All I Ever Wanted - Zayn Malik

By TheTommoxxxxx

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Brianna Horan. A girl with a dream, a dream to become a famous singer. She tries out for X Factor and is vote... More

Chapter 1 - Memories
Chapter 2 - Hidden Feelings
Chapter 3 - Promotion
Chapter 4 - Jealousy
Chapter 5 - Break and Bonfire
Chapter 6 - The Tour Starts
Chapter 7 - Don't Lie To Me
Chapter 8 - Trying to Help
Chapter 9 - Healing
Chapter 10 - I Can't Hide It
Chapter 11 - Can't Be True
Chapter 12 - Going For It
Chapter 13 - First "Date"
Chapter 14 - Second "Date"
Chapter 15 - Suspicions
Chapter 16 - The Big One
Chapter 17 - Chills
Chapter 19 - Foreign Feelings
Chapter 20 - Success

Chapter 18 - Confused

35 0 0
By TheTommoxxxxx

A/N: Enjoy :) xx


Chapter 18 - Confused

*Brianna's POV*

After the lads and I had hung out for a while last night, we all retired to our separate rooms. Niall and I laid in his bed together and talked for a long time. I explained to him that Zayn makes me happy and is really sweet and kind and treats me like a princess. I told him I have so much fun with him, and there's not many people that can make me smile more than Zayn can. I also explained that I can't exactly tell if my feelings for him are as a best friend or if they're becoming more. I'm really afraid they may be crossing the friend line, and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. It's all just so confusing.

Niall listened to me and told me to stop thinking so much. He told me to just go with how I feel without over thinking everything, which is something I tend to do a lot.

Niall also vented to me about his worries for his future. He really wants to start doing some real directing work. He practically finished all of his online classes. After all he has a lot of free time while the boys and I have concerts and such. I told him that he has nothing to worry about. Work will come; he still has a lot of time in front of him.

After we got all of that off of our chests we called our parents to talk for a little while. It was really early in Ireland at that time, but we don't have a lot of free time to be calling them. Especially with all of the time I spend with Zayn. Once we were done catching up with our parents, we listened to some music and fell asleep together. It was nice having some brother-sister, one-on-one, twin time. It was long overdue.

We had to get up early this morning, pack ourselves up, get on the bus, and head off to the next city. It's crazy how hectic our lives have become. Everything around us has changed, yet we stay the same. The same idiots we were on The X Factor.

I fell asleep quickly after boarding the bus. The lack of sleep is really getting to me. My nap seems to only last seconds however. I'm shaken out of my slumber by someone sitting on top of my stomach.

"Do you mind?" I grumble at the person and they chuckle.

"Vas Happenin' sleepy head?" Zayn whispers, and I shove him off of me and onto the floor.

"Oi! Don't hurt him; he's on our team!" Liam shouts at me.

"Our teams for what?" I ask, sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"Football of course!" Harry says in a perky voice. How irritating.

"Now? But I'm tired!"

"But we don't care! Now help your teammate up, and let's start!" Louis orders. I stand up, stretch, then offer my hand to Zayn.

"I guess the good thing about this is that you can't tackle me since I'm on your team," I remark and he laughs. He takes my hand, and I pull him to his feet.

"I could do it just for fun." He winks, and my eyes fall to the floor as I giggle.

The teams are Liam, Zayn, and I against Louis, Niall, and Harry.

"You're totally going to lose!" I taunt at the other team.

"And why is that?" Louis asks.

"Because you have Harry on your team..." I point out and everyone laughs.

"I'll prove you wrong," Harry says with determination.

"You've said that before, Curly."

We decide on playing to ten goals and begin the match. It becomes extremely loud on the bus due to the excessive yelling and trash talk. At one point I get the ball, and Harry tries to stop me from scoring but trips in the process.

"What was that about proving me wrong, Harry?" I ask and he just chuckles. Good old Harry, really knows how to laugh at himself.

After a while the score has become eight to seven, my team up by one. Louis gets the ball, and I rush after him to keep him from scoring while Liam and Zayn block his passing options.

"You can't stop me, love," Louis assures me, and I roll my eyes.

"I wouldn't count on that, Lou." He brings his leg back then forward again and kicks the ball as hard as he can. As he follows through on the kick, his leg extends nearly as high as his head. The ball flys into the air on impact. It spirals toward the ceiling and comes into contact with the light. The light falls to the ground and smashes into a million pieces.

We are all silent a minute, just staring at the damage Louis has done.

"Louis, you idiot!" Zayn cries in his thick, Bradford accent. At this, we all fall into hysterics. We crack up laughing at the shards of glass all over the floor because of Louis' wild kick.

"I'm sure it can be fixed," he says and we laugh harder.

"Fixed? You destroyed the bloody thing!" Liam cries as we continue laughing.

"I think this means no more football for today," Niall says through uncontrollable laughter, his face red.

"It also means we win by default," I add.

"Why do you win?" Harry asks.

"Because no one from our team broke the bus!" Zayn answers. Another round of laughter fills the room.

"Winner group hug!" I announce and pull Liam and Zayn in for a tight embrace. After we pull away, Zayn keeps his arm around my waist. He proceeds to pick me up bridal style, walk over to the sofa, and sit down with me on his lap.

"Since we can't play anymore, we might as well go back to sleep," he says to me and I nod.

"Zayn and I are taking a nap! Wake us up when we get to the arena!" I announce. The other lads agree to be our alarm.

Zayn lays down, resting his head against the arm of the couch. I lay my head on his chest while my arm lies on his stomach and my legs are draped across his. I don't know about him, but I can't think of a better way to fall asleep. I close my eyes, and soon I hear the sound of Zayn's heart. It's beating rather quickly. I smile at the realization that I can make Zayn's heart race. That smile stays on my face as I drift to sleep.


I'm awoken harshly as I feel myself tumble from the sofa to the floor. Zayn's body immediately falls on top of mine, and we both groan, still half asleep. I look to see Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall laughing their asses off as they stand behind the couch. They must've tipped it over and caused Zayn and I to fall off.

"We're here!"

"No shit," I grumble and push Zayn off of me.

I stand up, grab my phone, and throw my shoes on. All six of us exit the bus and are met by Paul outside. He starts leading us into the arena so we can begin our sound check.

"Paul, Louis did something bad!" I say and Paul turns to me.

"What now?" he asks.

"It wasn't me, Paul! It was Bri, I swear!" Louis cries and I shake my head. Paul looks at us questionably.

"Who are you gonna believe, Paulie? Louis or your fellow Irishman-woman...person?" I ask and he chuckles.

"I trust you, Brianna. What did Tomlinson do?"

"That's quite rude!" Louis condemns but we ignore him.

"Kicked a football and shattered one of the lights on the bus," I tell him and he shakes his head.

"Did he at least clean up his mess?" Paul asks.

"Of course I did!" Louis says.

"No you didn't! You made me do it!" Liam exclaims, and I laugh along with everyone else.

Once we're inside, we head to the stage for sound check. We sing a few songs, answer some fan questions, and of course goof off quite a bit. After we finish, the lads and I head to our dressing room. We still have a couple hours until the concert starts, and we will be spending it getting ready.

I get dressed in the same outfit I've worn for the entire tour. I put on my colorful high-waisted skirt, a black, sparkly crop top, black and pink high-top Converse, and a bunch of jewelry. I have two other outfits I change into throughout the show.

As we are all finishing up getting dressed, Lou comes in to start our hair and make-up. I'm the first one she works on, so when I see her walk in I take a seat in front of my mirror.

"Hey, Bri! You ready?" she asks cheerfully.

"Of course, Lou! Work your magic!" She smiles and begins applying my make-up and fake eyelashes. Sometimes I wish all of this wasn't necessary, that I could just go out there with nothing on my face and wearing sweatpants. On the other hand I love being all dolled up. It makes me feel confident, even more than I usually am. Basically, I become a cocky bitch.

Zayn comes over to us as Lou is finishing up my make-up and about to start my hair.

"There's not much work to do there, Lou. She's already perfect!" He chirps with a wide smile on his face.

"Don't feed my ego, Zaynie. It's big enough already!" I say. He just winks at me and goes back to screwing around with the other boys.

"Well, that was adorable," Lou says and I giggle.

"He's an idiot."

I'm finally done once Lou sprays hair spray into my beach-waved hair. I thank her as I always do after she's done working on me. I then sit on the couch and scroll through social media on my phone as the lads get beautified.

Once we're all done and ready to go, there's still a few minutes until the show starts. We make our way to the stage, grab our microphones and in-ears, and do our huddle quickly. Once the opening video ends, we run out on to the stage and are greeted by deafening screams.

"We're like Na Na Na..." we instantly begin the first song. I belt out the lyrics as the buzz of live performing overcomes me. Nothing could ever be better than this.

After Na Na Na, we go straight into Stand Up which is one of my favorite songs of ours. Zayn is next to me throughout the song along with our complex, jumping-up-and-down dance. I look over to him at the words, "I won't be leaving 'til I finish stealing every piece of your heart, every piece of your heart." He's looking at me as well, and our eyes lock for a few moments. I get caught up in our little world and almost forget to sing my part. "It hurts me to think that you've ever cried," I sing nearly not on time. I look away from Zayn, embarrassed that he flustered me into almost forgetting my part. I rarely ever mess up.

I avoid eye contact with him for most of the song in fear that his intense gaze with cause me to make a mistake. However, I can't help looking at him as he belts out, "You can call me a thief, but you should know your part. I'm only here because you stole my heart." Once again he's staring right back at me, and I can just tell he's directing the words to me. A smile makes its way to my face, and I look away from him sheepishly. Why does he have to be so sweet?

Our show continues with the usual songs, lyric changes, and twitter questions. Eventually we get to Everything About You. Once more, during Zayn's solo he looks to me and sings, "You have always been the only one I wanted, and I wanted you to know without you I can't face it." He takes a deep breath and sings the next part while ruffling my hair playfully. "All we wanna have is fun, but they say that we're too young. Let 'em say what they want!" I giggle and proceed to sing the chorus. I honestly don't deserve Zayn's affection. He treats me so perfectly. I've never treated him the way he should be. I've never shown him the kind of love I know he seeks.

We sing three more songs and an encore before we're finished and finally run off the stage. After we finish everything else we are required of tonight, we gather our things from the bus and take them to the hotel we're staying in tonight. Niall and I get to our room and I immediately throw my things everywhere and head for the bathroom.

"I'm disgusting!" I exclaim. Niall just stands there and stares at me. "What?" A smirk overcomes his face and he winks at me. I know exactly what he's referring to. I know he saw what was going on between Zayn and I tonight and wants to tease me about it.

Shut up, Niall," I mumble and close the bathroom door so he can't see the smile that is etched onto my face. I can't help it. Zayn just makes me so happy. He makes me feel so special. The way he looks at me and sings to me like I'm the only girl in the world.

When we've all showered and changed, we lounge around in Niall and I's room to talk a while before going to bed.

"Did you see that banner that girl had tonight? It said-" Liam is saying before he gets cut off by Niall's ringing phone.

"Hello?" he answers. "Oh, hi! How are you?" he says after a short pause. "....Oh, really?....Are you serious!?" he yells in excitement. "That sounds amazing, of course I'll do it!" he exclaims with a huge smile on his face. The lads and I look to each other in confusion. "Yes, thank you so much!....Bye, thanks again!" he says and hangs up. "Holy shit!" he shouts.

"Who was that, Ni?" Harry asks.

"Someone from Modest! Apparently they want to film a DVD of your tour during one of your shows in Australia, and they asked me to direct it! ME!"

"That's amazing, Nialler!" I squeal as jump on to his lap, squeezing the life out of him. "I told you everything would be ok! You have to tell mum and dad!"

"I know! Mum's gonna freak out!"

"Oh my God, I'm so happy for you!" I say and the lads agree.

"Try to keep the Zayn and Bri flirting to a minimum, yeah? It's supposed to be about the whole band, not just you two star-crossed lovers!" he whispers to me and I smack his arm.

"Will you shut up already, Ni?"


A/N: COMMENT :) xx

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