We're Stuck Here So Lets Have...

By robotdirectionattack

12.7K 537 117

Toge Senso and Kuraun Kawa have slipped into the Naruto world...from their tv. As they go through the Naruto... More



478 22 5
By robotdirectionattack


So can you guess what this is?

I hope you can because it's not just a new chapter, it's the LAST CHAPTER OMG


I get over emotional sometimes. 

Well, I want to thank everyone who's read this story sooooooooooooo much I cannot love you more and you are all my babies group hug???


Well, because this is the last chapter, I wanted to add a picture. So there you go a picture of Kuraun in her Akatsuki swag.

Anyway....I hope you enjoy and thank you sooooooooo much again for reading.

I'll see you all later

~Stephanie ;)

We stopped at a far away river.

I was sure no one was going to find us here, and I was surprised that I hadn't seen Toge yet. Surely, she wasn't going to just blow me off and be happy that I was gone....right?

"So, you're eyes turn gold, eh?" I heard Kisame as me as I looked at my reflection in the water. Itachi was sleeping under a nearby tree, and neither of us worried for him. He was Itachi, for gods sake.

"Why do you think that you were told to look for gold and silver, huh?" I asked, a little bitter. He laughed again, and sat next to me. My feet were in the water, my sandals next to me, and my fishnet rolled up to where my leggings ended. My cloak was sprawled out behind me. I was a bit upset that I had to abandon this one for an Akatsuki cloak, but I was still quite excited, in all honesty.

"Well then, who has a silver power?" Kisame asked. My heart raced as I kept a bored look on my face. Pein probably knew who the silver was, he did make Orochimaru give us those letters. How could he not know? So it was stupid to say no to his request, right? Or could I just say I didn't care to talk about it?

And then I sensed it.

"You are about to meet them. I suggest you gaurd Itachi, Kisame." I said, getting my feet out of the river, and drying them, putting on my sandals and rolling down my fishnet.

"What do you-" Kisame stopped talking while I stood up, and someone landed in the middle of the clearing. I turned around, looking at Toge with gold eyes, while she looked at me with silver ones, he crown and aura there. I guess she didn't know how to completely control it yet.

"Wow Kuraun. You looked just like that except gold when you strangled Sasuke earlier." Kisame joked. I grinded my teeth together while keeping my mouth closed. Once I stopped, I said, "Kisame. Itachi." He made a noise that sounded like a yes, and walked away.

"Kuraun. What are you doing?" Toge asked. I noticed her eyes were still red and puffy. She had been crying. Alright, now I feel horrible. More than before, definitely.

"You already know the answer to that, Toge." She twitched at her name. Ever since I gave her the nickname Thorns, I never called her Toge out loud. Never.

"You don't know what you're doing, come back to the village, Kuraun." I started to walk towards her, softening my look a bit. She smiled, a tear falling, and once I was close enough to her, I gave her a horrible look and before she could run I grasped my hand around her throat. She started to punch my arm, but I didn't move.

"Unlike you, Toge, I have a large endurance to pain. This...this is nothing." I told her. She gritted her teeth, breathing in sharply as I tightened my grip agian.

"This isn't you. It's her. Please, please stop this, Kuraun." I tightened my grip at the sound of my name. Hearing her say it like that made my heart break, again.

If that was even possible.

"As I said to the small Uchiha, it is Queen. You should understand that by now." I said, expanding my power fully. I stared into her eyes and saw pure fear. Before I could do anything rash and stupid, I trapped her in the golden genjutsu.

The gold blinded her and burned her, but since she had her silver, she was alright. Well, as alright as you could be when you're sprawled out on golden grass and being burned by everything around you, weak.

"Please, Kuraun, come back. This...this is what we've always wanted." She choked, desperately hodling onto her life. I sighed and shook my head, walking closer to her until my foot was centimeteres from her face.

"You lack power, Toge. You lack talent in genjutsu, and I am almost immune to your strong suit." I said, crouching down. She stared at me, pleading. I forced myself to talk, straightening my voice so I wouldn't choke on my words.

"Get a new hobby." I said, kicking her in the face then releasing the justu, while she fell limp onto the ground as I let go of her throat. For a minute, I just looked down at her, tears daring to form in my eyes. Once I remebered Kisame and Itachi, I pushed them back, and moved Toge away from me.

"Kisame, wake up Itachi. We need to go." I demanded, walking. Kisame shook Itachi awake, and he slowly opened his eyes, them landing on Toge.

"I'll explain what happened later. We need to go now." I said as Itachi got up.

"Are there more coming?" Itachi asked, walking behind me. I shook my head.

"My guess is no. But you can never be too sure." I said, before speeding off and running, Kisame and Itachi following close behind.


"Here." Kisame said as we stopped in front of yet another creek. I sighed.

"Don't worry, Kuraun. Now is when you get to meet the rest of the Akatsuki." Kisame encouraged, making a hand sign, and moving the water out of the stream to reveal a sealed door, which Itachi unsealed.

"Well go ahead." Kisame laughed I sighed and stepped in, dropping to the ground. The two Akatsuki memebers did the same, I saw a darker version of Pein, probably from the connection that he could do with the rinnegan.

"Leader." Itachi said, respectfully. Pein nodded and walked towards me, something in his hand. When he was right in front of me, he showed me the item.

It was Orochimaru's ring. I would officialy be a member.

"How did you even manage to get this?" I asked, taking the ring and sliding it on my left pinkie.

"You made it possible, by capturing Orochimaru in Konoha." He praised.

"I see you already know what finger it goes on." I nodded.

"Now, I will summon the statue." He said, biting his hand and doing the summoning jutsu. The Gedo statue appeared, and Pein, Itachi, and Kisame hopped onto their places. I did the same, of course, having to be right next to Kisame.

One by one, the Akatsuki members started to appear on their given...uh...fingers.

Once everyone had arrived, Pein spoke, "Everyone. This, is Kuraun. Welcome her to the Akatsuki." He said. I was closing my eyes, thinking it best to activate my power, just with my eyes. They gleamed gold, and I got a couple of...odd stares.

"I like her, yeah." Deidera stated. I looked towards him.

"Hm. There's the blonde with the speech impediment. You're only a year older than me...but I think that we should keep our distance." I said. He looked taken back. I took his comment as a move towards me. What? That's how Deidera is...

"I guess she takes after Itachi, eh?" I heard Hidan comment. I sighed, not speaking any further.

"Kuraun, this is D-"

"I know." I stated, opening my eyes once more. "I know who you all are." They looked at me, confused.

"I haven't seen someone that creepy on that finger since Orochimaru." Sasori said. I looked at him, with his huge puppet body...over his puppet body. I still don't get that.

"My bad." I said, sitting down in a meditating position. Standing was getting so...troublesome. I closed my eyes, and lightly breathed in.

"Well then, do you mind saying back the members names, then?" Pein asked, like a teacher. Come on. I am not a nine year old child.

"Of course, the one to my right and the one with the sharingan is Kisame and Itachi. That much is obvious." I started. I took a deep breath in and out, still meditating.

"The one who is hiding a puppet body within a puppet body is Sasori of the red sand. His partner, the blonde bomber who I so fondly admire, is Deidera." I said, hiding my smile at his reaction. I swear, I heard him mention to Konan, who was next to him, "Fondly admire, yeah." I think she was resisting the urge to punch him.

"The one who is trying her hardest not to punch the loud mouthed blonde," I coughed, "no pun intended Mr. Freaky hands, is Konan. And the plant looking...well thing is Zetsu." I said. I liked my puns. They were punny.

Ignore that.

"The two crazy freaks who cannot die, and have five hearts are Kakazu and Hidan."

"You're being rude." Pein pointed out. I sighed, opening one golden eye.

"You sound like my mother." I commented, before closing my eye and saying, "My apologies." I sighed, and continued through the list. And I realized, that there was only two people left.

"The person who used to stand where I did was the snake creep Orochimaru." I paused for effect.

"And you..." I opened my eyes and paused again, "go by Pein here." I said, looking straight at him.

"Well, I am surprised you know us all." Pein said. I closed my eyes again.

"You would be far more surprised with the other things I have knowledge of." I said.

"And what are those things?" I was about to answer like I did when I got to this world. Smirking, proud, and blunt. But these people were the enemy. They couldn't all know that information.

"Oh, I don't want to gloat." I said.

"You're such a fucking liar!" Hida yelled. I resisted the urge to groan, and ignored him, focusing on my breathing.

"Well then. Kuraun is not the only reason I have called you all here today. This is the first time in many years that all of us have been in the same setting. It is time...time to start our hunt for the tailed beasts." I took a deep breath out. This was the beginng of my end. Shikamaru, Sasuke, Toge, Naruto...I'm so sorry.




Yaaaay! The end!

Or nah.

I'm going to be uploading a sequelllllllllllll yaaaaaaaaay!!!

Though, it probably won't be for a while since I'm deciding to upload it when this story hits 1k. If it does I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU.

So........remember to vote and share and the sequel will come out sooner! Yay~

Just for all those who are reading when this story has been out for a while, the sequel is called The Darkness Is Calling. 

Yes, I've already got a name. Whoopdy do.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading and all your support, it's amazing and I love you all.

I'll see you on the flip side!!!

~Stephanie ;)

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