Rebel: The Inheritance System

By iHateMilks

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Synopsis ---------- All he wanted was a simple life, but fate toyed with him his entire life on Earth. Every... More

Chapter 1 - The New World
Chapter 2 - The Inheritance System Awakens
Chapter 3 - Siblings
Chapter 4 - The Nine Auspicious Omens
Chapter 5 - The Nine Auspicious Omens 2
Chapter 6 - Movement Techniques
Chapter 7 - The Lowest Life Form in the Sects (Part 1)
Chapter 8 - The Highest Life Form in the Secular (Part 2)
Chapter 9 - The Test
Chapter 10 - The First Fight
Chapter 11 - A New Wish
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - Six Harmonies Eight Methods Boxing
Chapter 14 - Learning to Fight
Chapter 15 - Five Years Later
Chapter 16 - I am a Judge
Chapter 17 - Colleagues
Chapter 18 - Breakthrough
Chapter 19 - Qi Flowing Through My Body
Chapter 20 - Weak yet Invincible
Chapter 21 - New Colleague
Chapter 22 - setting out
Chapter 23 - First Case
Chapter 24 - Three Wishes
Chapter 25 - Rewards
Chapter 26 - Lost and Found
Chapter 27 - Chicken Wings
Chapter 28 - Liu Kang
Chapter 29 - LongXing village
Chapter 30 - The Prison
Chapter 31 - Leaving the Prison
Chapter 32 - Return
Chapter 33 - Great Black Tiger Lord
Chapter 34 - Monster King
Chapter 35 - Breakthrough!
Chapter 36 - Ying Yue
Chapter 37 - Aftermath
Chapter 38 - PuZhang Village
Chapter 39 - Decision
Chapter 40 - Zi Di Mountains
Chapter 42 - Prisoners
Chapter 43 - Escape
Chapter 44 - Escape 2
REUP chapter 44 - Escape 2
Chapter 45 - Departure
Chapter 46 - Roast Duck
Chapter 47 - Mariticide
Chapter 48 - Towards the Gods
Chapter 49 - Grievances
Chapter 50 - Departure
Chapter 51 - A Picturesque View
Chapter 52 - Charred Corpses
Chapter 53 - Suspected Child of Heaven
Chapter 54 - Arson
Chapter 55 - Cause and Effect
Chapter 56 - Popcorn
Chapter 57 - The Trial
Chapter 58 - Grandpa Ku
Chapter 59 - Trial 2
Chapter 60 - Moving Forward
Chapter 61 - My Own Path, My Own Way
Chapter 62 - Killing Rebels
Chapter 63 - Rebels!
Chapter 64 - Lu Wang City
Chapter 65 - Entering the City
Chapter 66 - Civil War!
Chapter 67 - Crying God Church
Chapter 68 - Twenty Qi Whirlpools Equals a Disabled Body
Chapter 69 - Plans, Schemes and Politics
Chapter 70-75
Chaper 76-80
Chapter 81- 85
Chapter 86 - 90
Chapter 91 - 95
Chapter 96-100
Chapters 101-105
chapter 106-109 (vol 1 end)
Epilogue - Chapter 111
book 2 /sequel

Chapter 41 - Bandits?

1.2K 61 0
By iHateMilks

"Humph! Isn't it precisely because we found nothing yet we still captured everyone and destroyed the village that I am not happy?!" the complaining guard frustrated says. "I did not join the army to kill innocent people! Look at those people who we have kept here? The general too have no clue what to do with them!" he continues complaining.

"Shut up! Do you think you are the only person that is unhappy about this?! Nobody in this unit signed on to the army, trained hard to become elites and then worked hard to get a command to slaughter villagers and ransack entire villages! If you keep complaining, the general will know about this and you will get executed for trying to lower the morale of the army!" the other guard snaps angrily at the complaining guard.

This is just fantastic. Not only are they not veterans, but they are also still soldiers and better yet, an elite unit of the army. Everyone was thinking of something similar but Mo Di just raised his hand and made a wave gesture. This gesture meant to proceed forward and Mo Di quickly crossed rolled across the door without been seen.

At the other side, he put his fist up again and pumped it up and down. This means to hurry up and we all rolled to the other side one by one quickly just like how Mo Di did. Mo Di seems to have a special method to tell if the guards are looking at our direction or not and could accurately tell the moment that we should cross the entrance without being seen.

Once everyone was on the other side, we proceeded deeper and once we were further, Liu Kang started talking with a panicked voice "What are we going to do?! We killed the guards outside! We are rebels now!"

Liu Kang was not the only one who is afraid right now since rebelling means that not only you but your entire clan would be given a death sentence, following the belief that you must remove the roots when you cut the grass or the grass will grow back eventually. Zhuge Pang and Sima Di who are part of the investigation department are also frowning. They initially joined our riding circle for a brighter future, yet who would have known that if the events today were leaked, they would instead become rebels.

"Merchants who become bandits are bandits, teachers who bandits are bandits. Even a prince who becomes a bandit is a bandit! Why an elite unit of the army who become bandits be any different? Let's just kill them all if possible and if not, just rescue the villagers and escape." Ding Sha said with an unconcerned expression.

"You are crazy! Did you not hear what the guard said?! They are here on official orders! They did not become bandits but are just pretending to be bandits!" Sima Di angrily retorts.

"I was once assigned on a similar mission...but we had no chance to do what this unit did because the monster that was summoned had already killed all the villagers and burned the village to the ground before we arrived...I feel that such an evil is necessary..." Zhao Keng says softly.

"Let us just look for the villagers and free them first. The guard said that the general has no idea on what to do with the innocent villagers that were captured so I doubt that they will go after the villagers if they escape. Furthermore, we will not be identified as we're wearing masks right now." Judge Cui gives an order.

"Come on Liu Kang, they are just bandits right now and as long as we do not admit that we know they are soldiers, they will not know that we know." I tug on Liu Kang's shoulder who is squatting with his head in between his knees right now.

"I...I don't want to become a rebel..." Liu Kang replies weakly.

"Nobody is going to become a rebel. Trust me, my father is the governor and I am part of the Shang family." I assure Liu Kang so he doesn't break down while we are in enemy territory.


In the dark cave, we keep moving forward without stopping with Mo Di at our front. I can see in the dark perfectly ever since I entered the realm of qi flow, but I doubt that I can lead at the front like Mo Di. Mo Di is able to accurately tell where the guards are and their line of vision. He can also somehow learn of their patrol routes just by examining the guards that have crossed our paths or were seen by Mo Di.

Is this what it means to be one of the elites in the elite ranger unit?

Soon Mo Di raises his arm and makes a stop gesture again.

"We have to knock one of the guards out and interrogate him or we will never be able to find the prison." Mo Di says slowly with a solemn tone.

He looks at Liu Kang we know that Liu Kang is the one who is probably the most apprehensive against any actions against the soldiers right now.

"I am fine. Let's just finish this and get out of here." Liu Kang answers the stares that we are giving him.

Mo Di nods and then continues moving. A few minutes later, he finds a stray soldier who was strolling around alone. "Drill Punch, go." Mo Di looks at me and says. I nod in acknowledgement.

As he was in the middle of the pathway, I used instant blink to get to his side and executed drill punch without any qi so a loud boom does not sound out.


The guard body flies towards the wall and creates a soft bang sound, and then he bounces off the wall and drops on to the floor unconscious.


Mo Di points out a safe area that we can interrogate the guard and I fling him over my shoulder like a sack of rice and carry him over.


Ding Sha wakes the unconscious guard up with a tight slap and then grabs the guard's face so that he will not scream. He moves closer to the guard's face and whispers "There is nobody around you but if you try to shout, I will slit your throat immediately. Nod your head once if you understand."

The guard immediately nods and Ding Sha places the blade of his sabre on the guard's neck and slowly removes the palm that is grabbing the guard's face.

"Who, Who are you people? Do you know that we ar-" before he could finish what he was saying, Ding Sha gave him another slap and two of the guard's teeth flew out of his mouth.

"I am the one asking questions, not you. I only have one question for you, the next thing you say must be the answer to this question or you will lose the chance to say anything ever again. Where are the prisoners?" Ding Sha says in a deep and threatening voice.

The guard's eye becomes wide in shock, not understanding how these masked men would know so much about their operation since they left no witnesses and their operation is a military secret which nobody should know of.

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