The Royal Romance Book 1

By ZimmerGurl

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Love awaits in the royal court of Cordonia. Travel to the beautiful kingdom of Cordonia with the Crown Prince... More

Chapter 1: Once Upon A Time
Chapter 2 : Welcome to Cordonia
Chapter 3: Reunited
Chapter 4: Save The Last Dance
Chapter 5: Off to the Races
Chapter 6: Queen of Hearts
Chapter 7: Fire and Ice
Chapter 8: A Waltz to Remember
Chapter 9: Race to the Finish
Chapter 10: Beach Party
Chapter 11: The Apple of His Eye
Chapter 12: As Sweet As Apple Pie
Chapter 14: Fair Game
Chapter 15: The Brothers Beaumont
Chapter 16: The Beaumont Bash
Chapter 17: Lady In Waiting
Chapter 18: To Be A Princess
Chapter 19: Long Live The King

Chapter 13: Hunting for Love

3.1K 21 1
By ZimmerGurl

Early in the morning...

I wake up to the sound of knocking on my door. I open it to find Maxwell ecstatic, "Rise and Shine!"

"Wake up." Bertrand says sternly moving Maxwell aside, "No one's getting any younger here."

"Isn't it a little early for this?" I rub my eyes and try to make them go away.

"Today's events start early!" Maxwell takes my hands and jumps around while I limply comply.

"Obviously. Do you think we enjoy standing outside your door in the early hours like some sort of postal delivery service?" Bertrand blows out hot air and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"That's not what they... never mind. Today's going to be awesome! Riley, you're going to commune with nature along Cordonia's majestic countryside."

"Maxwell let's get to it! Sunshine is exactly what I need."

"Like a plant." Maxwell begins to laugh and I can help but chuckle and have a wide grin on my face.

"Where are we headed?"

"We'll be following one of the historic hunting trails the old nobility would use. It's ancient. Even before there was a Cordonia, nobles would hunt their quarry along these trails." Bertrand straightens his suit and states this matter-of-factly.

"We're not actually hunting anything, right? I just want to make this clear."

"Hunting is forbidden these days. Besides, the dangerous wildlife has migrated elsewhere in the years since the great Royal Hunts of centuries past. Instead, you'll be riding on horseback through some of the most gorgeous countrysides in Cordonia."

"Come on, let's go!" Maxwell grabs my hand and drags me out of the room.

Walking down the hallway, Maxwell, Bertrand, and I spot Hana.

"Hey, Riley!"

"Hi, Hana. Is that a new outfit? Looks fancy."

I look her up and down and see she's wearing black riding boots that have been shined to perfection, tan pants, a white shirt and a bright blue blazer.

"Oh this? It's my riding uniform. It's going to have plenty of scuffs and dirt marks by the end of today. What are you wearing for the ride?"

"I didn't bring a fancy uniform for riding..."

"Of course." Bertrand rolls his eyes and I glare at him. "There may be one or two left in the boutique. We need to get you down there immediately."

"I'll come too!" Hana links arms with me and we skip to the boutique.

As we enter the boutique, Olivia fastens the final button on her blazer.

"Voila. Perfection, if I do say so myself."

"You look lovely, Olivia." Hana says as she tries to avoid eye contact.

"Of course I do."

"Olivia, let's coordinate outfits! We'd look so cute together." I say mockingly as I wink sneakily at Hana.

"Oooh! Like a trio." Hana laughs and I cock my head and smile.

"You two will look nothing like me! This outfit complements my dignity and grace, which neither of you has. So no matter how you wear it, you'll never look as good as me."

"We'll see about that." I maintain eye contact until Olivia storms out of the room.

I grab the last uniform from the rack and step into the changing room...

I put on dark tan pants with polished black boots and a plum colored blazer. The outfit sure to impress the nobility on the Royal Hunt.

As I emerge in my new outfit, I see Olivia pop back into the room stunned.

"Spiffy, don't you think?"

"It's like you stepped out of a Victorian painting." Hana grabs my hand and I spin around with a giggle.

"Please... Victorians haven't been in style for centuries." Olivia crosses her arms and blow out a sharp breath.

"Let's go riding!" I take Hana's arm and we walk out with confidence radiating from us.

I've just walked outside with Hana when Bertrand and Maxwell pull me over to the end of the walkway.

"There you are!"Bertrand's disappointing parent voice flows through.

"You found an outfit!" Maxwell takes my hands and gasps.

"What do you think?"


"Thanks Bertrand." I roll my eyes at him and Maxwell turns me toward him so I don't punch Bertrand.

"You look great, Riley."

"Yes, yes. Now if your ego is sufficiently tended to, we've another more pressing matter. Time is of the essence."

"Isn't it always with you?" Maxwell laughs and pulls me into a side hug.

"I noticed Prince Liam was preparing his ride when I went to inspect the mounts just now..."

For the first time in a while I smile at Bertrand, "...I take it that means I need to go find him?"

"Exactly. You should've been by his side ten minutes ago. Maxwell, take her to the stables."

"Yes, sir."

Maxwell rushes me over to the stables. Peering through the window, he surveys the stalls.

"Coast is clear. Prince Liam is alone. I'll stall anyone who tries to enter, you get in there and impress our Prince."

"As if I could do anything else."

I stride into the stables, startling a few horses in their stalls.

Prince Liam calms the black horse by petting her snout, "Good girl... here, have another apple."

"Preparing for the ride today?"

"Lady Riley! You have a habit of finding me when I'm alone."

"Hah, what strange coincidences."

"Hmm...coincidences? Or plans in disguise?"

"Let's not overthink things."

"I couldn't, even if I wanted to. My mind goes blank every time I see you."
Liam squeezes me into a tight embrace and I can't help but fall into his arms.
"I hope you're looking forward to the Royal Hunt today."

"I always look forward to spending time with you."

"I'll take that as a vote of confidence. But I know some people who don't do well with horses, and I've never seen you ride before."

"Horses are easy to ride. I basically became a centaur."

"Sounds like you know your way around a horse. Maybe I'll be asking you for the advice!"

"I take it you don't have a horse for the Royal Hunt yet?"

"Well... no..."

"Luckily for you, the crown has a number of fine steeds you can borrow for the day. Over here is Silver Star and Autumn Ember."

"Cool. So are these the loaner horses?"

"Actually... there is one horse here for sale by her owner. The Derby Champion, Marabelle's Dream."

"She's for sale?"

"She's retired now, but still has a lot of life left in her."

"I'll take her."

"Hear that, Marabelle's Dream? You'll be riding for a great lady now. Keep her safe."

"How about Ruby? Just like the Cordonian apple."

Liam smiles wide and takes my hand. Suddenly, there's a small commotion outside. It draws nearer until...The King enters the stables. Maxwell trails him, trying to grab his attention.

"If you'll hear me out, I can explain the finer points of freestyle dancing."

"Lord Maxwell, if you'll please allow me to inspect my horse."

"At least let me recommend some videos."

"Father!" Liam turns to the King and bows his head.

"Your Majesty." I curtsy and give him my biggest smile.

"Liam. And Lady Riley, who looks absolutely sporting today."

"Thank you, sir."

"Ready for the ride today?"

"I am now."

"We'll see you shortly, then."

I curtsy. Grabbing the reins, I lead Ruby out of the stables. Maxwell falls into step beside me.

"I could only hold the King off for so long."

"You did great."

"Yay! I helped out after all."

"Come on, let's meet up with the others."

Maxwell and I arrive outside the manor where the Queen, Bertrand, the suitors, and a host of other nobles have gathered.

I listen in to Madeleine's conversation with the Queen, "And then he demanded a one percent surcharge on all exports from my country. As if he was negotiating from a position of strength."

"Merchants can be fussy sometimes."

"How are you always the last to arrive, Riley?" Olivia calls out in order to bring attention to my presence. The Queen looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile.

"But look at her horse. She's so pretty." Hana chimes in and I give a wide grin.

"The most beautiful horse. Isn't that right, Ruby?"

"Is that the horse that won the Derby? How did you get ahold of that beauty?" Olivia slithers her way over to me and examines the horse.

"It's not polite to ask." I step in front of her and straighten my blazer. She scoffs and backs away while I maintain my composure.

The crowd falls into silence as King Constantine and Prince Liam arrive on horseback. A stream of servants lead out horses for the crowd. One approaches me with a horse in tow.

"That's quite alright. I already have a ride for today."

The servant bows and leads the horse away.

The King then addresses the crowd, "Please join me on this special day when we honor the rich history of those who came before us."

The nobles and suitors mount their steeds.

"Let us ride!"

King Constantine leads us out onto the trail.

Soon after clearing through the forest, I find myself winding through a mountain trail. Maxwell and Bertrand have fallen behind, looking deep in discussion. At the head of the trail rides Liam, the King, and the Queen. Madeleine rides next to them as they laugh at the King's story.

"And that's how I recused Liam from the visiting delegation's border collie."

"You enjoy that story too much." Liam laughs and shakes his head.

"I wanted to commission a painting of the dog nipping at your heels, but your mother thought it would be too humiliating."

"It's a sweet story." Madeleine laughs, keeping her stiff posture and cocks her head back to the rest of the group to show her territory. "Tell me more about the Prince when he was younger."

Hearing her taunt us only made me more infuriated. I decide the best way to beat her was to keep my composure and remain level headed. It will drive her crazy to see that I am relaxed.

Olivia rides up alongside me, "I can't believe Madeleine. She's playing dirty, using her friendship with the Queen to spend time with Prince Liam. I want to wipe that smug look off her face."

"Olivia...Madeleine doesn't seem that bad."

"You don't know her like I do. She's vicious."

"We all have our little advantages to leverage. The way I see it, she's competing like the rest of us, but she's been polite about it, somewhat."

"It's an act. You'll regret trusting her."

Olivia huffs and rides up ahead of me. Hana takes her place, coming up alongside me.

"Howdy! You look a little lost there, partner."

"You give a girl a horse and suddenly she thinks she's a cowboy."

"Well, I know how to ride like one."

"Oh, of course you do Hana."

"I also know the English, Mongolian, and Arabian styles of riding. Nothing says aristocrat quite like horse-riding skills."

"Now you're just showing off."

"My family made me learn them so I'd be able to impress the different courts around the world."

"Hana... do you have any happy memories of your family?"

"Once, during a dressage competition, I was thrown off my horse. I landed badly and broke my arm. My parents immediately rushed me to the hospital and stayed by my bed while I recovered. I was certain they were going to lecture me about losing the competition, but instead, they got me ice cream and told me how relieved they were that I was okay."

"That was sweet of them."

"It was really nice. I didn't even mind the broken arm."

"So... you did something called dressage?"

"It's actually an old aristocratic tradition meant to strengthen and train horses for war. But now the moves are judged as part of a dancing routine."

"It's a sport... with prancing ponies..."

"Exactly! Here, I can teach you a little move."

"This isn't going to be too complicated, is it?"

"Hmm... The other horses probably wouldn't be able to keep up. But this is nothing your horse can't handle. After all, she's a champion!"

Hana grabs the reins and steers her horse in a tight cloverleaf formation.

"Ten points!" I say as I clap my hands and smile.

"Thank you, thank you. It's a simple move. You should give it a try."

"Right... I can do this. Clovers are a symbol of luck."

"I'll be here if anything goes wrong.'

Hana taps my horse's hindquarters, prompting it to move forward.

"You can do it Riley!"

I steer Ruby around in an elegant cloverleaf formation.

"Nailed it like a champ!"

"I'd give you a gold medal."

"You're just saying that to make me feel good."

"We all deserve to feel good every now and then."

Farther up the trail, Penelope and Kiara gesture for Hana to join them. She waves back.

"This is new, Hana."

"Since the three of us have fallen out of the running, we've become a little friendlier with each other."

"You're making more friends!"

"My parents would think of them as political alliances.... but in either case, I should pay them a visit. Until next time, Riley."

Hana rides over to Penelope and Kiara. Someone behind me calls my name.


Drake waves me over. I slow my horse down, letting the others pass before moving back in line next to him.

"There you are. You look... uh, very dignified today."

"Oh my gosh, opening with a compliment?"

"Careful, don't want you falling off your horse now."

"I'm surprised you're out here with all the nobles today."

"Turns out, I had an opening in my schedule today. And there's something oddly satisfying about watching nobles fuss over their stuffy blazers."

"Is this why you're not frowning... as much as usual, anyway."

"It has more to do with the company I keep."

"A second compliment!"

"One more and you win the jackpot."

"I hope it's all your whiskey."

Drake smiles and sighs.

"You know, when we first met, I wanted to dislike you so badly..."

"You WANTED to dislike me? I could tell."

"Heh. I guess I wasn't subtle about it, was I?"

"Subtle like a freight train."

"Well... that was a long time ago. Somewhere along the way... things changed. Hell, Summers, I don't even know why I'm telling you any of this."

"Drake...I'm too adorable to dislike."

"Fair enough."

"You think I'm adorable?!"

"I'm saying you're allowed to believe that you're adorable."

"You think I'm cute, admit it."

"I've made a terrible mistake." Drake shakes his head, but he's smiling. "This has all been touching, but I need to rescue Liam from his family for a couple minutes." Drake rides ahead, leaving me to fall to the back of the line with Maxwell and Bertrand. I fear that he might have some feelings for me, but what would that mean? Ever since I got here I have only thought about Liam, and honestly Liam is all I can ever think about. He's the one I see spending the rest of my life with. My heart starts to skip a beat and I glance ahead at Liam smiling.

I then overhear Bertrand and Maxwell in a heated discussion.

"...Do I make myself clear!?" Bertrand grits his teeth and scowls at Maxwell.

"Yeah..." Maxwell lowers his head and lets out a sigh.

Bertrand rides ahead.

"What was that about Maxwell?"

"Oh, you know, estate things... the consequences of failure and eternal ruination of our family name and fortune."


"Just the usual, really." Maxwell sits up, excitedly, and smiles.

"You seem chipper though."

"I don't think we're going to fail. You and Liam are getting close. Even when he's busy talking to his family, he sneaks glances back at you."

"Maxwell... I think Liam and I might be soulmates."

"That's the spirit!"

The trail leads us through the mountain pass.

"We're coming up on our stop."

Emerging through the other side...We come upon an old mountain village.

"Everyone," The King calls attention, "we've reached our hunting lodges. Our forebears would dine on the day's hunt here, and though we no longer hunt, we will still have a great feast. But first, we race to celebrate our ancestors..."

Prince Liam leads his mare to the trees across the village.

"The first to reach Prince Liam will be served first at the feast!"

I line up with Hana and the others.


I squeeze Ruby, and she thunders down the field, leaving the trotting horses behind. I blaze past Prince Liam, winning the race. I scream out and look back and Liam's surprised face. I smile and throw up my hands.

"That's superb horsemanship in action. Servants, prepare the first plate for Lady Riley. Now then, Let's all take some time to rest. Dinner will begin shortly."

The King trots off while all the riders dismount and let the servants take care of the horses. Through the shuffle, I find myself next to Tariq.

"Ah, Lady Riley."

"Tariq? It's been so long. How was your ride?"

"It was a long journey, but I happen to own a pair of boots as soft as a newborn kitten."

"They're not actually made out of kittens right?"

"Hardly. I can only hope your ride was at least half as comfortable."

"I could do that entire ride again right now!"

"You're certainly impressive."


Prince Liam taps Tariq on the shoulder, "Tariq, may I have a word with Lady Riley?"

"Of course, Prince Liam. Lady Riley, I hope our paths cross again."

Tariq bows before exiting.

"Finding a moment is harder with all these people around."

"I'm glad you chose to spend that rare moment with me Liam."

"Me too."

Drake, Maxwell, and Hana join us.

"Hey, the feast is being put out." Drake puts an arm around Liam and smiles at us.

"And they've got dishes supposedly blessed by the spirits of the nearby ruins." Maxwell runs up and grabs my hand, trying to lead me to the feast.

"Ooooh! I've heard legends about those ruins! They sound magical. People travel from all around just to see them." Hana claps her hands and I smile at her.

"It's a shame we're not scheduled to see them." Liam shakes his head and grins at me.

"We aren't? I was hoping to..." Hana sinks her head down and I grab her arm to console her.

"Why don't we just go anyway? Sounds like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Are you sure we should?" Hana's eyes light up with potential.

"It's be nice to spend some time together without this crowd around. What do you say Riley?"

"Let's have an adventure!"

"Alright!!" Maxwell grabs ahold of me and we begin to make out way towards the ruins.

"I'm excited to visit another piece of Cordonian history." Hana grabs the other side of me as we stroll along and I look back at Liam and smile.

"Follow me. I know how to get there." Liam leads the group through the valley. We walk through the forest until.. I break through into a clearing. The old ruined temples rest before me. "Here we are."

"It's so beautiful and serene"

Surrounding us are stone buildings with trees growing from the top and sides with a winding scene. A silent river flows with a small broken bridge on each side. The sun shines through the trees creating a magical light all around the place.

"Yep... sure are a bunch of old things here." Drake grumbles and I roll my eyes.

"It's so much more than that." Liam gazes through the nature and smiles, "There's something so calm about this place. Can't you sense it?"

"The only thing I sense is about a million snakes and probably a couple of rock monsters getting ready to attack us." Maxwell touches one of the stones and flinches.

"Rock monsters? Do you have rock monsters in Cordonia?" Hana steps back and Maxwell laughs.

"It was a joke... just forget it."

"I want to take it all in." I wander around and breath in the fresh air.

"I want to get closer too." Liam stands close to me and I hold my breathe looking up at him.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's see some old rocks." Drake runs into the closest stone ruin while everyone else disperses.

Maxwell stands by the bank overlooking the river. He skips a rock downstream as I approach him.

"Not a bad toss."

"Five skips is my record. It's not much, but it's respectable. Though there was a probably some kid who lived here who could skip a stone over ten times. Want to give it a try?"


"The trick is to clear your mind and become one with the rock. It is an extension of your will."

I throw the rock. It skips across the water seven times before sinking into the river.

"Most impressive"

"The student has surpassed the master." Maxwell picks up another rock and it skips across the river. "You know, I don't really know all that much about you Maxwell."

"There's not really much to know."

"Really? I've seen you talk about yourself for hours at our social events."

"That's just, y'know, small talk. Nothing real."

"Tell me something real."

"What do you want to know?"

"Maxwell, do you miss the way things were for your house?"

"You mean the wealth, the fame, and the endless parties?"

"I guess when you put it like that..."

"I do miss those things, but... I miss Bertrand's happiness most of all. He took pride in the status and tending to the affairs of our house. He feels personally responsible for our current fall from grace, and it pains him everyday."

"You really care for him."

"Of course I do, he's my brother. But there's no need to dwell too much on it."

"I've got one other question for you."

"Tell me, why did you decide to sponsor me?"

"I saw something in you that I thought Cordonia needed...Hope."


"Well, the way Liam looked at you...I've never seen him look at anyone that way. And he's a really good guy. Maybe the best person I know. I think he deserves a shot at being really happy, even if he is the Prince. Anyway, we should be getting back soon. Where's everyone else?"

I walk over to Drake, who slumps against one of the tree roots covering a temple.

"Hey, Summers."

"You look like you're having a good time exploring."

"Archaeology isn't really my thing."

"You could at least look around. It's not like you came here often."

"I looked around. There's some old buildings. That's about it."

"Hmmm... don't you want to know where you come from? And what about insight into how people lived long ago?"

"They could've ridden dragons for all I care. It doesn't mean much now."

"So why did you come out here if you don't really care for these sort of things?"

"I don't think we're going to get many more times like this."

"Like what?"

"I mean... Liam is going to be king soon. And you could very well be his queen. Everything's going to change."

"You know... Liam'll make time for you. You're his best friend after all. Your adventures together are the stuff of legend."

"They're more like footnotes."

"Drake... he's not going to push you out just like that."

"You don't know that for sure."

"This is Liam we are talking about."

"I know... it's just that I've seen this play out before."

"If anyone will be different, it's Liam."

"Yeah... if anyone will buck the trend, it's him. Summers... We may have had some ups and downs between us, but I want you to know that I've enjoyed this little adventure with you. Not just the ruins, but the whole thing since I walked into your bar in New York. You're... you're not bad."

"Awww, Drake, you're my friend as well."

"I didn't say that! I didn't mean..."

"I heard what you said, and I know what you meant. Now we really need to get you out of here before you completely lose it. All this reflecting isn't healthy for you."

"You're right. If I stay much longer, I might melt into a big ball of mush." He shudders, "Let's go find the others."

I find Hana examining a worn and faded mosaic in one of the temples.

"Riley look at this. It's managed to survive after all these years."

"Well, survive as much as one can."

"Isn't that all any of us can strive for? Think of how beautiful it must've been in its time."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This still looks beautiful to me."

"You're right. Some things only grow better with age. I've visited ruins around where I'm from, and they're just as beautiful as these. It's amazing the feats we can accomplish when we work together."

"Are you proposing we build our own temple?"

"Maybe if there were more of us."

Hana runs her fingers along the mosaic's stone border.

"I wonder if anything I do would last this long. Would I be like this artist? Or maybe I'd have a poem written about me. Though there isn't much to say about me, I suppose."

"You could get a poem about your journey! You've traveled from a far off land in search of love."

"I suppose I have. And lucky for me, I found a friend in you along the way. Though... It's a little foolish to be concerned what others will think about you when you're dead. You have no control over what survives. Some great archaeological find could be the work of a potter who was just trying to get by."

"It's not entirely silly. We want to feel like we did something lasting with our time."

"Maybe... I could be reading into this too much. Maybe the person who made this was simply bored. Who knows, the artist could've been a total jerk."

"They probably didn't care what we would think anyway."

Hana laughs. A cold breeze descends from the mountain and she shivers.

"Somebody's got the chills."

"This place could use more insulation."

"Take it up with the builders."

"You're right. Now, where did I leave my Ouija board?"

"Oh no... There will be no Ouija boards used in old ruins. I've seen this movie before!"

"Alright. I'll just stand by this mosaic and not open a portal to the nine hells. Where's everyone else?"

I walk over to Liam, who contemplatively gazes up at a temple.

"These ruins are amazing."

"They're beautiful aren't they? To be standing among buildings that contain such history."

"There's certainly a sense of awe to it."

"Father likes to remind me of our history... I think as he's gotten older, he's become more concerned with his place in it."

"It probably makes you think, too."

"It does. Soon, the crown will be placed on my head, and some historian will record that day as the beginning of King Liam's reign. What kind of legacy will I leave?"

"Liam, whichever one you choose. Your actions will determine what people think. For the record, I think you'll do great."

"Thanks, Riley. But I can't help but wonder... what moniker would they give me? King Liam the Bold? King Liam the Wise?"

"King Liam the... Compassionate. You care about your people. They'll remember you for that."

Liam smiles at me, "This is what I love about you, Riley. One minute, I can feel the weight of all of Cordonia on my shoulders...And then with you by my side, I don't feel the weight...I feel the possibility. I feel capable of anything. I should have known that you're the only person who could turn all of this around."

"Liam, you ARE capable of anything."

"Riley..." Liam cups my face tenderly, "You make me believe things no one else can."

"Liam... I could stay here all night."

"Me too... but we don't want to be missed. We should gather the others soon."

"I wonder where they've wandered off to..."

I walk back to the center of the ruins. Maxwell, Drake, Liam, and Hana join me.

"That was lovely." Liam says, as we all smile at each other.

"There weren't any ghosts." Maxwell looks disappointed and I pat him on the back.

"Why are you sad about that?" Hana shoots him a confused look and he frowns at her.

"I don't know, I'm kind of curious what a ghost would have to say. Would've made a good story."

"You can always lie. I'll back you up." Drake gives him a pat on the back as well and I laugh.

"There's an idea!"

"Maxwell, please don't tell me any ghost stories."

"I won't tell it to you. You'll be a supporting character in the story, Riley."

"Do I survive?"



"Drake is the first to die, though."


"Alright everyone, it's time to head out." Liam leads us back to the trail.

"These ruins were bigger than I thought."

"Could've used an open bar in my opinion." Drake huffs and ahead of us.

"The feast is waiting for us back at the village! Let's go!" Maxwell charges forward and I let out a small chuckle.

As we walk back towards the smell of food, I can't help but find that sense of home around everyone. The friendships I've made, and the possibility of more with Liam. I don't even want to think about where I would be if I stayed in New York.

I watch the nobles shuffle along a large, medieval buffet table.

"Wow... that's a lot of meat."

"It's not exactly a feast without it." Drake drools a little at the sight of all the food.

"A little more fruit couldn't hurt." Hana says, as she skims the room for other food.

"I wouldn't mind putting a bunch of fruit on a stake and waving it around like a sword." Maxwell mimics this by waving his hand around and challenging passerby's.

"Alright, let's grab our food before Maxwell gets any other crazy ideas." Drake quickly grabs a plate and begins to pile on the meat.

"And then I could wear a watermelon as a helmet... I'd be unstoppable."

I grab my food and sit down. Maxwell stands up with his glass in hand.

"A toast to all of us and to our friendship!"

"To friendship!" Everyone cheers along then digs into the feast.

Later that night, after indulging in a sumptuous dinner feast, the group and I make the return trip to Applewood Manor.

After a long journey along the trail, I spot the manor's welcoming window-light through the darkness.

"That was a long ride."

"For once, I agree with you." Bertrand dismounts with exhaustion in his eyes.

"It was getting dark too. Good thing the last part of the trail had lights." Maxwell dismounts and squints his eyes trying to stay awake.

"But now I can soak in a tub for the rest of my life." I close my eyes and dream of the warm water closing in on my skin, then jumping into bed for a goodnight sleep.

"Or... until the country jamboree starts tomorrow!" Maxwell ecstatically claps his hands and I scowl at him. "Hope you're ready for another paaaarrrrrtttyyyyy!"

"This is how I die..."

*What will go down at the country soiree? Find out in the next chapter!*

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