Love is Like a Flower (KatsuD...

By ShikiSB

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Love is like a flower. It blooms and withers away like a flower. Sometimes even in full bloom the flower star... More

Chapter. 1 The Winter Storm
Chapter 2. Unwanted Life
Chapter 3. New Employees
Chapter 4. First Date
Chapter 6. The Melting Snow

Chapter 5. Unwanted Guests

387 9 19
By ShikiSB

Third Person POV

It was the start of December. Every household and shop were busy planning there Christmas decorations, and Kaneshon Valley wasn't an exception. Although their concentration was somewhat distracted by the chuckles from three of them. Shiki, Eijiro and Denki were on the other side of the table, watching the ash blonde and greenette laughing to themselves. The two have been dating ever since their "diner date" two weeks ago. Although it was just two week ago, they seemed like they have been dating for a lot longer. Izuku was sitting on Katsuki's lap, while Katsuki as playing with his hair. The other three weren't the least bit effected by their behavior, they were just glad that their friends were happy.

Shiki decided to turn their attention back to the decorations: "So, what should be the main color?"

"Yellow!", Denki answered.

"No, it should be red. Right Katsuki?", Eijiro turns to the ash blonde.

"Whatever, it just has to mach with Christmas, and yellow definitely doesn't mach."

Denki pouts, and a giggle escapes from Izuku's mouth. Izuku offers dark green, a choice that Denki quickly backs up.

"So, it's two for red and two for dark green, huh?", Shiki says, while taking out a sample paper of each color.

They spend 10 minutes picturing the decorations colored with each color, before coming to a conclusion: They would use both. Then they planned where the decorations should go, and what they should place on the windows. Then Katsuki's phone rings.

He looks annoyed when he answers: "What, old hag?"


"*Tch* What do you want?"

Mitsuki gives the phone to her husband: "Well, your mother and I were hoping that you would come by the house this afternoon. We have to talk about something."

Katsuki had lived in Eijiro's and Denki's apartment for almost two months, maybe more, after he argued with his parents. He wasn't too keen on going, but then he thought that it would be the perfect time to show his new boyfriend to them.

"Fine. I'll come by in a few hours."'

"Good! We'll see you then!"

Katsuki looks at the others waiting for him to speak. Katsuki just tells them that his parents want to see him, and that they should continue their planning. They nod, but soon they were just messing around.

After a few hours they were done. Shiki had written everything down, so they remember what they have, and what they have to buy.

"We should go buy these now, so we won't forget."

"Good idea Shi-chan! Why won't the rest of us go shopping, while Kacchan goes to meet whit his parents?"

"Actually, I was planning that you would come with me Deku."

Katsuki explains that it he would want Izuku to meet his parents, as they don't know that he's dating . Izuku hesitates, looking at Shiki for help. Shiki nods, a sing that he should go. Eijiro and Denki agree, and with that three of them left. Katsuki takes Izuku's hand, and pulls him to his house's direction. Izuku is still hesitant in meeting the ash blonde's parent, but he doesn't have a choice now. His parents know that he's dating, but they haven't met Katsuki yet, as they live in a different city. He isn't sure if Katsuki has even told them if he's seeing someone, and if not their in for a surprise.

"Kacchan, do you know why your parent want to meet?"

"No, but I think it has something to do with their Christmas party."

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because they want me to attend the parties that they have. They say it's for my own good, but I know that they just want me to get excited for the business."

The greenette just nods, still somewhat nervous. Katsuki grabs his hand to calm him down, and it works, sort of. They take the train so they wouldn't have to walk in the cold. It also saves them about 20 minutes. Soon they arrive at the Bakugo residents, and Katsuki knocks on the door.

Izuku POV

Kacchan knocked on the door, I got really nervous. I partially hid behind him, when the door opened, and a woman, who looked really angry, looked at Kacchan. When her eyes landed on me her expression became confused, then she saw that we were holding hands. A wide smile appeared. She looked a lot like Kacchan, her hair, eyes, and her personality are just like Kacchan's. She then called someone. A man with brown hair walked to the door. I guess that's her husband, making them Kacchan's parents.

"Come inside! It must be cold out there!", she grabbed Kacchan's arm, effectively pulling him and me, as he was still holding my hand, inside.

"Why didn't you say that you were dating someone so cute?"

"Didn't find the right time for it, old hag."

She smacked him on the head, while smiling at me. I was a bit confused by the entire situation. When everyone calmed down Kacchan introduces me to his parents, his mother was Mitsuki, and father Masaru. Mitsuki rushed to me, and gave me a hug. The hug was nice, until I couldn't breath. Kacchan yanked me away from his mother, yelling not to kill his boyfriend. She giggled a bit before taking us to the kitchen.

She made some tee and placed some cookies on the table. It was quiet, well until Kacchan and his mother started to argue about something. I wasn't so sure what it was about, but looking at Masaru, I think this is normal. I decided to break the two, before anything brakes.

"Um, didn't you have something talk about with Kacchan?"

Mitsuki slapped Kacchan on his head, and with the other covered her mouth: "Oh yes. Thank you for reminding me. Well, Masaru and me just wanted Katsuki to come a Christmas party being held next week."

Kacchan growled in frustration. His guess was right, and was clearly not happy about it.

"Why do I need to come to some stupid party!? I have better stuff to do!"

The two ash blondes started to shout at each other again. This time Masaru tried to stop them, but wasn't able to do anything. Without thinking I grabbed Kacchan's hand, causing him to jump a bit, but he did become quiet.

"If it helps, I can come with you to the party. I mean, it might be fun and it might get your parents off your back."

Kacchan's face softens, a smile grows on his limps. He leans down and kisses me on the forehead. I hear a "aww" from his parents, especially from Mitsuki. I turn red from embarrassment, and smack Kacchan on his thigh.

"If you're willing to come with me, then I guess I'll come to the party."

Immediately when Kacchan said that, Mitsuki jumped up from her chair, almost ran behind us, and wrapped her arms around both of our necks. While she was suffocating us, Masaru informed what would be happening in the party. Well, I wasn't really listening, as I was trying to breath, but one thing I did hear: Dancing. I gulped.

Third Person POV

Later that evening, Shiki's and Izuku's apartment

"What have I gotten myself into!?"

Izuku has been pacing up and down their apartment ever since he got back from Katsuki's house. Shiki has had enough, so he grabs him by the arm and sits him down.

"Alright, now you're going to tell me what's bothering you. If you don't I can't help you."

Izuku takes a deep breath: "Well, I promised Kacchan that I would go with him to the party that his parents are planning."

Shiki nods and waits for him to continue: "Everything was going fine, until I heard that there would be dancing, and then it got worse, when I heard that Kacchan and me have to dance!"

Now Shiki understands why the greenette is just a nervous wreck. He remembers their college dance, and how Izuku made sure to stay well clear of the dancing. The raven head knows that the greenette isn't a good dancer and is very sensitive about the topic.

"When is this party?"

"In a week. What am I going to tell Kacchan? I can't embarrass him at the party!"

"Izu, calm down! I'll help you with your dancing. It's not that bad as you think it is, and we have a week to practice."

Izuku's eye light up, his bright smile returns to his face, and hugs Shiki. He then jumps up, drags Shiki up with him, and demands that they start immediately. Shiki rolls his eyes, but searches some music on his phone. The music starts playing, and Shiki instructs Izuku to place his right hand on his shoulder, to hold Shiki's right hand with his left. Shiki then places his left hand on the greenette's waist.

"Let's presume that Katsuki will be the one to lead, so just follow me. We'll start easy and then increase the pace."

Izuku nods, and follows Shiki's instructions to where to place his feet, when to step, and other things. They practice well into the night, only stopping when they can't keep their eyes open.

Meanwhile, at Eijiro's and Denki's apartment

Katsuki had been quiet ever since he got back, and Eijiro and Denki are getting curious. Their new roommate is usually very loud, so this is out of character. Denki is the first one to say something.

"Um, Katsuki? Did something happen at your place?"

"Mmhh? No, nothing happened", the ash blonde was quiet for sometime: "Well, maybe something did happen."

"What!", the two other boys ask in unison.

"Deku agreed to  be my date at my parents stupid Christmas party."

Suddenly the the two jump on the couch where Katsuki is sitting, hugging him, and almost causing the whole couch to flip over. When Katsuki finally manages to push them of him Eijiro is talking about a suit that he has to wear, while Denki asks if he can dance, knowing that there will be a dance of some sort.

"Of course I can fucking dance, Dunce face!"

"Alright, alright. No need to shout. I just wanted to make sure, don't want you to make a fool out of yourself and Izuku."

Katsuki let out a growl and stood up: "You want me to fucking prove it to you? Stand up and let me show you, Dunce face! But don't think any of this, and neither of you better say a word to anyone!"

Both quickly nodded. Katsuki pulled out his phone and played music, then grabbed Denki's hand and slow danced with him. Eijiro was surprised at how well Katsuki could dance. They had never seen him dancing before, but it seems that he has that part covered, so the only thing left is his suit.

A week later, day of the party

The small greenette was taking orders as usual, but even from afar you could tell that he was nervous. Thankfully it was the last order of the day. They had decided to close the cafe early, so Katsuki and Izuku could get ready for the party. They had gone separately to pick suit for the party, because they wanted to surprise the other.

"Alright. Now that everything is cleaned and locked, me and Izu are leaving."

"Okay. I'll come and pick you at 8:00 pm, Deku. You better be ready by then!"

"I will!"

With that they go their separate ways. Soon Shiki and Izuku reach their apartment. As soon as they get through the door, Izuku is running to his room and getting his suit. He gives it to Shiki, while he goes to take a shower. The raven makes sure that the suit is wrinkle free. Ones Izuku comes back from the shower, he puts the suit on. He has black pants, a light green dress shirt, a black jacket, black shoes that are tinted dark green, and lastly a black tie a greenish pattern on it.

"How do I look?"

"For the last time Izu, you look fine. Now come on. we still have to fix your hair."

The greenette sits down on a chair, and Shiki starts comb his hair. Izuku's hair is naturally messy and curly, but by combing it back it starts to smooth out. He then combs it in the other direction, letting it fall nicely down, and not looking as curly as before.

"There we are. Now your ready, and just have to wait for Katsuki."

They didn't have wait for long, as they soon hear knocking from the front door. Izuku is too nervous and tell Shiki to open it. He waits in the kitchen, pacing. He stops when he hears Kacchan's voice.

"Oi, Deku. Calm down."

He looks over at the door way and sees Katsuki. He's wearing black pants, jacket and shoes, a white dress shirt, and a bright red tie. His spiky hair is slightly comb down, not as spiky as before, and part of his hair above his right ear is comb back, 

"You ready?"

"Y-yeah! Let's go!"

Shiki sees the two off, and Izuku sits on the passenger seat of Katsuki's car. He didn't even now he had a car. He always walked every where. The drive is quiet. Izuku is too nervous to start a conversation, and Katsuki is watching the road. Soon Katsuki had had enough.

"Something wrong? We can always tell my parents that we aren't coming."

"No, no! I'm just, well, I haven't been to party like this before. And not to talk about the dancing..."

"What. Someone afraid of dancing? Don't worry, I'll look after you."

"That's not what I meant. I'm just afraid that I'll make a fool out of you with my dancing."

Katsuki chuckles and tells him not to worry. If the greenette trusts him then there wouldn't be any problems. Izuku nods. They fall into silence again, but soon they arrive. The party is held in a large manor on the outskirts of town. Soon as they steps inside, they are bombarded by questions from everyone inside. Most of them are about their relationship. Katsuki is unfazed by them, he's gotten used to these sort of questions. Izuku on the other hand, isn't it. He hid behind his boyfriend, giving the blonde a hint that he has had enough.

"Will all of you get the fuck away from us? You're making my boyfriend uncomfortable."

The questions stop, but the people not move away form them, making Katsuki extremely annoyed: "I said: GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM US!!"

With his sudden outburst, the crowd dissipates. Izuku sighs in relief and steps next to Katsuki. He's holding his hand for reassurance, and follows him to get something to eat.

Izuku POV

We've been at the party for some time now. I haven't really talked to anyone except for Kacchan's parents. I let him do all of the talking, as I'm too shy to really say anything. Suddenly Kacchan stops.

"Is something wrong?", I asks, when I see him staring at something.

"See that girl?", he answers, while pointing in the direction.

When I look over I can see a girl with short brown hair in a pink dress. She's holding the hand of a tall man with bluish short hair and glasses. The man seems happy, but the girl seems, how do I put it, distant and... angry?

"She's Ochaco Uraraka. My ex I told you about. Don't know the bloke with her, but I would prefer if we kept our distance from them."

I nod, and we walk in the opposite direction from the pair. As the night continued however, I could feel two pairs of eyes on me.

I was getting even more nervous than I already was. Not just from the eyes looking at me, but from the dreaded dance. It was only 20 minutes away, and Kacchan wanted to dance right in the middle! I would have been okay with us dancing in the edges, but not right in the middle, where everyone can see us!

"Hey, is everything alright?"

I slightly jump form the voice, as I was deep in thought. I look up and see Kacchan looking straight at my eyes.

"Y-yeah! I was just thinking about something."

"The dance? I already told you that it would be fine."

"I know, and it wasn't the only thing I was thinking about."

Kacchan asked me about it, but I just said it wasn't anything important. He didn't seem convinced, but I wasn't going to tell him that I could feel someone staring at me, at all times. That could end badly.

It was only 10 more minutes from my doom, but at least I now know to who one of the pairs of eyes belong to. It's Todoroki. Of course he would be here. I think Kacchan also saw him. He quickly wraps hi left arm around my shoulder, and pulls me closer to him. He gives Todoroki a death glare, but he looks at me one last time. I could see something in his eyes, that made me worried for my safety. It was like he had lost it or something.

"Deku, don't worry about that Half n half bastard. As long as I'm with you have nothing to worry about. I wont let anyone hurt you."

"I know Kacchan."

Then the my dreaded moment of the entire night was announced: "Ladies and gentlemen. The dance will begin in 5 minutes! Please find your partners and make sure that you are ready!"

I can feel my hands shaking. I turn to Kacchan, and say: "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I''l be right back."

Before he could say anything I was already gone. I quickly found the bathrooms. I didn't lie to Kacchan, I really had to go to the bathroom, but I also needed sometime alone.

"I can do this. I can do this. It's not that bad. I just have to follow his lead, and before long it will be over."

After gaining some courage, I look at my phone. I almost choke in my own spit. The dance was only 2 minutes away! I run out of the bathroom, but I didn't make it far, as someone grabbed my arm.

"So, you're Katsuki's new boyfriend, huh? I'll teach him that if you leave me there will be consequences."

I stop breathing, and turn around. I already know how it is, even before I can see their face. I lock eyes with Uraraka, Kacchan's ex. She's hold my arm with her left hand, and in her right she has scissors. 

"Where did she get those? Is she going to stab me?"

After that strain of thought, she raises her right hand above her head. Her eyes are full of rage. When her hand comes down, the scissors are aimed right at my face. I raise my right arm instinctively, as a defense. I hear quick footsteps, but I chose to ignore them, and wait for the scissors to hit me.

Katsuki POV

Deku said that he was going to the bathrooms, but he's been gone for almost 4 minutes. How long does a trip to the bathrooms take? The dance in about to begin, and if the old hag doesn't see us dancing, I'm never going  to hear the end of it. I decide to go look for him.

"Where is that fucking nerd?"

As I walk to the bathrooms I can see the Round face bitche's new boyfriend alone. At first I smirk to myself, thinking that she must have gone to find a better dance partner. Then my smirk disappears, and my eyes widen.

"Shit! Fuck, fuck!!"

My steps quicken in pace, and when I'm through the crowd I'm full on sprinting. When I rounded a corner I could see that bitch  holding Deku and trying to stab him with scissors. I run toward them, and just in the nick of time, I grab Round face's wrist.

"The hell do you think you're doing bitch!?"

I push her on the floor, and hold Deku close.

"I want you for myself, Katsuki! Not to some faggot who doesn't understand you!"

"You're nothing but a slut! You better leave now, as I'm going to call the fucking cops after the dance! You better hope that they will only give you a caution!"

I then pull Deku back to the main hall. He's shaking like a leaf. I try to calm him down, but then the dance started. We were pushed to the middle. Deku was looking at the ground still shaking. I lift his chin and make him look at me.

"It's alright. Just follow my lead."

I take his hand, and place my other hand on his waist. Deku wraps his arm around my back and buries his face in my chest. When the music starts, he pulls his face back and stares into my eyes. We take the first steps, and then another. After awhile we become more confident, and we must be dancing pretty good, as some of the other dancer stop and gives us space.

Deku has a large smile on his face. I lean down and whisper into his ear: "See? You're doing fine."

Soon the music softens and the slow dancing starts. We're swaying back and fort, with my hands on his waist and his on my sides. Slowly he comes closer to me, wraps his arms around my torso and buries his head back in my chest. I place my chin on top of his head, and wrap my arms around his smaller body.

"You alright?"

"I am. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I told you that I won't let anyone hurt you."

The rest of the party went without anymore problems. I told the old hag about what happened with the Round face bitch, and she immediately called the cops, well, right after she karate chop my head multiple times. She wasn't too happy that I didn't tell her right after it happened, but I had a dance to get to.

Right now I'm driving Deku home. He fell asleep, so I called Shiki for him and said when we should arrive. When we finally pulled up Deku didn't wake up, so I had to carry him bridal style to his door. I used my knee to knock on the door. Pretty soon the door opened.

"I see that Izu had a rough night."

"You don't know the half of it."

Shiki showed me the way to Deku's room. After taking his jacket off, I put hi on the bed. After a short chat whit Shiki, I left to Eijiro's and Denki's apartment. What a party. Hopefully the next one won't be as eventful.

End of Part 5


Sorry that it took awhile to get this chapter out. I had school and other projects going. I was thinking that the next chapter will be the last one. Sorry if this is a little short, but I just don't have any ideas where to take this story. I also wasn't thinking making this story was this long from the get go.

Hope you are all enjoying my first story. And happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you all!!

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