Anything For You Senpai~Chan...

By AyanoAishiLoveSick

35.4K 579 629

Ayano Aishi/ Yandere Chan x Reader x Male Rivals! More

Quick A/N & Story Introduction
First Day At School!

Week 1 - Confusion and Rejection

9.7K 199 209
By AyanoAishiLoveSick

Monday, 12.00 AM

«Is it true, Masuta?» Kokoro glared at Budo-Chan. "Yes! I would never joke about that! I saw the corpse. I can show you were it is!" Budo Masuta replied hastily. "Okay. Take me to the corpse. We have to tell the headmaster and police about this." The two of them rushed out of the classroom, Budo leading the way.
When they were gone, I noticed I wasn't breathing. I took a deep breath and ran out of the classroom. "Y/n!" Taro shouted. "We have to stay here!" But for the first time I ignored my brother. I was afraid. Did the feeling of being watched had to do something with Budo-Chan telling the class she found a corpse?
I shivered, starting to feel that way again. But I had enough of this. I had to be brave, and not make everyone think I'm so afraid all the time. So I made my way back to the classroom.
When I arrived, Taro gave me a queer smile and told me to sit down.
Later, Kokoro got in the classroom too.
He talked in front of the class, informing everybody of what happened shortly.
"Masuta lead me to the place she said she found the corpse. But it was nothing there. Masuta-San is sent home. But our Sensei is not anywhere at school. You are free to leave until lunchtime. Just stay together!"
I packed my bag and left with Taro.
We were quiet for a while, heading to the School Plaza. When we sat down together by the fountain, I asked him; "What do you think happened? Was Budo-Chan lying, or was the teacher dead?" My brother hesitated.
"I don't know. Budo is my best friend. She would never lie, and definitely not about death in the school. She could be really ill, maybe, and hallucinate? You saw her, it looked like she was a hundred percent sure it was true. Maybe she saw it, but it was all a dream."
I nodded.
"How do you feel, Y/n? Are you okay?" Taro asked carefully.
I smiled at him. "Of course I am. Just a little.. confused." We hugged, and the school bell rang. It was lunchtime.

"I'm meeting Osano at the rooftop." I told Taro. "Want me to follow you?" He asked in a polite manner. I laughed. "No thanks, you can read here, by fountain, as you want to."
I didn't want him to be so protective all the time. Thinking about how Osano was angry this morning, I didn't want him to wait. So I hurried up the stairs, trying to not blush by embarrassment, since many of the guys and some of the girls looked at me longing.
And then, I got to the rooftop.
A light breeze hit my face and I looked around me, searching for Osano.
Then I spotted the redhead by one of the benches, waiting impatiently for me. I waved at him and sat down next to him. But he stood up again, holding a package. So I stood up again, too. "What is that?" I asked him. I was curious, was the package for me? "It's a bento, dummy!" Osano said with his arms crossed. "You made me lunch? Thanks a lot!" I was grateful, and hungry. "I.. I didn't make it for you or anything!.. I just packed myself lunch, and this is the leftovers, okay?!" He watched me as I sat down, waiting for a reaction to his cooking.
I took a bite of the bento and swallowed it. It tasted good. Until.. "Ugh! Osano! What the hell did you put in this?" Why didn't I remember to grab the bento mom packed me?
I was feeling nauseous, as if I was going to vomit. "What? My cooking isn't that bad, you Baka!" "Sorry, I must go. I feel really ill." I ran off, heading to the nearest girl's bathroom.

~Ayano's POV~

I was stalking my Senpai, and her friend, Osano Najimi on the rooftop. I was hiding right around the corner, and the two of them were too busy with each other that they didn't notice me.
I was jealous that they were meeting at the school's roof to eat together. But I got my revenge. I stole rat poison from the Gardening Club and put it in the lunch that Najimi had packed for Y/n-Senpai. "What did I do wrong?"
Osano's words stopped my revenge thinking. I watched quietly as the idiot of a Tsundere ate his own lunch alone. I didn't feel bad at all. And I was going to sabotage more events between them than just this one.

Tuesday, 8.00 AM

~Y/n's POV~

Me and Osano walked together to school today, as normal. We had talked about the bento scene that happened yesterday, and I concluded that he must have put something in the bento by accident. He was really upset about it, so I wanted to cheer him up.
I grabbed my bag and got my book out of it. "What's that?" Osano asked. "Oh, this? It's a very special book. My sister gave it to me." I answered, thinking about Hanako, and her interest in old books like this. Osano did surprisingly look a little curious. "What's it about?"
I smiled warmly. "If you're interested, I'll let you borrow it for today. But promise you'll take good care of it!"
"Of course I would take good care of it. That's obvious!" He sounded annoyed.
"Alright," I giggled. "Return it when school's over."
"Okay! I will."
We went through the school gates and separated. He was already going to class, but I decided to wait a little. Class time was 8.30, 10 minutes from now.
I didn't have to hurry. Looking at the door signs in the corridors, I went into the Cooking Club.
The club room was nice and cozy.
The table were the club members ate their delicious dishes, had a pink table cloth with white flowers.
On the other side of wall was the kitchen, with pink nearly everywhere.
A boy was there, cleaning the table. It didn't look like he had noticed me yet.
I hesitated. "Hello," was all I said, but it was enough to catch his attention.
"Hey there!" He turned around. "I am just cleaning up, anything you need help with?" The boy had short, caramel brown hair and big, light green eyes.
I blushed. He was kinda cute. "No, not really. Class time isn't yet, and I guess I just wanted to take a look at the club. I can help you clean, if you want." I smiled. "Thanks!" He nodded. I helped him clean, and he said; "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Amao Odayaka. I'm the leader of the Cooking Club, as you might have guessed already."
"Cool! I'm Y/n Yamada. It's nice to meet you, Amao."
"It's nice to meet you too. Again, thanks a lot for the help." Amao said.
I glanced at the clock hanging on the pink wall.
"Class time starts soon," I mumbled to myself.
"I know." Amao heard it. "What class are you in?" "I'm in class 3-2." "Me too. We can go to class together!" I was surprised about what Amao Odayaka said. I didn't recognize him from class.
So much happened yesterday; I'd never wonder about who was in the same class as me.
About that, I want to talk to Budo-Chan today, I thought.
"Yes, sure," I agreed.
We went to class together. Amao talked about his hobbies, and his love for cooking, cleaning, and giving people food he makes. I was very impressed about his passion for making dishes.
I could never dream about making my own food all the time.
Time passes fast when you have fun.
We sat down at our seats in the classroom and waited for Sensei Kanon to show up.
But she never did.
Instead, a substitute teacher came in the classroom door.
"I'm Mayya Hisayo, your substitute teacher. Get your books, were starting with mathematics."
I raised an eyebrow. She didn't say what happened to Kaho Kanon.

Tuesday, 4:00 PM

Osano was waiting for me so we could walk home together. I was excited for what he thought about the book. Maybe he thought it was interesting, or maybe not. Anyway, I was looking forward to hear his opinion.
When I was walking through the gate, I saw him holding the book, waiting.
He expressed sadness on his face.
Didn't he like the book?
I stopped by him.
"Y/n-Senpai.. I'm so sorry.. The book- it.. eh.."
And then I saw it. My book was completely ruined.
Quickly, I took it away from Osano and opened it. The pages were soggy and the writing was smeared. You could barely read anything anymore.
"Osano.. I thought you'd take more care of it than this.. You know what, I'm going home. Bye."
"No, wait..!"

Thursday, 6:00 PM

I was home, in my room, thinking about Osano.
I was very confused, and disappointed in him. We have been friends since we were little kids. I've knew him for so long- and now I feel like I don't know him at all. I sat down on my bed.
Looking in the mirror on the wall, I saw that my h/c h/l hair was messy and my face had a tired expression.
So, I went into the bathroom.
I undressed, going into the shower.
All of sudden I felt like somebody was watching me.
Quickly, I pulled down the curtain and took a deep breath.
After the shower, I got into my pajamas, ate supper, and decided to go to bed early.
But I couldn't sleep.
I just began thinking again. Thinking about the things that happened in the last three days, and today. On Monday, the bento Osano gave me made me vomit. On Tuesday, he ruined a book that was very special to me. Hanako was sad about it, since the book was old and she couldn't buy a new one in any bookstore.
And yesterday, Osano said he would find a better place in the school than the School Plaza, since I like to sit there with Taro. He did find a good spot, and had a nice picture with a cute kitten and everything.
But I swiped the picture away, and then a new, more recent photo came up.
It was a panty shot.
I'd never think Osano would take such lewd photographs..
But today was the last straw.
He asked me out on a date at the cinema, but he didn't show up at the time we planned to meet. I even waited twenty minutes more, but did he meet up? Nope.
I think I'll walk to school alone tomorrow.
And with that last thought, I managed to fall asleep.

Friday, 7:30 AM

I admit it. I was a little mad at Osano yesterday. And.. I still am. But I'll give him one last chance, I decided, walking to Osano's house.
I rang the door bell and waited for him to come out. And he did, right on time.
I gave him a small smile, witch he returned. "Hi," I said.
"I fell asleep, so I wouldn't fall asleep during the film.. and when I woke up, it was too late. Believe me, Y/n!" Osano sounded desperate.
I didn't know what to answer, so I kept quiet.

~Ayano's POV~

I stalked Senpai to school today. Surprisingly, she wanted to walk with Najimi again. But in their conversation, Senpai-Chan seemed a little reticent.
My plan worked, but I need to sabotage one more event for my Senpai to hate my rival, Osano Najimi.
As I was stalking the two, Y/n turned her head around a few times, like she had an idea about me.
But I ran away before she could spot me.
She did that yesterday too, in the bathroom..
I smirked mischievously by that thought, and hid behind a bush. We had arrived school.
Najimi and Y/n-Senpai had stopped, right in front of the bush I hid behind.
I listened to their conversation.
I heard Osano Najimi's irritating Tsundere voice: "So, what kind of music do you like?"
He was obviously trying to chitchat.
"Well, Iv'e been listening to classic music lately. Y'know, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven.." Senpai told him.
"Seriously? All of those musicians must be dead. You have a pretty strange taste, Senpai.."
If he loved Senpai as much as I do, he wouldn't care about if her music taste was strange or not.
"Oh yeah? What do you listen to, then?" If Y/n-Chan was annoyed, I would highly understand why.
"J-Pop and J-Rock, obviously!" Osano Najimi crosses his arms and rolled his eyes.
"Well.. I'm not really into those types of music." She said.
Osano snorted. "You just haven't found the right bands yet! I'll make a playlist with super cool songs we can listen to at lunchtime."
"Ehm, okay. I'll give it a go."
I took a peek at them behind the hard scraping leaves of the bush.
Osano were happy, but I couldn't read Y/n's face.
"I'll be waiting at rooftop. Don't be late!"
And with that, they separated; as always.
I knew both of their daily routines. But sadly, I couldn't stalk Senpai-Chan today. I had to follow Osano around school, listening to his conversations with other students.
When Osano make the playlist, I'll edit some recordings. If everything goes right, it will sound like Osano's badmouthing Y/n-Senpai. And that'll make her finally hate him.

~Back to Y/n's POV~

Friday, 1:05 PM

"So, what about that girl from class 3-2? Y/n Yamada? What do you think of her?" Musume's voice rang through the earplugs as I played Osano's so-called 'playlist with super cool songs'.
"She's.. Just my childhood friend." Was Osano's answer.
Musume giggled.
"Are you like, crushing on her?"
"Wait, her? Ugh, no way! That girl's a total weirdo. Like, she could jump off a cliff for all I care!" Osano whined.
But I heard enough.
I pushed Osano's phone and earplugs back in his hands, and looked at him in pain.
"Osano.. I can't believe you made me listen to this...!"
If he thought that about me, why didn't he tell me instead of faking he liked me? It just makes everything he did look so much worse.
"What? You hate my music that much?"
Exhausted, I ignored him and went back to the School Plaza fountain. I had enough of Osano's crap.
Taro invited me to read with him, and I thankfully accepted.
He furrowed his brows at my upset expression, and I smiled, although I felt like it was just some mask I put on.
My black haired twin brother probably thought so too, when he asked me:
"Are you...okay?"
"Yes, completely fine," I shrugged.
"Let's go back to reading."
But I couldn't read a single word, my mind wandered off somewhere else.
Move on, Y/n. I told myself sternly. Forget about Osano.
Tired, I rubbed my e/c eyes, and placed my head on Taro's shoulder.
He didn't ask any questions.

Friday, 5:00 PM

(Narrator's POV)

Osano held a pink note close to his chest.
A pink blush rose on his cheeks as he put the note in his Senpai's locker.
Then, he walked over to the cherry tree.
You had spent time with your brother, and forgot time. You went to your locker to change shoes and walk home.
But when you opened the locker, you saw a pink note.
It was written in Osano's familiar handwriting:

Dear Senpai,
Please meet me under the cherry three. I have something important to tell you.

'I don't know what he wants to talk about, but I guess I should meet him', you thought. So you put the note back in your locker and ran to the cherry tree.
Osano waited for you under the tree.
He bit his lip nervously, which you thought was a little weird, since he usually was annoyed.
You tried to catch your breath, since you were running so fast you nearly hyperventilated.
When you could breathe normally again, you looked up.
Osano Najimi, your childhood friend that's been acting weird lately, looked intensely at you.
"What did you want to talk about, Osano?" You asked.
"You.. dummy.. you kept me waiting." Osano said, sounding more like him.
"What is it?" You asked again, impatient.
"Okay.. A lot of girls ask me to go out with them.. But I always turn them down."
'So, he's gay?' You wondered, but Osano continued;
"It's not like I'm not interested in girls! I am, but I turned those girls down because.. it's only one girl I'm interested in dating."
"Someone who always been there for me, the whole time." The redhead pressed his hand against his chest, blushing heavily.
"You know, up until now, Iv'e always thought of you as just a childhood friend. No.. actually, I just told myself that, because I was afraid.. to admit my feelings. But I can't keep lying to myself, or you! I'm going to be honest when I say that.. I can't stand just being friends anymore! I.. I love you, you baka! Morethananythingelseintheworld!"

You were shocked at first.
Then, you collected your thoughts.
"To tell you the truth, Osano.."
You sighed.
"I'm very sorry, but I can't say I feel the same. I don't think we're right for each other.."
Tears fell down Osano Najimi's cheeks.
"Is it because.. the way I treated you?" You went silent for a moment.
"Answer me, Y/n!"
"No, it's not that. It's more that, I don't think it's going"
It was hard for you, but you tried your best to stay calm. It was sad, seeing him cry- but you had to be honest.
Everything he did this week.. and didn't do, was bad.
A relationship between you and him would not work.
"But I can change! I promise, I can.. stop..! Please, just give me one more chance!"
"Osano.. Please don't." You looked him in the eyes and repeated: "It's just.. not going to work.. I'm very sorry.."
Your voice was all shaky, and you were tearing up, trying not to cry.
"Senpai! No, please wait..!" Osano sobbed.
That was it. As you felt tears falling down your cheeks, you turned around.
You just wanted to go home.
So you ran home, wiping your tears off your face.

When you came home, Osano's words echoed in your head.
This was just the first week after the school starting, and it had been so weird and exhausting.
Budo Masuta talking about finding corpses, a disappearing teacher and a disappointing substitute, Osano acting unusual, and a confession that ended with rejection.
Thankfully, it's all done now.
Out of the blue, you got that weird feeling again. You looked out of the living room window.
Your suspicions were true.
A shadow lurked outside, awfully close to the window. Like they were looking straight at you.
You gulped, and noticed that you were shaking. But there was no curtain to pull, so you backed away slowly.
Something told you that this was going to be a long year.

!Author's note! :

hey guys. I haven't updated this fic for a long time. I stopped writing after the second chapter because I thought no one liked it. Well, if there's still people wanting to read this, here's the rest of week one! :)
I don't know when I will post the next chapter, or anything.
But I'll try do do it soon.
I really pushed myself to get this week done. I kind of repeat many voice lines (between Reader and Osano) so I look forward to the second week, where I can make up lots of things on my own.

Hope you still enjoyed this week,

~Ayano Aishi

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