Dizgaia ~ The Dreamfinder's D...

By CalamitysChild

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Mia Baxter thought she was familiar with the tales from Disney films, adapted from the stories of brilliant a... More

Part I
Chapter 1 ~ The Birth of a Spark
Chapter 2 ~ A Spark Burns Brighter
Chapter 3 ~ A Meddlesome Father
Chapter 4 ~ The Rainbow Corridor
Chapter 5 ~ Welcome to Dizgaia
Chapter 6 ~ The 10 Kingdoms
Chapter 7 ~ History of a Dark Grudge
Chapter 8 ~ The Tremaines
Chapter 9 ~ A Dreamfinder's Daughter
Chapter 10 ~ Flynn
Chapter 11 ~ Grid Games
Chapter 12 ~ The Wager
Chapter 13 ~ Bonnie Appetite
Chapter 15 ~ A Royal Engagement
Chapter 16 ~ Return to Tomorrow Hill
Chapter 17 ~ Whistle While You Work
Chapter 18 ~ An Illuminating Performance
Chapter 19 ~ Tomorrow's Child
Chapter 20 ~ Yokai and the Battle for Tron
Chapter 21 ~ Breakfast at Tiana's
Part II
Chapter 22 ~ Peter Pan
Chapter 23 ~ Horseplay
Chapter 24 ~ The Chieftess of Neverland
Chapter 25 ~ What A Girl Wants
Chapter 26 ~ Beneath the Glow of the Fairy Tree
Chapter 27 ~ Reckless Love
Chapter 28 ~ Hooked!
Chapter 29 ~ Aboard the Jolly Roger
Chapter 30 ~ The Seas of Heartache
Chapter 31 ~ Isla Tesoro
Chapter 32 ~ The Path of La Creadora
Chapter 33 ~ Billie Howe
Chapter 34 ~ A Pirate's Life
Chapter 35 ~ Escape From Puerto Dorado
Chapter 36 ~ The Temple of Nev
Chapter 37 ~ Shadows of the Past
Chapter 38 ~ Memories of a Lost Boy
Chapter 39 ~ Closer
Chapter 40 ~ The Sea Witch
Chapter 41 ~ The Jig is Up
Chapter 42 ~ Apparitions
Chapter 43 ~ The Tragedy of James Hook
Chapter 44 ~ Unhooked
Chapter 45 ~ The Compassion of Vandsgaard
Chapter 46 ~ Through the Dreamport
Peter ~ Hook or Me

Chapter 14 ~ The Mad Hacker

79 5 15
By CalamitysChild

Mia tried to feel reassured by Blair and Figment's promises not to let her fall, but riding a giant flying dragon bareback for the first time didn't exactly inspire confidence. As Figment's large wings beat the air, sending dust and bits of debris up around them, Mia closed her eyes and buried her face against his scaly neck. She could feel them lifting off the ground and began to scream the way one might on a roller coaster ride - in a mix of fear and excitement.

At first, Mia was too afraid to look, but eventually curiosity won the battle against fear and she took a peek. They were quite high now, but Blair's arms were wrapped securely around her and there was such an amazing view that she was too distracted to give into fear again. Mia gazed about her in wonder. Yes, this was most definitely better than riding the monorail. From this bird's eye view - or dragon's eye view, as it were - she was able to see the entirety of the expansive, futuristic metropolis spread out below her. She could see almost everything, even the castle in the distant mountains.

"This is amazing!" she shouted over the rush of wind.

Soon, they were soaring over the geodesic sphere, the facets of which sparkled in the morning sunlight. This was the first time Mia had been this close to it. Not only was it much larger than its counterpart in Disney World, but Mia noticed it gave off a curious humming sound.

"What is that thing anyway?" she asked, shouting above the wind. "In Disney World it's an attraction called Spaceship Earth. But what is it here? Why is it humming?"

"That, Miandra, is a gift left to us from the very ancient past, to help us build a solid future. It is something of an energy source, meant to help us pave our roads to the future and help bring worlds together - almost literally. It's been here longer than even Cerenopia has existed as a kingdom!"

"I... see."

What more could she say? She didn't entirely understand what he'd just said; though it almost made sense, but in a very vague way. It seemed to her like he either didn't know the details or, for some reason, didn't wish to fully explain. From what he did say, it sounded like this structure must house the necessary means of connecting Earth and Dizgaia to form the utopia the ambassadors had been trying to create. But as for how was anyone's guess. Perhaps she would drill him more on it later.

They continued to soar over Epcot. Mia gazed down at the city in all its luxurious splendor. Beyond were mountains, rivers, and valleys and all manner of natural beauty, but that was quite a way off. Here, she was soaring over the heart of Cerenopian civilization. Gradually, the futuristic metropolis gave way to a more contemporary city, something that simultaneously possessed the charm of small-town America mixed with bustling New Orleans and a smattering of modern technology combined with a distinct Renaissance vibe. This was Main Street, the capital of Cerenopia, and it was a stark contrast from the metallic and glass structures of Epcot.

Below, Mia could make out cobblestone streets and another jazz marching band passing by a familiar block - the same, in fact, where Tiana and Naveen's restaurant sat. But now Mia was granted a much broader view of Main Street than the brief glimpse she'd been given during her escape from the Tremaine sisters. It was quite the cheerful, bustling little city. However, though it was busy, no one ever seemed to be in any sort of real hurry. Traffic moved at a leisurely but steady pace. And foot traffic below was just as relaxed - at least until Figment began to descend over a rather populated section of a strip mall.

"Whoop! Woah! Watch out, folks!"

"Figment, do be careful!"

People gazed up in alarm and leapt out of the way as Figment touched down on the cobblestone walkway, sending everyone scattering.

"I do so apologize, friends," said The Dreamfinder as he lifted his goggles off his face. "I didn't mean to cause alarm. Unfortunately, they don't seem to provide Dragon Parking here."

The Dreamfinder certainly knew how to make an entrance, that was for sure. Mia would have been embarrassed by the ostentatious manner in which they'd arrived, but her father was such a highly respected individual that no one seemed to mind too terribly. Blair leapt nimbly down onto the cobblestone, then lifted Mia off Figment's back with surprising ease and set her on her feet. With a swirl of lavender mist, Figment returned to his default form, now hovering at Mia's shoulder.

"That was awesome!" said Mia. "I'll never drive a car again if I can ride a dragon!"

"Whoo!" said Figment, giving his head a little shake. "As fun as that is, it makes my head a bit swimmy."

"That'll pass, Figment," said Blair. "Remember, it takes a lot of imagination power to make that transformation, let alone sustain it. And it's been a while."

Mia glanced up and down the strip mall, gazing in wonder at all the shops. "So, where's the best place to go for women's apparel? Oh, and makeup. I don't usually wear much, but I'd like to at least cover up my bruise," she said, pointing to the blemish on her cheek left by Anastasia's studded glove. "Maybe that should be first."

It was in this moment Blair realized that he didn't entirely have an answer for her. Women's apparel? Makeup? Did he even know where to get things like that? Where did Beverly do her shopping way back when? He hadn't the foggiest.

"Uh... Well-"

"Oh! What's that smell?" Miandra asked before he could respond. "Something smells really sweet!"

Blair knew that smell and he was grateful for the distraction. "Ah! You have a nose for sweets! I suppose you take after your father there," he said with a wink. "That would be the Main Street Confectionary. We could stop there first thing, if you'd like."

Figment flew on ahead of them, his lightheadedness apparently having passed at the mention of sweets. "Oooh! That's where they make those yummy Fudgy Stars with all the different fillings inside!"

"Fudgy Stars?" Mia asked, her eyes lighting up. She grabbed Blair's hand and pulled him down the street, chasing after Figment in the direction of the confectionary.

The proprietor of the confectionary, a Mr. Schweits, originally of Rosebriar, was remarkably skinny for someone who worked with sweets day in and day out. He wore a candy-striped suit, and for all his thinness, was as jolly a man as Saint Nick himself. Upon learning that Mia was the Dreamfinder's long-lost daughter, he happily offered up free samples. Soon, Mia, her father, and Figment were strolling down the cobblestone street, each with their own little bag of goodies. Figment carried a bag of his beloved Fudgy Stars.

"Each star's a different flavor! Boy, oh boy!"

Mia was a little disappointed that the confectionary didn't carry candy apples, but she soon learned this was out of respect for Princess Snow, who was horribly afraid of apples ever since the incident, as Mr. Schweits referred to it. Mia supposed she couldn't blame him. It made sense that Snow White might get a little triggered at the sight of an apple, candy or otherwise. She settled instead for a gourmet cupcake with orange and green icing, fashioned to look like a pumpkin.

"Mmm! Maybe it's all just psychological, but I swear Earth sweets don't taste nearly this good," said Mia, taking another bite of cupcake. "This is almost sinful!"

Blair was content with a small box of honey-roasted biscuits with a powdered sugar topping. "It has been quite some time since I've indulged in any Earth confections. I do recall Hershey's chocolate being rather good."

From the confectionary, they proceeded to browse along the strip, looking at all manner of merchandise. They were just passing a hat shop on their left when Mia suddenly had the feeling of being watched. She caught sight of something in the window; it was only a brief glimpse, but just enough to determine the figure in question was that of a man. But the details were lost on her. The transparent nature of the figure, however, suggested it was not truly a person in the window, but a reflection.

Mia swiveled to the side, but no such person was there. When she returned her gaze to the window, the reflection was gone as well. Perhaps she only imagined it. Mia hurried to catch up with her father and Figment, who had ventured on ahead, unaware that she'd trailed behind.

"Um, so there's something else I need," she said bashfully. "If I'm going to stay here, I need... Well, uh, that is... Is there, you know, a lingerie shop around here?"

Blair's face went flush and pale at the same time. "L-Lingerie? Well, I, uh-"

"Lawn jury?" asked Figment, tilting his head quizzically. "What's that? Are you having someone's front yard judged?"

"No! No, Figment," said Blair, waving his hands in a manner to attempt to quiet his naïve dragon companion. "Lingerie is, um, well..." He cleared his throat uncomfortably and then, in a hushed tone, said, "She's looking for undergarments, Figment."

Figment blinked somewhat stupidly at Blair. "Don't you have any you could give her?"

"No, I most certainly do not!" Blair closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath before slowly exhaling. "I'm sure... I'm sure one of these shops has what you need, Miandra. Let's, uh... let's go see, shall we?"

After that embarrassing exchange, one from which Mia was attempted to run were she not afraid of getting lost or intercepted by the Tremaines, they finally found a shop called Bella Notte Lingerie.

'Beautiful Night' Lingerie carried with it a sort of erotic undertone, one she hoped but rather doubted was lost on her father. Nevertheless, it was the first one they came upon, and Mia preferred to get it over and done with. Thus, blushing deeply, she entered the shop ahead of Blair and Figment, hoping desperately that they wouldn't cause a scene.

Blair would have preferred to wait outside for Miandra. But if she were to purchase something, she would need Cerenopian currency. He had no choice but to follow. Glancing about and hoping no one would see him entering this establishment, he opened the door and Figment flew in ahead of him.

"Hey! What's that?" the little dragon asked excitedly.

"Figment! Oh... Drat..."

Blair took a deep breath and tilted his top hat down over his face a bit more, hoping this might conceal his identity as he stepped inside. Perhaps if he located Miandra quickly enough to slip her some Cerenis he could wait outside while she shopped. Yes, that would be best.

Mia, however, had ventured on ahead through the store, making a conscious effort not to look at her father or Figment and trying to pretend like they weren't there. After all, this was horribly awkward, but it had to be done. If she was to remain in Dizgaia, she would need more than what she had on now.

She was pleased to see that in Dizgaia both undergarments and the sizing system were not too dissimilar to Earth's, so she need not ask for assistance. That would have been terribly embarrassing. Already knowing her size, Mia had no need to try anything on. She picked out what she needed. Just the basics.

Just when Mia thought she might get through the whole ordeal without incident, Figment cried out, "Oooh! They make hats for dragons!" and flew past her with a brassiere on his head, one cup over each horn, and three more in his arms.

"Oh boy, oh boy! I've always wanted a dapper little hat, but they never fit over my horns!"

"Figment!" Mia hissed, trying to get his attention and stop him, but he was so boisterous in his excitement that he didn't hear her. He zoomed across the store with his lacy treasures when, suddenly, the clerk plucked him out of the air by his wings and held him in front of Mia, frowning disapprovingly.

"Is this... your dragon, Miss?" she asked.

Figment hung in the woman's outstretched hand, looking like a confused and scolded puppy. "Hey, hey! What'd I do? What'd I do?"

Mia winced. "Uh... no. No, that's not mine." Her eyes darted to Blair who was hanging back at the front of the shop with his hat low over his eyes, looking like he was ready to dart out the door. "It's his dragon," said Mia, pointing at her father.

The woman's eyes widened as they fell on Blair. "Professor Mercurial?"

Blair went three shades of pink. Bringing Figment to this sort of shop was certainly a bad idea.

"Ooohhh... Figment..."

The clerk looked down at Figment and released him. "Oh! Sorry about that, Professor. But, well, you know you really shouldn't bring pets in here, especially dragons. They make a mess of things."

"He's not a pet," Blair muttered under his breath.

The woman eyed Figment sternly. "Those aren't hats. They're undergarments for women. Put them back immediately. Understand?"

Properly chastised, Figment took the brassieres back where he found them and returned to Blair, perching on his shoulder. "I only wanted a hat," he lamented.

Blair shook his head, repeating, "Oohh, Figment."

Meanwhile, the clerk began ringing up Mia's purchases. "That'll be 30 Cerenis, please."

"Uh..." Mia glanced helplessly at Blair, who stood in the corner, pink-faced and looking very much like he wanted to disappear.

"Oh, r-right," said Blair. He took Figment off his shoulder and set him by the door. "Stay here, Figment. Don't. Touch. Anything." The Dreamfinder joined his daughter at the check-out counter.

Mia kept her head lowered as her father took a pouch of coins out of his pocket. Please don't look at them, please don't look at them, she thought, hoping he wouldn't catch a glimpse of her rather adventurous choices in underwear.

Blair took out what was owed as well as a little extra. "Keep the change. I do apologize for the trouble."

Nodding her thanks for the extra payment, the clerk bagged Mia's purchases and handed her the bag, lips pursed. Blair scooped Figment back into his arms and he and his daughter left the store. Mia and Blair avoided one another's eyes like the plague as they walked red-faced away from the storefront. For a while, they walked in awkward silence until quite suddenly Mia doubled over with laughter.

"Miandra, I'm not sure what's so funny," said Blair sternly. "That was horribly uncomfortable and frightfully embarrassing!"

"I know, right?" she agreed between fits of laughter. "I'm pretty sure I can never go into that store again. I've never been more embarrassed in my life. It was h-h-horrible!" Despite her words, she continued to laugh so hard that tears came to her eyes. "But now that it's over, all I can see is Figment f-f-flying around with a b-b-bra on his head!" She was nearly breathless with laughter as she leaned against her father for support. "Come on, Blair. You know it's a little funny."

The corner of Blair's mouth twitched slightly. His daughter's laughter was contagious. "Well... Well, I suppose it was a little funny." Try as he might to hide his amusement, it wasn't long before he was chuckling along with her.

A smile came to Figment's scaly face. "You think I'm funny?" He giggled, spinning around in a little circle in midair. "Tee hee! I'm funny!"

"Yes, you're funny, Figment," said Mia. "But that doesn't mean I want you doing it again, got it?"

"Indeed, Figment. Funny though it may be in hindsight, I don't believe this moment of unbridled amusement is worth the embarrassment we had to endure beforehand," said the Dreamfinder. "Perhaps you should stay outside when we go to the next store, all right?"

"Oh, all right," Figment sighed.

As they continued on their way, the outlets opened up onto one of several decorative courtyards. This one was particularly charming, complete with a garden and...

"A wishing well? A real wishing well?" Mia ran across the courtyard. Above the well was a sign which read thus:

Throw a coin into the well
And make a wish or two
And if you hear it splash
Your wish will soon come true

"The old wishing well..." Blair murmured, coming to stand beside his daughter.

Mia placed her hands on the stone wall of the well as she peered down inside. It wasn't exactly a real well. It was more of a decoration, like a fountain. It wasn't very deep. In fact, Mia could make out her reflection in the water as well as several small gold and silver coins at the bottom. She turned eagerly to The Dreamfinder.

"Could I?" she asked, holding out a hand and smiling excitedly.

Oh, sweet young Miandra. She was almost like a child in her naivety. She seemed to think that just because she was in another world, a world which had inspired the fairytales of her mundane Earth, that wishing wells would work the same way they did in those stories. Still, it was nigh impossible to deny her. And what, really, was the harm of it?

"Of course," said Blair with a warm smile as he placed a coin in her palm. "After all, this isn't our first visit to this old wishing well." He leaned against the beautiful stonework as he reminisced. "I brought you here when you were very young. You were such a clever girl. You actually tossed the coin into the well."

"Really? I would've been a year old about then, right?"

Blair nodded. "And I've no doubt that even then you wished for something wonderful."

"I'm not so sure," she said softly. "Nothing very wonderful happened after that, did it? I mean, between Maleficent and then Mom running off with me... I wouldn't have ever wished for that. I'd never want to leave this world."

Blair's wistful smile wavered. Naturally, he was happy to have Miandra here. For years he had wanted nothing more than to have his daughter back home with him. But Miandra's words were a stark reminder that she'd not returned under the circumstances he would have preferred. She was here alone, rather than with her mother at her side. And she was here because she was escaping pursuit of The Dark Ones.

"Anyway," she said with a determined huff. "I'm here now, and I'm going to make the most of it!"

The Dreamfinder's smile returned. This was a helpful reminder. No matter the circumstances surrounding her return, he wanted Miandra to be happy. And he wanted to be happy with her.

"I've already got my father and an awesome pet - er... guardian dragon," she said, glancing apologetically at Figment. "That only leaves one thing."

Taking a deep breath, Mia leaned over the well and began to sing a familiar tune. "I'm wishing," and in a softer voice meant to signify an echo, "I'm wishing... For the one I love... To find me... To find me... Today... Today..."

Blair softly mouthed the lyrics along with his daughter. It was a song he hadn't heard in a long time, and yet he remembered it clear as day. On the other side, in the long-ago year of 1937, Blarion Mercurial, dressed in the finest Earth threads Mr. Disney could procure for him, joined Walt and Beverly, the vibrant young woman who'd captured his eye and had eventually become his wife, to the premier of the first feature-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. It had been groundbreaking and Blair thought, at the time, the first step in the grand process of uniting the two worlds into a utopia.

The memory was bittersweet. Blair pushed it from his mind, not wishing to dwell on thoughts of Beverly and his dearly departed friend. Perhaps he should be more concerned about what his daughter had just wished for. He'd missed out on so much of her life. She was only a baby the last time he'd seen her. Now, she was a grown woman, wishing for romance.

This stirred in Blair conflicting feelings. As a father, he wanted his daughter to be happy and to find love, but at the same time, he dreaded the journey. He wondered if perhaps Miandra was setting herself up with impossible expectations when it came to romance. At the young age of 19, Miandra was very susceptible to obsessing over imagined romantic scenarios with an 'idealized' love interest. Sometimes that could do more harm than good.

Balancing the coin on her thumb knuckle and index finger, Mia flipped it into the air. She watched it turning over as it descended, the sun glinting off the silver as she followed its trajectory into the water. She heard the soft splash and watched the water ripple, giggling softly to herself. As the ripples cleared and the water settled, Mia saw a face staring back at her. The face was that of a man - handsome and dapper - with a positively knee-weakening smile.

Mia smiled back at him, leaning closer to the water before she realized the foolishness of what she was doing. It was a reflection. Therefore, much like in the film, Snow White, the handsome man must be standing right beside her. Mia shot up from the well and glanced to her left and to her right, but there was no one around except for the Dreamfinder and Figment. She looked back into the water, but the man was gone. She hadn't imagined it, though. This time Mia was certain she'd seen someone. She straightened up and looked at her father.

"Is this a real wishing well? Like, for real-for real? You don't suppose it can tell the future, do you?"

"Uh, well..." Blair honestly doubted it, but he so hated to discourage her. "If you believe in your wish with all your might, perhaps the wishing well will see fit to make it come true." He placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly. "I believe that you have the will and the heart to see that wish come true, Miandra."

"I saw something in the water," she told him excitedly. "A reflection. I think it does tell the future. I'm going to meet a handsome stranger today. I just know it!"

Before Blair could reply, Mia took his hands in hers and began to dance with him right there in the courtyard in front of the wishing well. "I know you... I walked with you once upon a dream..." She released one of his hands and did a little twirl, only to spin back to him, making him blush as her swaying hair evoked thoughts of Beverly. "I know you, the look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam..."

Mia released him and took Figment by his small, scaly claws, and twirled him around in the air as she continued to sing Aurora's song from Sleeping Beauty. Figment giggled delightedly. If he but had that red cap, he could easily be like the owl that stood in for Prince Phillip.

"And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem... But if I know you, I know what you'll do, you'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream..."

So, it seemed Miandra was convinced she was destined to meet a handsome stranger. She wanted to have her fairy tale romance. Despite the fact that she was so grown up, she was still, in many ways, very much like a young girl. It brought a smile to Blair's face, but one which quickly fell as he wondered... Why did Miandra think she was going to meet a handsome stranger? Something about a reflection in the water?

Blair peeked into the well and saw nothing but his own reflection. He frowned, a touch concerned. Miandra seemed to take it in stride. Being in the magical world that had inspired her favorite fairy tales appeared to have convinced her that anything was possible and not to question such anomalies. What she didn't understand was that there were still rules and limits to what was possible on Dizgaia. Seeing apparitions in a wishing well was by no accounts normal.

It could simply be a product of her imagination, for indeed she had a strong one. And there was certainly the chance that her innate and previously dormant dreamfinding abilities might spontaneously emerge here in Dizgaia, accounting for such a manifestation. Blair certainly hoped that was all it was. There were other less whimsical, more bothersome explanations, but there was no sense in upsetting Miandra. He did not wish to worry her needlessly.

"Come on!" Mia called as she skipped down the cobblestone in the direction of the shops. "I've gotta find something pretty to wear if I'm to meet my handsome stranger!"

"Wait up, dear! We don't want you getting lost now!" With one last hasty glance at the wishing well, Blair followed his daughter down the walkway, hoping she hadn't forgotten the real reason they were procuring nice new clothes for her.

Mia's surroundings were slowly getting into her head. Although she knew there were dangers, she couldn't help focusing on the more whimsical nature of Dizgaia. After all, what girl wouldn't love to live in a fairy tale world, even if it was not as perfect as the stories and mythos made it out to be?

When they came across a street vendor who offered to braid her hair for 10 cerenis, Mia didn't have to beg much before her father helplessly relented. When the woman was done, Mia's hair was pulled back in a thick braid with pretty white flowers interwoven through the latticework.

Next, Blair directed her to a place called Lydia's Boutique - "I believe this is where your mother used to shop," he said - and they both left Figment with strict instructions to wait for them outside. The little dragon begrudgingly obeyed, but he gladly occupied himself with his bag of Fudgy Stars.

Here, Mia was able to procure some basic cosmetics to cover the bruise on her cheek, which she applied immediately. After all, she couldn't have the handsome stranger seeing such a blemish on her face. This accomplished, she began strolling up and down the aisles of clothes, oohing and awing at the beautiful fashions. Some were quite similar to what she might find in an Earth department store, while others were more medieval or steampunk in style. Mia grabbed three outfits, one of which was a dress for her meeting with the princesses, and she scurried off to the dressing room while Blair waited patiently outside for her to model for him.

Inside the dressing room, Mia stripped down to her skivvies and tried on the dress. It was a dainty dress of blue satin, just a shade or two lighter than her father's outfit. She appraised her reflection in the mirror, giving a little twirl to see how the dress swished around her legs. She placed her hands on her hips as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked her reflection. "Does this suffice for meeting with royalty and handsome strangers?"

"I daresay it does," a disembodied voice replied.

Mia watched in horrified fascination as a man appeared in the mirror, blocking out her reflection. It was almost as though someone had suddenly stepped in front of her, but that was purely impossible. No, this was not a reflection. This man was in the mirror!

Mia let out a strangled cry and staggered backwards, tripping and landing spread-eagled on the floor. She could feel the dressing room bench pressing into her shoulder blades as she gazed up at the dapper gentleman in the mirror. He was tall and handsome with sandy blonde hair that curtained either side of his face from beneath a green top hat. He wore a matching overcoat and a suit of burnt orange plaid. The most unsettling thing about him - aside from the fact that he was in the mirror - were his eyes, which were like pools of mercury.

He tilted his head as his eyes flicked downwards, and Mia had just enough presence of mind to quickly close her legs. The man's silver gaze returned to Mia's face. Grinning, he winked at her. The scream which had gotten caught in her throat finally made it past her lips. There was the sound of hurried footsteps and then a banging on the door.

"Miandra! Miandra, are you all right?"

The man in the mirror scowled at the sound of Blair's voice and quickly sidestepped out of sight. Mia scrambled to her feet and threw open the door, flying into her father's arms.

"There's a m-man in the women's d-dressing room," she gasped, so upset she could barely form a complete sentence. "S-Staring at me!"


Blair charged into the changing stall. Mia timidly followed. No one was there.

"Miandra, are you quite certain you saw someone?" He didn't suspect his daughter of lying, but there was no one to be found, and it was nearly impossible for two people to fit in the stall, let alone a girl and a full-grown man.

"Okay, this is going to sound crazy, but I swear it's true!" said Mia. "He was... he was in the mirror."

Blair gave her a look she didn't fully understand, but she thought perhaps he didn't believe her.

"I know it sounds insane, but I'm not crazy. At least I don't think I am. He was really there... IN the mirror!"

"It's not as crazy as you might think," said Blair, his jaw set and his mouth a firm line. He placed his hands upon Mia's shoulders. "It's all right, Miandra. I need to have a word with the manager. Stay away from the dressing rooms, all right?" With that, he went off to find the person in charge.

Mia stood dumbfounded and rooted to the spot. She was relieved her father believed her, but it seemed something very peculiar was going on, something Blair wasn't fully explaining to her. Mia huffed. Well, whatever it was, Blair seemed to have it under control, so she might as well browse around the shop.

But who was that man? she wondered as she strolled up and down the aisles of clothes, checking out anything that caught her eye. What was he doing in the women's dressing room, and inside the mirror, at that?

Handsome stranger or not, the man was super creepy. However, her thoughts soon trailed off as she heard some familiar voices coming from a few aisles over.

"Oh, I don't want that! Look at it! It's trash! I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that!"

"We don't have time to be picky, Anastasia. Time is of the essence. We're just gathering the basic necessities."

Mia froze. She recognized that name and those voices. It was the Tremaines! Quickly, she ducked below the line of clothing racks, trying to keep out of sight as she eavesdropped on their conversation.

"But I have so many lovely dresses at home! If only we could just go back briefly so I can grab-"

"What don't you understand, Ana? We can't go back home! We're on the lam!"

So that's what was going on. The Tremaines were gathering supplies before making a quick get-away from Cerenopia. They must have known that Mia and her father would seek out Cinderella and have them arrested. Mia needed to tell Blair before they could escape, but she certainly didn't want to confront them by herself.

"Hush, Drizella. Hurry now, ladies."

Remaining ducked below the line of clothing racks, Mia tried to navigate through the aisles to get to her father without being spotted.

"I just don't see why we have to go," whined Anastasia. "All because of some girl? What does she have anything to do with this? Why do we have to-"

Mia turned a corner into another aisle, only to run right into the Tremaines.


"YOU!" shouted Drizella, unsheathing her kendo stick again, but her mother pushed her aside and confronted Mia herself.

"Well, well... What have we here?" With a flourish of her fancy cane, Lady Tremaine pinned Mia against the wall beside a full-length mirror. She held Mia in place with the end of the cane, which she pressed painfully hard against Mia's chest. Mia gasped and grabbed the cane, trying to push it off of her, but Lady Tremaine was deceptively strong for a woman her age.

"S-Stop. You're h-hurting me," Mia gasped.

"Oh, I'll do more than that when I get through with you," she growled.

"Mother," said Anastasia, glaring furiously at Mia. "Who is this girl anyway? Is she the reason we have to leave?"

Lady Tremaine's lips curled into a wicked smile. "This, ladies, is Miandra Mercurial, the Dreamfinder's daughter... and she'll be coming with us."

Anastasia and Drizella exchanged confused glances. "What???"

Blair, meanwhile, was conversing with the boutique's proprietor. "I'm telling you, Lydia, someone was spying on my daughter in the dressing room mirror! Have you had your mirror security kept up to date?"

Lydia, an attractive older woman with graying red hair and half-moon glasses wrung her hands nervously. "We remodeled the dressing rooms about a month back. Complete with new mirrors. We've just been so busy that we haven't had the time to--"

Blair's attention was drawn away by the sound of a pained cry and raised voices. He turned and caught sight of Miandra - not where he left her, but in the clutches of none other than Lady Tremaine!

He left Lydia in mid-sentence and rushed across the store to where Lady Tremaine had Miandra pinned against a mirror with her cane, glaring viciously at her.

"Lady Tremaine, step away from my daughter at once!"

The woman shot him a venomous glare. "Hmm... Not so alone after all, it seems," she murmured. She lowered her cane from Mia's chest, but did not otherwise budge. Anastasia and Drizella kept silent in front of the Dreamfinder, further evidence as to just how well-respected he was.

"I assure you, Professor Mercurial, this is all a simple misunderstanding. You see, yesterday your daughter accosted Anastasia and Drizella, and just now I was taking it upon myself to correct her behavior."

The normally warm and benevolent eyes of Blair Mercurial were narrowed in fury. Mia thought she could almost see a fire burning behind those usually twinkling eyes.

"Oh? Is that so?" he asked, crossing his arms. "In that case, would you care to explain how it is that Miandra came home last night with a bruise on her face and welts on her back while it seems your daughters haven't a single scratch on them?"

Lady Tremaine opened her mouth to reply, but Blair quickly cut her off.

"You can drop the innocent act, Lady Tremaine. I know what you've been up to - going to Earth at the behest of the Dark Ones and posing as Miandra's professor so you could discourage her creativity. No one stifles the spark of a Mercurial, Lady Tremaine. I'm afraid your actions - and that of your daughters - cannot go unpunished."

With a fizzle and a pop, three pairs of handcuffs appeared out of thin air, called forth by the Dreamfinder's imagination.

"I'm placing you three under arrest!"

Mia gaped at her father in astonishment. "Woah. You mean, you can actually do that?" She hadn't expected him to flat-out accuse Lady Tremaine of working for the Dark Ones, at least not without backup. And now he was making a citizen's arrest!

Blair gave Mia a private grin, always happy for the chance to impress his daughter. He may have no official legal authority, but after all he'd done for Dizgaia, no one would dare question him if he made a citizen's arrest.

The Tremaine sisters seemed to be doing their best impressions of a goldfish as they gaped at the Dreamfinder.


"But you can't!"

"We're innocent!"

"It was all Mother's doing! How were we supposed to know what she was up to?"

"SILENCE!" Lady Tremaine roared at her daughters, though her fiery eyes remained on Blair. "You heard him, ladies. Best we go quietly."

Now it was Mia's turn to gape like a fish out of water. She was surprised by how well Lady Tremaine was taking this. Mia hadn't expected the woman to relent so easily and with such poise. However, there was something about her face, an upward twitch of the lips, that led Mia to suspect Lady Tremaine was up to something. It was as though she knew something they didn't. The woman's eyes flicked towards Mia, but she wasn't really looking at Mia. Instead, she seemed to be looking at something just behind her.

Blair didn't seem to notice Lady Tremaine's peculiar behavior. Brandishing the handcuffs, he took a step towards her. "A wise course of action, madam," he said. "No need to make a public spectacle."

"Tut tut, Dreamfinder!"

Mia nearly jumped out of her skin as the voice spoke up from behind her. She spun around, watching in horror as the man she'd seen in the dressing room mirror emerged from the one behind her.

"Public spectacles are oftentimes the most wondrous of spectacles!"

"Y-You're the man in the mirror!" Mia exclaimed. She furrowed her brow, trying to get a sense for who or what this person might be. Something about his outfit rang familiar, but she still couldn't quite place him.

"I should say not, young lady," the dapperly dressed man said in something of an offended tone. "To be the man in the mirror, I'd have to be inside the mirror. As you can clearly see..." He tilted his head, grinning widely at her. "I am actually quite out of it."

Mia could do naught but stare entrancedly at this newfound development. Although she knew that many possibilities abounded in Dizgaia, a world from which the tales of such as Hans Christian Andersen and Walt Disney were born, her mind still attempted to make sense of the strange occurrences presented to her.

"Miandra!" her father bellowed. "Get away from that Mad Hatter!"

This panicked command from her father brought her to the realization that this whimsical gentleman was the Mad Hatter, and apparently that was not a good thing. Confused, Mia glanced between the Hatter and her father, not entirely comprehending the situation. However, when the Hatter's mercury eyes widened in a glare of crazed fury, Mia gulped nervously and stepped away from him.

"Mad!? How dare you call me mad!? I... HATE... BEING CALLED... MAD!!!" The Hatter's head was tilted, his eye twitching. "IT... MAKES... ME..."

Such rage emanated from the Hatter that, for a moment, Mia feared he might explode like a volcano. But a second later, he regained composure and gazed mildly down at her.

"Well, I just don't like it is all," he said with a smile.

He didn't want to say it makes him mad,'thought Mia, who couldn't stop the nervous laugh which slipped, unbidden, from her lips.

Blair was far less amused, however. His eyes narrowed and his hands clenched into fists, which were suddenly aglow with swirling rainbow light. Only this time there was something threatening about that light. Perhaps it was the crackle of red sparks scattered throughout.

"What business do you have here, Hatter?" he growled.

With a handsome smile, the Hatter placed his hand on his chest and dipped into a short bow. "Why, the Mistress of Darkness' business of course. And her business is my pleasure, her pleasure is my business, and my pleasure is none of your business!"

This admission was enough to move Mia into action, and she quickly backed away. Suddenly, the Hatter wasn't so funny anymore.

"I'm afraid the Tremaines are quite late for their afternoon tea date with the mistress," said the Hatter. "So, I'll be escorting them to her."

Blair grit his teeth, shaking his head. "I'm afraid, Hatter, that I can't allow that! By the authority of the Order of Yen Sid, Lady Tremaine and her daughters are under arrest!"

Mia's gaze flicked between the Tremaines, who seemed surprisingly calm, considering, and the wickedly grinning Hatter. "Blair..." she murmured, as she continued to back away. "M-Maybe we should just let them leave..."

"Let us leave?"

Ambushed again, Mia spun around towards the source of the new voice, and what she saw caused her to let out a bloodcurdling scream. An anthropomorphic rabbit-man with wide, manic eyes, shabby red-brown fur, and a shock of black hair atop his head had appeared behind her, cackling like a loon.

"Let us leave?" he repeated. "Why... we're already GONE!"

If his words and wild expression weren't enough to give away his mental state, the straightjacket he wore certainly did the trick. With the canvass sleeves crisscrossed over his chest, he looked very much like a demonic fur monster escaped from the asylum.

"March Hare!" Blair exclaimed in horror.

Laughing maniacally, the March Hare's eyes flicked to the Mad Hatter. "Lookee, lookee, Hatter! Come for the tea... stay for the cake!"

The March Hare opened his arms wide, revealing that they were not bound to him, as it had initially seemed. They were, however, completely encased in the long sleeves, which were apparently of supernatural origin as they suddenly grew longer and shot out at Mia, wrapping themselves around her.

"This one, to be precise! You look like you'd go well with a spot of tea, sweetcakes!"

From shoulders to midsection, Mia was bound by the canvass sleeves, her arms pinned helplessly at her sides. For a moment, she couldn't speak. Her lips moved soundlessly as she stared in silent horror at the abomination that had captured her. Like a fisherman reeling in his catch, the sleeves slowly began to retract, dragging Mia ever closer to the deranged hare. Finally, Mia found her voice to scream as she struggled uselessly at the impossibly strong pull of the canvass sleeves.

"Miandra! NO!" shouted Blair.

"Gotta wrap up the present for Mistress Maleficent! It's her Unbirthday today, after all!"

Blair stepped towards Mia and the Hare, but hesitated, his eyes flicking back to the Hatter who was ushering the Tremaines towards him. The mirror was rippling like rings of unsteady water. Blair clenched his fists.

"Curiouser and curiouser, Dreamfinder," said the Hatter with a wicked grin. "Whatever shall you do? Save your daughter from ol' Marchy, or stop me from taking the Tremaines to safety?"

The Dreamfinder grit his teeth as he glared into the mercury pools of the Hatter's eyes. The choice was simple, of course. Blair spun towards the March Hare to rescue his daughter. Imaginergy flowed through the Dreamfinder's hands as a large pair of scissors materialized in the air in front of him.

"How about a Hare cut?"

The March Hare, who'd been reeling Mia in towards him like a fish on a line, hesitated and gazed at the Dreamfinder with an amused smile which seemed, for the moment, relatively sane.

"Hey, that's a funny line! WHAGH!"

With a flick of his wrist, Blair sent the large pair of scissors flying towards the March Hare. Then, holding his fingers like a pair of scissors themselves, Blair mimicked a cutting motion and the hovering scissors did the same, cutting through the sleeves of the straightjacket and freeing Mia from the Hare's clutches. The sleeves fell to the floor, writhing like helpless snakes. Mia ran to Blair, clinging fearfully to him. During this encounter, customers had fled from the store, screaming - some dropping their purchases in their panic and others forgetting to pay entirely and running out the door with an armful of clothes.

Lydia had pressed the emergency response button beneath the cash-out counter, but it was too late. With one last malign smile at Blair and Mia, Lady Tremaine followed her daughters through the mirror. Meanwhile, the Hare's sleeves slithered up his legs and torso like a pair of snakes, reattaching themselves and binding the Hare's arms across his body. The mangy rabbit-man grinned at Mia and Blair with a deranged look in his eyes.

"Hare today... gone tomorrow!" he proclaimed as he hopped through the mirror after the Tremaines, cackling like a loon.

Blair held a frightened Mia to his side as now only the Hatter remained, staring down the Dreamfinder and his frightened daughter who'd just narrowly escaped capture. The Hatter offered up a devilishly handsome and somewhat unhinged smile.

"It's been an unmitigated pleasure stalking you both." His gaze moved to Mia, who, despite her fright, couldn't seem to take her eyes away from him. "Wishes really do come true," he told her.

Tears welled in Mia's eyes as she trembled beside the Dreamfinder. The Hatter doffed his hat and bent into a sweeping bow. Upon his head, hidden until now by the Hatter's cap, sat a mouse-like creature the size of a puppy. But there was nothing cute about this impossibly large mouse. Half his ear appeared to be chewed off, and he had a row of razor-sharp teeth. The eyes which peered out at them were as black as inescapable voids. Mia cried out in a mixture of horror and disgust, trembling against her father. The Dormouse gave them a drunken sort of smile.

"TwiNkLe... tWinKle... fiNdERs oF dreAMs... sOmedAY WE'd lOVe To heAr yOUr SCReaMS..."

Mia buried her face in Blair's shoulder, choking down a sob. Blair felt his blood run cold at the loathsome words of the Dormouse. The Hatter placed his hat back on his head, concealing the creature once more as he rose from his bow. Mia risked a glance just in time to see The Hatter leap backwards through the mirror, which shattered immediately after his reentry, sending shards of glass whizzing past them. Mia screamed and buried her face against her father once more as the sound of sirens echoed outside.

Figment flew into the store in a panic. "Dreamfinder! Miandra! What's happening? All these people came out running and screaming and the Royal Police are coming! What's going on?"

Neither Mia nor Blair had any words for him. For the moment, it seemed Mia had lost her ability to speak, while Blair was busy comforting her. He held Mia against him as he ran his hand comfortingly through her hair.

"It's all right, Miandra. They're gone, dear. It's all over now. I'm just glad you're safe," he said, pressing his lips to her hair.

Moments later, several people filed into the store - both men and women garbed in cream colored uniform coats with gold trim, dark blue slacks, and high black boots. Each was armed with a sword as well as a six-bullet revolver. These people, Mia surmised, must be the Royal Police Figment had referenced.

One of the men drew his sword as his eyes swept the place with a scrutinizing gaze. "All right. What's the trouble here?"

Lydia ventured out from her hiding place behind the check-out counter all a panic. "Th-Th Hatter! And the M-March Hare! They c-came in through the m-mirror," she stammered, pointing a trembling finger in the direction of the shattered mirror. Lydia, thought Mia, seemed more frightened than her, despite the fact that she hadn't been the one to get wrapped up in the Hare's straightjacket sleeves and threatened by The Hatter and the Dormouse.

Every member of the Royal Police froze, each one going wide-eyed. "Th-The Hatter and the March Hare? Here???"

Blair's eyes narrowed as he addressed the officer. "Yes, they were here. I'm afraid you just missed them. They fled, taking Lady Tremaine and her daughters with them."

"Professor Mercurial! You mean to say the Tremaines were kidnapped by The Hatter?"

"Hardly!" he scoffed. "They were escorted away, as Lady Tremaine is in league with The Dark Ones."

The officers exchanged nervous glances. This seemed to be a little out of their jurisdiction. "Uh... Don't go anywhere. We... We should take statements."

"Don't bother, officer," came a commanding voice from the doorway of the boutique. "This is out of your hands now."

"On who's authority?"

The store began to fill up with more people. These ones were dressed in red sorcerer's robes, which they wore over their business professional attire. The person in charge was tall, imposing man with dark brown skin, short, dark hair, a thin mustache, and a stern countenance.

"Mine," he said, flourishing a badge. "Special Agent Mortimer Royo of the Allied Magical Protection Agency. This vicinity is now a Magical At-Risk Zone, which falls under the AMPA's jurisdiction. You and your team's assistance is no longer required."

Mia's fear had taken a backseat to curiosity as the team of people calling themselves the Allied Magical Protection Agency arrived on the scene. She stepped away from her father, gazing around them as though taking in the chaotic mess for the first time.

"Wh-What just happened?" she asked, still processing. "The Mad Hatter and March Hare are bad guys? Was this some sort of terrorist attack? What about the mirror? Are mirrors evil? They won't come back, will they?" Her eyes darted around the shop, almost expecting them to pop out of any one of the several remaining mirrors throughout the store. She huddled closer to her father. "M-Maybe we should break them."

"Hold on now, Miandra," said Blair, patting her shoulder reassuringly. "That won't be necessary, especially not now."

Agent Royo approached them. "Professor Mercurial, it's good to finally meet you, sir. It's a shame it couldn't be under better circumstances."

Blair shook his hand. "Yes, I've usually met with Commissioner Xatencio in the past over matters such as these."

"Commissioner Xatencio is getting on in years and doesn't do much field work anymore. All matters are now under my authority. Speaking of which, I'd like to get statements from you, your dragon, and the young woman."

"My daughter, you mean."

"Yes. Your..." Royo hesitated, arching an eyebrow. "I see. Welcome back, Miss Mercurial."

Mia flushed embarrassedly. Was there anyone in Cerenopia who didn't know the story of she and her mother's departure?

"It seems I might have some further questions in regards to how it is that you've returned to Dizgaia. Travel between the two worlds also falls under the AMPA's scope as there could be concern of magical threat."

Mia swallowed nervously. "Am I in trouble? I didn't mean to cause problems, but there were mitigating circumstances for me coming here. An emergency of sorts."

"An emergency?"

Mia glanced worriedly at Blair. "They're not gonna deport me or something, are they?"

"You can't make Miandra go back!" Figment cried. "If Gaston and those Goons come back for her, there won't be anyone to protect her on the other side!"

Royo's eyes went wide. "Indeed? It sounds to me, Miss Mercurial, that your return is attracting all sorts of unwanted attention. This sounds like a pretty deep investigation."

"Agent Royo," said Blair with polite impatience, "While I respect what you do and can appreciate your concern for the circumstances surrounding my daughter, I'd prefer if you focused, for the time being, on today's mishap. Mainly, the Mad Hatter and the March Hare coming here through a mirror to help the Tremaines escape arrest."

"That is my foremost concern at the moment, yes. Agent Byrd, what have we found?"

One of the AMPA agents, a woman with strawberry blonde hair who wasn't too much older than Miandra herself, was handling some of the shards of glass from the broken mirror.

"It looks like none of the mirrors in this shop have up-to-date protection enhancements placed on them, making them susceptible to Aperturism. Especially this one. This particular mirror doesn't seem to have any protection enhancements to speak of."

Mia tilted her head inquisitively. "Apertursim?"

"Since the Alice Incident, all mirrors around Dizgaia are supposed to have protective enchantments placed on them at the time of manufacture to keep them from being used as apertures by the wicked," Royo explained. "Particularly those from Wonderland."

"The Alice Incident?" said Mia. "But I thought Alice followed the white rabbit down the rabbit hole-"

Lydia gasped as though Mia had just said a bad word.

"What do mirrors have to do with..." Mia trailed off, recalling more of Lewis Carrol's work regarding Alice's adventures. "Wait. There was a sequel to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." She gazed up at her father in understanding. "Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There." Now it was starting to make sense.

Agent Royo nodded. "Over time, the mirrors need their enchantments updated to ensure that they are still protected. Wonderlanders will occasionally peer through reflective surfaces from time to time, but mirrors are the only ones they can use as apertures. It seems this particular mirror was the perfect weak spot for the Hatter and the Hare." Royo shook his head and sighed. "Looks like we're going to be writing up quite a few citations for this one."

Mia nodded, slowly piecing it together. "So, it's sort of like virus protection for computers and the Mad Hatter is kind of like a Mad Hacker." Nervous giggles bubbled up her throat, but Mia quickly swallowed them with a shiver. "At least a Jabberwock didn't come out of it," she said, trying to ease the tension with a bit of levity.

However, this was apparently a poor choice of words as it caused Lydia to scream and swoon. An AMPA officer caught her just as she fainted. Figment let out a frightened squeak and zipped up under Blair's coat to hide.

"Figment! Come now..." said Blair.

"Is that a real thing?" Mia asked, horrified.

Figment's head poked out from between the buttons of Blair's vest and nodded before ducking back inside.

Mia felt the blood drain from her face. Now she felt like fainting. "Sorry," she murmured.

"You have much to learn about the ways of this world, Miss Mercurial," said Royo.

"Is there anything you can do about this matter, Agent Royo?" asked Blair.

Royo rubbed a hand across his forehead as though staving off a migraine. "Well, it's a tough situation. My team can update the enchantments on these mirrors and confiscate the remains of the apertured one. Unfortunately for Miss Lydia and whoever sold her these mirrors, there's going to be citations and fines. As for the Hatter and the March Hare, I'm afraid there isn't much more we can do. We'll certainly report it. But for now, they're beyond our reach."

"I see," said Blair, looking troubled. "Well, my daughter and I are due for an audience with Princess Cindy and Princess Snow. I intend to fill them in on everything."

"Yes, that would be best," agreed Royo. "However, before you go, I'm afraid I must insist on inquiring of you, Miss Mercurial, the circumstances of your return to Dizgaia." He reached into his robe, which he wore over a suit and tie, and pulled out a small notepad. "Your dragon mentioned Gaston and The Goons. What exactly happened with them and how did you end up here?"

Reluctantly, and hoping she wasn't about to be issued a citation herself, Mia explained to Agent Royo the circumstances behind her arrival in Dizgaia, starting with her trip to Disney World and the arrival of Gaston, who attempted to kidnap her and all that followed.

"And that's when Flynn activated the Rainbow Corridor and brought me here to meet my father."

"And then the Tremaines attacked her!" said Figment, picking up where she left off. "They weren't happy because Miandra found out that Lady Tremaine was pretending to be her college professor on Earth. They were trying to snuff out her spark! And now the Dark Ones are after Miandra and it's my job to protect her!" He cast an apologetic glance at Mia. "I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me, Miandra."

The little dragon looked so upset with himself that Mia couldn't help but take him into her arms and hug him. "It's okay," she assured him. "I'm all right. It's all over now."

Blair didn't like that his daughter was being made to recount all this. It had been difficult for her from the very start. More and more, it was becoming obvious that her presence in Dizgaia was dangerous for her. However, returning her to Earth was a fool's errand. Nothing could protect her there. It seemed Miandra's life was destined to be fraught with danger. And yet, Blair couldn't help smiling at Figment's determination to protect Mia. After all these years, the little dragon remembered his charge and took it very seriously.

"And this Kevin Flynn," said Royo, jotting down notes. "Who is he?"

This time, Blair interjected. "Flynn is one of my brightest Imagineers at the Imagination Institute. And I'm very grateful to him for seeing my Miandra safely out of that situation. I do hope he's not to be punished for his selfless heroics?"

Mia knew her father was just trying to ensure that Agent Royo wasn't too hard on Flynn, but it almost felt like he was reminding her, too, of all Flynn had done for her. She felt a twinge of guilt for her earlier treatment of him, but she wasn't ready to forgive him.

"He may have to be issued a citation," said Royo, "But we certainly don't arrest people for rescuing damsels in distress." His eyes flicked to Mia. "And this Flynn... he can corroborate your story, Miss Mercurial?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, he was at Disney World when he and Tron rescued me. Then he took me through the Rainbow Corridor. Look, Mr. Royo, am I in trouble or not? I mean, no offense, but shouldn't you be trying to arrest Gaston or something?"

"Gaston is not commonly known for committing any sort of magical crime. Any magic he made use of was likely not his own. Besides that, he falls under Paridon's jurisdiction, and if they haven't managed to arrest him yet..." He trailed off and shook his head. "His current whereabouts are unknown. Unless he turns up here in Cerenopia, he's also beyond our reach."

Meanwhile, Lydia had come to. She was sitting slumped in a chair with her hand over her heart, looking on rather melodramatically as one of the store clerks waved a fan at her.

"As for now," said Agent Royo, looking between Blair, Mia, and Figment, "I suppose I've gotten all we need from you. You're free to go. However, I do intend to pay Mr. Flynn a visit, and I'll certainly be keeping in touch with you, Miss Mercurial. I intend to see just how deep this rabbit hole goes."

At his words, Lydia let out a distressed moan and fainted again. Agent Royo glanced over his shoulder at her and arched an eyebrow.


Mia was glad when they were free to go. Agent Royo was pretty intense. After reviving Lydia for a second time, Mia and her father paid for their purchases. Lydia allowed Mia to have the blue dress for free and threw in a pair of matching shoes as an apology for the undue stress they'd suffered as a result of the lack of protective enchantments on her mirrors. Blair led Mia outside with Figment fluttering behind them.

Blair was eager to put as much distance between them and the boutique as possible. To think... The Mad Hatter and The March Hare had infiltrated Cerenopia! They'd found a way past the powerful enchantments which the Order of Yen Sid had placed over the kingdom as protection against The Dark Ones. Luckily, the AMPA were on the job to settle that, but Blair wasn't so sure that was enough.

They walked in silence down the cobblestone street that went past the outlets, carefully avoiding the wishing well. Mia jumped at her reflection in one of the shop windows. By the time they'd come to the end of the strip mall, the morning's frightening ordeal had finally caught up to her, and she promptly dispelled her breakfast into some hydrangea bushes.

"Miandra! Dearheart, are you all right?"

Once she'd emptied the contents of her stomach, Mia rose up from the bushes and took a seat on a nearby bench. She placed her elbows on her knees and put her face in her hands. She was trembling.

"Mia?" asked Figment. "What is it? Are you sick?"

"N-No. Not exactly. I just need a minute."

Blair frowned as he crouched down in front of her. The stress of what Miandra had been through was weighing heavily on her. Two days back on her native world, and already she'd been assaulted by the Tremaine sisters and then barely managed to escape capture by two of the most terrifying figures to exist in Dizgaia. It wasn't any wonder she'd thrown-up.

Mia lowered her hands and gazed at her father. Her face was pale and there were tears in her eyes that she was refusing to let fall. "Did I mess up my makeup?" she asked. "Is my hair okay?"

She tilted her head back, hoping maybe she could somehow suck her tears back into her eyeballs to they wouldn't spill down her face and streak her cheeks. She was supposed to meet with royalty today, and it would be absolutely terrible if she looked a wreck when doing it. She very much wanted to make a good impression.

Blair placed his hands on her shoulders. "Miandra... Despite everything you've been through today, you're still the most beautiful young woman in all the world."

"You're just saying that because you're my father," she sniffled.

"Even if you were anything less than radiant, no one could properly blame you after what you encountered today." His hands moved to her cheeks as he gazed remorsefully at her. "Oh, my darling daughter... It seems you can't get a moment's peace since coming home. I feel like the longer you stay, the more you're going to regret being here at this rate."

Mia took a gentle hold of his wrists and gazed into his kind, twinkling eyes. "Never," she said. "I'll never regret coming here and meeting you as long as I live. As for here..." She glanced around with a small smile before returning her gaze to her father. "I haven't seen enough of 'here' to make such a decision. So, I guess you're just going to have to show me so much more of it - all of the good things - to keep me from ever wanting to leave." Her lips quirked mischievously. "But I'm already pretty sure I'll never want to."

Her words brought a smile to his face, but it was a somewhat nervous smile. In spite of Miandra's reassurances, Blair worried for his daughter's safety. If Miandra was to see so much more of this whole new world, the Dreamfinder was going to have to keep a close eye on her to ensure that if any of the Dark Ones crossed their path, he could stop them from making a move.

"Besides, it's not like I had anything going for me back home," said Mia. "Lady Tremaine completely sabotaged college and any future career aspirations for me. But here... I feel like I could do anything. I just need to get used to the idea of Disney villains popping out at me when I least expect it."

"Yes, well, to be fair, that isn't a normal occurrence, dear. I'm so sorry you had to witness that."

"But the Mad Hatter and March Hare... I would've never guessed. I mean, I always personally found those characters, and the tales of Lewis Carrol in general, to be rather creepy. I just never imagined them being evil or villainous. And despite my personal feelings, on Earth it's widely accepted as a silly, nonsensical tale with whimsical characters. Harmless."

"Wonderland is a nasty piece of business," said the Dreamfinder, speaking quietly so as not to draw attention. "Don't let the name fool you. The only 'wonder' about Wonderland is how anyone leaves that place alive and with their sanity intact."

He rose to his feet, pulling Mia up with him. "I'll gladly tell you more about that, but we really must be heading for the castle. With the morning's events, I don't think we can afford to wait a second longer."

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