Change Of Heart-(Perrie Edwar...

By kpop-girlgroupstan19

18.3K 488 109

17 year old Y/N is the star player of her school's soccer team 'The Red Devils'. At school she's the girl eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not a new chapter.

Chapter 6

1.7K 51 6
By kpop-girlgroupstan19

Perrie's POV:

It had been about 3 days since Y/N had shown up. Jade was beyond worried, and even though I was just as worried, I felt as though I didn't have a right to react that way.

Jade would go over to Y/N's house, but come back empty handed. She said that every time she had gone over, Y/N's dad would answer the door saying that Y/N wasn't home. Jade tried getting anyone that had Y/N's number to get a hold of her.

Still we saw no sign of Y/N anywhere. In the morning I would catch myself staring at Y/n's empty car. It had been in the same spot since then day she had left.

There was more to this story, I just knew it. By the end of the fourth day, I got fed up and decided I needed too figure out where Y/N was or why she had suddenly dropped off the face of the earth. 

I walked onto the field searching for Jade until I found her kicking a ball  around by herself. I immediately got sad because every time I would sneak in to see a couple practices, Y/N was always there and they would always be messing around and laughing. "Hey Jade. Can you give me Y/N's address?" I ask. Jade looks at me surprised but nods nonetheless.

"Please let me know if anything happens." Jade whispered. I give her a slight smile and nod before making my way off the field and towards the parking lot. I throw one last glance at Y/N's car before taking off and heading in the direction of her house.

The house was white and was two stories, the garage was open and I could see a really nice old school car. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door. Before I could knock, it swung open.

Y/N looked shocked to see me standing there, closing the door slightly in an attempt to hide her face. Before she closed the door I took a glance at what she was wearing, sweats and a hoodie with her Ray-Bans covering her eyes. I noticed a couple fresh bruises on her face. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She asked harshly.

"Is everything okay? Why haven't you shown up to school?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you." Y/N spat. I stood with my arms crossed, giving her a pointed look. It seemed as if though her hardened look hadn't faltered. "Just leave. I'm about to go out to get some food so that I don't starve." She says with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well why don't I come along?" I say nonchalantly. 

"No, I'd rather go alone. Plus I wouldn't want to bother you." She continued her sarcasm.

"You could never be bother to me even if you tried." I answer truthfully.

"Right, you're still not coming with me so if you'll excuse me." She went back to her stoic self, softly pushing me out of the way. Y/N walked towards the garage, getting into the car. I quickly followed getting in right after her. Y/N instantly looked my way.

"Let's go, we wouldn't want you to starve." I smiled. I haven't know Y/N for that long but I could tell that in this moment she was trying her hardest to hold back a smile. She turned back to the driving wheel and started the car. 

It roared to life. I could tell she enjoyed driving at a fast speed and most likely enjoyed racing cause boy did her driving terrify me. 

"What kind of car is this?" I ask trying to get my mind off of the fact that I'm in my crush's car. 

"It's a 1970 Dodge Charger." She answers. 

"So why don't you drive this one to school?" I question looking at her.

"Well it still needs some work and I don't really want idiots near my car." Y/N smirks looking towards me. Holy Fucking shit I'm wet.

A couple minutes passed with us driving and soon Y/N pulled up to Chick-fil-a. She quickly jumped out of the car and walked inside, meanwhile I was still unbuckling my seat belt. I ran just to catch up with her. She kept her sunglasses on which was weird seeing as we were inside. 

"We're inside, take your sunglasses off." I suggest looking at her innocently. 

"Nah, I'm good." She retorts getting in line to order. 

"So why haven't you been in school?" I tried asking again.

"It's none of your business." She says in a more calm tone.

"Well are you at least going to tell Jade? She's so worried about you." I say hesitantly.

"It's none of her business either, not to mention the fact that she made it very clear were we stood." Y/N said.

"I get that ya'll got into an argument but that doesn't mean she stopped caring about you, she's not like that." I try and reason. 

"Well maybe she should. It'd be better for her." 

"You should really stop telling people how they should feel and act towards you." I'm starting to get pissed off.

"Whatever, just drop it."

We continue waiting in line as Y/N orders. As we waiting by the cash register I noticed marks, bruises, and cuts throughout her face that I knew weren't there before. I knew if I asked she'd most likely not answer but I asked anyways. 

"What happened to your face?" 

"Oh, I uh got in a fight." She shrugs.

"So did you get suspended?" I inquire.

"Nope." I immediately see  a look of regret flash on her face as she cringes.

"Then what really happened?" I question again. I knew she was lying.

"I already told you I got into a fight." I could tell she was telling me the truth about the getting in a fight part, but I knew there was still more.

"Then why can't you tell me why you haven't been in school!" I plead.

"Look it's not something I can talk about. It could possibly cost me my life, but it can cost you yours too." Before I can ask any more questions, Y/N grabs the to go bag and leads us to the car. 

We get in the car, driving back towards Y/N's house. Once there we walk into her house and Y/N goes to her room with me following.

"Woah, what are you doing?" She asks.

"Uh, coming into your room?" I ask more than state.

"Did I tell you to follow me in here?" She ask sassily. 

"Nope." I smile. I walk over and sit on her bed, still smiling. Y/N has an amused look in her eyes, but her face stayed emotionless for the most part. 

As she walks away from the doorway, she freezes as the sound of a car pulling into the driveway is heard. Y/N quickly rushes towards the window looking out to see who had arrived. She quickly turns to me with a panicked look making  me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "You need to leave." She rushed out.

Y/N drags me by the wrist and drags me out of her room and towards the patio that leads to the backyard. She quickly and quietly opens the door leading me outside and down the stairs. 

"Y/N, what's going on?" I ask as soon as get down the stairs.

"Look right now isn't the time for questions, just go home." She says hurriedly. 

"Okay, but will you be at scho-"

"Perrie you need to go! You shouldn't of been here in the first place." She yells, pushing me in the direction of my car. 

I looked back to see her walking backwards towards the stairs. She looks at me before mouthing 'go'. I make my way towards my car. A million thoughts running through my head. What was that all about? On my way back home, I remembered that I needed to tell Jade what had happened.

When I got into my room, I closed the door and locked it, before sitting down on my bed. I pulled Jade's contact up on my phone and called her. It rang once before she answered. "Any luck finding anything?"

"Yeah, I did. She was actually home." I answer leaving out the part about us going to get food. 

"Okay, and?" 

"Well it looked like she had fresh bruises that weren't there when she left. Oh, and she's driving around a Charger. And at one point someone had pulled into the driveway, which then caused her to freak out and kick me out." I shrugged even though Jade couldn't see me. It went silent for for a bit.

"Did you see who it was?" Jade finally asks.

"No, she made me get out through the back patio and when I walked towards the front yard I didn't see anyone."

"Hmm, well when is she coming back to school?" 

"She wouldn't answer me." 

"Was she a bitch to you?" Jade asks bluntly.

"I mean at first she was a bit defensive because I kept asking her about the bruises but then she kind of stopped. I  almost managed to get her to smile though." I blush at the thought of her wanting to smile but snap out of it thinking back to how she was after the mysterious person showed up. She looked almost scared. 

"What'd you do to make her almost smile?" Jade asks.

"She was going to get something to eat and told me to leave but I ended up getting in the car with her. Then I told her that she need to hurry before she starved to death." I smiled at the memory. 

"Wow, I can tell you really  love her." Jade comments. I blush at her words and stay silent.

"Alright, well Jesy will be here soon so I gotta go." Jade rushes out.

"Just make sure to use protection." I got in before she hung up. I laughed at myself.

"Honey, dinner's ready." My dad knocked on my door. I got up and went downstairs, sitting at the table as my mom placed a dish in front of me.

"How was school? How's Y/N doing? It's been awhile since you've talked about her." My mom asked.

"School was good and Y/N's doing fine. We're actually partnered up for a project so we're talking more." 

"That's good, do you still have a crush on her?" I blush in embarrassment.

"Why don't you invite her over for dinner soon so we can get to know her better?" My dad joined.

"That's a great idea! Tell her we're making dinner for her Friday and that we won't be taking no for answer." My mom butts in. 

"Uh, I'll see if she's free."

Hopefully Y/N shows up at school.

A/N: Sorry for not uploading in a couple of months. I've been incredibly busy with work and haven't had time to write but hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter! And thank you for continuing to read my story even though I haven't uploaded anything new! I will try my best to upload another chapter soon.

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