Sunny Side Of Hell

By themagicalpants

51.9K 1.5K 259

Theodora thought that her life was over when she died, but little did she know her death was only the beginin... More

Author's Note


5.6K 168 43
By themagicalpants

Luce and Thea sat in those chairs for hours just getting to know each other. They didn't talk about anything of great importance, things like what their favorite color is and their favorite foods (Thea's favorites are navy blue and cantaloupe, Luce's is green and ramen). The two of them just sat there, losing track of time, and getting lost in each other. It was Lucifer that was the one to regain his sense of time.

"Thea, I've really enjoyed being here with you, but I think it's time we go home."

"Home?" Thea said, not quite sure where home was anymore.

"Yes, home. If you don't mind I'd like to take you back to my home. Now that you are dead, you have to stay in the spirit realm. If you don't want to go back with me, I can find you somewhere to stay here, in Purgatory," Luce rambled on.

"Luce, it's fine. I'd love to go to your home," Thea interrupted his rambling.

After getting the ok from Thea, Luce took her hand again and lead her out of the coffee shop and out into Purgatory. Purgatory, though Thea, looks an awful lot like the place we were in before the coffee shop. It looked like earth, there were trees and grass and everything you would expect to see in the normal world, but it was grey. Everything was grey. Thea thought it would be depressing to live there all the time, how sad it would be to live without color. Lucifer saw Thea's face of sadness and asked if she was ok.

"Yeah," she started quietly, "I was just thinking how sad it would be to live here."

"It is sort of depressing," he told her, "but not a lot of people stay here. Purgatory is the waiting place of sorts. You first come here when you die, as you know, and are here until your final decision. The only people who stay here for longer than that are people who have done an equal amount of good and evil, so they can't go to heaven or hell, but they are only here for a couple of weeks, and Jonathan, and trust me, he has enough color in his home to make up for the lack of it outside."

After reassuring her, Luce led her to a car. There was nothing special about this car, it was just a standard black SUV. They got in and drove for a couple of minutes until they got to a big grey wall. It was like someone had spent years building the biggest wall they could, it was so big that Thea could not see where it started and where it ended. Luce walked up to the wall and ran his hand across it, he then grabbed a doorknob that Thea would have sworn wasn't there before and opened a door. He reached for her hand and together they walked through the door, out of Purgatory and into Hell.

As soon as they crossed the threshold out of Purgatory and into Hell Lucifer let out a big sigh of relief. Thea could tell that he was happy to be back. Hell was not for the faint of heart though. Everything that surrounded them was red. The trees were red, the grass was red, even the puddles of water that sat in the gutters was red. It looked like the whole world was coated in blood. And the heat, it was horrible. The heat was so much that Thea felt like it was suffocating her. She did not like Hell.

"Don't worry," Luce said, "you'll get used to it. When I first got here I felt like I was constantly bathing in my own sweat." He laughed lightly.

The two of them continued walking for a couple of minutes until they came to a house. Thea could tell this was a special house, it was not red. The house was a navy blue colonial style house with a white trim. There was a beautiful green lawn surrounding it and some flowers planted in the window boxes. It definitely looked out of place, but Thea liked it.

"Well," Luce looked at her, his eyes searching for her approval, "this is it."

This is not what I imagined Lucifer, king of Hell,'s house would look like, Thea thought. "I love it," she said grinning at Luce.

"Wait," Luce said, his voice filled with panic, "what do you think about dogs, big dogs at that?"

Thea laughed, "I love dogs, especially big ones."

Luce opened the door and before Thea even had a chance to see inside a big ball of black fur tackled her to the ground and started licking her face. She tried to push it off her but couldn't due to how much she was laughing.

"Cobra, off," Luce commanded, his voice firm.

Cobra, the dog, quickly got off of Thea, trotted over to Luce and sat down looking at him with his long tongue lolling out of his mouth. Luce walked over to Thea and helped her up while also quickly looking her over to make sure she wasn't hurt.

"Sorry about that, he usually doesn't do that," Luce said a little embarrassed.

"It's ok," Thea said smiling at him and walking over to Cobra and giving him some pets, "I don't mind."

Then all three of them walked into the house. It was a gorgeous house. There were big windows everywhere, shelves filled with books covering the wall and some of the most beautiful hardwood floors Thea had ever seen. She knew that she was going to like it here. It already felt like home.

"Sorry about the mess," Luce said rubbing the back of his neck, "I didn't expect to meet you today or else I would have cleaned a little."

Thea looked around. The place was hardly a mess, it just looked lived in. "It's fine, I don't mind at all."

Then for the next couple of hours she got a tour of the house, and fell in love with it even more, and watched as Luce made dinner, a simple spaghetti (the only thing he could make), and snuggled with Cobra. For the first time in a while, Thea felt happy. Who knew, she thought, that all it took to be happy was to die.

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