seaycee// one shots

By sandk2125

65.4K 1.9K 312

-just for fun More

plane tings
beyond my control
worthy of my love
worthy of my love pt.2
new york pt.1
new york pt.2
I can't live if you hate me
i see the light (pt 1)
i see the light (pt 2)
seventy two hours
seventy two hours later
the way to a girls heart (1)
the way to a girls heart (2)

wish come true

4.3K 110 33
By sandk2125

an// heeeyyyyy guys, one shot time! This one is set during kaycees 17th birthday! I won't say anymore cause I don't wanna give anything away, but trust me, this one will make your heart swoon.

also, sorry about the spelling/grammar if its bad. Its late, but wanted to post this before I went to sleep:)

-happy reading:)


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!", I woke up with a start, searching for the source of the noise, only to find my family staring back at me.

"aghhhhh, you scared me!" I yelled, flopping back onto my pillow.

"but its your birthday!" my brother, devon, replied. "your 17th birthday!"

"I know, I know..." I said rolling out of bed, laughing at the excitement of my family.

"we love you sweetie," my mom said as I walked over to give them a hug, my parents first, and then Devon and Kylie. They motioned for me to follow them downstairs to the kitchen, giggling to each other excitedly. As I stepped down onto the main floor, my mouth opened. The whole house was covered with decorations: birthday signs, streamers, balloons and so much more.

"OH MY GOD GUYS!" I exclaimed, hugging my family once again. I am so thankful for them, they always support me and they always push me to be the best I can be. I don't know what I would do without them.

"I even made breakfast! your favourite, strawberry pancakes!" my dad said, drawing my attention towards the table. There lay plates, each pilled with a stack of deliciousness. The scent was making me drool.

"You guys have done too much!" I said, looking around.

"Nonsense," my sister replied, wrapping me in a hug. "We are so proud of you baby girl, you inspire so many people all over the world, and we wanted to show you how much you mean to us." I squeezed her tight, and walked over to the breakfast table.

"These look incredible dad!" I commented, as I sat down to join the rest of my family.

"It was super easy! Sean sent me the recipe!" he said excitedly, his love for my best friend shining through his voice.

The mention of his name made my heart sink. Sean was in Asia, teaching workshops all over the continent, meaning he couldn't be home for my birthday. It was the first time since i'd met him that he wasn't going to be here for my party.

"whats wrong kaycee?" my mom asked, worriedly.

"I just really wish Sean was here." I replied, with tears in my eyes. "its the first year without him."

"I know sweetheart," My dad said, reaching over to rub my back. "But he'll be back in 3 weeks. You two can celebrate then." I nodded, and turned to my pancakes. Sean's strawberry pancakes were my favourite meal, it was the very first thing he ever cooked for me, and he had made them every sleepover we've had ever since. I took a bite, trying to keep my tears in.

We ate breakfast as my mom went over the last minute details of our day. My friends were coming over in a couple hours and we would all drive in the van to the lake house. It was a tradition to spend my birthday at the lake house, boating, dancing and having fun, but i didn't feel as excited as i usually did.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYCEE!!" my friends screamed, as i opened the front door. Tahani, Bailey, Julian, Kenneth, Charlize, and Josh all ran to hug me.

"hi guys!" i said, laughing at them, returning their embraces. After a few more hugs and "happy birthdays", we all piled into the van.

Me, Tahani, and Bailey had control of the aux cord, and we were blasting Hannah Montana, much to the dismay of the boys.

Turn this park into a club
The stars and lights and the moon is the vibe from above
Skateboards here's our ride so pull on up everyone is waiting for us
So anywhere we are
Anywhere we go
Everybody knows
We got the party with us!!

I laughed as we belted the lyrics at the top of our lungs, the boys even starting to join in. I was so lucky to have friends in my life who accepted me as the weirdo the I am, but a part of me couldn't forget the fact that he wasn't there.


We all sat by the lake, watching the sunset.

"This is pretty incredible." josh said, awe struck by the beauty of the scene in front of us. everyone chanted in agreement, but only one thought crossed my mind.

"Sean would have loved this." I said, solemnly, looking outwards, avoiding the looks of my friends.

"yea, he really would have kayc," Julian replied, coming to sit beside me. "it must be hard, him not being here." he wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tight.

"its really hard Julian," I admitted, my eyes swelling with tears. I pulled my self away from his embrace, biting my bottom lips, holding in my emotions. 

"you two are inseparable, best friends" Bailey added, coming over to where we were seated. "and its hard to be without your best friend, especially with ones like you two. Who are tied at the hip at all times."

"it feels like a part of my soul is missing bails." I choked out, coming closer and closer to tears. At that moment, every one of my friends came and wrapped around me, engulfing each other in huge group hug. I smiled weakly at them when we finally released from our huddle, feeling slightly more at ease.

"you good girl?" tahani joked, pushing me gently, making me laugh.

"ya I think so," 

"Ok well then I gotta ask..." Kenneth interrupted, always inquisitive. "are you and Sean really "just friends"?"he asked, making air quotations with his fingers.

"seriously dude?" Josh and Julian both said, coming to my rescue.

"its fine guys," I said, putting my arm in front of the guys, stopping their rescue mission short. "I mean, yea. Me and Sean are friends, best friends."

"so you haven't had 'more than friends' feelings for Sean?"he asked, the tone in his voice showing he didn't believe me.

"Well, I..." I started, trying to form my thoughts into coherent sentences. "Sean is more than a friend to me, he is a part of me, he's my soulmate. Wether thats romantically or not, i'm not sure."

"Ok, well if its him you're worried about, don't be, he's in deep with you" Kenneth added, a smirk on his face.

"whats that supposed to mean?"

"The way he looks at you kaycee, you are his world. Every time you enter a room, all of his focus is on you. You are his priority, always. Making sure you're ok, that you're safe." Kenn said, looking at me. "kaycee, Sean loves you, more than he knows."

"you don't know thats true." I said, defensively, building my wall up.

"you're right, I don't, but i'm pretty darn sure." 

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore." I said, feeling my sadness come rushing back, the lack of him draining me. "lets go have cake."

Sitting at the table, I stared at the cake in front of me. My first in 4 years that wasn't made by him. Everyone sang happy birthday, clapping as I blew out my candles, all 17. The only wish that came through my mind was him to be there

We lazed around the house for the next couple hours, playing board games, and just dance, laughing like crazy. I almost didn't realize my phone buzzing. Pulling it out, I saw Seans face appear on my screen. My heart soared as I jumped up from the couch.

"sorry guys, be right back. Its Sean" I yelled to the group, as I headed up to my bedroom.

As soon as I answered the call, his voice, the one that sounds like music, filled my ears



"Happy birthday weirdo!!! You're seventeen today! Can you believe it?"

"No not really, it doesn't seem like my birthday even happened." I said, laughing, but even I wasn't believing it.

"Why? whats wrong kayc?" he asked, sounding worried.

"I just really wish you were here Sean." 

"So do I kaycee, I miss you so much. I can't believe its been a month since I've seen rainbow smile in person, and its almost another month til ill see it again."

"Sean, im so proud of you for reaching your goals, I am. But why do they have to be so far away?" I whined, laughing sadly.

"I don't know rice bowl, but I know one thing for sure. Next time, i'm bringing you with me. I can't focus when i'm away from you."

"me neither Sean."

"then its decided, Sean and kaycee, 2020 world tour." he said, in a sports announcer voice.

"sounds like a dream." 

"anyways, how was your day? at the lake i'm guessing?" 

"yep, the whole gangs downstairs, we're about to head home."

"Ok, well then I won't keep you from them,"

"Its ok Sean, I don't mind."

"No, go be with everyone on your birthday. Ill talk to you soon, I promise."

"Ok fine."

"Happy birthday kayc." he said again, affection ringing in his voice.

"Thanks shamu, I miss you."

"I miss you too kaycee, text me when you get home so I know you're safe."

"I will, as always."

"goodnight kaycee."

"Goodnight Sean." I said hanging up, returning downstairs.

Shortly after my call ended, we all climbed into the van, embarking on the journey home. Everyone was quiet, tired after the days activities. I sat, with my arm rested on the window, staring into the darkness. Why did I have to love Sean? It would be so much easier if I loved him like my brother. But I knew, deep down, that the love I felt for Sean was much stronger than the impossibly big love I felt for my family. 


After dropping almost everyone off at their homes, saying goodbye with hugs and birthday wishes, we pulled up to Kenneth's house, our last stop. We both climbed out of the car, as he pulled me into a hug.

"Im so sorry if I took things too far today kayc." he whispered into my ear. "I just want you and Sean to be happy."

"Its ok kenn, i understand," I said. "I think I have some feelings I need to figure out." I admitted, smiling, pulling away from him.

"oooooooooo, kaycee." he joked, nudging me. "go get him girl!"


I lay in bed, drifting in and out of sleep. My thoughts occupying my mind. How was I supposed to wait three whole weeks until he came home. I couldn't be sure of my feelings until I saw him again. Even though I was nervous about the feelings that were becoming more and more apparent to me, I still missed him so much, and wished that he was with me. Memories of Sean and I ran through my head, like a lullaby, guiding me to sleep. I fell asleep with his name in my mind.


"kayc," I heard, a whisper, a voice that sounded like music, pulling me out of sleep. my sheets were lifted off of me as I slowly opened my eyes. My Mom was there, her phone out, recording me. I sat up suddenly, trying to grip reality. I blinked, and what I saw, had to be a dream. I rubbed my eyes, only to find he was still there. I jumped, wrapping my arms around him pulling him into the bed with me. His laugh filled my mind, as I squeezed Sean as tight as I could, hoping it wasn't a dream. He sat up and looked at me, brushing a hair behind my ears. 

"Hi." he said with a small smile, one that made my heart melt.

"Happy birthday sweetie." I heard my mom say, accompanied by a voice I recognized to be Miya, Seans mom.

"oh my god." I said, wrapping my arms around Sean. Not believing what was happening. "Im gonna cry." tears were already slipping out, soaking the shoulder of his sweater.

"Im here kaycee." his voice calming me, "How could I miss your birthday?"

I sat up, confused. "How? When? What? Aren't you supposed to be in Asia?" 

"we'll leave you to explain Sean," I heard Miya say, as her and my mother made their way downstairs.

"Im here for more than just your birthday kaycee." He spoke, almost nervously

"What is it Sean?" knowing he had more to say.

"I know you said it sounded great on the phone last night, but would you even consider..." he muttered, scratching the back of his head, I knew he was scared of something, I just wasn't sure what.

"Sean are you... wait... actually?" I started, trying to figure out exactly what he was asking me. "OH MY GOD!"

"is that a yes?" he asked, his eyes sparkling.

"sean charles lew, if you are asking me to go on tour with you, then OF COURSE ITS A YES!"

"Thank god, cause we already talked to your parents, and booked you a flight ticket." he laughed.

I jumped on him, pushing him back onto the bed, excited screams escaping from my mouth. My arms were wrapped around his neck, his around my waist, we were lying on my bed, I was completely on top of him. To be near him after so long apart, I felt whole again, felt like I could conquer the world.

We stayed there, laying together in my bed, wrapped in my warm sheets for a while. I had shifted so my head was rested on his chest, my body tucked under his arm. 

"Sean?" I asked, making sure he was awake.

"Yea, kayc?"

"can I tell you something?"

"Anything." I let out a deep breath and dug deep down, searching for the courage I needed to say the next words.

"I... love you sean, more than a best friend, more than anyone in the world" I pushed myself up, looking at him, begging for a reaction. He looked at me, suddenly, an enormous smile breaking his once serene face. It was his turn to sweep me up now, he flipped us over, landing himself on his back, me on top, squeezing me as tight as he could, his face pushing into my neck. 

"I love you too kayc." He said sweetly, looking up, brushing a strand of my curls behind my ears. I leaned down, lightly brushing my lips with his before deepening the kiss, our first kiss. When we broke apart, I collapsed into his chest. He placed his hand on my head, kissing my curls. "Ive waited so long to hear you say that kaycee. What happened?"

"oddly enough," I started, chuckling. "Kenneth."


Me and Sean sat on the airplane, row 12, en route to Thailand. It was two days after Sean had surprised me and my life had been a blur since then, packing my bags, rehearsing the choreo he had created for us to teach, telling our friends what had happened, and telling our parents what we were to each other now. 

"You ok kaycee?" Sean asked, looking over to me, squeezing my hand.

"i'm perfect," I said reassuring him, leaning over to give him a quick kiss. "Im so excited to be here with you."

"we are going to take over the world kaycee rice." he stated, without a flash of doubt in his voice. 

"I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled at the amazing boy sitting beside me, realizing how lucky I was to have him, to have someone who believed in me fully, without question, someone who protected me, who kept me safe, someone who loved me with his whole heart.

We were characters out of a movie, thats how perfect it was. We were thoroughly alive, and it was beautiful.


an// awwwwww, sean surprised her! how sweet is he?

this one shot was based off of a video of Cameron field surprising Maddie Ziegler for her birthday, if you watch it, imagine Sean and kaycee in their places, trust me, your heart will melt.

question: do you guys like to read real scenarios that could have happened, like the plane ride to Hawaii chapter, or the bts chapter? or do you guys like ones that I've made up, like this one or my "worthy of your love" chapters?

Thank you all so much for almost 2.5K reads!! It blows my mind to even think about it, I appreciate the support more than you know.

anyways, don't forget to vote and share your thoughts with me down below!

-Thanks for reading:)

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