The Troublesome Mate

By lovethisworld1998

151K 4.8K 930

Juliets parents left when she was little leaving her with her older brother and two younger siblings what wil... More

The Troublesome Mate
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

15.6K 623 102
By lovethisworld1998

I eventually fell asleep and when I woke up the next morning, he was gone. I went downstairs to see two men standing by the door with guns and two more on the couch.

I asked loudly, " Who the fuck are you guys? "

One of the guys on the couch stood up. " I'm Skylar and this is Bentley, Markus, and Cadyn. "

" And? "

" Well are your guards. Alpha Hayden ordered us to stay watch and keep you here. "

" What like a fucking prisoner? So not happening. "

Marcus said strictly, " It is happening, alphas orders so you will be staying here. "

" Fuck you. "

Marcus growled and Cadyn whispered something causing Marcus to calm down. Skylar said, " It's not so bad Luna. "

" You're not the one locked in the fucking house. Can I at least call my brother to come over? "

Skylar looked sympathetic but said, " Alpha said no contact with anyone outside the house and after we've told you the rules, no talking to us either. "

" May I ask why? "

" I don't know Luna but I do know if I do not shut up I will be punished. "

I nodded and stormed to the my room where I soon realized my stuff had been brought up. I grabbed my phone and called Dylan's number.

" Hello? "

" Hey, if you've not heard Alpha Fuck face is my mate. "

Dylan asked amused, " And what has he done? "

" Well first that asswipe spanked me. Can you believe that? And now I'm locked in this fucking house with guards telling me I can't talk to anyone. "

I heard the phone switch hands and heard, " Well kitten if you know the rules, why are you breaking them? "

" Because you aren't my fucking father so I don't have to listen to you. Honestly, I wouldn't answer to him either. "

" Kitten, what have I told you about that language? "

" Fuck, fuck.... "

" Do you really want to finish that Princess? I mean after yesterday I thought you learned. "

" Fuck you Hayden, fuck you. "

I heard a growl and then he hung up on me. Not ten minutes later I heard someone slam the door open downstairs." Dismissed! "

I heard them walk out of the door and he came in my room looking pissed. He growled out, " What did you just say to me? "

" I said fuck you. "

He started shaking and then closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. Eventually he did and calmly said, " You will be punished for saying that. Pick your punishment. "

" You aren't my dad. "

" Kitten, as your mate it's my job to help you become better and more respectful and trust me you need someone to help you. You've been through a lot but that doesn't mean you get to boss me around and be disrespectful. I spanked you last night because you weren't listening and my wolf wanted to take control it was either that or me taking you forcefully which I would never do. "

I looked down ashamed for a minute. He was trying to help but I didn't want help. I just wanted to be alone, forever. You can't get hurt that way. I did, however, want to pick my punishment before he picked it.

I mumbled, " What are my choices for a punishment? "

He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed the top of my head, " You know I don't want to punish you but I have to. You're sixteen and a wolf can become in control if I don't and then you will get hurt so I have to so you don't get hurt. Your opinions are a spanking, soap in your lovely mouth, confinement, or a more humiliating one. "

I thought about it for a minute. " Hayden, I pick soap. "

" Are you sure? "

I nodded, of course I didn't want it but what needed to happen would happen. He said, " Okay, I'll go get it. I want you to go sit on our bed for it. "

I did as I was told and he came in a minute later. He then asked, " How many times did you cuss today? "

I decided to lie, " Like five. "

" Really? "

" Yep. " As I said it is looked to the floor.

He put his fingers on my chin and made me look at him. " That was a lie and you know it. "

" Hayden, I don't want to be punished. "

" Neither did your brother today but it happened. "

" Why did Jack get in trouble? "

" He cussed so I put him in timeout. "

" Thank god you didn't spank him. He is always spanked because that's all Dylan thinks there is. "

" I, myself, believe that is a punishment for your mate. "

" Why? "

" Tell me you weren't turned on by it. "

I blushed because I knew it was true. I tried to look at the ground but he still had his hold on me. He smiled warmly at me. " Juliet, how many times did you cuss? "

" Like thirteen. "

" See was that so hard? "

He continued, " I am going to put this soap in your mouth and you will keep it in there for thirteen minutes. If it gets to be too much spit it out and you can take a break. Okay? "

I nodded, at least he cared enough to make sure I'd be safe. " Hayden, can you hold me in your arms while I do it? "

" Why? "

" Because I like to be in your arms and I don't want to take the soap out right away cuz I am able to. "

" You can always be in my arms Kitten. "

I nodded signaling for him to begin but he stopped. " I'm not going to punish you Kitten, you obviously realize I'm in charge and you can't cuss. Forgive me for acting like your father. I passed the line of mates. You cussing has nothing to do with the pack, it's just how you express yourself but please do try to at least talk to me with some respect. "

" I forgive you for acting like a dick but do not think I always give in that easily. Your behavior to Jack is mainly why, plus you apologized. "

He wrapped his arms around me. " Thank you. " He whispered. " For at least trying. No one ever tries. "

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Comment opinions and don't worry she is not giving in to him:)

~ Autumn

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