Horizon a Siren and Veela

By Fand0mTrash7

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It's the end of sixth year, and people are starting to come into their creature inheritances. You know becaus... More



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By Fand0mTrash7

(Harry's POV)

My hand was still in Draco's, I was still trembling, even after everything he said.
"Draco, aren't you nervous? Walking into your common room with me?" I asked, glancing at his face, so far no one had noticed his love bites, I wanted to keep it that way for now.
I reached over with my other hand, adjusting his robes so they just barely covered them, but as we walked it slipped and I gave up.
"A bit," he admitted, "at this point it'll probably be social suicide. But I don't think I could ever ease them into this, so better start it off with a bang, right?"
I nodded, unsure of what else to say. But he was right, at this point it did seem like social suicide to come out. But if it was for Draco, I would do it any day. And today was as good a day as any.
After walking through corridors we came to a set of stairs. After our descent down them Snape stopped us.
"Ready?" He asked, slightly anxious.
"Yes," Draco and I, responded in union, laughing slightly as our answer.
"In we go, password is 'Snakes', by the way," at the mention of snakes, a stone wall slid open, revealing a green and silver toned common room.
Inside were lights hanging from a ceiling of rock, and stone. Green and sliver furnishings, students I'd barely ever seen, large windows leading to underneath the black lake, a mermaid or two in it. There was a stairway leading to what was presumably the dorms, as well.
But did I mention the forty or so people in here? Yeah, those were there, too. Instinctively my submissive side kicked in, again, as I inched closer to Draco. No one paid us any attention though. We became quickly making our way to the stairs.
"HEY, DRACO!!!!" I heard a shout from across the room, as two people stood up, I froze.
I didn't recognize either at the moment, seeing as I was hiding behind Draco, blocking my view.
The second they came into view I realized who they were. The first, a talk, dark skinned, boy, Blaise, and the second, a shorter, lighter skinned, girl, Pansy. Both, to my knowledge, good friends of Draco.
"How's it been? Wait, what's that behind you?" Pansy exclaimed, stopping, as her jaw dropped.
"Correction, who's that behind you?" Blaise asked,
"Shut up!!" Draco hissed, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"But," Pansy started, before I cut her off, she began fuming.
"I said shut up, Pansy, before I cast the nastiest stinging jinx you've ever felt on your face!!!" Draco growled, still inching along, trying to get us to the room.
"BUT I'VE NEVER BEEN SHOT WITH A STINGING JINX!!!" Pansy argued, Blaise took a step back.
"And that's why it'll be the worst you've ever felt," Draco shot back, a cold smirk on his face, I didn't even need to see it, I just knew it was there, I'd been given it too many times.
Pansy huffed but continued on, stomping up the stairs, Blaise behind her. Hesitantly we hurried up behind them, careful to hid me best we could. It seemed to be going relatively well, until Pansy shot out of the fucking shadows in a corner.

(Draco's POV)

Other than the small encounter with Blaise and Pansy everything was going well. I think I may be able to get Harry to a room long enough to figure something out. Then something hit me, hard, someone ran straight into, and shoved me in a wall.
"WHAT THE FU-" I started, but before I even hit to the wall my eyes went wide and I realized whoever this was, I wouldn't be able to hide Harry from them.
"DRACO IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP," I heard Pansy growl, underneath her breath, "Why are you hiding things from us!?!"
Oh boy is she mad. Well I'm fucked.
"PANSY, WHAT THE HELL, SOMEONE WILL HEAR YOU!!!" Blaise whisper shouted, "SHUT UP!!!"
"Well who is it?!? Who's he hiding!?!" Pansy asked, throwing a glance at Blaise, who looked unsure.
"You've got to be kidding me," Blaise laughed, putting both hands on his face, laughing, "Draco, you've got to have gone mad you damn twat!!"
"HEY!!" I heard, it was Harry, "C-Cut that out!!
A-Aren't you guys s-supposed to be f-friends?!?"
"Pansy doesn't like secrets, Potter," Blaise replied, turning away from us and mumbled about how mad we all were.
"What did you say, Blaise? Did you say Potter?!?" Pansy
"If either of you says ANYTHING, I'll hex you so bad you'll miss a mount of classes!! And for the record, Harry's not switching houses, just borrowing a common room, plus his own. Get over here," I quickly interjected, using the opportunity to slip from Pansy and grab Harry's wrist, whisking us to our new room.
Upstairs were multiple things, among them, Perfect bedrooms, if they wanted it. Pansy was a Perfect, although she only used it to store her things in and study, it was very quiet up there. People must really like putting silencing charms on things. Quickly we turned right, further down the hall. On the end there was a room, about the door, a sign that read, 'Unoccupied' in large neat print. I turned the knob, opening the door, to reveal a perfectly cleaned bedroom with a queen sized bed.
"Hey, hold on a second!!" Pansy called, her voice adopting an obnoxious tone, "What the hell are you doing!?!"
"What," I asked, taking the sign down, "did you think we'd sleep together with people watching us?!?"
Pansy stopped talking, a rare occurrence, Blaise hesitantly watched us. Harry, curiously looked towards him, shut the door with a flick of his wand, muttering a spell.
"Whatever it is you think I did I didn't do it!" Harry said, innocently raising his hands after shutting the door with them inside, "Honest!"
"What'd you do to him?!?" Pansy demanded, poking him with a finger, I flinched, "Love potion? Charm? What about-"
"Oh shut the hell up Pansy, you moronic rutabaga!!" I nearly shouted, Pansy's mouth shut, without a word she turned to me and glared, plopping into an armchair.
"So what the hell is going on, Draco?" Blaise asked, the hostility clear as day in his voice.
"That really should've been the first thing you asked," Harry replied, sitting on the bed and tugging me to sit beside him, "Should we really tell them though, Draco? They're your friends, you should decide."
"Fine, we'll tell them," I responded as I snaked an arm around his waist, still glaring daggers at Pansy.
"Oh, okay. How should I put this? Hmm..." Harry thought for a moment before a smile appeared briefly and he grew serious, "Draco and I are bound together for life and ever."
Obviously this wasn't the response either of them were looking for, because Blaise fell off the chair arm he was sitting on with a thud. In the chair Pansy's eyes went wide before she started stammering as she searched for an answer.
"THAT'S RUBBISH YOU-" Pansy started, angrily.
"DON'T SAY IT PANSY-!!" Blaise interrupted her, from the floor.
"DON'T YOU EVER CALL MY MOTHER-!!" Harry roared, shooting up from beside me, Blaise shot up, throwing his arms out to stop the two and interrupting.
"HEY, HEY!! WOW, CALM DOWN!!! DRACO, what the HELL is going on!?! You tell me right now before this ends up becoming a bloody hell, damnit!!" Blaise demanded, shoving Harry into my arms, and Pansy back into the chair.
"FINE. But she's better shut up," I growled, "So basically, Harry and I are mates and are bound together forever and if you say another damn thing against it I'm going to rip your fucking heads off. There, happy!?!"
"....... no. I still don't understand what the fuck is happening," Blaise grumbled, I sighed.
So in response Harry and I took turns explaining our summers from the moment we'd inherited onward up to now. Of course we left out the part where we made out and some other personal things.


"Well fuck, that's a boat load of shit if I ever heard of such a thing!" Pansy nearly shouted, "THIS IS ALL RUBBISH!!! THIS IS PROBABLY SOME ELABORATE SCEME TO PISS PEOPLE OFF!!!!"
"Would I do this, if it were?" I asked, kissing Harry on the lips, although it only lasted a few moments.
"Bloody hell no he wouldn't, and besides, inheritances aren't things to joke about!!" Blaise commented, then suddenly Pansy let out a huge gasp.
"Draco!!! Are those..... Love bites!?!?!" Pansy screeched, shooting out of the chair she'd had, mods completely changing, "HOLY SHIT!!!!"
Blaise, who had been sitting on the ground beside the chair leaned forward, eyes widening.
"Damn.... looks like somebody had a lotta fun on the train," Blaise teased, a smirk on his face, "How'd I not notice that before?"
My dominance had dissipated once more, and Harry's had somehow reformed. He sat up either proudly or smugly, I couldn't tell, and I blushed, attempting to hide my face behind his shoulder.
"BLAISE, BLAISE, THESE TWO ARE LITERALLY THE PERFECT COUPLE MASCOT FOR SLYTHERIN!!!" Pansy screeched, jumping up and down, flailing her arms like a bird.
"What?!?" Blaise questioned, looking over at us, "But he's not even Slytherin!!"
"But just look at them!!" Pansy screeched, pointing to us, now that she'd calmed down, slightly, "His eyes are silver, and his are green, Slytherin colors!! There like, the most powerful students in our year, too!! AND THEY'RE SO FUCKING CUTE TOGETHEEER!!!!"
"Well now that you mention it," Blaise laughed, we joined in as well.

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