Daddy's Wild Child {Waterloo...

By _X_Sammii_X_

754 28 17

Charlie Clarkson is Tom's daughter. She's absolutely wild and doesn't care about anything but having a good t... More



117 2 1
By _X_Sammii_X_

Charlie walked into Waterloo Road. She didn't want to be there but knew she didn't have a choice. She didn't think her dad would let her bunk off.

Charlie walked to her form room and sighed. She wanted to be left alone. She didn't want anyone by her. She was in the worst mood.

Tom saw his daughter and sighed. He knew she was hiding something from him. It broke his heart how she didn't confide in him.

Tom went to Rachel. He knew that she would be able to talk to Charlie about what she was hiding. Rachel looked up at Tom. "Is everything okay?"

Tom sighed. "My daughter. Charlie. She's hiding something from me. I don't know what. I know you're good at getting people to open up," he said.

Rachel smiled and nodded. "I'll talk to her."

Charlie was sitting in the common room. The door opened and Rachel walked in. She sat opposite Charlie. "Your dad. He thinks you're hiding something from him and he's worried," she said.

Charlie frowned. "What could I possibly be hiding?" She asked.

Rachel shrugged. "That's what I'm hoping you'd tell me. He's convinced that both you and Grace are hiding something from him."

"Well that's bollocks."

Charlie went to her dad. She was fuming. She stormed into his classroom. "How dare you! How dare you send Mason after me cause I won't talk to you! It's crap dad!" She yelled.

Tom frowned. He hadn't ever seen Charlie act that way before. It concerned him. Especially with him knowing it wasn't her. It wasn't his Charlie.

Tom sighed. "I know you and I know you're sister. You're both hiding something from me. I'm your dad. I'm here for you all," he said.

"Well guess what. There's some things even daddy can't fix," Charlie spat before she walked out.

Charlie walked from school. She wanted to be away from her dad. He was driving her mad. She knew she couldn't tell him what had happened. It would destroy him and he would go mad.

Charlie used her fake ID and bought three bottles of vodka. She wanted to get drunk. She wanted to forget the pain of feeling so broken.

Charlie sat in the park. She was hiding in the bushes so no one would see her. She knew she was crazy in thinking Tom wouldn't go after her.

Charlie could feel herself getting drunk. She knew that's how she wanted to be.

A few hours later, Tom was worrying about Charlie. She hadn't come home and Tom knew it wasn't like her.

Tom was about to call the police when the door opened and Charlie stumbled in. Tom frowned. He knew she was drunk. "What the hell are you playing at?" He asked.

Charlie rolled her eyes. "D-Don't tend you cares now. Cause you didn'ts care before," she slurred.

Tom frowned again. "Didn't care about what?" He asked.

Charlie knew that even in her drunken state, she had said too much. She needed to keep quiet. But how did she?

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