The Player's Game [Louis T. A...

By Kendyll_marie

163K 4.4K 1.7K

Entering into her Sophomore year of college, the last person Chelsea wants to run into is the campus bad boy... More

The Player's Game
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 25

3.4K 106 28
By Kendyll_marie


I kept my eyes strained on Chelsea's, not loosing focus. All my attention was directed to her, neither of us moving a muscle. The picnic table we sat at creaked slightly as I shifted in my position, trying to sit an angle that the sun wasn't glaring in my eyes

"Hah!" Chelsea exclaimed, raising her arms in an excited motion "I win. You blinked"

She pointed her finger at me as she proudly displayed a smile on her face

"Fine, fine" I put my hands up in surrender "You win" I leaned over the picnic table and pecked her lips.

Chelsea folded her arms on the table, leaning into them

"So" I took a breath


"Would it be weird if I wanted to meet your parents already?"

Chelsea's face lit up, letting the smile find its way back onto her face

"If course not. But I don't know how that would exactly happen; considering how far away I live"

I heart lifted once I heard her response; knowing she wasn't freaked out that I already wanted to meet her parents. I adjusted my lip ring

"There's always Skype" I suggested

She paused for a minute "That's not a bad idea" she said "Why don't we do that right now?"

I raised an eyebrow "Right-right now?" i began to get nervous

"Yeah!" Chelsea exclaimed, getting up from the bench, climbing over it. "Lets go"

I quickly followed Chelsea into the dorm building, then into her room. I watched as she began setting up her computer as she simultaneously had her mom on the phone, telling her to get on Skype.

I wiped my nervous hands on my jeans, trying to keep my composure

"Babe" I said as she hung up

"Yeah" she said, keeping her eyes locked on the computer 

"Maybe we should do this another time. We don't have to do this right now" 

"Don't be silly" she giggled, summoning me with her hand

I sat down next to her on her bed, waiting for her parents to answer the call.

Their faces popped up on the screen. Her dads eyes were squinted as he clicked the mouse multiple times 

"Can you hear me?" her mother said, leaning closer to the screen

"Yes mom" Chelsea laughed "I have someone I want you to meet" she said, displaying me with her hands

"Uhm-Hi" I nervously laughed

Her parents stayed silent for an uncomfortably amount of time before her dad spoke up

"So you're Louis" he stated flatly

"Yes sir" 

"Hmmm" he said, rubbing his chin "You didn't say he was British, Chelsea"

"I didn't?" Chelsea furrowed her brow

"Yes she did" her mom corrected him

"Oh. I must've forgotten"


"Star gazing, huh" my mom smiled endearingly "Well it's been good talking to you two, but we better get off of here. I've got to make dinner before your dad gets grumpy. Nice meeting you Louis"

"Nice meeting you too Ma'm" Louis smiled 

"Bye mom, bye dad" I slowly closed my laptop screen, hearing a click

I was surprised that Louis wanted to meet my parents. Surprised, but happy.

"Your parents are great Chels"

"Thanks" I smiled "I think so too"

It shocked me that Louis already wanted to meet my parents. He doesn't seem like the type.

"What made you want to meet my parents?" I asked, sliding my laptop away from me

"Oh, I uh- I just wanted to meet them. That's all. There wasn't really a reason" he shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. Which, I've noticed, is something he does when he's nervous.

"Mmmhhhm" I raised an eyebrow, playfully hitting his side

"Shut up" he laughed, momentarily showing a smirk "You don't need to know the reason"

I rolled my eyes, getting up from my bed to put my laptop away. I notice a large pile of laundry messily thrown into my hamper in my closet floor. I groan, knowing I have to wash all these clothes

"What?" Louis asked

"Laundry" I sigh

"I have some clothes that could be washed" He said, standing up and making his way to the door "Let me grab my dirty clothes and I'll meet you in the laundry room"

I gathered all of the lovely smelling items and tossed them into the overflowing hamper and made my way out.

Entering the large laundry room, I notice Louis is already here. 

"How'd you get here already?" I furrow my brow, setting down my hamper.

"Magic" he let out a sly smirk "I wanted to get here fast to make sure washers and dryers were open. Right now is the prime time for laundry apparently. At least that's what Monica says"

"You asked Monica about the traffic in the laundry room?" I raised an eyebrow

"No. That's just what she always says when she does Derek's Laundry. That's why you never see me down here. Monica does my laundry too" Louis began pulling out different articles of clothing from his basket

"How did you convince Monica to do your laundry?" I began doing the same, separating dark's from lights. Louis noticed my pattern, and began doing the same

"She doesn't know. I just throw my stuff in with Derek's"

"Louis!" I laughed

"I'm a genius, I know"

I separated everything and began to put everything in the washer.

Louis threw his in as well. After I set the machine to the proper settings I hit start. 

I looked over at Louis, who was looking at the buttons on the machine as if they were foreign objects.

"Need some help, sweetie?" I smile,

"I guess you could say that" i took a breath

Louis watched intently as I twisted the knobs to the correct spots

"There" I stated, walking back to my washer and leaned my back agaisnt it

"Wait, did you call me sweetie?" he brought a smirk onto his face

"Yes I did" my hands gripped the top of the machine, pulling myself on top of it to take a seat

"Are we to this point in our relationships?" he continued to smile 

"I didn't realize that was a 'point' in a relationship" i said, using air quotations "Plus. You already call me 'babe'"

"Yes, but until this point, you haven't called me anything yet. It's a two way street now." Louis hopped onto the washing matching I had been sitting on "I brought apple sauce" he says, reaching into his large basket. He quickly pulls out two small containers of Mott's applesauce, along with two spoons

"Uhm" I stare at the items "These were in with your dirty clothes?" 

"Oh c'mon" he gave me a look "I may be a boy, but I'm not gross"

"Pretty sure those two come hand in hand" I state "Ya know, like a package deal"

He sighed, pulling out a plastic container that had previously held the applesauce and spoons

"Have a little more faith" 

"Okay, okay" I smiled "Sorry"

"Apology accepted" he said, carefully ripping open his container. 

I watched as he did so, letting a small laugh escape my lips

"What?" he broke his focus from the lid

"I've just never seen you be so careful with something before" I point out "It's just an applesauce lid"

"Yes" he put his finger in the air "But it's a very delicate thing"

I begin opening mine forcefully

"If you pull to hard" he continued "It will spill all over you"

I tug on the lid once again, wondering why it's being so stubborn. With one more tug, I watch as applesauce practically jumps out of my container and onto my lap

We both remain silent for a moment 

"Told you" Louis spoke up

"Shut up" I laughed, reaching for the paper towels to my left

"Now what were you saying about boys being the messy ones?" Louis smirked as he helped me clean up the sticky mess I was wearing.

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