Various Yanderes x Male Reade...

By Gacchan_A

241K 1.2K 1.8K

Bruh, I need side missions as a writer... so here you go. Writing long yandere oneshots is not my specialty... More

The obvious request page
Yandere Alfimi x Male Reader x Yandere Excellen
Yandere Naruse Sisters x Male Reader
Yandere Ram&Rem x Male Reader
Yandere Ange x Male Reader
Yandere Nonaka Sisters x Male Reader
Yandere Zero Two x Male Reader (meme warning)
Yandere Artoria (Saber) x Male Reader
Yandere Fem!Russia x Male Reader
Medaka x Male Reader (Medaka Box)
Ajimu Najimi x Male Reader

Akane Shinjou x Male Reader (SSSS.Gridman)

14.1K 99 97
By Gacchan_A


Alexis: .... I fear for my life. Bogs halp

A/N: Free request for those of you who know where did the lyric come from. But pls keep it reasonable

Also if you ask me, sometimes I will appear in this book as Gacchan (could be a savior, a devil, or a meatshield)

Everytime a kaiju strikes, the aftermath is always the city returning back to normal and people losing their memories of what happened. Well, except those who are affiliated with the Gridman Alliance, and Akane herself whom I call the kaiju witch.

Right? She's the one calling all of the giant monsters to destroy the city. She has an ill temper, easily shown whenever an evil plan she schemed fail. Of course, Gridman is always there to save the day after all. But today Akane isn't summoning a kaiju.

Instead, she's preying on (y/n), another 3rd year at school. For all that she knows, he isn't a part of the Gridman Alliance. (y/n) is just a normal everyday senpai, but less dense. Hell, I am bored to see dense senpai characters.

And I'm glad (y/n) is NOT a dense motherfucker, otherwise I'm feeding him to the Godzilla. Now, off with the divine interception and back to the story. It's a great sunny day for everyone in the city, and Akane is in an equally great mood to prey on (y/n)-senpai.

Akane: Ah... where could senpai be at this hour? Usually he's chilling in this bus stop.

(y/n): Ah, its you again... you're the kouhai from my school.

Akane: Senpai~ you're a tad late.

(y/n): Come again?

Akane: You're usually here before me you know that?

(y/n): Yeah... I guess. Well, about time we introduce ourselves.

Akane: I'm Akane Shinjou.

(y/n): 1st year, (y/n) (l/n).

Akane: Ah, another first year! Oh look, our bus is here. Let's go.

They boarded the bus together and sat next to each other. (y/n) can feel Akane's yandere aura at 5.9% jusy by sitting real close next to her. Well, the school can be his escape route after all so he will manage.

Akane's heart is racing at the thoughts of her senpai being so close to her. She can't hold back her urges to do things, but then again it's school the bus is heading to. Place will go into a downward spiral if they saw her covered in jizz.

In skool...

(y/n) made a quick escape to his classroom and blended himself in the crowd to avoid detection. Luckily his class is far from Akane's, so he can take a breather while waiting for the teacher to arrive.

A few moments later, the teacher came in. However, the teacher looks rather young. And he's wearing almamater instead of a normal coat. Lastly, talk about a shoulder-length strewn hair.

Gacchan: Good morning folks, I'm the student teacher for English in this class. The name's Gacchan. Looking forward to work with y'all.

(y/n): Holy shit, talk about a cool teacher.

(bff/n): Oh hell yeah! Sir can we kick ass together sometime?

Gacchan: Sure I guess. Only if there are kaijus in the city.

(bff/n): Suh-weet!

Gacchan: Now then, shall we begin our class today?

Class: Yes sir.

Gacchan: Don't you "sir" me! I'm only 20!


Akane's heart is still racing from the thoughts of (y/n). She wanted to summon a kaiju to distract the whole school, but then again it wouldn't be professional. During classtime, she had to fake a permission to use the toilet.

However, at the same time, (y/n) really had to take a leak. He rushed outside to head for the restroom, without noticing Akane behind him. She smirked devilishly as she kept on advancing on her senpai's ass.

Akane: Fufufu~ I'm coming for you senpai~

In the toilet, (y/n) thought he can take a piss in peace... but then he realized something is off. A pair of female shoes are seen from the gap below the door, and that can only mean one thing.

After flushing, (y/n) quietly turned the doorknob, opened the door slowly, and saw Akane with a somewhat perverted grin. If not obsessive.

Akane: Hi~

(y/n): W-what the hell!?

Akane: Senpai, I have come for--

(y/n): HELL NO!

He pushed Akane away and yeeted back to class. From that moment on he knew, he fucked up. The pinkead giggled quietly, scheming something in her mind. Not related with kaijus still. Not yet. Fortunately (y/n) can still focus on his class despite what happened earlier. Otherwise, bogs halp

Gacchan: Ay. You look pale, was there a bitch in the restroom?

(y/n): N-no... just nothing. Yee I'm fine.

Gacchan: ...... okay?

Continuing the class, Gacchan laid out the lesson materials for today's schedule and served the time.

1 hour later

Break time motherfuckers!

Still being overly cautious, (y/n) walked out of the class to reach the rooftop, blending himself in the crowd of students. Up there, he can see the giant kaiju statues throughout the city.

Well.... it seems that he isn't the only one enjoying the scenery. Out of the blue, Akane is seen standing near her senpai, pressing her boobs against the ledge. (y/n) backed away from her in an instant.

(y/n): Akane, did you come here to suck my dick or summat?

Akane: Senpai~ don't go into conclusions now~

(y/n): Well I can safely say that because you had walked right into the men's restroom earlier.

Akane: Ah.... maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong.

(y/n): What do you mean by that? And stop calling me senpai, we're about the same age!

Akane: Just someone with some... loose screws. I guess.

(y/n): *sigh*

(y/n) pushed Akane to a wall and glared dead into her eyes while pinning her.

Akane: Mmf-

(y/n): You've been a bad girl Akane. And I guess... its only natural for me to act just as bad.

Akane: Oh my, senpai is so bold. I don't mind if you would partake with me tonight~

(y/n): Nah. No thanks, Akane. Not interested in your boobs. But... you got a cute round face tho. I won't mind dating you anytime.

He backed away from Akane and climbed the roof to enjoy his lunch. She then climbed also and sat next to (y/n), opening her own lunchbox to eat together with her senpai.

(y/n)-senpai doesn't seem to mind her at all. In fact, as long as Akane isn't doing anything weird. Or will she?! *Inception foghorn*

Akane: Senpai. Do you really want to date me?

(y/n): Yeah, like I said seconds ago. I'm not one of those guys who use karaoke booths as budget love hotel, so yeah.

Akane: I see, that's good to hear. (Actually senpai, I don't mind if you want to "play" with me~ I'm totally fine with it!)

Back down, a couple of girls seems to have noticed (y/n) before he went to the rooftop. They walked upstairs to talk to him, but unfortunately for them he's already having a good time with Akane.

Said pinkhead seems irritated at the sight of the girls, and felt this sudden urge to kill them. Well, of course she would call her kaiju pal Alexis on her phone, but (y/n) will be suspicious of her. So again, NÖ.

Girl 1: Aww, too bad. Senpai is with someone else...

Girl 2: Talk about getting jinxed. Ugh.

(y/n): Can't you see we're eating lunch? Scram off.

Girl 2: O-okay...


Random girl: Come play with us sensei!

Gacchan: I shall not be thwarted by you no longer! BEGONE THOT!

Random girl: SHIT IT'S BIG!

Akane felt nuts. She felt the need to eliminate the competition in the school--no, perhaps the whole city. Thus, she rolled out a plan to call a kaiju to wreak havoc in town. Poor (y/n) won't suspect a thing...

Said boi had never been a part of the Gridman Alliance, so he might lose his memory about the kaiju attack. WHALE then, we'll just skip to after school to spice things up.

After school

(y/n) packed his stuff and walked out of the school building. But before he can pass the gate, Akane stopped him by pinching his uniform shirt.

Akane: Senpai, why don't we walk home together?

(y/n): Eh, sure. Why not?

Akane: Sweet!

(y/n): Let us.

The (h/c) boy led the way for Akane as they now walk together back home. They spent the time chatting about school lives and stuff, miraculously staying away from the kaiju topic.

Eventually, the couple reached Akane's house. She bids her farewell to (y/n) there, said boy vacating the premises already. As she walk inside, she thought to herself; "the fun is about to begin now."

Back home, (y/n) turned on the TV to watch whatever's airing tonight. Just when he went to change his clothes, the whole place trembled. Well that can only mean one thing.

(y/n) looked outside the window and saw a kaiju roaming around like the district is its turf. He quickly evacuated from the house by jumping through the window while putting his pants on. He landed safely tho.

(y/n): Another kaiju? Holy crap!

He noticed that there are some girls are being caught in a tentacle mess. One of the girls are the same girl (y/n) turned down earlier today...

(y/n): I've seen enough hentai to see where that is going... wait. Oh boy, her again?

Girl 1: bogs halp

(y/n): y u do dis

Before Gridman can arrive, the girls are already eaten. (y/n) ran away from the kaiju, which was after his ass already. He screamed like Jack Sparrow while keeping his pace, eventually ending up at Akane's house.

For some reason, fate has jinxed the people in the city. Right when Gridman appeared, and (y/n) stepping in front of Akane's house, the kaiju disappeared.

(y/n): What the?!

Gridman: ......

Gacchan: The hell was that? *derpy voice*

The next day....

(y/n) had lost all memories of what happened last night, and the damaged district returned to normal, as if nothing had happened last night. He went about his usual morning routine--breakfast, taking a shower, then walk to the usual bus stop.

As usual, Akane is waiting there as well. What (y/n) failed to notice is her expression--her mind is occupied by the satisfaction of eliminating her competitors last night. Of course, the boy has no idea that Akane was the one behind all the kaijus attacking the city....

(y/n): Morning, Akane.

Akane: Ah, senpai! Good morning~

(y/n): Looks like fate has decided for us to meet here every schoolday morning.

Akane: Hmm, you're right. Maybe... we are destined to be together forever? Ehehehe~

(y/n): (Now that's just creepy.) Well... I guess? Also will you stop calling me senpai?

Akane: ..... I can't. Sorry.

(y/n): Uh...

Akane: Because... you know. You're a senpai to me despite being at the same age as I am.

(y/n): .......... (Yandere alert! Yandere alert!) Akane, are you possibly a-

As if on cue, the bus arrived earlier than usual. (y/n) quickly hopped into it, with Akane slowly walking while giggling quietly.

Akane: (The game, (y/n)-senpai, is on~)

Inside the bus, (y/n) stayed at the rearmost seat to stay away from Akane. At times he would peek to the front row to see if she's glaring daggers at him. Five out of ten tries, the results are clear. But at the sixth try, the pinkhead is now glaring into (y/n)'s soul with her dulled eyes.

(y/n): Ofuk-

Akane: Senpai.... mine. Fu. Fufufu.

(y/n): I'm already dead, am I?

Hibiki: Omae wa mou shindeiru.

(y/n): NANI?!

Earrape timeskip

At school, (y/n) kept his guard up on a literal level. Well, more like being paranoid I say.

News has it that the current teacher can't attend the lesson today, so basically his class is free for the schedule. (y/n) snuck outside class and went to the rooftop to chill out.

(y/n): Okay. Maybe I'll change my mind, screw dating her. She's nuts...

???: Oh my? Oh my, my, my?

(y/n): The fuck-

Akane was there, standing by the door. She's holding a box cutter, and she looks pissed as all fuck.

Akane: Nee, senpai. Is there another girl in your mind?

(y/n): What, no! And put that thing down, Akane! Now!

Akane: Not until you tell me the truth.

(y/n): That was the truth I swear!

Akane: .... oh. Senpai, you are mine, you know that? I won't simply allow you... to think of another girl. Otherwise.... Akane might get mad.

(y/n): Ah... fokkit. Outta my way!

(y/n) jumped from the ledge he's sitting on and pushed Akane away, heading for the stairs. However, she managed to catch him and pull him back into the dark corner. Then, she kicked him down and pinned his arms so that he won't be able to run away.

(y/n): Akane, stop!

Akane: Ehehehe, senpai... I'm so angry I want to carve your heart out~

(y/n): STÖP IT NOW!! *satanic voice*

Akane: That alone won't be enough to stop me you know?

(y/n): So what? If you kill me here the kontent kops will still get yo ass! (This isn't funny!)

Akane: That's not how an obsessed girl works you know! Now, senpai...

Akane licked her lips and raised the box cutter in an attempt to stab (y/n). With his left hand freed, he slapped the pinkhead girl away, causing her to stumble away.

(y/n): Alright gurl, we chill now? Huh!?

Akane: S-senpai... how dare you slap me.

(y/n): You brought that slap to yourself.

After getting back on his knees, (y/n) crouched in front of Akane and looked into her eye.

(y/n): Oi. We chill?

Akane: ....... yeah... okay. Maybe I went overboard, (y/n).

(y/n): About time you called me by name.

Akane: Mhm. Sorry...

(y/n): *hugs Akane* There there... its fine.

Akane: (Ah~ senpai~ senpai is hugging me~)

Smol timeskip

Things has been sorted out between (y/n) and Akane, but her obsession never dies. Something wicked is going on in her mind--a plan to eliminate the whole competition list.

How will they die varies. Kaiju kill, direct kill with the box cutter, and whatnot. Although the kaiju plan will work best since (y/n) still has no idea that Akane was the one behind it.

Akane: (Hmm... even though (y/n) had trusted me, I can never be so sure when will he turn his back on me. So.... who's next? Ah. Maybe the sluts hanging out near his class. Yes....)

Gacchan: Oi Akane. Are you even paying attention?

Akane: Ah! Y-yes sir, I'm sorry.

Gacchan: *snap* Don't you "sir" me you--

Akane: (Ugh, what a nuisance... well then. You're next on my list.)

Hibiki: halp

Meanwhile, (y/n) wondered about Akane's yandere tendency and began thinking of a way to counter it. After a long ass thinking, he finally figured something out.

The skies then turn gray as large clouds begin to block the sun. Looks like fate is agreeing to (y/n)'s plan to "tame" Akane--although the yandere tendency won't simply stop.

(y/n): Ah shit. Has the teacher arrived yet?

(bff/n): Nah. Looks like he got stuck in a kaiju jam.

(y/n): Eh?

(bff/n): Yeah, a kaiju attacked the other district m8. Sources on the net said almost all of the victims are females.

(y/n): hmmmmmm....... maybe the kaiju is a thot slayer? I dunno. Or it's just being sexist.

(bff/n): Could be both. Who knows. SooS, wat do we do now?

(y/n): Well have you ever thought whomst the fack is behind all these kaiju attacks?

(bff/n): ...... no idea.

(y/n): Great. Then we'll go investigate today.

Sometime during break time, (y/n) headed to Akane's class. However, some skanks blocked his way--and I mean here, upperclasswomen skank.

(y/n): Bitch, get outta my way.

Skank 1: Not until you say "oh please, take me to your mansion and fuck me!"

(y/n): Fuck you!

Skank 2: Oh, how bold of you. Perhaps you're into BDSM, kid?

(y/n) kicked the skanks' shins and pushed them away, leaving them to bite the dust. Well, they deserve more than that right? And we all know by now who will deliver the punishment....

Yep. You don't say.

Akane: Bitches... low skanks. Just you wait...

Now in the cafetaria, (y/n) ate his onigiri alone on the corner. That is, until Rikka sat beside him.

Rikka: Hey. Can I sit here?

(y/n): Uh... sure. Please do.

Rikka: Thanks.

(y/n): (T H I C C  legs... I MUST RESIST!!)

Rikka: Hm? What's wrong?

(y/n): N-nothing! I swear!

Akane: ....... (Rikka... not you too. It seems that I have to eliminate you as well.)

Gacchan: Waiting is boring innit? Not for some people but apparently I am getting bored.

Akane stalked the skanks who harassed (y/n) earlier and cornered them all to the storehouse. There, she killed them all and hid their bodies inside the rusty lockers before cleaning the bloodstains.

However, the bloodstains on Akane's shirt won't be cleaned that easy. She quickly wear her jacket and hid the box cutter inside her pocket and vacated the premises to find Rikka.

Akane: Little pig... little pig. Where are you?

On the other hand, (y/n) and (bff/n) went to Akane's house to check on her. But it seems that she isn't home, so they have to come in through the window.

Inside, they found several shelves lined up with kaiju figurines inside. With a simple deduction, (y/n) stated that Akane is indeed behind all the kaiju rampage.

(y/n): This is hard to believe, but... yeah. We're gonna die sooner or later.

(bff/n): Yee~

Alexis: Who are you guys!?

(y/n): KONTENT KOP! *Idubbbz voice*

The door then creaked open, revealing Akane.

Akane: I'm home-ah. Senpai. Good to see you here.

(y/n): Holy shit.

Akane: So, I've been exposed... well then. Since you are my property now... I'll spare your life.

(y/n): Ah shit, commence plan GTFO!

(bff/n): Yeet!

Their runaway plan became a mess. Both gentlebois tripped, and caused the shelves to fall down. One of them managed to knock (y/n) out, freeing Akane to kill (bff/n).

Akane: Ah... you have been a naughty boy~ Akane must punish you now~

Alexis: Uh.... bogs halp

Akane: Shut up. (y/n) is my property now... heheheh~

2 hours later...

(y/n) woke up chained on a bed, possibly Akane's. Said girl herself is stark naked in front of him, straddling him with a crazed look in her eyes.

Akane: Senpai, are we awake~?

(y/n): Akane... you little--let me go right now!

Akane: Ah ah ah~ not until you behave, senpai.

(y/n): For the last time, I am NOT your senpai!

Akane: *slaps (y/n)* Shut.

(y/n): The fuck-


Akane: Behave. Now.

(y/n): You've been a bad girl Akane, and you're telling me to behave?

Akane: ...... point taken. But still... the fact that you're my property now won't change at all.

(y/n): Will you just let me leave? I have a nyan to feed at home.

Akane: I killed your cat (y/n), so that I'll be the only bitch you'll need in your life.

(y/n): You what?!

Akane: Just kidding. Your cat is still alive.

(y/n): Fokkit. Now let me go.

Akane: If I let you go you'll just run away and leave me!

(y/n): That's not my reason to be free here.

Akane thought about it for a moment. Then she unwrapped the chains around (y/n)'s waist, only for her to get leglocked and flipped over. He pinned her arms to make sure she's not gonna do anything crazy.

(y/n): I told you Akane. You've been a bad girl and you must be punished.

Akane: ..... as long as it's you (y/n)... I won't mind at all~

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