Louis a look. Louis can tell something's wrong just from the fear in his eyes. The smile falls from Louis' face, and he slowly crawls off the bed with Josh still in his arms.

"Okay, bubba, how about we watch some Mickey," Louis carries Josh to the lounge, setting him down on the floor with some of his toy trucks. "I'll be right back, okay? Be good."

"'M a good boy," Joshua says, picking up one of his trucks and beaming up at Louis. Louis melts just a little bit, smiling down at his son.

"Yes you are," Louis agrees, turning on the Telly and switching the channel to Mickey Mouse. "I'll be right back."

Louis practically jogs back to the bedroom, seeing Harry crying. "Baby, baby, what's the matter?"

"I don't know," Harry weeps, reaching out for Louis. Louis rushes over to the bed, sitting down and wrapping Harry up in his arms. "It hurts, Lou, really bad. I think something's wrong."

Louis feels his heart fall to his stomach. He stays calm for Harry, like he always does, and kisses the top of his head. "Okay, okay, deep breaths, love," He soothes, slowly standing up from the bed and slipping on some Vans. "We're going to drop J off at my mum's and then take you to the hospital, okay?"

"Louis," Harry cries. Louis grabs his phone off the bedside table before walking back over to the bed and running his fingers through Harry's hair.

"I know, love," He whispers. He sounds okay, yeah, but he's scared out of his mind. "Let's get you up, okay? You wanna wear one of my hoodies?" Harry nods pitifully, and Louis rushes toward the closet and grabs the first hoodie he finds, handing it to Harry. "Let me go get Josh's shoes on."

Harry just nods, sniffling. Louis squeezes his shoulder before practically sprinting out into the lounge, scooping Joshua up. "Okay, buddy, looks like you're spending the day at Nana's," He mumbles, grabbing a pair of tiny Vans from next to the sofa and slipping them on Josh's feet.

"Why?" Joshua asks, kicking his little feet as Louis lifts him up again.

"Because Mum and Daddy have to go run some errands, and you'll have no fun," Louis says quickly, walking back to the bedroom with Josh resting on his hip. "So we figured you'd have some fun at Nan's."

"Oh," Josh squeaks as they walk into the bedroom, Harry still sniffling and wiping his eyes. Joshua frowns. "You okay, Mumma?"

Harry nods, giving Josh a weak smile. "I'm okay, J," He assures, running his fingers through Josh's curls when Louis sets him down on the bed. Louis grabs a pair of Harry's shoes for him, and Josh stands up on the bed before moving to wrap his arms around Harry.

"You okayyy," Joshua coos, just like Louis and Harry do with him when he's crying. Harry can't help but giggle, sniffling again and kissing the top of Josh's head. Louis smiles to himself and kneels in front of Harry, helping him slip his shoes on before standing up.

"Okay," Louis exhales shakily, his heart pounding as he goes to help Harry stand up. "Let's go to Nan's, Bubba."

"Please tell me you're home right now," Louis blurts out as soon as he hears his mother pick up the phone. He's got her on Bluetooth in his car, driving with one hand and using his other hand to hold Harry's. Joshua is in the back watching something on an iPad, headphones blocking out Harry's crying and Louis' panicked rambling.

"Lou, love, what's the matter?" Jay asks, her voice high with worry. Harry squeezes Louis' hand, and Louis gives him a sympathetic look.

"We think something's wrong with Harry, is it okay if we drop Joshua off there?" Louis hears Harry's breath hitch, and he looks over to see Harry staring down at his lap. There's blood seeping into the fabric of his pyjama pants. Louis heart drops as he turns his head back to the road, gripping the steering wheel tight to stop his hand from shaking.

"Of course, love, just let yourself in," Jay says as Harry bites his lip to prevent from audibly crying. Louis squeezes his hand and glances at Josh in the rear view mirror. Josh is seemingly oblivious to everything that's happening, eyes glued to the screen of the iPad.

When they arrive at Louis' mothers house, Louis presses a kiss to the back of Harry's hand. "I'll be right back, babe," He mumbles, quickly unbuckling and jumping out of the car. He goes to the backseat and unbuckles Josh from his car seat, scooping him up in his arms before running towards his Mum's house. Josh giggles, thinking Daddy's just playing around, while keeping his little headphones on.

Louis bursts into the house, his mother standing there leaning against the kitchen counter. "Hi," Louis breathes, setting Josh down on the floor. "Thanks for watching him, Mum, I'll call you later."

"Of course, love," Jay says, giving Louis a small, reassuring smile. Louis just kisses the top of Josh's head before leaving, practically sprinting back to the car. Harry is still crying when he gets in, staring at the blood in between his legs.

"Don't freak out, baby, it's okay," Louis soothes. He grabs Harry's hand again, trying to ignore how nauseous he feels right now.

"Sh-She's dying, Louis," Harry sobs, and Louis feels so sick.

"No, don't say that," Louis says. "Relax, bub, everything will be fine."

"You hear that?" The doctor asks, sonogram wand on Harry's bump as Louis squeezes Harry's hand. Louis' face relaxes at the little thumping sound, but Harry still looks worried. "There's her little heartbeat, very strong. Let me just check how everything is down there."

The doctor gently spreads Harry's legs for him, and Harry winces in pain. She pulls a tool off of a tray next to her and uses it to do...something. Louis' not positive he wants to know. He leans down and presses a kiss to Harry's forehead.

"Okay, Harry," The doctor exhales. "It looks to me like you're in preterm labour. The baby has turned upside down so her head is facing downward, and as you were bleeding your water broke as well. It's common that people don't notice their water breaking while they're bleeding."

"So...So she's coming today? Now?" Louis squeaks, and the doctor nods slowly.

"No, no, no, she can't," Harry chokes out. "I'm only twenty-four weeks, she's too early, Louis-"

"Breathe," Louis reminds softly, looking over to the doctor.

"Harry, look at me," The doctor says, firm but gentle. Harry looks up at her, teary eyes wide with fear. "I know this is scary, but I need you to trust me when I say that I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you and your little one are just fine. Got it?" Harry nods, bottom lip wobbling. "Okay, I will get a delivery room prepped and ready. You two sit tight for a minute."

"Thank you," Louis says shakily. The doctor steps out, and Harry looks up at Louis. "Oh, God, we are not ready."

"The nursery isn't finished," Harry sniffles.

"We don't have any clothes that'll fit her, she'll be tiny," Louis shakes his head. "We haven't prepared Josh enough to have a baby in the house."

"What if she doesn't live?" Harry whispers.

"Don't say that," Louis says sternly. Harry looks down, eyes filling with tears. "Harry, she's going to be okay."

"What if she won't be?" Harry weeps. "I must have done something wrong, Lou."

"Hey," Louis grabs Harry's face between his two hands, forcing him to look him in the eyes. "Listen, Harry. These things happen. You didn't do anything. You're going to give birth to her, and she's going to be fine. She's gonna be tiny, and probably super bald," Harry rolls his eyes at that, but he's grinning. "But she's going to be okay."

"We don't have a name," Harry wipes his eyes.

"We'll think of one," Louis assures, kissing Harry's forehead. "You just hang in there for now, love."

"We are not naming our daughter after an Arctic Monkeys song."

"I just think that-"


Louis rolls his eyes fondly, pushing Harry's hair out of his face. "Fine, fine," He sighs. Harry glares up at him, but Louis sees the fear in his eyes, so he pushes the hair off his forehead and kisses it. "You're a tough cookie, H."

Harry smiles wearily. He had his first bad contraction just over an hour ago. He's not having a good time. "You should call your mum, babe," He reminds gently, grabbing Louis' hand and squeezing it.

"You're right," Louis sighs. "I'll try n' keep it short."

"You don't have to," Harry assures. Louis just gives him a small smile, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He calls his mum, smiling as soon as she picks up.

"Louis, love," He can hear her say, her tone nervous. "What's going on?"

"Harry's in preterm labour," Louis explains. "We're in the maternity ward. He's six centimetres dilated. She's coming today."

"Is she going to be okay?" Jay asks.

"Um," Louis inhales shakily, running his fingers through Harry's hair absentmindedly. "W-We don't know." He gets a little choked up, although Harry doesn't seem to notice, his eyes closed in concentration like he's preparing himself for the next contraction. "I mean, I hope so. She's gonna be really tiny when she comes out. We don't even have any clothes that'll fit her. We don't have a nursery. We don't...have anything."

"Oh, baby," Jay sighs, and Louis bites his trembling bottom lip.

"It's okay, we'll be okay," He assures, more for Harry's sake than his own. "How's Josh? Is he being good?"

"He's been wonderful, he always is. Do you want to talk to him?"

"Yes please," Louis grins wearily. It's only a few seconds before he hears a little voice.

"Hiii, Daddy!"

"Hi, Bug," Louis chuckles. "You having fun with Nan?"

"Yesss, we made cookies!"

"That sounds awesome, buddy," Louis laughs weakly, his heart melting just a bit. "Listen, J. Your sister's decided to come a little early, so me and Mumma are at the hospital, okay? You're probably going to sleepover at Nan's tonight."

"Okay, but I have one more cookie? Nan said I had'ta ask you first."

Harry hears what Josh says and snorts. Louis rolls his eyes, smiling fondly. "Sure, J. In fact, you can have two more," Josh gasps, Louis grins wider. "Mummy and I love you, kiddo, we'll see you later."

"Byeee, Daddy!"

"Bye, Bud," The line goes dead before he can even finish. Who taught that child how to use a phone? Louis sighs, sticking his phone back in his pocket. Harry reaches for his hand, and Louis holds it, a small smile settling on his face. "You look nice right now."

"I probably look awful," Harry smiles wearily.

"Never," Louis replies, as genuine as he's ever been. Harry brings Louis' hand to his face and presses it against his cheek, closing his eyes. He must've known what was coming, because a few moments later he's wrinkling his nose, making a noise of discomfort in the back of his throat.

"Breathe," Louis reminds gently. Harry inhales slowly, and Louis uses his other hand to run his fingers through Harry's hair soothingly. "I'm so proud of you, H."

"Love you," Harry says breathlessly.

The moment the baby is delivered, the room is silent. They cut the cord (Louis wanted to do that) and rush her away. Harry drops his head into the pillow, tears streaming down his rosy cheeks.

"Good job, love," Louis kisses Harry's forehead.

"I need to see her," Harry lifts his head up again. "Where is she? I need to see her."

"Mr. Styles," A nurse approaches them. "Your baby came out and she wasn't breathing. Luckily we were able to kickstart her breathing again, and we're supplying her oxygen. She's going to be transferred to the NICU."

"Jesus," Louis whispers.

"When can I see her?" Harry asks, urgent.

"We're going to have you deliver the afterbirth, clean you up, and get you something to eat," She explains gently. "And then we can take you down to see her, okay?"

Harry pouts, looking up at Louis. Louis smiles at him weakly, leaning down and kissing the top of his head. "That gives us a little time to think of a name, baby," He points out.

"I wanna see her," Harry sniffles, burying his face into Louis' t-shirt. Louis frowns. His hands are a bit shaky as he brings them to Harry's shoulders.

"I know, love," Louis says gently.

Harry delivers the afterbirth, cleans up a little bit, and gets to eat something. Then, he and Louis get to go down to the NICU, Harry in a wheelchair and Louis trailing behind as a nurse pushes him.

They arrive in front of a glass cot, completely closed off besides holes on the top. "Holy shit," Louis mumbles. She's tiny, super tiny. There are bigger holes on the side of the cot to put your hands in. "Can I touch her?"

"Go ahead," The nurse smiles at him. Louis steps closer to the cot, cautiously putting his hands inside. Gently, he touches the tiny baby's face with his index finger.

"Hi," He says softly. He looks over to see that Harry has tears rolling down his cheeks. Louis frowns, taking his hand out and instead touching Harry's face. "Baby."

"She's so small," Harry says, his voice shaking.

"Oh, Hazza," Louis sighs, wiping his tears. "Why don't you touch her?"

Harry sniffles. The nurse is now talking to a different couple, so Louis wheels Harry's chair forward so it's close to the cot. Slowly, Harry puts one hand inside of the cot, resting it gently on top of the baby's tummy.

"Josh is gonna love her" Harry says, laughing a little.

"Definitely" Louis grins, leaning down and resting his chin on top of Harry's head. "She's really beautiful. Probably gets that from you." Harry giggles, sniffling. Louis kisses the top of his head. He knows Harry is scared. He is too.

"She's tiny, Daddy," Josh says upon looking at his sister for the first time. Louis chuckles, holding Josh on his hip. Harry smiles up at them.

"Yeah, it's because she came so early," Louis explains. "She didn't finish growing."

"Oh," Josh says. "Can I touch her?"

"You have to be very gentle, baby," Harry explains. Louis bends his knees a bit so Josh can lean forward and reach into the cot. Very gently, he touches her tiny foot.

"I like her," Josh decides. Harry giggles, his eyes watery. Louis kisses the top of Josh's head.

"I do too," He nods. "We think we're going to name her Alaina. What do you think?"

"Yes," Josh leans his head on Louis' shoulder. "That's a good name. She's cool."

"You hear that, little Alaina?" Louis says softly, reaching into the hole in the cot and brushing her leg with his thumb. "You've already got a really cool big brother who thinks you've got a good name." Harry giggles again, tears rolling down his cheeks, and Louis looks down at him fondly.

Two months later, and Louis is watching through the window of the NICU as they take Alaina's name off the now empty cot. He sighs shakily, biting the curve of his thumb.


Louis turns around to see Harry standing there, a bundle in his arms. "You okay?" He asks gently. Josh is standing next to him, immediately running over to Louis and attaching to his leg. Louis laughs, leaning down and putting his hand on the top of Josh's head.

"I'm alright," Harry walks over to him. Louis peers into the bundle in his arms to see Alaina looking up at him, eyes big and blue. "Let's get you home, pretty girl."

"I love you, L," Harry says quietly. Louis grins and leans over to press a kiss to his lips.

"Love you more, H," He replies.

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