Basic Boy (Complete)

By AngelVol1

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Completee Just read it. I don't know what I plan on doing with it, but it's not finished. This story is ab... More

Chapter 1: Party Troubles
Chapter 2: Runners High
Chapter 3: The marvelous adventures of the Gym
Chapter 4: Starting Line
Chapter 5: Training
Chapter 6: Reality
Chapter 7: Mood
Chapter 8: Date
Chapter 8.1: Aftermath
Chapter 10: Options
Chapter 11: Preliminary
Chapter 12: New Friends, New Enemy
Chapter 13: Battle plan
Chapter 14: Before
Chapter 15: After
Chapter 16: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 17: In The Eye Of The Storm
Chapter 18: It's Not Finished
Chapter 20: Rose
Chapter 21: Creak
Chapter 22: Challenge
Chapter 23: Truth
Chapter 24: Detoured
Chapter 25: Tourist Attraction
Chapter 26: Wounds

Chapter 19: Trip

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By AngelVol1

   I started with the letter behind his will.

   Ok, so as you know, i'm dead. But not to worry though, you have to accept the fact that i'm gone. Look Joseph I added you in my will because I saw my son in you and well I guess you were the only family I had. You will recieve my house as a gift to help you with your future. Don't worry, theres money in a safe there, so take care of it.

  "I don't care about the money, I just want you back!" I said to noone, sitting on the floor as I continued reading. I was tearing up now.

  I want you to do great kid, you impressed me with your growth and well, you deserve this. Your the only person I could give these to as my son and wife are gone. So the thing about the funeral, I planned this before because as you knew, i'm old Joseph, and well I had to prepare. So there will be no funeral, I will be cremated. I want you to spread my ashes on the beaches of wherever you like. Just don't forget. Take care kid, and take care of that girl you have there. Don't worry about me when i'm gone, I want to put you up not bring you down. Also keep up the fighting, not for me, but do it for yourself. Take care.
                                   Sincerely, Leo

P.S. Knowing you, you'd probably be depressed right now, so get up once your done and take a shower! Also begin planning afterwards. Bye, see you on the other side.

  I folded the letter and started wiping my face full of tears and mucus, sobbing. But no, I had to accept the fact that Leo was gone. I got up and smiled, I was going to carry out his will. I called Vanessa and the others and told them to come over once I came back from getting my hair cut. They all sounded suprised when I picked up. Once I got back from the barbers I picked out clothes and I went and took a shower and shaved.

  I felt relieved, the weight from my shoulders removed as I walked out the door with a towel covering my lower waist. I walked out the door into the living room grabbing my clothes, almost falling because Michelle and Vanessa were standing in front of me. "Gahh! You guys are early!" I yelled as I started turning red and covering myself. Vanessa started blushing as did Michelle, only she looked away. "Sorry Joseph we didn't know you were busy still." Michelle laughed as I grabbed my clothes and went to the room.

  Inside I was putting my shirt on as Vanessa walked in the room. "Heyy, mind if I can watch?" She laughed. "Yeah hehe, how have you been 'Ness i'm sorry I haven't called." She started waving her hand at me as she spoke.

  "It's fine babe, I understand. But whats up, why did you call all of us?" She asked as I put on my shoes. "Leo left me his will, and guess what? He wants me to spread his ashes." She opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted when the guys entered the room. "What the hell man! Are you ok?!" Nathan yelled running and hugging me as Rale and Chase followed behind. "Haha, i'm fine. What about you guys?" I laughed as I ruffled my freshly cut hair.

  "We were worried about you man, so what's up, you cleaned yourself up, I see." Rale commented. "Yeah, we going out?" Chase piped in.

   "Look, Leo left me his will. He accepted the fact that he was going to die, the old man was ready. I'm going to carry out his will and I want you guys to join me. You guys all helped me get where i'm at today, so i'm going to return the favor." I went and grabbed the will and showed them. "Ok so what do we do?" Michelle asked as the others nodded.

  I then told them that we had to pick up his ashes, and to get ready because we were going on a trip. The place I picked was Hawaii. The reason I picked it was because, the beaches were some of the most beautiful places in existence and I had never been to Hawaii. "Me niether. When do you want to go?" Chase asked.

  "How about today?" I asked them. "Well I don't have any plans today." Rale said. "Same." The others agreed. "Then,  all of you guys start packing, we'll meet once I get the tickets for the flight. Let's get those ashes." I smiled as they all left. Rale, Vanessa, Chase, Michelle, and Nathan all started to go in their directions as I went inside to start packing. Later I went and picked up Leo's ashes. I grabbed them and set them inside the suitcase as I started flight preparations. With all the money from the club and Leo's, we could carry out his will.

  When I went to pick up the tickets I called everyone and told them that tomorrow we would be leaving. We all went to Chase's that night, because his aparment was the closest to the airport. During the night while everyone was asleep, my mind pondered. "I really came this far, it's still not over. I thank you Leo." I smiled as I thought back to the first time I met him. I was young and naive, but I overcame my fear with the help of everyone sitting in this room. I put on my earphones as I drifted off to sleep for the last time.

  Beep, Beep! My alarm went off. "My alarm went off!" I jumped up and started waking everyone up, that was my alarm for the flight. Everyone was piling into the bathroom, trying to get ready but there was no time. "Guys we need to go now!" I yelled as I was brushing my teeth. Everyone was confused when Chase started laughing.

  "Dude chill, I tricked you man, it's 7 in the morning." I looked at my phone, he was right. I let out a breath of relief as everyone slowed their pace and started getting ready. We had to leave at nine, but we had to hurry and eat. We went out and ordered breakfast burritos and coffee, then hopping into a bus as we rode towards the airport. We listened to music as the time passed and soon enough, we made it. As we piled out the bus and started grabbing out tickets and getting our suitcases, the announcer spoke. "Flight B-477 leaving in, 3 minutes. Last call." We darted towards the TSA station and waited while they checked us. Then we got on board, all tired out from running.

  During the flight I looked out the window as we passed the ocean. It was night now, so it really made my stomach sink of how high we were. I looked around and saw some people asleep, some awake, and my friends just doing whatever. Some kid kept kicking my seat, which was annoying but I couldn't do anything because I didn't want him to cry.

  "Hey can you like, stop!?" I hissed at the kid, but he kept on kicking. It was like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. I growled so I pulled out a $5 and handed the kid the bill and told him to stop, he did and then I drifted off to sleep. Soon enough we made it to the islands and as we landed in the airport, we all woke up tired and stayed at the airport trying to grab a taxi. A man drove and spotted us as we all grabbed our cases and ran after the car as it was backing up. "Ah Hawaii, we made it Leo." I whispered clasping the urn.

  I made reservations in a hotel, as we went to look around the city. It was amazing, the view of the beach, the crystal blue water, wow! "Hey i'm hungry, what are we going to eat?" I asked, looking at my phone.

  "Why don't we follow them?" Nathan asked, pointing to a group of tourists that where heading to a seafood restaurant. I grabbed Vanessa by the hand and we all followed. "Oh there's more?" A man asked, turning around and referring to me and the gang. "Uh yes.. Is that a problem, we are tourists just like you!" Chase answered. They all waved.

   "That's delightful, we were just about to go eat, care to join us? By the way my name is Chris. This is my family, say hi guys!" The man spoke. His family just waved with their smiles. He was so flamboyant, we all looked at eachother as we nodded and followed.

  As we entered the restaurant, we were greeted with alohas and welcoming gestures, and then Chris picked a giant table by the window with a view to look at. Then came the eating, which was amazing. I was about to pay, but Chris stopped me. "It's fine, let me handle this." He smiled as he stuck two $100 bills under the plate.

  I cowered back with my $20 bill and let him do his thing. He smiled a eerie smile and patted my back, suprising me as we walked out of the restaurant. We were headed to the hotel to go unpack but he stopped us. "Please, would you like to stay with us at our beach house, we have plenty of room." Chris asked me. I was confused, why did he want us there? He barely even knew who I was.

  "Uh..., what do you guys think?" I asked the rest. They all looked at me as I was inspecting each person, 5 to be exact. Three women, two men. I guess they each had the same feeling running down their spine, but I didn't want to say no. "Sure, but just for today, we are busy." I said clutching the bag wuth the urn.

   He looked at it and smiled. "Perfect, now please come with us. It's always nice to have some company." His voice was so calm, but filled with a dark secret. I just knew it, but with my curiosity, I followed.

  A.N. Well ok so this might be confusing, but there is two parts of this story. Think of them as Arcs. The first arc, The Franco Arc, and now we move on to the Rose Cult Arc.
   Is thats weird that I made arcs? Idk it just feels right.



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