Nerd Threats the Bad Boy

By mtfking

443K 12.6K 8.4K

-UNDER HEAVY EDITING- (BOOK #1 of the HS Series) I see him. I see him just across the hallways. Him clutching... More

ⓟrologue: How It Starts
ⓟart 1: The Infamous Ethan Blake
ⓟart 2: R.I.P. Blue Celtic Shirt
ⓟart 3: I've Got These Feelings For You
ⓟart 4: New Friends & Phone Crisis
ⓟart 5: Lucky Charms
ⓟart 6: Dancin' To Y'all Die
ⓟart 7: I'm Not Using #2
ⓟart 8: The Choice is Yours
ⓟart 9: Chasing Confessions 101
ⓟart 10: Confessions Confirmed
ⓟart 11: Sabotage
ⓟart 12: Slushee
ⓟart 13: Taki Taki
ⓟart 14: Last Night Was Magical
ⓟart 15: Start Of Something New
ⓟart 16: Don't Drink The Fountain Water
ⓟart 18: Self-Discovery, My Ass!
ⓟart 19: Mount Rushmore
ⓟart 21: Therapeutic Sessions
ⓟart 22: Goodbye Wydell High
Eⓟilogue: How It Ends
June 1, 2019

ⓟart 17: Happy Family, Happy Life

10.6K 366 41
By mtfking

*At the police station*

Cameron's POV:

Uh long story, short. We got arrested for public disturbance, but thankfully they let us out with a warning. But we have to wait for our rides in the morning. Sadly, I had to be in the same cell as the backstabbers. They've sat away from us and Megan's new clothes were the orange jumpsuit because that was all the extra clothes they had. Wanting to clarify, I quietly asked Scott, "Why'd you do it? Why'd you both do it?"

He looked and contemplated on what he was going to say to me. Finally, he says, "When I moved into this town, my neighbor showed me around to all the places she loved. The neighbor's Megan. Before, I was this loner with no muscles, no friends, and I had braces for God's sakes. We both opened up to each other and we fell in love. We were each other's first everything. But it had to end because she moved away.

Scared that I was going to be alone forever, I joined the football team. I made new friends. And these feelings came back when I saw you. So, don't say I've never loved you because I did. So, I forced myself to fall for you. And then, I saw Megan and these feelings about her never vanished."

I interrupted, "Why didn't you say anything?!?"

Megan finally spoke, "I-We both wanted to tell you, but you were so happy when Scott asked you out and was dating, I don't want to be the reason that you're so unhappy. So, that night, we were going to tell you and we got lost in the moment and started to, you know."

I was lost with words. They were like lost lovers. I didn't want to get in the way of true love. I'll be the better person and say, "That's great. You two truly belong together. But that doesn't make us friends. You still lied and played with my feelings. So, from now on, we just stay away from each other. Like before." I think them being out of my life would be great for me. "Are we clear?"

They both shamelessly nodded.

And thankfully, Ethan was there holding my hand. Trying to be there for me. As always.


The next morning, Scott and Megan rode in Scott's mom car.p, since they are neighbors.

"I'll call you." Ethan said as his parents are ushering him to the car. I nodded and waved goodbye to him and his parents. I've met them recently, just outside of the police station. What a nice way to meet your boyfriend's parents. After we tell them the whole story, they've introduced themselves and invited me to dinner this weekend. I gladly agreed.

Seeing that my ride was here, I approached the car and entered. "Dang. We've just met yesterday and I'm already getting you out of trouble." I turned to see Chandler and told him, "Thank you so much. You literally saved my ass from mom."

I also asked him, "Are you okay dropping me to my house? Our mom might be there."

He nodded and said, "Actually, I was hoping to meet her. I've already asked my other mom for permission and she told me it was my decision to make. Just as long as your ready. And I am." And then he started the car and made our way home.

We got to my house about thirty minutes later then, we got out the car and entered the house. "MOM! THERE'S SOMEONE HERE YOU SHOULD MEET!" I yelled.

Hearing the sound of the plates in the kitchen and footsteps, we see here wearing her nightgown. "Darling, why weren't yo-" She sees Chandler and pure shock was her facial expression. She soon tears up and her hands began to cover her mouth. She removes it and said quietly, "Chand?"

I turned to see Chandler walking up to my mom and pulled her into a hug. It didn't take no time for my mom to wrap her arms around her tightly. She then let out all her tears and starts kissing his head. Extending her arm out for an invite, I walked up to them and gave them a hug.

Mom was the first one to break up our circle and guided us to the kitchen so we can eat because my stomach was growling.
Mom made us her famous chocolate chip pancakes and a variety of meals, Chandler and I started to eat. Mom didn't make her a plate, so she just stared at Chandler the whole time. Mom starts to ask him question as soon as he eats, "ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING ON THE TABLE?? IF SO, I CAN MAKE ANOTHER DISH!"

Chandler shooks his head, smiling and said, "I'm not allergic to anything. This food is to die for. Taste like...home."

Mom smiles and said, "Well, you are Cameron's twin. I swear he would eat anything and not even to share with his mom."

I gasped exaggeratedly and said, "Don't blame me! You were too slow to get the last piece of the fried chicken!"

Chandler just watches the moment and hopes this scene is forever permanent in his head. Mom then looks and Chandler and asks him, "Honey, does your mom know you're here?"

Chandler said, "Oh yes. I asked her permission if I can come." Mom then nodded and just stared at us as we ate. As we finished, Mom asked me, "Cameron honey, is it okay if I talk to your brother alone?" Feeling that they finally would get a one-on-one talk, I agreed and went up to my room and started to call Ethan.

Gwenyth's POV:

He's here.

My other baby boy is finally with me.

I told Chandler to ignore the dishes which he insisted to wash our dishes. I grabbed his hand and guided him into our living room couch. We sat next to each other and I started the question, "You know everything?"

He looks at me and said, "Yes, my other mom told us what happened. About how you ended up pregnant, the court case, everything." He then holds my hand and continues saying, "But I don't blame you. I can't say what it was like to be raped but I understand. But how come you didn't stay in my life?"

I grasped his hands and held them tight. Trying to not cry, I said, "Not for one second did I ever stopped thinking about you. I'll always want you here, but I was so afraid that if I turned back into drugs, I'll lose you both forever. I met with you mother Maggie and she was better than me, and I wanted what was best for you.

But I knew what was going on in your life. How you won your first spelling bee, how you scraped your knee on the playground slide, how you lost your father. I was there. I wanted to hug you and tell you, 'you're my son.' But you were smiling, you were happy. All a mother mother wants is to see their kids happy. So I didn't tell you. It wasn't the right time yet, and it is right now." I cleared my nose and wiped my eyes. After giving him one last hug, I asked him, "So, you're the captain of the lacrosse team."

Chandler smiled and said, "Yeah. Go Bennyside Boars!"


The whole Capri family are reunited!! YAY! IM SO HAPPY!

Looks like that's the end of the relationship between SCOTT AND MEGAN

And a new beginning for SHERRY AND ETHAN

But is there more secrets to come?


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