Chapter 19 - Foreign Feelings

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A/N: sorry for slow updates...not that anyone's really reading this anyway ;)


Chapter 19 - Foreign Feelings

*Brianna's POV*

I should be used to being woken up by my phone ringing by now, but I'm not, not even close. I ignore it at first, thinking maybe he'll leave me alone if I don't answer. It's not that I don't want to do whatever he's calling for, it's just I don't want to do it at quarter after 5 in the morning. I've almost fallen back to sleep when he calls again.

"Yes, Zayn?" I ask while pressing the phone to my ear.

"Get up, get ready," he orders and I groan.

"Ready for what?"

"The beach."

"This early?"

"Bri, haven't you learned to not question me by now?"

"Haven't you learned to not wake me up so early?" I hear him laugh on the other line.

"I don't like getting up early either, Bri. I wouldn't do it if I didn't have something great planned..."

"Fine. I'll meet you in the lobby in like twenty minutes."

"I'll be waiting!" I hang up and toss my phone to the side. With every ounce of strength, I pull myself out of bed. I look through my suitcase blindly in the dark. I manage to find my bathing suit and a sundress. I take them to our bathroom and dress myself. I wash my face and french braid my hair. I skip make-up; if I'm going to the beach it's just going to get washed off anyway.

I walk back to our room and throw sunglasses, sunscreen, and a towel into a bag.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I hear Niall mumbling from his bed.

"I'm going out."

"Oh I get it. Zayn and Bri bonding time." How is it he's still such a smartass at this time in morning?

"Go to bed, Niall."

"Gladly," he says before it's silent again. I slip some sandals on, throw the bag over my shoulder, and walk out the door. I take the lift down to the lobby and spot Zayn stretched out across a chair. When he notices my presence, the look on his face is priceless. I've never really noticed the way he looks at me. It's as if he's trying not to let a huge smile take over his face. It's just a small grin, but his face seems to light up and eyes sparkle a bit.

"You look happy," I say once I approach him.

"Just glad you decided to come along."

"Don't I always? C'mon, let's get going!" He smiles and throws an arm around my shoulder. I rest my head on his shoulder as we walk out of the hotel and get into a cab.

"I was going to to suggest we walk there, but I knew you would've flipped shit," Zayn remarks and I scoff.

"Like you really want to walk..."

"Walking is good for the environment, Bri," he says sarcastically and I laugh.

"Riding in a car is good for my sanity..." He laughs and I realize for the first time how enticing his laugh and smile really are.

We arrive to the beach shortly. There is a dim orange light on the horizon of the ocean that barely lights our way through the mounds of sand. The sun hasn't yet come up, but it will shortly.

Zayn grabs my hand, and my heart leaps in my chest. He's never done that before. He intwines our fingers and says, "I thought we could watch the sunrise together."

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