Her Everything [ Book #1]

By the_annoyed_writer

768K 28.9K 1.5K

Book 1 of the Second Chances Series #43 in spiritual as of December 2017 #6 in muslimlovestory as of July 201... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Author's note
Ask me!
Author's note
Life update and Gratitude
Learning English Language & Lit

Chapter - 25

23.1K 798 34
By the_annoyed_writer

Lo and belold. I am not dead 😂😂
Surprise surprise.

Quick request, if you guys are into fantasy books with cocky fallen angels and mystical creatures then I have just the book for you. My best friend's book ELYSIUM is just that.

Go check it out please! And show her some support!! Sending love to all!!! Zenabkhan98

Mariam was in the kitchen adding last minute spices to her chicken soup. She tasted it once again to get the flavour right and smiled when it did. She then began to transfer the soup in a thermos flask before placing a tight lid on it. She then put it in the basket, next to other items that she'd prepared to take to the hospital.

"Spoons, plates, tissues. . .and that's all  done." She checked. She then asked Max to take the basket to the car and went to get dressed.

As Mariam stood in front of the mirror looking at her image, she couldn't recognize the woman standing there. She had dull, sunken eyes, a pale complexion and you could almost see her ribcage, if she were to lift her sweater. The woman looked a sad mess, hidden behind a smile that didn't reach her eyes. She placed her hand against her flat stomach, flinching at contact.  There was no change there, her tummy was still flat when she lost her child, but the feeling of having a little life growing inside her  was gone. She felt empty, like her womb. But that was done now. She can't undo the miscarriage or Zeyad's accident, all she can do now is have patience and be strong for her husband and child.

On the way to the hospital, Mariam stared out the window, looking at the bustling street, her mind occupied with one thought only; how was she to give the news to Zeyad?
'Should I wait? Maybe it would be best if he didn't know. It's not like he knew about the pregnancy. Right?'

Mariam was unable to make up her mind. She was just too scared of the disappointment that she was sure would be in Zeyad's eyes.
'No, don't think like that. You know him, he loves and would never blame you for this,' the rational part of her mind scolded. Before she could even register, Max was opening her door.

"Thank you Max, I'll take it from here," she said as she carried the basket in. Inside, Zeyad was up and speaking to his secretary, with his laptop on the little table for lunch.

Zeyad looked healthy, the bruises around his face had faded a little and his fractured ribs were not hurting that bad. It had been a week since the accident and he was recovering wonderfully.

"Can you for once not be working?"
Mariam interrupted, with disappointed look on her face but fondness in her eyes.

"Ah, baby, you're back. I missed you,"
He said, shutting his laptop with a cheeky smile that had Mariam melting. How could she ever be mad at this beautiful man?

"Don't baby me. I told you, no work."

"Sorry, mom" Zeyad rolled his eyes, and Mariam slapped his arm.
"Ouch! Injured man sitting here, woman."

"Eh. Anyway, Mummy called, she and Papa will be coming tomorrow when they discharge you. She said they want us to have dinner with them. She'll be cooking. At our place." Mariam informed him.

"Oh, she didn't have to. We can have Lucy make dinner,"

"I told her, but she insisted on preparing it. She's stubborn just like someone I know," She said, putting her finger on her chin in a thinking manner. "Wonder where I met this person."

"Hey! I am not stubborn," Zeyad defended and Marian raised a brow.
"Okay, okay. Maybe just sometimes. God, let a man breathe," He exaggerated which earned him an eye roll.

Zeyad had been extra funny and in high spirits, ever since he woke up after the accident. Mariam didn't know why, but she wasn't complaining. She loved a playful Zeyad. But oh well, she loved an angry Zeyad also. It didn't really matter what mood he was in because Mariam loved him anyway.

Before she could respond there was a commotion outside and they knew what or who it was. The door flew open and a pair of small unstable feet came running into the room.
"Daddy!" Zahaan exclaimed before crashing into Mariam's legs, hugging her making Mariam laugh.

"Zahaan, sweetheart, that's mommy. I am daddy," Zeyad corrected as he closed his wide opene arms with a frown and Mariam giggled more.

"But Zaan miss mommy," He said as Mariam picked him up.

"Of course you did you little monster," came Ethan's high pitched voice. "Boy, he won't stop babbling about his wonderful mother," he added rolling his eyes.

"Good to see you too Ethan," Mariam said shaking her head.

"Hey handsome. Ugh, you look so hot with those bruises and shit," Ethan told Zeyad, waving at Mariam.

"Excuse me?" Interrupted Ben from the door, looking offended.

"Yes?" Sassed Ethan, looking at his husband like he was dumb.

"Are you two done now? Because I missed my boy." Zeyad interrupted the other couple's bickering.

"Zaan miss mommy," Zahaan spoke again, no at all bothered by the adults' childish bickering.
"Mommy missed Zahaan too," Mariam relpied giving Eskimo kisses to her baby as he held her face in his small hands.

"Did you miss daddy?" She then asked to which he nodded shyly, placing his head on her shoulder. "Do you want to hug him? He missed you too."

Zahaan nodded again and crawled into Zeyad's lap, hugging him.
"I missed you, baby boy" Zeyad nuzzled his soft hair as Mariam watched the two with adoration in her eyes. Her eyes shifting to the silent couple, standing near the foot of the hospital bed. Her eyes flashed with sympathy for the childless couple.

Ben and Ethan had been there through the whole incident with them. After Mariam was placed into a room, both men had stayed with her while she mourned the loss of her child. Ben had aksed for a change of clothes from home to change out of his bloodied clothes, not wanting to leave their friends alone. The two had taken turns in staying at the hospital with Zeyad, as Mariam was too weak and Zeyad's parents were in India. They had flown back as soon as they heard, though.

They were very supportive too and had Mariam stay with them instead of going to her place while Ethan and Ben offered too look after Zahaan.
Mariam was grateful for all of them and hoped that their best friends soon get a call from the adoption centre.
They desperately wanted a child and Mariam was sure they'd make wonderful parents. True, that Ethan was a little eccentric and vibrant, but he was a loving person and Ben's calm and warm personality complimented his, making them perfect for each other.

"Daddy, when will Zaan have baby sister?" The little boy spoke out of the blue that caught everyone's attention. Especially Mariam, who momentarily froze. Ethan looked at her, with an assuring look in his eyes.

"I don't know, buddy. That depends on your mummy," Zeyad replied looking at Mariam.

"Hey bud, they have jell-O here. Let's go get some!" Ben spoke to Zahaan, immediately distracting him.
"Yay, jell-O!"
Ben picked him up and left the room, followed by Ethan who put a comforting hand on Mariam's shoulder.

Soon it was just the two of them with a thickening tension. Zeyad wasn't dumb, he knew something was up that he didn't know about. "What am I missing? Did something happen?"

Mariam was silent. She couldn't bring herself to answer him.

"Mariam," He warned, his voice taking a sterner tone, "I am asking you something."

And so Mariam told him everything, from her discovering about the pregnancy, to her plan of surprising him and then finally the part where she lost their baby. Zeyad was silent through the whole thing, listening carefully. By the time she was done, Mariam had tears flowing down her  cheeks. It was the first time she had cried after that day and now that Zeyad knew, she felt as if a burden was relieved from her shoulder.

It was tensed for a few seconds before Mariam felt herself being engulfed by strong arms, and that was all it took for her to burst into sobs. She had been wanting to tell him for so long and now that it was out, she felt light. She wanted to hold her husband and mourn for their child and that's exactly what they did. Zeyad held her and kept murmuring comforting words in her hair.
"Shh...it's okay, Mariam. It's okay. It wasn't your fault. It just wasn't out time, okay?"
"You're okay, you are so, so strong. You went through it all alone and took care of me. I am not mad okay?"

"How do you know I felt that way?" Mariam asked puzzled to which he smiled and replied, "We've been married for years now. Of course I know you'd be blaming yourself and thinking I'd be upset. And I am. I am upset and heartbroken that we lost our child, but not at you. There wasn't anything either of us could have done, you know."

Mariam nodded her head, feeling silly and blessed at the same time. Silly for having such thoughts and blessed for having such a great man in her life.

"I love you," She whispered, connecting their lips together making Zeyad groan at the sudden contact.
They pulled apart and Mariam already missed his lips on hers.
"God, I love you so much." He breathed resting their foreheads together.

It was later that night that the two of them were cuddling in his hospital bed when Mariam asked, "So, what now?"
Ethan and Ben had spent the day with them and then left an hour ago with Zahaan. Mariam had decided to stay the night and tomorrow evening, Zeyad was going to go home.
"What do you mean, baby?"

"I mean what now? Do we try again?" Mariam asked in a small voice that had Zeyad burst laughing.

"Try again? Sweetheart, you are not a baby making machine. We'll see how things go. Maybe it's not our time now. Let's let the things be just the way they are. We'll know when it's the right time. Until then we have each other and our little boy, and that's enough for now. That's everything."

"You're right. You both are my everything and that's all I want. For now." Mariam agreed as she placed her head on his chest and fell asleep to sound of his beating heart.

                          The End.


And that's a wrap. Finally!!!
*throws confetti*
First of all, I am extremely sorry for being MIA. But I swear I had a valid reason behind it. I have been so caught up with my college work that I barely had time to sit and compose a chapter. I still have a lot to do but I figured it would be best if I  just write the last chapter and relieve my readers of their curiosity.

Now, I can't believe this epic love story has come to an end. This book is so close to my heart and is something I am very proud of. After two long years, it's finally complete. Two years for 25 chapters? Shame on me. Smh.
Anyhoo, I just want to tell you all that I love you guys so much for the love and support and patience. Thank you for baring with me and supporting me. *wipes tears*
I know I didn't do justice with the last chapter but this is the best I can do right now. I'll be re- writing the whole book once I get the time, because there is so much more drama I wanted to add but totally forgot to when I was writing the chapters. There will be an epilogue but that'll take time. I don't know how long, but I promise that I WILL write it.

As this is the end, I would really, really love to know what you guys feel and what this book meant to you.

Love you❤

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