sweet [awsten knight]

By BetterWeathered

10.5K 404 179

[BOOK 2 OF SUGAR SERIES] "I'll show you when I'm finished, I promise." Traveling across Europe with your boyf... More

0.0 // music
0.0 // Prologue
0.1 // Vacation
0.2 // Dopamine
0.4 // Pleasures
0.5 // Brand New
0.6 // Almost
0.7 // Real
0.8 // Someone
0.9 // Stay Awake
1.0 // Heart
1.1 // Faith
1.2 // Deep Red
1.3 // Good Intentions
1.4 // Lavender

0.3 // Bright

1.1K 36 19
By BetterWeathered

a/n: hope everyone can dig this cute fluff filler, need a segwayyyyy

Somewhere On The Highway, England

Last night was kind of a wild night. The high from the first show was coursing through everyone's veins, along with the alcohol that was consumed in celebration, until around 3 AM. Awsten and I sat back as we watched as everyone tried to remember the words to Bubble by Colbie Callait, screaming nonsense into the fake microphone someone bought, making me and Awsten laugh.

It was a fun night, watching everyone get hammered on the bus in England parked in a lot waiting for our driver to get enough sleep before we could hit the road to the next city. Geoff and I played Mario Kart, Geoff getting yelled at for driving while intoxicated by Awsten, getting post-it note tickets from him as well. Geoff had to pay the fine, however, the tickets that Awsten had stuck to me had fines for kisses I owed him which is honestly all I can afford at this point anyways.

Otto, Jawn, and Lucas were picking out movies for fifteen minutes until they got bored and ended up blasting music and jumping all over the couches, almost killing me and Geoff in the process because they were so close. It was hilariously fun, watching all my drunk friends act like idiots for the first time in a long time, I knew I missed this, being on tour and hanging around everyone even when they're completely intoxicated.

Although, waking up alone, sweating in the bunk with "Stella" by All Time Low playing was not the way I wanted to wake up. I slowly pulled myself up, trying not to hit my head on the top of the bunk because I completely forgot of the space difference compared to my bed back in Houston.

I let my feet dangle off the side and looked to see where the music was coming from, hearing a "Good morning, sunshine!" Before seeing Otto with a speaker in his hand. "We've been playing this song for thirty minutes waiting for you to wake up." It probably was late, being up so late in the night had messed me up probably more than the jet lag and my period combined.

"That's quite possibly the worst song to wake up to when you were taking care of drunk people all night and not getting any sleep," I groaned, rubbing my eyes to try and wake myself up a bit more. I saw Geoff peek his head out from the front, waving back to him when he waved and noticing he was on the phone so I didn't bother to make conversation. "Are you not hungover?" I asked him, slowly pulling myself out and standing up straight.

"Not in the slightest," He chuckled, finally turning the song off and tossing the speaker into his bunk.

"Where's everyone else?"

"We're stopped for a minute to get something to eat since we didn't shop beforehand, It's kind of far so only Jawn, Lucas, and Awsten went. Geoff and I so kindly decided to stay and take care of you in your... womanly state." I raised an eyebrow at his words and nodded, pouting to myself when I heard Awsten was gone. He was usually so good at taking care of me when I felt like crap.

"It's freezing," I noted, pulling the blanket I used to sleep with off the bunk and wrapping it around myself before following Otto to the front room. I sat down on the lounge, instantly falling over to lay down to help ease the headache I was blessed with from mother nature herself. Otto, on the other hand, sat near Geoff and started typing away on his computer. Geoff, of course, was on the phone, I'm assuming he was talking to Chloe so I let him be. I decided that the best thing I could do was check my phone for the first time in eight hours.

I had a bunch of Instagram notifications, a few Twitter notifications, some texts from my friends from back home asking how England was, and the one text that made me smile.

From Aws <3

Good morning lazy ass! Went to get food to fill your belly, hopefully some donuts, fruit, and some ibuprofen for your friend. See you when you're grumpy and tired :-)

The smile didn't leave my face, and I decided not to respond, as I shut off my phone and stared at the door of the bus, waiting for my favorite men to walk in with treats. I didn't even realize how hungry I was until I saw the word 'donut' but now my stomach is grumbling uncontrollably, only slightly embarrassing.

"Oh how fun! We're only like thirty minutes away!" Otto cheered from behind his laptop, looking over at me. I smiled, mumbling a 'thank god' before turning back to lay on my hands.

I closed my eyes for a little, drifting off into a little nap, but soon enough I was woken up by the sound of the door hitting the wall and a bunch of guys flooding into the bus. I opened my eyes, watching Jawn, Lucas, and Awsten pile into the bus with bags and two boxes of donuts.

"That was the sickest gas station I've ever been to," I heard Awsten say, making me laugh lightly. I watched as he whipped his head down towards me, a big smile taking over his face as he noticed me under the blanket. "Look who crawled out of their bunk!"

"Don't be mean to me, I'm sick," I lead the statement with a fake cough, making him chuckle and shake his head, moving my legs back a little so he can sit beside me. Nice Stella, as if a side effect of your period is coughing.

"Well I hope these gas station donuts make up for it!" Jawn said, handing me the plastic container with the donuts. I gasped, mainly to be funny but also because they looked too good. I immediately opened up the plastic container and pulled out the strawberry frosted. "Thank god I got a picture before you two devoured the donuts," Jawn laughed, watching as I stuffed my face.

"I don't think I've ever seen you eat something so fast," Awsten laughed through his own bite of his donut. I polished off the first one, contemplating if I should go for another.

"Honestly, after the night I had I needed this," I said back, poking my foot into the side of his leg making him whip his head to look at me.

"Don't touch me with your toes, what is this? A foot fetish?" He said loudly, making all the other guys turn to look at me with confused faces.

"Oh, so you're telling me you and Geoff don't play footsies across the hall every night?" I quipped back almost immediately, making all the guys burst out into laughter.

"It was ONCE!" He shouted, poking my side firmly and putting a finger to his lips to pretend to shush me.

What did I do to deserve this man?


stellataylor this photo isn't mine, but I did eat almost all of these beautiful gas station delicacies.


fan1: all i wanna know is who painted their nails black

fan2: British petrol stations are so much better than American petrol stations: Fact.

fan3: these were on awsten's story!!!!!

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