tempo » baekhyun ✓

By xxbyunhyun

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❝ The bigger the risk, the bigger the rush. ❞ She was given a proposition that she couldn't refuse: stay in p... More

playlist & aesthetics
the motorcycles
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 3

4.8K 284 146
By xxbyunhyun

stop making the eyes at me and I'll stop making the eyes at you

what it is that surprises me 

is that I don't really want you to


'' I'm going to have to see your license, Baekhyun. ''

'' You are kidding, right. ''

'' Do I look like I'm kidding? ''

'' No, but I wanted to give you a chance to think things through and realise that you are being stupid. '' 

The gang member Crow and I were standing in front the Ace of spades and glaring at each other. The club was closed and silent during the day, but there were still a lot of motorcycles parked outside of it. I noticed only in daylight how huge the building really was and Baekhyun told me that they had some people living in the higher floors and also completely things going on in the underground. I tried asking him what was going on there, but he didn't want to answer. At first I thought that he was just being unnecessary secretive, so I made some silly guesses, but I quickly stopped talking when I saw the murderous glare that he directed in my direction.

He crossed his arms on his chest and narrowed his eyes. 

Just when I thought that he was beginning to warm up to me, we went back to the glaring.

'' I can't believe that you are actually doubting my bike riding abilities. ''

'' Wait, don't tell me that I actually offended you? Well, now I know where to strike the next time you'll make me angry, '' I jokingly replied, but my smile quickly got wiped off my face when I saw the angry expression on his face. '' Or... just never mention it again. It's not that I am doubting your motorcycle riding skills. What I am thinking about is that this could be a perfect chance for you to get rid of me. If I am sitting on the back of your motorcycle, my life is in your hands. ''

I couldn't be completely sure if Baekhyun really wasn't holding any grudges from the night when I stole his motorcycle.

'' That's the reason why we wasted the past half an hour? '' he almost yelled and shook his head in disbelief. It seemed like I managed to push him to his breaking point, because in the next moment, he put his hands on my hips, lifted me off the ground and personally put me on the back of his motorcycle. '' I actually didn't even think about it that way, but now you gave me way too many ideas. I guess you are just going to take your chances and hope for the best. No more yapping now. ''

He pushed his black helmet on my head before I could try to protest and put a cap on his head instead. He took a pair of fingerless leather gloves from his pocket and I watched him pull them on his hands. Then he cracked his knuckles and sat in the front of the motorcycle. I was still unsure if this was a good idea, but in the next moment we already sped down the parking lot. I let out a startled shriek and held on to the back of the seat to stop myself from falling off. The motorcycle raced down the street and Baekhyun began to accelerate like crazy.

I almost fell off at every turn until Baekhyun stopped at a red light, reached back, grabbed my wrist and put my arm around his waist. '' If you don't want to fly off the motorcycle at the next turn, just hold on. If it makes you feel any better, I don't want to have your arms around my waist either. '' 

'' That doesn't make me feel better at all, '' I grumbled back in annoyance. '' This problem would easily be resolved if you would just stop speeding like our lives depend on getting this new recruit in the next five minutes. '' 

'' Make that three. I have other work to do after this, '' he seriously responded and I quickly put my other arm around his waist and held on as tight as I could. Then the traffic light that we were waiting for turned green and the engine of the motorcycle roared when Baekhyun sped up. We flew forward ahead the cars that were waiting behind us and rode down the empty road.

He didn't give me many details about the person that we were supposed to recruit in the gang. The only thing that I knew was that he was supposed to be good at racing and that we were currently headed towards the place where he worked during the day. Baekhyun slowed down when we got closer to it, then he completely stopped his motorcycle and gestured at the pizza place that was on the other side of the street. '' That's it. ''

'' That's him?! The guy that we are recruiting?! '' I snapped back in response and my eyes grew wide in shock.

He sighed and murmured: '' I was waiting to see if you would put two and two together, but I guess not... He's Lee Felix. We did a background check on him and he shouldn't be with any gangs yet. Boss wants him on our side before somebody else gets him. '' 

I instantly recognised the boy that stepped out of the restaurant with a bunch of pizzas in his hands and put them in the special box that he had tied to the back of his motorcycle. He was carelessly whistling to himself and he used his hand to brush his blonde hair off his forehead before he looked around. He seemed a lot more relaxed and completely different from how he was at the race last night, but when he spotted Baekhyun and I, the seriousness instantly returned in his gaze.

Baekhyun cursed when Felix quickly climbed on his motorcycle. '' We've got a runner. Shit. ''

'' You bet that it's 'shit'. Can you imagine being one of the people that are never going to get their pizza delivery because of us? '' I mumbled and shook my head. Then I noticed Baekhyun's serious stare and rolled my eyes. '' I'm clearly joking and he is running away. You better not try to blame this on me if we won't be able to get him, because this is clearly your fault- ''

My last word came out as a scream when Baekhyun suddenly sped down the road and raced after Felix. The pizza deliver boy during the day and racer at night, knew what he was doing. This neighbourhood was clearly his territory and he was taking every shortcut that he could possibly think of to try and get away from us. Narrow alleyways, the sidewalk and even a pedestrian area - nothing was off limits. He was fast and skilful, but Baekhyun wasn't bad either. His eyes stayed focus on the road and he was keeping up with him, but the problem was that Felix clearly wasn't planning to stop.

'' Stop your motorcycle already! '' I screamed as loud as I could when Baekhyun managed to get close to Felix.

Baekhyun almost lost control of our motorcycle before he angrily hissed back at me: '' How about you warn me the next time before you scream right next to me? ''

I ignored him and continued yelling at Felix: '' Stop! I know that maybe we didn't choose the right approach, but I swear that we come in peace! So stop before Baekhyun really does change his mind! Right now he's still friendly, but I can't guarantee he'll remain like that if you'll make him chase you around until one of you runs out of petrol! ''

'' This is clearly not working... Grab the handlebars, '' Baekhyun muttered and it seemed like he really was slowly starting to get angry. I wanted to protest and ask him what he was planning, but in the next moment he already let go of the handlebars of the motorcycle. My eyes grew wide with surprise and I quickly reached forward and grabbed them like he told me. I was still confused, then he put his hands over mine and I saw how he began to lift himself on the seat. 

Crazy bastard, there's no way that he'll really do that, right? 

We turned another corner and began to get closer to the first red light. Felix clearly didn't want to ignore it and he was unsure what else to do, so he began to slow down. I grabbed the breaks too and he glanced in our direction with worry. Both of our motorcycles continued slowing down until the light turned back to green. Felix was about to speed forward again, but that was when Baekhyun suddenly leaped off his seat. He pushed the blonde boy right off his motorcycle and the two of them rolled down the asphalt. 

'' He really did do it! '' I screamed and grinned in amazement before I quickly rode Baekhyun's motorcycle off the road and parked it on the sidewalk. 

It didn't take long before we realised that it won't be easy to convince Felix to join us. We had to drag him in an alleyway, so that we could continue our conversation there without anyone interrupting us. I kept glancing at the pizza box on the back of his motorcycle until Baekhyun reminded me that I was supposed to be doing something. I quickly looked at Felix again, thoughtfully narrowed my eyes and watched him in silence.

Should I offer him twenty thousand won and hope for the best?

I thought of my idea more carefully before I rephrased it in my head again.

Should I offer him Baekhyun's twenty thousand won, since I didn't have any money and hope for the best?

My features formed a frown, I crossed my arms on my chest and took a step closer. Money couldn't be the problem, since Baekhyun told him that he would earn enough with the gang to be able to quit his pizza delivery job. There was something else that was going on. '' Someone is harassing you. That's why you ran when you saw Baekhyun and I. You thought that they sent us after you. ''

Felix's eyes slightly widened with surprise and I knew that I was right. He was hesitating at fist, but eventually he gave up and decided to tell us the truth. He went to a loan shark and borrowed some money so that he could buy his motorcycle and last night he was planning to pay him back what he owed him. '' He did the same thing three times now. Every time I get a larger sum of money and I come close to paying him back what I owe him, he raises the interest rate and I am back at zero. At this rate I am never going to be free. Or at least not until I am as old as you two are. ''

'' Hey, listen here punk! Baekhyun might be an old man, but I am still only twenty-two and as young and fresh as ever. I might have some grey hairs here and there, but you won't be able to escape that either. '' I was angry at first, but the more that I continued talking, the more I was bringing my own spirit down. '' Just wait until you get slapped in the face with the harshness of life... ''

Baekhyun was standing by my side and looking at Felix with a thoughtful expression on his face. '' A loan shark? We'll take care of it. ''

My eyes grew wide with surprise and my face snapped in his direction. '' We will? ''

'' You will? '' Felix also asked and raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

I pointed at Baekhyun and grinned. '' What he meant to say was that he will. ''

'' Don't be a wimp, Riri. '' Baekhyun rolled his eyes and poked my forehead. '' Not when you were just starting to impress me. ''

My eyes shined with amazement and hope. '' I was? ''

'' No, '' he flatly responded and I saw a hint of a smile on his face. He poked my forehead again and said: '' You are still coming with me though. We deal with this, then the boy comes with us back to the club. Deal? ''

Baekhyun glanced at Felix and raised his eyebrows in question. The younger boy still seemed a little doubtful, but it was clear that the loan shark was troubling him for quite a while. He didn't want to miss a chance to get rid of him, so he sighed in defeat. '' Deal. ''

I wasn't sure what to think about the three of us going against a loan shark, but I had no choice. Baekhyun thought that we could take him. All he wanted to do, was give him a warning. He was working on the territory of the Aces after all, so he thought that would be enough to scare him. 

We asked around for some information about the loan shark and found out that he was making a deal with some drug dealer. They had a meeting planned in a nearby parking garage and we were just in time to interrupt it. We parked our bikes in the shadows of the first floor and waited in silence. I was starting to get the feeling that there was something wrong and my instincts were telling me to go check it out, so I left Felix and Baekhyun and went towards the stairs of the parking garage.

They were unusually quiet, there weren't many people in sight and I couldn't help it but to find it strange that a lot of the parking spots were empty. When I mentioned that to Baekhyun, he carelessly shrugged and muttered that perhaps it was because the parking prices were going up. I angrily glared at him and hissed in response: '' Do you live in Seoul or Narnia? People would have to pay, even if the parking spots would be one hundred thousand won for every hour. You know why? Because they have no choice, unless they want to leave their cars on the sidewalk. ''

My answer had him thinking, but he was still unsure. Him and Felix continued to wait in the same place, while I went back to the stairs. There was a large parking lot outside too and my gaze quickly went over cars on the side that wasn't covered by a roof.

There were five cop cars parked there and I wasn't one to believe in coincidences.

Jackson told me that I was on my own in case something would go wrong and I would get arrested. He could get me out of trouble, but that would risk my cover getting blown. I was responsible for taking care of myself and I wasn't planning to get involved in any crossfire meant for some loan shark and drug dealer.

When I heard the distant sound of a police chopper, I knew that my instinct weren't wrong.

I caught a glimpse of the helicopter and memories of the night I got arrested, flashed in front of my eyes. The sound of a police chopper was something that you never forgot. Not after you ever had it chase you. 

The police cars came out of nowhere and there was a lot of them. Baekhyun and Felix were just about to approach the loan shark and drug dealer when they appeared. The gang member loudly cursed and looked around in alarm before his eyes locked with mine. He threw the keys of his motorcycle in my direction and screamed: '' Go back to the club! Now! And don't turn back! ''

He pulled out his gun and fired a shot at one of the nearest cop cars that completely surrounded the ones that belonged to the loan shark and drug dealer. The two men that got interrupted in the middle of their deal pulled out their weapons too and started fighting back. Even if you would combine all of us, we were heavily outnumbered. 

Baekhyun continued shooting at the police cars, while moving away from Felix and I and backing towards the railing that was going around the parking garage. When he saw the two of us reach the motorcycles and get on them, he jumped over it. Felix easily sped past the police cars and rushed down to the ground floor of the parking garage. I was struggling to ignore the gunshots that were flying all around me, but I managed to get away too. 

I kept glancing over my shoulder until I spotted Baekhyun. He landed on the roof that was covering the outside parking lot and jumped off it. He was running away on foot now and he was fast, but I couldn't help myself from wondering if he'll really be able to get away.

I was supposed to go back to the Ace of spades club, but after debating it for a few moments, I made a turn and went to look for Baekhyun. Felix was already nowhere to be seen and I knew that I was making a big risk by riding right under a police helicopter, but I couldn't help myself. I remembered all too well that horrible feeling of running away from cops like this and knowing that you had no escape.

I was sitting on Baekhyun's motorcycle and going as fast as I possibly could. My heart was racing in my chest, my breathing was fast and my eyes were darting left and right. I was trying to spot him on the streets, but he was good at hiding and I almost went right passed him. He ditched his leather jacket somewhere, he was wearing a pair of black sunglasses and walking with a group of tourists. 

He seemed shocked when he first saw me, then he quickly ran in my direction and sat in the front of his motorcycle. '' I can't believe you would do something so stupid. Let's go now. ''

He wrapped his fingers around the handlebars and sped down the road. My heart was still thumping in my chest when we reached the club. Felix was standing next to his parked motorcycle, walking up and down next to it and he looked like he was about to have a mental breakdown until he saw us. '' Damn, I already thought that you two got busted by the cops! ''

'' Out of all the days, the police had to go after that dealer today? Not only that, the one time we happen to step on his path?! '' I muttered and pulled Baekhyun's helmet off my head. My cheeks were reddened and warm from the excitement and my eyes were shining in the early afternoon sun. 

'' You are right, the police should totally apologise for not checking your calendar before they made their arrest, '' Baekhyun serious replied and rolled his eyes. I glared at him, but he ignored me and turned at Felix. He gestured with his chin towards the entrance of the club and told him: '' Your problem got taken care of anyway, so you should stick to your end of the deal. Go. The boss should be here right now. Otherwise ask for Kyungsoo and tell him that you are the new member. He'll give you all the information that you need to know. ''

He watched Felix nervously nod and slowly make his way towards the entrance of the club. The bouncer that was guarding the door during the day, eyed Baekhyun before he let the boy in. Then the gang member turned towards me and lowly murmured: '' Where do you think you are going? I am still not done with you. What you did there was very stupid. Next time I tell you to go, you go. ''

I stopped trying to sneak away without him noticing and slowly turned around. His sharp eyes were staring directly at me and he wasn't even trying to hide how angry he was. I nervously twirled a strand of my dark hair around my finger and muttered: '' Well I'm sorry for feeling conflicted when I am supposed to abandon someone. ''

He shook his head and hissed: '' I don't like it. That clumsy sense of justice and loyalty... It won't get you very far out here on the streets. This is the one time that we work together, but I still don't like seeing other gang members die, so take this as a warning. ''

He was about to storm off without another word, when the phone in his pocket suddenly buzzed and announced that he got a text. He sighed in frustration and his eyes grew wide in disbelief when he read what the message said. Then he turned the phone towards me and I curiously stepped closer. I could barely hold my amused laughter when I saw what Junmyeon just sent him. '' We are working together from now on? You totally jinxed it by being too hopeful and saying out loud that this will be the one and only time that we are partners. You should've stayed quiet and cursed your sad faith in your mind like I'm doing right now. ''

'' Not partners. I am supposed to teach you everything that I know, since you just got out of prison and you weren't with any motorcycle gang before that, '' he corrected me and angrily poked my forehead. He clearly didn't like the idea of spending more time with me than it was absolutely needed, but he also wasn't one to go against his boss and his orders. '' Where do you live? Come on, I'll take you home. There could still be cops around and I don't want you to run in to one of them. ''

My heart skipped a beat and I almost panicked when he mentioned my address. For now I was staying at Jackson's place, but I knew that I couldn't tell him that, so I quickly thought of a lie. '' Oh, I am staying at some cheap motel right now. I just got out of jail, so I don't really have a place where to go. But I am headed somewhere else right now and I don't need a ride. I'm going to go pick up my motorcycle. ''

Baekhyun frowned in disapproval. '' A motel? Come back here tonight and I'll arrange for you to get one of the spare rooms that are in the second and third floor of the club. Go to the other side of the building and find the main garage. I'll be there. ''

I opened my mouth to ask more questions, but I closed it again when he turned around and walked back to his motorcycle. By now I was already starting to get used to him using as little words as he possibly could to communicate. Not giving specific hours was also another habit of his and once again, I had no idea what exactly he meant. 

I watched him drive off before I let out a deep sigh and made my way down the road. Taeyong's warehouse for cars and motorcycles was a long walk from the club, but I purposely didn't call Jackson on the way there. We were meeting up afterwards anyway and I was sure that I was going to get scolded because of what happened. It turned out that I was right. He didn't even ask me about my new motorcycle before he already began: '' It's been three days, Rei. Three days and you already almost got yourself arrested again! ''

'' Actually it's been four days, '' I innocently replied and smiled. Him, Jinyoung and I met up at some dinner that was supposed to be a safe place for having a chat. '' Was that the wrong answer? ''

'' Do you want me to shove this bottle of pancake syrup down your throat? Would that make it clear enough for you? '' Jackson snapped back in response and narrowed his eyes in a glare. Jinyoung nodded in agreement and grabbed the bottle of pancake syrup like it was a weapon.

'' Look, we were out to recruit a new member for the gang and he wanted us to get rid of a loan shark that was bothering him. But if it makes you feel any better, I am officially part of the Aces too. Baekhyun also told me that he'll get me a room in their club, so the two of us will finally stop fighting over who gets the good blankets or the way I always leave an almost empty carton of milk in the fridge. ''

Jackson gasped and pointed at me in accusation. '' So you really are the one that does that! ''

'' Good blankets? '' Jinyoung wrinkled his nose in disgust. '' Trust me, the good blankets were always a lie. They might seem fine at first glance, but all of them are covered with something questionable and washed with the cheapest detergent possible at one of those places where you can pay to use washing machines. ''

My features twisted in to a cringe and I stared at the detective in horror. '' I was going to order some pancakes since you wanted us to meet up here, but I just changed my mind. Just tell me what you want me to do from now on and then I'll be on my way. ''

They wanted me to stay as close to Byun Baekhyun as I possibly could. He was the second in command of the gang, so he knew everything that there was to know. I was supposed to gain his trust and then slowly start getting valuable information. 

'' Why exactly are you even investigating this gang? '' I suddenly asked.

Jinyoung and Jackson looked at each other, then the second one answered: '' Illegal street races, underground fights, drug trafficking, murder and a bunch of other gang related crimes. Is that not enough for you? ''

I winced and adverted my gaze from them. '' Well, sorry for wanting to know. Don't worry, I understand that they are bad people. I saw enough of individuals like them in prison. The nicest one always seem the most normal. ''

'' Don't forget that you are doing the right thing, '' Jackson seriously told me and crossed his arms on his chest. '' Be more careful from now on and keep an eye out for the second informant that I have in the gang. He sent me a message earlier and he told me that he'll be contacting you soon. ''

The clock was already nearing midnight when I rode back to the Ace of spades club. The road that lead to the back of the building wasn't tough to find, but I almost turned around when I got greeted by a group of serious faced bikers. They were standing near the garage that Baekhyun told me about and they all glared at me with suspicion when I appeared from the shadows of the night. Strong lights illuminated my frame and my heart was beating fast while I slowly rode past them. I let out a relieved sigh when I reached the large garage and spotted Baekhyun.

The space was huge and there were at least thirty motorcycles parked on different sides of it. Bikers were standing around in groups and talking or working on their vehicles. The walls of the garage were covered with all of the fixing tools that you could possibly think of and there were even some tables in the back where people could sit down and take a closer look at some smaller parts of their motorcycle. 

I felt out of place, but I forced myself to hide it and raise my head in confidence when I made my way towards Baekhyun. He was standing by his black cruiser, his arms were crossed on his chest and he was arguing with some other guy that was kneeling down in front of it and doing some reparations. '' Do you really have to be so rough on her? ''

'' Rough? I'm pretty sure that you are the one that's way too mean to people and... And you are talking about motorcycles and not people, obviously. '' I stopped next to Baekhyun, crossed my arms like he did and bit my lower lip. My cheeks were bright red in embarrassment. 

The second guy turned around and looked at me with curiosity. He dropped the wrench that he was holding in his hand, stood up from the ground and smiled. I noticed only now how tall he was and that his eyes were blue. He had dark and messy hair and his white tank top was revealing his muscular arms. 

He seemed to be friends with Baekhyun, but he had a completely different aura surrounding him. He was clearly a lot friendlier and when he found out that I was a new member of the gang, he didn't hesitate to wrap his muscular arms around me and pull me in a hug. '' Welcome to the family! Anyone who happens to annoy Baekhyun, is a friend of mine! My name is Park Chanyeol! I work as a mechanic for the gang, so if you'll ever have any problems with your motorcycle, you know where to go ask for help! ''

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and seriously warned: '' Don't listen to him. He forgot to mention that he works for a very high price. Learn how to look after your motorcycle on your own and come to him only if it's really necessary. ''

I thoughtfully nodded, while Chanyeol completely ignored him and walked right past us. His eyes grew wide in amazement when he took a closer look at my new motorcycle, a silver and black cruiser that was quite similar to the one that belonged to Baekhyun. Taeyong was able to get it for me and it was a good bike. I had yet to truly test it, but he told me that the previous owner did some modifications on the engine and other parts of it, to make it a lot faster than most cruisers were.

'' I told you that she was trouble, '' Baekhyun muttered and stared at my new motorcycle with a disapproving frown. 

He didn't ask me where I got it, but I could tell that he already had his own ideas about it. Once Chanyeol went back to working on his motorcycle, his dark eyes focused on me. He kept staring at me with suspicion and distrust until I couldn't handle it anymore and I asked him: '' You are staring at me more weirdly than usually. I am being quiet and trying to learn from watching Chanyeol, just like you said, so what is it this time? ''

I thought he would look away once he would realise that I caught him staring, but he didn't. Instead he narrowed his cold eyes and quietly asked: '' Someone mentioned to me how you don't seem to be scared of me at all and I am seeing only now how right they were. You are also asking way too little questions. I mean, smart questions at least. ''

My eyebrows furrowed together with confusion at the sound of his words, then I looked around and noticed something that I didn't pay much attention to until now. The part of the garage where we were, was completely empty. The gang members were doing their own thing, but they made sure to stay a safe distance from Baekhyun. 

I looked back at him and stared in to his eyes in silence. Then I shrugged and calmly responded: '' You learn not to ask sometimes. Sometimes you are better off not knowing. ''

Baekhyun thought about my answer before he shook his head. '' Not good enough. You gotta give me a reason to trust you. You appeared out of nowhere and decided that you'll become a part of my life, so I'm going to have to ask some questions. For starters, why did you end up in prison? '' 

Start lying. 

You should get used to it, because you are going to be doing a lot more of that from now on. 

Enjoy your first night in your new home, snitch. 

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