Of Shadow, Shine, and Shades

By serengeti13

217K 9K 1.3K

Disclaimer: This story is not mine. It was written by dra6on on fanfiction.net Attempting to erase his memory... More

Ch.1 Pain in the Beginning
Ch.2 Whiskey and Books
Ch.3 Meeny, Miny, Goblins
Ch.4 Diagonal Exploration
Ch.5 Not So Subtle Threats
Ch.6 Finding a Solution
Ch.7 How to Face a Whale
Ch.8 Another World
Ch.9 Truths and Half-Truths
Ch.10 Changes to Non-Existent Planes
Ch.11 Up the Game
Ch.12 Not Horcrux, Not Human
Ch.14 In the Mean Time
Ch.15 New Addition
Ch.16 Shadowed Thoughts
Ch.17 Before His Eyes
Ch.18 The First of Many
Ch.19 Ready?
Ch.20 Steady...
Ch.21 Surprise!
Ch.22 In with the Old
Ch.23 Whispers in Magic
Authors Note

Ch.13 Breaking the Habit

6.1K 308 16
By serengeti13

Apprehension filled Caelum as he strode through the grimy dark door into the Courtroom Ten. His mind was filled with images from his earlier visits to this place, mainly the Death Eater trials of the Second War. The few he had not killed. Severus', for example.

He was almost late with the intention of letting everyone else settle to their seats before coming in. He did not want to relocate in case some old representative of a family that had been considered powerful some two hundred years ago decided to raise a ruckus. It had happened - before the man had realized exactly who he was accusing. No fear of that happening here, especially with the dreadful plum coloured robes they were wearing. Caelum had to suppress a shudder at the sight of over a fifty witches and wizards robed in that colour.

He was given the agenda list for this day. There would be two trials and one presentation of a bill on raising the budget for protection of muggleborns' parents. Wards around their houses and possibility to contact the Ministry of Magic should need arise. Caelum had read it through last week and felt contradicted. It was good and all but he doubted it would pass. Where would the money come from? From the wizarding families, of course. Muggles did not pay taxes to the wizarding government.

There used to be wards around the homes of underage muggleborns to detect magic but they had been replaced by the Trace that was attached directly to an underage wizard or witch's magical core, and the tether on the wand itself - assuming it was from Ollivander's. Should a spell be cast in the vicinity, the nearby area would be checked for an adult wizard, and the wand would send an immediate signal if it was used outside Hogwarts' wards. That's how magical detection worked. Harry hadn't sent a signal because he was yet to enrol in Hogwarts and even if someone had cast the Trace already, he'd been inside the wards of Grimmauld Place. Even Caelum had to admit those were impressive.

So were the wards protecting the seats, separating them from the platform down on the floor. He discreetly observed them, watching the intricate play of different colours as the protecting magic swirled. They were powerful enough to stop any Light and Dark magic, except for the most powerful of course. He supposed it was necessary, especially with every wizarding politician's obsession with self-importance.

He finally took his seat on the highest row and looked around, smiling at the governors he recognized. They acknowledged him back but continued to concentrate on the case at hand. He had to stifle a yawn as the first trial dragged on. Some man was accused of cursing his neighbours, which ultimately led to the death of said neighbours one of whom had been a muggleborn. The lawyer tried his best but there was nothing to defend the man with. He had known there would be consequences and still decided to do it. That he hadn't meant to kill them per say did not mean much. In the current climate Dark Arts were not accepted and the man had resorted to them in his cursing. He was sentenced for ten years in Azkaban. Everyone knew it was as good as a life sentence for not many had survived that long in the hellish Dementor guarded prison with their sanity intact and capable of joining the society afterwards.

The man had just been escorted out of the court room by two Aurors his desperate cries still echoing in the empty air of the corridor. This was the moment that Albus Dumbledore decided to appear.

Truly, Caelum had been expecting to see him earlier. This was a full session and to have the Chief Warlock absent was unacceptable. His eyes were glued on the tall white bearded figure as the old wizard made his way to the Chief Warlock's seat, and he was not the only one. Disapproval was visible on many faces and Caelum was certain most were hiding their disdain at Dumbledore's chosen attire. He hid a smirk at the sight of mice chasing each other in the hem of the wizard's robe. But that smirk soon vanished as he felt the pulsating presence of the Elder Wand enter his range of perception. He refrained from twitching uncomfortably but his magic was beginning to get agitated.

One deep breath, used to fortify his Occlumency shields, later the mage raised his eyes and unsurprisingly met the twinkling blue gaze straight on. Apparently Dumbledore too was interested in him and Caelum inclined his head politely. The old hatred towards the wizard was churning in the pit of his stomach but he kept it out of his face. Dumbledore responded and turned to the front as the next prisoner was brought forwards. Caelum stared at the old man's head for a moment longer, remembering his dead, defiled body before turning to follow the proceedings as well.

A thought occurred to him. This Dumbledore had less to answer for than his had had.

But he still harmed Harry, no matter how indirectly. The question is: Did this one know what he condemned a young child to when he left him on the steps of Magic hating muggles?

Getting an answer would be difficult if not impossible.

For now treat him as the enemy. A small smile rose to Caelum's lips. Much easier to hate him than to try to understand him.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as the accused woman started spilling profanities at Dumbledore and the other judges. She was immediately silenced by an angry Auror but it did not stop her from trying to scream some more. Accused of killing two dozen Muggles because they'd been partying too loud next door. This in itself would not be enough to warrant a Kiss but the fact that she had attacked the Aurors coming to apprehend her would earn her the Kiss - especially because she had managed to kill two men. Caelum could already feel the Dementor's presence not far from here. But he had to wonder... Why on earth the woman had chosen to live so close to Muggles without applying silencing spells in the first place? And why had she worsened her sentence from imprisonment to loss of soul? An idiot would know that harming a person of magical inheritance was a far worse crime than killing muggles.

Wizards truly are idiots, the mage silently fumed as her fate was sealed. He and many more rose from their seats to take a brief break during which the sentence would be carried out. He always found the sight of a feeding Dementor disturbing even if the person losing their souls deserved it. He caught Malfoy's eye and the older man nodded once before rising to follow him.

"I take it you find Dementors as unpleasant as most do," the blond commented as he joined Caelum at the base of the stairs. The younger one sighed.

"Not their presence. It fails to affect me. Simply the idea of a wizard's soul being used to feed them," he responded honestly. Malfoy managed to look intrigued and bored at the same time and motioned for them to take their leave. The raven haired man followed after him, the coldness intensifying with every step he took. His neck tingled in warning.


He whirled around and caught sight of the green light erupting from a wand the prisoner had seized in her desperation. It impacted and soon a body thumped against the floor. Calmness took over Caelum and his body moved automatically. Slightly crouching he saw the desperation etched on the woman's face at her last bid her freedom. She was an excellent fighter and the few Aurors in the room had been taken by surprise with the death of their comrade. The wards. He heard someone curse near him but knew there was no danger from behind. The only danger was the woman with the wand and she was coming towards him clearly thinking the true danger lay behind her as her eyes didn't leave the Aurors and the rows of seats.

The mage huffed and seized her just as she was passing him. His left arm wound around her waist pinning her other arm effectively and the other plucked the wand out of her hand as easily as taking a toy from a child. She only had time to tense as he threw the wand away and painfully twisted her still free arm, forcing the woman to her knees. She finally screamed in utter desperation as her fate was sealed for the second time within minutes.

"Let me go, please let me go, I'll do anything, anything you want..." She started to cry.

Caelum became aware of the monster floating behind him and closed his eyes, cursing. Damn, damn, FUCK IT! What was it with his luck?

He forced the woman up and turned her towards the floating embodiment of fear. He could feel the many Patroni being conjured in the room but he was too close to the monster and they too far away for any of the warmth to seep through the monster's aura and into him. He looked up.

The Dementor had already lowered its hood and reaching for its soon to be victim. Caelum surrendered the woman and watched the nauseating scene unfold before his eyes. The woman's screams soon quieted as her soul was sucked out and the Dementor let her empty body drop to the floor where it lay. Then it turned to Caelum, reaching towards him with the grey and dead hands.

The shock at the act lasted only a second.

"Vanish!" the mage hissed, lacing his voice with power and the Dementor jerked back as if slapped. Caelum nailed it with his scorching gaze, willing his power to show in his eyes.

The Dementor screamed. It turned on its heels and flew out of the room while the inhuman wail kept the humans frozen to their spots. The spell was broken as Caelum straightened his frame and shook his head. The entire Wizengamot seemed to shudder and release a breath they had been holding. Still, everyone's eyes stayed on the silently cursing mage.

"Lucius, perhaps we should leave before there's another incident." He did not like the atmosphere in the room.

"Certainly." Luckily the Malfoy always had been quick to take advantage of a situation and the blonde wizard steered him through the immobilized crowd. They both glared at the Aurors attempting to approach them and unsurprisingly they were left alone. It was only in the corridor that Caelum let himself relax slightly. He had been ready to rip into anyone attempting to stop them.

"The audacity of that creature. Attempting to attack you? I shall talk with the Minister about its punishment."

He glanced at the Dark Wizard by his side but did not answer right away. Being in his old enemy's company still made him uncomfortable.

"I did not wish to interfere. However as it seemed the Aurors were tackled by their incompetence I saw no other choice. The moment she passed us, she would have regarded us as enemies as well and we would have been subjected to her desperate attack." Caelum rubbed his temples. "And the Dementor was punished enough. Did you not hear it scream?"

He could tell Malfoy was attempting to rein in his curiosity but finally the silence was enough. "It was truly a show of power. The way you forced it to retreat speaks of exceptional power."

"Nothing more than what was required to override my brother's position. And Blacks have always had powerful magic." His eyes followed the flow of people as the courtroom was emptied of people. The Auror's body was levitated away and it was announced that they would reconvene in an hour. During the wait their statements would be collected. It was Madam Bones herself that approach him and Lucius.

"Mr. Malfoy. I need to get your testimony on the death." She only nodded to them both before concentrating on the blond wizard.

"Ah, Madam Bones." A dangerous glint entered the man's eyes but Caelum only noticed it due to practice. "I'm afraid I did not see that much. I was not paying attention and I only noticed the disturbance when the prisoner screamed. The next time I laid my eyes on her, she was already being Kissed."

"And you, Mister...?"

Caelum bowed his head slightly. "Caelum Black, Head of the House of Black. I was first alerted to her scream and I saw her kill the Auror with the Killing Curse. She was coming in my direction but her attention was on the Aurors behind her and I decided to seize her before I too was included in her targets. And as she was already sentenced to the Kiss I saw no reason not to surrender her to the Dementor."

"And after?" She leaned forward slightly but nothing else betrayed her interest in the answer. Caelum let his lip curl in disgust.

"And after the Dementor seemed to decide one soul was not enough and reached out to take a hold of me. I commanded it to stand down and it left."

"Really? That is all?" She did not believe him. "What exact words did you use?"

"I told it to 'vanish'. Then I glared at it. And it left screaming." He kept an appropriate pause, then added with false hesitance, "This has never happened before."

"I see." She was suspicious but Caelum remembered her being an excellent Auror. There was a reason why Voldemort decided to personally end her life. Not only was she a formidable politician and Head of the Bones family but she was a powerful witch with a no-nonsense attitude.

He should not alienate her.

"I am sorry for your subordinate," he told her with as much sincerity as he could muster. Waste of life was always bad but the dead Auror's mistake could have cost much more than his own life. If the woman would have decided to go on a killing spree instead of attempting to escape there'd a lot more bodies being levitated out of Courtroom Ten.

"Thank you. Is there anything you'd like to add? If not, please contact the Aurors should you remember something at a later date." She breezed away, her red hair flicking.

"Perhaps we should retire for the hour?" Malfoy suggested, glancing dismissively at the other wizards and witches around them. "It will be some time before the discussion on the bill can commence."

Though a part of him detested forming this close alliance with Malfoy, Caelum had to admit that it could be beneficial in the future. So he nodded and let himself be directed towards the exit. A silent hum filled his mind, reassuring him with the familiar presence. The Emerald.

The mage let out a small sigh and felt the corner of his mouth curl upwards. Then his eyes landed on Albus Dumbledore whose untwinkling eyes were trained on him. Their eyes met and Caelum had to fight to simply blank his face, not show his contempt. He'd aroused the interest of Dumbledore with this little stunt. Now what to do to avoid the man the rest of the day? It would be dangerous to even speak with the man at this point even if his status required him to do so at some point.

That night it was a tired man that Apparated to Australia. He cursed the time difference and arguing wizards and he very nearly sent a curse flying at his Master who did not announce his presence immediately.

"Sorry," Caelum sighed and let the spell dissipate from his palm. He rubbed his temples. His headache was brewing to be quite sizable and he was contemplating on brewing a potion to fix his current condition. "Where's Harry?"

"The kid's out on a run." The curious eyes shifted into that colour of molten lava. "You look dead on your feet. Britain that rough?"

"British wizards, as a matter of fact. How's Harry's training?"

"Doesn't the kid tell you every day?"

He levelled a look on his Master who only shrugged, unapologetic. "He's a fast learner. I think it is because no one has yet to corrupt his mind with absolute rules - he's the youngest student I've ever had. He thinks magic can achieve the impossible and does everything I ask of him. And he has patience now that his mind and magic are no longer strained because of the soul piece's corruptive influence. He can actually think things through and he seems very smart."

"I've noticed."

"He can already detect any presence in his head. He's also a very private person which makes it easier to build the walls. He's also become aware of the place where I shut the monstrosity and he asked me about removing it totally." This time he was pierced with yellow eyes.

"The Killing Curse," Caelum sighed. "But I can't guarantee it won't kill him as well. So it's not an option."

"You've encountered this before?"

They settled at the table to wait for Harry when Caelum refused to answer. Had he encountered this before? Not exactly. A horcrux in a living human was not something his Voldemort had ever tried to do. In snakes, sure. But a human? This too seemed rather accidental. Why would the Dark Lord trust a piece of his soul to an infant child he was trying to kill? But exactly how could it even accidentally happen?

Caelum shook his head. He had no answers and no ideas concerning the current Riddle in this world. Trap his spirit but exactly how? He could ward a place and place traps but to trap a spirit weaker than any existing ghost? How would he go about that?

This was much more Severus' area of expertise.

"Caelum! You're back!" Harry's childish voice rang in the house and Caelum turned in his chair just in time to catch the bouncing boy in his arms. He was just about to ask Harry about his day when the boy tensed and started to shake.

"Harry!" The boy went slack in his arms. "Harry!"

He fainted! Caelum realized with a jolt. He whirled away from the table and the Staff materialized between him and the Mind Arts Master. The boy was still breathing, Caelum checked.

"You should let go of the boy. Though I suppose the harm's already done," the older man was surprisingly calm though he eyed the Staff with burning curiosity and apprehension.

"What do you mean?" Caelum forced his voice to remain calm. His eyes had already spied Syl who was making his way towards the Master.

"I mean that he- Ugh-!"

Syl had sprung on the man and wrapped expertly around his throat. The small snake's head was hovering on the level of the yellow eyes and Caelum knew the danger was minimized. He called the Staff to his hand, supporting Harry with the other.

"Let him anssswer."

The snake looked at him and hissed dangerously for a while before loosening his body around the man's throat.


His Master coughed and wheezed in a few breaths. "His...He is feeling the... past. Through your clothes."

"My clothes?" Realization dawned on Caelum and he was quick to lay Harry on the floor. "Sssyl, let the man go."


"Now. He isss not an enemy."

Disgruntled, the snake slithered down his near victim hissing his displeasure.

"The kid's clairvoyant," the man explained. Caelum could only stare, altering between his Master and the boy lying on the floor. A flick of his wrist had Harry floating in air and he directed him towards a sofa to rest more comfortably.

"Why was I not told?" His voice betrayed his barely restrained anger. His Master flinched.

"Well, the kid wanted to surprise you. And I wanted to ease my curiosity."

"One day that'll get you killed," Caelum muttered while checking Harry for any physical injuries. The boy was resting peacefully and he made sure not to touch him anywhere. Damn. He wasn't affected by the Dementor but the shields did not include his clothing. Did that mean Harry got a full load of the Dementor's influence at close range? Damn it all to Hell!

"Harry?" No response. Well, better to let him wake on his own. Caelum did not know much about clairvoyance. Only that people with that ability could gain information about an object or person simply through touch. No way to shield against it because it did not affect the mind.

Another difference between us. What could be causing this? Or is it my presence that is already affecting this world? Who knows what being constantly around another version of yourself does to a child's magic? Fuck, Fuck, FUCK! I don't know enough. But I couldn't leave him at the Dursleys either. And now's too late to go back.

"YOU!" he hissed angrily and before his Master could blink the raven-haired haired wizard had him pinned against the wall. "Perhaps some incentive to stop keeping things from me? How about the Cruciatus?"

"Stop, stop! I'm sorry! I... I don't-" The man drew in a shuddering breath. "Please."

Caelum stared into those everchanging eyes for a long moment and finally had to admit that he found no will to harm this man in his heart. He should have known that it would come to this. It was his fault. His fault for not taking into account the frailties of the man he was threatening.

"What is your name?"

"I..." The Mind Arts Master certainly wasn't expecting this. "Walter. Walter Berrigan."

"Good." Caelum let go of him and the man managed not to slump on the floor. "I suggest you leave for a while, Berrigan. I have to make sure Harry's alright."

The mage paid little to no attention to Berrigan as he scrambled out of the house. He didn't care that he'd effectively thrown the owner of the house out of his own home. His thoughts were completely focused on Harry and trying to find a way to fix this. He changed his clothing and sat down to wait for his young ward to wake up.

In the depths of his mind the wizard was already making plans for the possibility Harry would not wake up on his own.

Those plans however proved to be unnecessary three agonizing hours later when Harry finally blinked his eyes open and shuddered. "Caelum?"

"Here. Drink this." He offered the boy a mug of hot chocolate and watched as all of the hot liguid disappeared down the traumatized kid's throat. "Are you feeling better?"

Harry looked up at him, and then suddenly down at his hands that were holding the empty mug. He blushed. "I'm sorry," He sounded crushed.


"I..." The young wizard bit his tongue. "I didn't mean to keep it from you. I wanted to tell you but... This is only the third time it happened and I... err..." He shivered again. "It was horrible. I... I heard someone scream and it was cold. I don't... What was it?"

Caelum waited a moment, his currently black eyes searching the familiar green ones. Then he shook his head, assured of the child's sincerity. "Dementors. I told you about them. They suck the happiness out of people and feed on souls. They make us experience our worst fears. I was... unfortunate enough to encounter one today. And your clairvoyance picked up on it."

"Master said that's what it's called. And I saw... I saw you let that..." Harry shivered again.

"You saw me let what?"

"You gave the woman to that monster!" Harry spat angrily and immediately snapped his mouth shut, horrified. There was definitely fear shining in his eyes, and also sadness.

Caelum rubbed his chin and grimaced. Damn. "It's not... Harry, that woman was a murderer. She'd killed twelve muggles and two Aurors and I caught her when she was trying to escape, after having killed yet another man who was meant to guard her. I know it's horrible, and I don't agree with letting the Dementors feed on people but I try to think of the people that are suffering because of her. And Azkaban. That's Hell on Earth. She may not be reborn now, but neither will she have to face the horrors of the wizarding prison."

"Oh... But! I just... I don't think it's right."

The older wizard couldn't exactly agree with that. The woman had been a threat towards his person. Otherwise he would have let her live. But she had been sentenced and letting her roam free could have potentially endangered Caelum.

"I know. And you have a right to your own opinion." The man crossed his arms. "I have been through things that you cannot imagine, and that makes me see this as the right thing to do. She chose to kill innocent and defenceless people simply because they were being too loud. She chose to break the law that I acknowledge and accept as necessary. In my eyes that makes her deserving of death."

"Because they were too loud...?" From his tone of voice Caelum could tell his ward found that hard to believe. Hell, even he found it hard to believe - and he'd been aware of the wizarding world's prejudice for nearly fifteen years.

"We can talk about this later more. Now, I'd like to know about this clairvoyance. I was not expecting this. You said this was the third time?"

Harry flinched but answered without further pause. "Yeah. The first time was when you disappeared for so long. I saw people and... a cave? Then a couple days back, when you were saying good night, I kind of saw us earlier. Now I saw a room... filled with people. And that- thing."

Caelum truly wished there was a book that gave specific instructions on how to deal with this kind of situations. Harry was so young. His innocence had not been stolen by his relatives - which was a miracle in itself but made it extremely hard for Caelum to relate to this younger version of himself. He could not imagine himself questioning the death of a murderer at this age. As a ten year old he'd already been contemplating murder, even if he had not fulfilled his secret desires. He wouldn't have blinked twice at the knowledge that a woman who'd killed fifteen people was going to be executed.

But Harry didn't. He thought it was wrong but the older wizard could also see how extremely easy it would be for him to change his young charge's mind, to make him see it from his point of view. That there actually were people who did not deserve to be saved.

This must be what Dumbledore intended, Caelum realized sadly. He wanted him to be easily moulded, ready to accept his first friend's opinions as his own. I didn't offer opinions and now he's had time to see that I'm just human too and, even if he's terrified of it, he can question my opinions. Though I doubt he'd ever accept bullying.


The mage reached out and smoothed the messy hair out of Harry's forehead. The scar had paled noticeably since the sealing of the Horcrux. "Harry... I wish you hadn't had to experience that but I won't lie to you either. It is definitely not the worst thing I've seen and I never claimed to be perfect. But about your ability... I'll try to find us some books and then we'll see what happens, alright? Good news is that I won't be leaving you alone with Berrigan again. I'll stay with you until your Occlumency is satisfying."

The smile brightened Harry's gloomy expression and Caelum smirked in return. Then the boy's brow suddenly furrowed in confusion.

"Who's Berrigan?" Harry asked.


The rain was pelting down, wetting the cold land and washing away the remnants of the snow. Slosh covered the tips of his boots as Caelum walked down the street, Harry hurrying on his heels. They both wanted to get inside even if warming spells and impervious charms worked small miracles. Two weeks in this country searching for someone to help with the boy's problematic sensitivity had the older wizard at his patience's end. Now they finally had found the woman and they'd been instructed to her house. At least Harry had been enjoying his time. Even if the two wizards had been concentrating on the search they'd also taken the time to enjoy Japan's tourist attractions. Muggle ones, for obvious reasons. Even if Harry wasn't as famous here as he was in Europe, people still had heard of the lighting shaped scar.

Two weeks since they'd left Berrigan. The end of February was nearing and Caelum was still trying to decide on the right action towards the Mind Arts Master. He knew his secrets were safe with the man but his instincts were warning against leaving him alive - even if he had not been able to find the will to harm the man earlier. But he also had to take into account Harry's feelings on the matter. He knew the boy liked Berrigan, and had been sad to leave after spending almost two months with the man. For a while Caelum had been afraid Harry would want to stay in Australia but that fear had been stupid. Of course the kid came with him.

But the discussion revealing his secrets had brought up new concerns...

The three settled around the table, Berrigan and Harry both fidgeting restlessly in their seats. It was amazing how much Berrigan had learned to let go of his eccentric persona in Harry and his presence and become very... human-like. Even in his original world Caelum had not become this close with the man. Mostly because he'd been a wreck, clinging to the rips of his sanity and Severus had always been there. Here there was no earlier disposition between them. Berrigan had nothing to teach him and he'd only called the man his Master because of respect. Respect that he'd lost with the man's cursed curiosity.

"I know you want answers, but first I want you both to swear that you both believe Harry is adequately protected against Legilimency and other Mind Arts. I know Legilimency is not the same as actually reading thoughts but the mere memory of this instance could destroy me."

"His mind is protected behind walls that will not wield even under the most tedious and ferocious of attacks. They will hold in sleep and as long as the kid remembers to sort his memories every night he will stay protected." Berrigan grinned at Harry who blushed under the praise. "Plus, I dare say he's got his emotions much better under control."

Caelum grinned at Harry who ducked his head sheepishly. "Well, after seven weeks of training I'd expect nothing less."

"So it is time for you to honour your end of the bargain. I've taught the boy and now I want the knowledge." Berrigan's eyes were set aglow with curiosity. The mage glanced at Harry and saw the same look in the green gaze, except that the small boy's exceptional eyes also conveyed his insecurity and hope. The older man held that gaze while he began his tale.

"I'm sorry, Harry but I cannot actually say that I knew your father." Disappointment overruled the hope momentarily. "Not anymore than you know him, or you will come to know him. I'm from the future of another world." He took a fortifying breath, not letting their eye-contact break. "I'm you."

He vaguely registered Berrigan's surprised gasp but he was far too focused on Harry. Bewilderment, disbelief, fear... It was a maelstrom of emotions behind the green gaze. Caelum waited a moment before continuing, "I came here only days before Christmas and decided to stay. That's how I knew you wanted away from Privet Drive. There are differences in comparison to my world but they are not tremendous. We can go into those later." He focused on Berrigan for a moment to give Harry time to sort his thoughts. "You were my Master in that world. I spent six months under your tutelage during which you helped me gather the pieces of my mind. There had been a war and I'd been captured for three months and the torture had very nearly driven me insane. Only... only your and my - lover's efforts helped me regain pieces of my earlier personality." He dragged in a slow breath. "That is how I knew you could help me with Harry. That is how I know you. I've never met you, not at any point of time in this world. I've met the alternate version of you in a different world - even if the differences are not that great."

He had managed to stun both of his listeners and a heavy silence reigned in the house for a long time. Harry was the one to break it. "You're me... But you look different. How can you be me?"

"Sirius Black blood adopted me when I was very young," Caelum explained immediately. "It changed how I look but we still have the same eyes. Look." He waved his hand over his eyes, dispelling the glamour and two pairs of identical green eyes clashed. Harry's widened almost comically, and Caelum suddenly realized that no, their eyes were not identical. Every time he looked into the mirror, he saw the eyes of a tired man, a man who'd lost so much. Harry's eyes still held a speck of innocence that was forever lost to him. But he doubted a ten year old could see much beyond the similar colour.

"We have our mother's eyes."

Harry smiled and Caelum just had to answer that sweet expression with one of his own. But he could tell Harry was finding this very hard to believe. He, however, was not excited about going too deep into his secrets with Berrigan present. A tiny shake of his head warned Harry and the boy shut his already open mouth. Caelum glanced at Berrigan.

"I do not remember promising to go into too much detail about my secrets. I believe you agree with me when I say you've been adequately paid?"

The brown haired man's brow twitched in annoyance. "I suppose you have. I will be entertained for many years now that I know dimensional and long-time time travel are feats possible through magic."

Caelum's instincts had flared at that and he had had to restrain himself from attacking Berrigan then and there. It was a relief to leave the man the next day to travel to Japan. Neither him or Berrigan could help Harry with his clairvoyance. Caelum had never even heard of a clairvoyant person before, though he knew the theory behind the talent.

Thank Merlin the Gringotts goblins had been able to connect him to a Japanese Master. And now they were finally here, about to be guests of another Master of her Art, one that Caelum knew nothing about. One that could possibly unveil all of his secrets with one touch. But it was for Harry's sake, and he was not going to endanger his ward if there was something that could prevent it.

So he took a hold of Harry's hand, knocked on the door of a rundown building and readied himself for anything.

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"𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒, 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒" -𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘑𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝖠 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒 𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝗂�...
80.6K 775 23
The Autobots finally return to Earth with the threat of the decepticons back. This story mainly focuses on Jack Darby and his realtionship with his p...