Of Shadow, Shine, and Shades

By serengeti13

221K 9.1K 1.3K

Disclaimer: This story is not mine. It was written by dra6on on fanfiction.net Attempting to erase his memory... More

Ch.1 Pain in the Beginning
Ch.2 Whiskey and Books
Ch.3 Meeny, Miny, Goblins
Ch.4 Diagonal Exploration
Ch.5 Not So Subtle Threats
Ch.6 Finding a Solution
Ch.7 How to Face a Whale
Ch.8 Another World
Ch.9 Truths and Half-Truths
Ch.10 Changes to Non-Existent Planes
Ch.11 Up the Game
Ch.12 Not Horcrux, Not Human
Ch.13 Breaking the Habit
Ch.14 In the Mean Time
Ch.16 Shadowed Thoughts
Ch.17 Before His Eyes
Ch.18 The First of Many
Ch.19 Ready?
Ch.20 Steady...
Ch.21 Surprise!
Ch.22 In with the Old
Ch.23 Whispers in Magic
Authors Note

Ch.15 New Addition

5.2K 285 56
By serengeti13

Egypt was hot.

This was Harry's first and foremost opinion of the country. It was hot. There was a lot of sand and interesting things in Alexandria but it was damn hot.

Or it had been until Caelum had realized to cast Cooling Charms on all of his clothes but even those could not stop Harry from feeling that it should be hot.

He loved the city. It was so lively and there were so many people there. So different from the silence of Privet Drive and the Australian wastelands. He had come to know many different ways people interacted in their travels these past few months and it was all so interesting, so different from before. He barely remembered the cupboard anymore, or what it felt like to be hungry. He had never even dared to dream about getting to see Japan and China and now he was in Egypt, getting to know the magical side of things.

He adored the different little magics that Caelum took to teaching him. And few times Caelum had purposely taken him to places where his touch could let him know so much. They'd gone to the Graeco-Roman Museum and Harry had gotten his first taste of what feeling history was like. He'd watched glimpses of past that glided over his eyes and had felt such respect that he'd thought only Caelum could make him feel.

Caelum. His pseudo parent had spent a couple of days in the desert but then had seemed to give up on trying to find these artefacts Voldemort was using to stay alive. The man did not know where they were and - to Harry's great relief - had decided starting from scratch was not worth it. Not when there were only four months left before September.

They talked a lot nowadays. Harry knew Caelum wanted to know his opinion and it didn't matter to the man if it was different from his. Actually, he seemed to encourage him like that. There were no rules. At the Dursleys' rules had been everything and at Berrigan's he'd also had to follow certain rules. But with Caelum it was as if the man didn't care what he did as long as he stayed sensible. Because the trusted Harry.

That idea still made Harry's heart beat with gratitude, even after all these months.

He knew Caelum wasn't perfect. The man sometimes sneered at people in a way that told Harry exactly what he thought of the people but he never acted on his dislike. Unlike Vernon - that the wizard had called "whale" in the conversations they'd had of their past. Harry knew something very different had happened when Caelum had been six and Vernon had been sent to prison but the wizard had not wanted speak about it anymore. He'd said it was in the past and it would stay there. Harry hated the look that sometimes took over Caelum's now black eyes. It was as if the usual warmth was sucked up into some deep corner of the man's soul and all that was left was a hard man, ready to make the worst decisions. That was how Mika-sensei had described it.

But sometimes Caelum would become almost playful.

"We'll be doing what?"

"You remember Albus, right? Well, the Weasleys are close with him and one of their sons is in town, working on the curses on a pyramid close by. I thought we could make an appearance. Just to spite the old coot."

The thought of the white bearded man sending spells at him and Caelum flashed through Harry's mind but he tried to swallow his nervousness. What he'd read about Albus Dumbledore did not put him at ease either. "Wasn't he quite powerful? Grand Sorcerer? Chief Warlock of British Ministry of Magic? Supreme Mugwump of the ICW?"

Caelum was looking through his collection of potions. Harry had actually helped him with those and gained a crash course in potion making at the same time. It had been nice, though he like Arithmancy and Charms much more. The wizard seemed to find what he was looking for, judging by the victorious "A-HA!" and chunked down a vile-looking purple concoction. When he looked at Harry the boy was met with the sight of familiar green eyes. Their real eyes.

"Hmm? Yeah, he's all that but I'm more powerful. And on a more serious note I think it's important to give him something about your general state of health." The wizard shook his head, long black hair swishing over his shoulders. "Merlin knows I don't like the man but there's no predicting what he might do if he believes you're dead."

Huh. Harry hadn't thought about it like that. It didn't mean he was instantly supportive.

"So you want to... what? March up to this guy and make me dance pirouettes before him while flashing my scar?" He made it sound as dubious as he could. Caelum rolled his eyes at him.

"Your sarcastic streak is getting stronger. No. I want to show you a pyramid, let you feel its history and at the same time we can make sure William "Bill" Weasley reports back home that he'd come across Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived. And it'll be good for you to acknowledge your fame for once. It might become overwhelming at Hogwarts otherwise."

Truth be told, Harry had nearly forgotten that. He knew that he was the Boy Who Lived and he knew some of what Caelum had gone through because of that but it was so easy to forget when neither Caelum nor Syl seemed to care at all. Mika-sensei had not even recognized him so until now it was only the Healer in Sydney that had taken any notice of his scar and known of his status. He really didn't like the idea of standing out in crowd.

"What's he like?" He might as well find out about this man as they made their way down the stairs of their lodging. Caelum never wanted to Apparate from the house because it would raise questions if anyone noticed them returning before they'd ever even seemingly left the rooms. It was easy to disappear on the streets.

"Bill? He's the Weasleys' oldest son. Brilliant with curses and goblins. A very powerful wizard in his own right. We were good friends, and he lived through the wars. He married a part Veela."

Try as he might to remember, Harry had no idea what a "veela" was. Caelum explained without asking, "A kind of fey. They are extremely beautiful and their aura enthrals men, and some women. Your Occlumency prevents it from working but male people around you would begin sprouting the most obscene lies, trying to gain the Veela's attention. They are also capable of transformation. They bring a whole new dimension to the saying 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'" The man stopped and, taking a hold of the boy's chin and meeting his eyes, pushed an image through Harry's Occlumency shields. It was of a beautiful blonde woman that turned into a fire controlling bird monster. Harry felt his eyes widen, and the man smirked. "He was a brave man for marrying one of Veela blood. But there's no guarantee this Bill is the same, as you so often keep pointing out."

Ten minutes later they abandoned the scorching hot sand in favour of the coolness of stone tombs. There were a couple of people milling about, all in wizarding robes and Caelum had again covered his face with the black veil he'd been using when they'd met for the first time. It didn't look so out of place here, and the wizards would not question his looks. It was also important to make a lasting impression, Caelum had told him when Harry had asked about it.

The man looked a bit intimidating in it. They were both clad in muggle clothes but not in a way that immediately screamed outsider, Harry now knew. They had boots and Caelum had leather pants and a white shirt topped with a belt with a silver dragon buckle. Harry had on him straight trousers and a white long sleeved shirt to protect his skin from the glare of the sun. He was pleasantly cool because of the Cooling Charms and actually excited about having the opportunity to look into the history of the pyramid, even if it was a secondary goal.

"There are standard Muggle repelling wards around here but also one that distorts vision. Everyone thinks there is only sand until you get close enough. Wizards get through, Muggles turn away remembering they had something else to do. There are also some goblin wards that I recognize but can't explain."

"You see them?" He looked up at the man, only to see his eyes glued on something in the horizon. He got a distracted nod.

"Similar to Gringotts but still different. The runes are quite beautiful. Slightly different from the runes humans use."

Harry turned to the stone wall before him and lay his hand against it, palm down. He opened his mind the way Mika-sensei had taught him "-the power is inside, the will comes from the mind. Open the mind and the power will follow-" and let his consciousness skim over the impressions left in the stone "-every time is different from the other. It can be overwhelming, or you might not even see. But the object will talk if it so wishes-" of the ancient pyramid.

The first he felt was... sand. And dust. He felt like spitting just to get the taste out of his mouth. The feeling filled his entire being. Sand and dust. Hands on him. Putting him here. Figures moving past him, fingers pushing over his surface. Voices. Words he didn't recognize.

"Hey, kid, you alright?"

He flinched as a hand landed on his shoulder and quickly ducked away from the touch. He still only liked to be touched by Caelum and other people made him slightly nervous. But when he looked up, it was only a young man with long red hair and an earring on the same ear as Harry had. He kind of reminded him of Caelum, actually.

"Sorry. I was just... looking."

The blue eyes had a friendly look as the red head looked him over. From the description earlier Harry guessed this must have been Bill Weasley and he brushed his hair aside, letting his scar stay visible for a few seconds before smoothing his fringe over it yet again. From the widening of eyes he knew his identity had been revealed and that was when Caelum made his appearance.

"Harry." It was spoken in that same whispery voice the man had used with Dumbledore and it certainly made Caelum seem more mysterious. Harry had to hide a smirk as the red head jumped in surprise.

"Hey Cal. Finished with the wards?" This was actually pretty fun.

"Yes. Do you want to go deeper?" His eyes left Harry's and flickered over to the Weasley man that simply stood there staring at them. "Excuse me, are you one of the wizards working on the curses? Could we bother you to show us around?"

The blue eyes blinked and the man's mouth formed into a silent "oh" as he took in the menacing figure Caelum made. Harry's snickering broke the man out of his stupor a minute later.

"I'm really sorry, Mister...?"


"Mister Caleb. I'm just... Sorry for asking but... are you Harry Potter?" the eyes were looking at him curiously and at his nod, they widened yet again.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." His hand was shaken and after exchanging a couple of words with Caelum the three wizards descended into the depths of the pyramid. One inconspicuous wave of hand removed the Cooling Charms from Harry's clothing at the first shiver.

"I've only been assigned here for a couple of weeks but even in that time we managed to discover one new chamber. It's slightly gruesome so it might be better we don't go that way. Plus, at this stage there can still be some curses we simply have not triggered yet."

He was letting his fingers skim over the rough surface of stones. His ears could pick up on echoes of the past but nothing understandable. Caelum was giving the Weasley all of his attention. It made Harry feel a little left out, to be honest. He scolded himself for that thought. Caelum paid him enough attention as it was, and he wanted more? He was turning into Dudley!

That thought made him shiver and green eyes glanced at him worriedly. He mouthed, "I'm fine." A small nod, and Caelum turned back to their tour guide. Harry smiled and let his fingers resume the skimming. He was far from being a copy of Dudley Dursley.


"-and this here tomb has been proclaimed safe. Feel free to look around. The sarcophagus is for a minor royalty, one who never got anywhere near the royal seat, and that is why the place is so plain. Very few artefacts were removed," Bill explained in a voice that told of his excitement and interest in the work he was doing. This was clearly the read head's true calling. He'd ended in the same job in two different worlds, what other proof did Caelum need to verify that claim?

"Very interesting indeed, Mr Weasley." It was also certainly amusing how the man seemed to tense every time Caelum said anything in his whispery voice, and it was clearly affecting the man. Funny, he'd always thought Charlie was the only one with his preferences in the clan of read heads... Well, it wasn't as though he would act on any signs of lust anyone would feel towards him.

"Caelum? Are we going to move sssoon?"

Hearing the silent hiss he answered in the same language, "What do you feel?"

The boy was looking around, a little despondent if nothing else. "They ssspeak Egyptian or whatever the language isss. Can't make out headsss or tailsss." Their soft hissing did not raise any suspicions and Caelum made sure Bill did not notice in between his explanation of the hieroglyphs on the wall. Harry was quite disappointed. He must have been expecting something much more exciting. At least in the museums he'd heard several interesting conversations the walls and artefacts had recorded for an interested Clairvoyant to listen to in modern ages. But of course Harry didn't speak Arabic.

They were on their way back to the surface when Bill finally approached the elephant in the room.

"I'm sorry for being this curious... but what is the Boy Who Lived doing in Egypt of all places?"

Harry replied right away, as it was him the questions was directed to. "My Muggle relatives signed me off to Cal last December. They were happy to see me go, and I've been with Cal since then."

"Oh." The blue eyes narrowed momentarily. "And you, Mr Caleb? The Ministry and Dumbledore chose you especially to take care of him? The few Death Eaters still at large must pose a danger, after all."

He smiled beneath the veil. He knew his eyes were reflecting his power without the muting power of the potion and that he made quite an imposing picture. Also, the silent question of his talents was hard to avoid. But to lie or not?

"Hmm. Albus Dumbledore and the Ministry had very little to do with the choosing." But they did have something to do with it; they'd created the circumstances necessary for the adoption, after all. "But I think it has benefitted Harry to learn of magical culture before Hogwarts."

"Yeah," Harry put in innocently. "My relatives never told me anything about magic. Until Cal told me about my parents and the war, I'd thought they'd died in a drunken driving accident." He was no longer touching the walls and concentrated his attention on the adults entirely.

"What?" Shock was the most prominent but as a Weasley the man knew depriving a child of his heritage was one of the most heinous crimes in pureblood society. That the Boy Who Lived, their Saviour, had grown up without any knowledge of his own people would ruffle some feathers all right. Caelum hid a smirk at the thought as they finally reached the ground floor and stepped out into the sun. The heat was on them immediately and he put up the Cooling Charms right away, not wasting any more time than necessary.

"You're telling me you didn't know about Magic until a couple of months ago? Like a Muggleborn?"

Harry kept up the conversation as Caelum let his eyes again drift over to where the sand met the wards. The sight was useful at all times but he had not expected the strong desire to study the magic so blatantly on display - at least to him - when he'd been wallowing in self pity not long ago.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I think we need to be getting back. This was just a stopping point on our trip. Come, Harry."

"Bye, Bill! It was nice talking to you." Harry grinned at the red head who seemed a bit overwhelmed with the information overload he'd received this morning and Caelum let himself feel well-deserved satisfaction at the accomplishment as he Apparated them to an alley close their hotel. Bill would certainly inform his parents who in turn might bring it up with Albus the next time they met, Caelum mused while unveiling his face. He didn't really care enough about what the old codger might get up to in Harry's absence but at least this way there was a possibility of the knowledge of Harry's wellbeing reaching the aged sorcerer. Best way would be to contact the Flamels but while Nicolas had become a good friend in the other world, Caelum knew he was not ready to divulge his secret to anyone else at this point.

Best case scenario: only Harry and Severus would ever know the full truth. And Berrigan he'd deal with in some way.

"What are we going to do today? Some magical spots? The Library? I read about it in the book you got me. The Muggles don't know it exists, right?"

"Hmm. Oh, yeah. It was hidden and the fire was staged. There was too much magical knowledge mingled with the history and it was too powerful for non-magical humans to handle. The priests made a decision and I suppose that was the starting point of the exclusion of Muggles from magical society. The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy did not come to effect until in 1692 but it had been a long time coming. After the establishment of Christian religion especially, as their reaction to magic was extreme." It was quite weird how innocent questions could evolve into small history lessons now that Caelum had the knowledge from his reading. He was turning into Hermione.

Surely not.

"So are we?"

There it was again. He whipped his head around and this time, instead of disappearing like on so many previous instances, the magic remained. It was old. And it was moving.

"Harry, find something to do. Take Syl with you. I need to check something."

He left the alley, leaving Harry to his own devices. The boy was smart, and he had no reason to feel the small twinge of guilt at the expression on the boy's face. But his gut told him that finding more about this ancient magic was important and he had learned to trust his instincts through the hard way. Harry was resilient and letting the boy out from under his wing would do the boy good. He was not going to mother him.

This magic, this presence, had been all over the city. Caelum had glimpsed it earlier and its unique nature had picked his interest. He did not think he'd ever faced its kind before, and if this indeed was some kind of being only native to this world it was better to find out about it now rather than later. He might end up waging another war and knowing of possible allies was always a bonus.

There were a lot of people on the streets, some tourists, some the habitants of the town and judging by the skilful way the presence navigated the streets Caelum put it in the same category with the latter. He could not exactly see it, per say, but he could feel the shimmering remnants of magic on every spot the being had vacated. He'd been amazed that Harry had not picked up on it yet.

The crowd thinned out slightly and he finally saw what it was he was tracking.

A small girl, not much older than Harry. Her every movement spoke of nervousness and she was clutching her package with two hands. Black hair and fragile features. But the magic told of something else hidden behind the outer charade.

Since the girl seemed to know exactly where she was going, Caelum decided not to intercept her before he knew better what made her so nervous. Someone with that kind of magic should not have been so easy to follow but he managed to track her through the town without her having an inkling of being followed. When she finally disappeared behind a dark fabric covering a doorway at the edges of town Caelum was of two minds. Either she had chosen to live like this or she was hiding from someone. But he still wanted to know what she was.

With one thought he'd summoned the Cloak of Invisibility from non-space and wrapped it around his body. He did not even cast a shadow on the ground as he crossed the street. One well aimed gust of wind later and the mage was inside the stone building.

No one was in the first room and it was filled with... well, junk. The tables were littered with different kinds of gadgets, watches, rocks, tools... It was like walking into a badly cleaned second-hand store. There were even some clothes on the back of a broken-legged chair. But Caelum could feel the remnants of the peculiar magic all over the place. This was where the girl obviously lived, or at least spent a lot of time at.

A gruff voice barked something in a language Caelum did not recognize immediately, though he suspected it to be Arabic. He slowly made his way towards the back of the room where it seemed to make a turn and change into another room. The girl's soft voice answered in the same language and the magic began to fluctuate in a way that had Caelum raising his brows. It seemed as though the magic was being encompassed into a smaller and smaller size. It stopped when the mage estimate the size to be around his fist. He peeked around the corner.

A man was sitting at the table and Caelum immediately distrusted him. There was nothing about him that especially pointed to untrustworthiness. He had the beard that so many men in this part of world left unshaved and was wearing the long shirt that Caelum dubbed as the traditional Egyptian clothing. The top of his head was covered by a skullcap, Caelum believed it was called. His face was lengthened by the beard and the brown eyes were quite vapid.

Caelum finally abandoned his inspection of the man and looked around more carefully than just scanning for immediate danger. It was a kitchen/bedroom. One bed.

Where does the girl sleep? He noticed something much more alarming. Where IS the girl?

The house only had two rooms and there was no leaving the kitchen. He would have heard the girl use the window as there were many glass bottles arranged on the window sill. He let his eyes focus on the magic in the room and immediately his eyes zeroed in on one of the bottle on the sill. To his eyes it was faintly glowing indigo blue and he could now feel the encompassed magic of the girl practically radiating from it.

The man leaned against the wall and wondered. A Genie in a bottle? Honestly? A Genie? A being so powerful even gods feared them as the wishes they granted could affect the highest of beings?

He'd stumbled upon a Genie?

But looking around the man felt most of his excitement evaporate. A Genie was most and first of all a slave to their owner. Once the three wishes were up, they were locked in their bottle until a new owner came by and released them. There was no wishing for freedom and no happy endings for them. The text Caelum had read said it was the ultimate prize powerful magicians paid for their power. Magic itself condemned them to slavery. While looks could be deceiving, the mage had a hard time imagining the girl having been a power hungry witch who knew how many years ago.

What was her story? Did he care enough to find out? His instincts said yes. So steal the bottle while the man wasn't looking? He wasn't magical, though obviously knew of magic and might come looking for his slave. The mage nearly scoffed. Good luck finding them.

He silenced his movements and walked to the window. A closer inspection revealed the bottle to be a true master piece. The green glass was decorated with silver and amethysts and they formed a series of protective and binding runes. He nearly touched it before giving himself a mental slap in the face and thinking again. A touch could qualify as a rub and the girl would be forced out in the open. Instead he silently levitated it and then conjured an exact lookalike in its stead. The man was so immersed in the contents of the bag the girl had delivered that he never looked up as his precious Genie in a bottle was levitated out of his reach.

Caelum paused in the front room to consider his options. He might have wanted Syl to be there as the snake was old enough to be in the same age group with the girl and he might know about Genies in general. The theft itself did not bother Caelum at all but he wanted to have his first talk with the girl without Harry. While the kid was smart, it was an unnecessary risk to introduce him to the Genie right away. Apparition? He glanced at the floating bottle. Non-space?

Deciding to risk it he sent the bottle away and Disapparated, reappearing in the middle of the desert. Summoning the bottle right away he levitated it on the sand before him.

Small sparks of childlike curiosity made his magic tingle. Yes, he could certainly understand Voldemort's obsession with knowledge. The feeling of accomplishment and the satisfaction at holding something others didn't. He didn't know whether Genies were common in this world but in his they were a mere myth passed down from ancient times. The gods had supposedly killed all representatives of that race in their jealousy as soon as they had appeared.

Was this girl an anomaly? Caelum leaned down and ran his hand carefully over the runes. He quickly stepped back.

The cork vanished and a brilliant beam of pure light exited the bottle. The peculiar magic washed over Caelum but he kept his shields in place and did not let it touch him. Slowly the light gathered over the bottle and took the form of the girl from earlier. She looked exactly the same, up to the clothes.

So no belly-dancer outfits. Thank Merlin.

The purple eyes looked upon him with something akin to shock. But it was quickly hidden behind a masterful mask of indifference. Even while looking around, the eyes never left Caelum. The mage simply stared for a moment, waiting for the girl talk first. There was nothing but sand to look at except for him so he guessed right in thinking he wouldn't have to wait for long.

"You have summoned a Genie." Her voice echoed with power and it might have impressed many but not Caelum. What was interesting was the change from earlier. Her voice had been soft then, not filled with this fear-instilling power. Additionally, the girl seemed surprised about something. Language, perhaps? It took her a moment to continue, "You have three wishes of your choosing that this Genie shall grant you. I greet you, Master." She brought her hands together and bowed slightly.

Caelum's mind had been coming up with plans ever since he'd become aware of this being's true nature. A powerful Genie?

"My first and only wish is for you to follow the orders I specifically give to you."

It might have been fear that flashed through her eyes but she bowed nonetheless. "Your wish is my command, Master."

Caelum felt her magic reach out and try to gauge his own out in the open. He let his magic drip out through his shields.

The Genie's magic ran through it, familiarized it and retreated back to the girl. She looked curious but stayed silent in her hunched position. She was so clearly deferring to him that Caelum felt sick. He knew he needed to neutralize her power and the wish had thus been necessary.

"Is the bottle important to you? I mean, can you exist without being in contact with it?"

She cocked her head. "As long as you are in possession of it, you are my Master and my power is bound to you. The power of the wishes does not diminish even if I am not in contact with my bottle."

"Good." He waved his hand at the bottle and it vanished in non-space. Where it would stay until he figured out where his gut feelings had got him this time. Looking at the girl he studied her more closely than earlier. Her features were fragile. Delicate flower, he thought, noticing the violet eyes yet again. They were striking and he knew many women would kill for eyes like hers. Even her dirty clothing and smears of dirt on her face did not diminish the beauty she naturally possessed. As soon as she grew up she'd be a heartbreaker. Except that Genies did not grow up.

"What are your orders, Master?"

Nervous? Because of his staring? The mage nodded to himself but refused to considered the worst case scenarios his mind kept coming up with.

"What is your name?"

She blinked, straightening for a moment before bowing her neck again. "I am but a slave, Master. You may call me whatever you desire." Dark locks hid her eyes from sight, and so Caelum couldn't see her reaction to his next words,

"Yes. But once you were a girl. And you had a family. And that family called you by a name that I now would in turn like to call you with. Call it common courtesy."

Her entire body stilled, as though Caelum had cast the Petrificulus Totalus on her. Caelum noticed for the first time that the Sun did not affect her. He could feel its glare against his spells and charms but she was detached. She was made of magic and earthly powers did not affect her. The power of a Genie.

"I do not remember my name."

Her voice had reverted back to the soft one he'd heard at the house. He immediately thought of a way to find out.

"I order you to tell me your birth name, the name your mother called you as she tucked you in for the night. As she sang nursery rhymes. I order you to tell me your name."

She tensed and her head snapped up. The violet eyes were open wide. "Zahra Yasmeen." She gasped. "My name is Zahra Yasmeen."

The mask was back in place as she looked him into eyes again. He smiled, and it was a genuine smile that had the girl staring in wonder. "I am honoured to meet a being such as yourself, Zahra Yasmeen." He swept down into a formal bow that he'd earlier used before Ragnok. Her power deserved it. "I also order you to never call me Master. I stole your bottle because I felt leaving it in the hands of a Muggle was worse than committing a crime of theft.

"You must know that I am a mage. I have no need for a Genie with wish-granting powers." He smirked at the look on her face and finally straightened from his bow. "Are you capable of leaving me and living your life?"

She stared. The violet eyes were as wide as saucers and the pure disbelief reflected in them might have been comical if not for the trembling of her hands. She was scared. She was overwhelmed. The idea of freedom was too much for her and Caelum watched as her eyes told the story of a crumbling hope. He did not know how old Zahra Yasmeen was, nor did he know what she had been through in her life. This must be one of those hero-complex instances that Severus complained about. Do I really have a desire to save people I don't even know?

He thought that over. No. I've seen too much death and I've abandoned my home for this new one. But seeing a being as magnificent as her shackled under the ire of a mere Muggle is revolting. How long has she been a slave?

"I cannot leave my Master unless ordered to. I... I wouldn't know what to do? You wish to abandon me to the desert without my bottle?"

She was just perfectly pleading, appealing to his conscience. He'd been practically married to a Slytherin so the performance only got her a bored look. The teary-eyed look shifted into narrowed eyes. She was impressed.

"You are powerful. Truly powerful." The power was back in her voice. "And you offer me freedom? I cannot leave you until the wishes are granted and yet you claimed the obedience to be your first and only wish. That means I am bound to you until your death - as my bottle seems to have vanished even from my senses. A feat I thought impossible."

"How old are you?" Now they were getting somewhere.

She smiled. "I was born before the carpenter came and created a new religion. I only had three Masters in my youth though." She had a faraway look in her eyes and Caelum quickly did the math. Over two thousand years as a Genie. What was it with this world that ancient beings seemed to gravitate towards him?

"The last one hid me after he'd used his wishes. He wanted no other to find me and use my power. I wasn't discovered until in the 18th century and I changed hands many times. I was a riveted secret in their circle. Until I was buried with the latest Master. The man you stole me from robbed his grave by accident and discovered me." She shivered despite the high temperature.

"I order you not to lie to me, Zahra. Is everything you told me true?"


"How did you become a Genie?"

She cocked her head again. It was a very bird like gesture. "I wandered too far from our home. A man with magic discovered me and when I refused to assist him he put a curse on me. He apparently was a god of some kind and he turned me into a Genie so that I would have to serve others until the end of Time."

"A man cursed you?" He was fascinated. The stories of Genies were so different from his world. Again, he put down a mental note to check for Genie related literature. Perhaps in the Library of Alexandria once he found the time he knew he would end up be spending in there.

"A god."

The way the man saw this situation was that he had again trounced in when he should have simply let it go. Now he had a Genie to take care of as well. Thousands of years old Genie that he would have to introduce to Harry. Knowing Zahra followed his orders was only slightly comforting as the girl carried a heavy weight with her. History would not let itself be erased if Caelum did not do something.

"Zahra?" He remembered the shiver, knew what it might went. With his history sometimes it simply stood out. He thanked Merlin and whatever gods still existed that Harry and his past differed in this way but he knew even with the confident talk Zahra had been hurt.

And while she was old, she had been young when the curse had touched her. She had been a child. And her body was that of a child's.


"Did the man touch you? Force you?"

The sudden tenseness was nearly imperceptible but it was there. Shadows began creeping over Caelum's thoughts. Past that wouldn't erase itself.

"It is in my nature to do what my Master wishes from me." Her voice was toneless.

"I see."

He offered his hand to Zahra and Apparated them to town. Carrying a Genie's magic through Apparition was a new experience but Caelum hardly noticed. His mind was already too far gone in the darkness that he carried within him.

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