CEO, I'm Not The Girl You Onc...

By badcooking

95.1K 3.4K 277

"You haven't been drunk like this since high school," Shi Xiao Xi mused, looking down at the slumped form of... More

Twenty One
Twenty two


4.8K 205 7
By badcooking

"I thought you didn't like sushi?" asked Wu Zhenzhen, giving Shi Xiao Xi a strange look.

She paused just as she was about to pop another roll into her mouth, her chopsticks hovering in mid-air.

Shi Xiao Xi shrugged. "There's a first time for everything."

Wu Zhenzhen laughed. "And since when did you become so adventurous?"

"She probably bumped her head too hard," Shi Xiao Xi's mother said, who was wiping her lips with a piece of tissue. "And Zhenzhen, don't put your elbows on the table. That's—"

"—basic table manners. Sorry, Mrs. Shi."

It was the day after Shi Xiao Xi had been discharged from the hospital, and her mother thought it would be nice to celebrate her restoration to good health with Wu Zhenzhen. So here they were, the three of them, eating out on a local Japanese restaurant, which had a good reputation of being both tasty and cheap.

"I missed eating here," said Shi Xiao Xi, looking at the simple interior design of the store, with its decorative lanterns and beautiful calligraphy hanging on the walls. "I can't believe it's been two years."

"Yeah, your roots are showing," said Wu Zhenzhen, after swallowing a gulp of her ramen. "You should really let me touch it up for you."

"Will you?" she asked, eager. "Really?"

"Darling," her mother said, disapproval heavy in her tone, "Your natural hair color is the heavens' gift to you. Don't damage it with toxic chemicals."

"Mom, we talked about this already," Shi Xiao Xi reminded, pointing her chopsticks in her direction. "You told me that if I don't nag you about your mahjong nights with Baozhai, you'll let me dye my hair."

Her mother sighed.

Shi Xiao Xi fingered her bleached blonde locks as she turned to Wu Zhenzhen.

"Do you think you can dye it brown? I've always wanted light brown hair."

"Sure. We could do it this weekend, if you want."

A bell tinkled as the door opened, and since they were seated near the entrance, they had a good view of the people coming in. Shi Xiao Xi glanced up in reflex, still caught up in chatting with Wu Zhenzhen, and abruptly froze.

Mu Qingqing and Hu Zitao entered the restaurant together, their hands melded between them. Mu Qingqing said something to Hu Zitao, and he replied something in return. Then her eyes flickered sideways, and widened in shock.

Hu Zitao turned to look at the direction she was staring at, and stiffened the moment he saw her.

"Mom, Zhenzhen, I really think we should go," Shi Xiao Xi said quietly, interrupting Wu Zhenzhen in the midst of her soliloquy.

They didn't look confused for too long—their eyes had caught sight of Wu Qingqing and Hu Zitao too.

"That green tea bitch," said Wu Zhenzhen savagely.

"Of course, darling," her mother said without fuss, quickly raising her hand to signal the waiter for their bill. "Let's just pay for this and go."

But Mu Qingqing was already dragging a reluctant Hu Zitao to their table, her expression determined. Shi Xiao Xi busied herself by rummaging into her purse, hoping they were going to simply walk past them.

"Xiao Xi," said Mu Qingqing. "We need to talk."

"She doesn't need to talk to you," said Wu Zhenzhen, standing up and hitching her bag on her shoulder. "Xiao Xi, let's go."

Her mother had already finished paying the waiter, so there was no need for them to stay any longer. Shi Xiao Xi grabbed her purse and quickly followed Wu Zhenzhen.

A hand grabbed her wrist. "Xi'er, Qingqing's right. We do need to talk."

Before she could stop herself, an echoing slap rang in the air, startling all the other diners.

"We—" she said, enunciating the word carefully, "—have absolutely nothing to talk about."

As they all stood up to leave, the owner of the diner hustled to their table, his eyes becoming two crescent moons in his face as he smiled.

Shi Xiao Xi knew that he was worried that she was causing trouble in his restaurant, so she appreciated his composure.

"Go aiko itadaki arigatōgozaimasu," he said, giving them a quick bow.

Although the owner had always said that every time a customer left since she started frequenting this diner several years ago, Shi Xiao Xi never got to ask what it meant.

"Sore wa watashitachi no yorokobideshita," Shi Xiao Xi replied, flashing him a smile. "Otesū o okake shite mōshiwake arimasen."

His eyes widened in shock, and his smile became bigger. "Sore wa mondaide wanai, mōichido kite kudasai."

She gave him a small bow in return, and ignoring the astounded faces of Wu Zhenzhen and her mother, not to mention Hu Zitao and Mu Qingqing, she pushed open the door and never looked back.

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