I can just love u....

By prathanasweety

84.4K 5.6K 227

Life is a mystery. Let's see what life has in store for our beloved couple manan More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21

Part 6

4K 268 13
By prathanasweety

Two days passed. Nandu was In a temple. Sona came there. 

" hi nandini. Thank u so much for saving soha. I know she was wrong but it will not happen again. Sorry." sona apologies 

" it's OK no problem" Nandu says. 

" OK tell me why did u call me" sona asked. 

" wait I will tell u" Nandu said. 

Sona nodes. Suddenly manik comes. 

" Nandu what are u doing here and why" manik stopped seeing sona

" Nandu I think we can meet another day." sona smiles and leaves. 

" one minute stop sona I want to talk to u" nan said 

Sona turned 

" both of u come here" Nandu ordered. And both came near her and they don't know what is happening. 

" u both were...." nan started but

" see nandu we both were in love not now. We have nothing  to share now and plz don't Take soha's words seriously. She spoke nonsense" sona said. 

" k can I ask u a question" nan asked. Sona nodded 

" why u are not married yet". Nan asked 

" what" sona exclaimed 

" u are waiting for manik still." nan gave her own answer. 

" nandini see I am not married doesn't mean I am waiting for him. I cannot see any one who can make me their better half if I get some one I will marry." sona answered in a very rush tone. 

"  so marry now " nan said sona shocked. 

" marry manik" nan said. 

" nandu stop ur nonsense now." manik says. 

" you stop it now. Just keep quiet I know what I am doing" nan in a angry tone. 

Manik shut his mouth and stares at her. 

" u want some one like manik right u are waiting for a person like him to marry right . I am giving you manik itself marry hi. Now" nan says. 

" plz stop it nan u are married to him how can u... Just stop it there" sona shouts in frustration. 

" we are just married nothing else. He is searching u in me that can never happen nan can never become sona. I have nothing in this life just responsibilities to handle nothing else. I  don't want to lead this life further with the same unhappiness. I want to end it her" nan explains

" there is problem in every marriage u plz..." sona starts 

" u plz don't advice me I know what I am doing. I going out of his life if u want just get in. That's it" nan says. 

" and what about my promise to maa" manik asks. 

" u promised her to just marry me not to keep me happy through out your life" nan say this and walks away with teary eyes. 

Sona and manik look at each other. 

At night in the balcony 

Nan looks at the stars with teary eyes. Manik enters. 

" what is all this" manik asks. 

" u know manik during childhood I used to cry for chocolates at night. Maa ask me count the stars and tell her then she will give me chocolates. I used to try try try but I can't. One day I will do it. I had hopes. But when grew up only  I knew that we can never count stars. It is same as our relationship only hope is there but our relationship can never go further because you love sona  more. Now only my  eyes are opening. " nan says with tears

"  nan I am trying to leave my past behind I will some how leave it plz try to understand. " manik begs

" you will try? But in this process u will not be what u are u will lose ur happiness. U will  face a difficult time. I want you to live happily for that I should leave u. " nan leaves. 

Manik in tears. 

Next morning. 

Sona nandu manik cabir and nandini in the hall. 

" bhabhi maa why didn't u wake me up " maddy comes rubbing his eyes when he sees every one he just give a smile. 

" everytime I can't be with u right learn to wake up by ur self." nan ruffles his hair. 

" bhabhi maa" and pouts. 

Sona admires their bond and smiles. 

" may I come in mr malhotra" layer comes. 

" Mrs malhotra ur papers are ready." he forwarded the papers. 

" papers" manik mummers 

" s divorce papers" layer says. 

" what  nan what is this" manik shocks

All shocked 

" s manik it is time to leave I am sorry" nan says. 

" u are taking a wrong decision" cabir says 

 Nandu signs the papers. She comes near manik gives his hand to sona.

" take care" nan tells looking at manik with teary eyes. 

Sona stand still. 

" manik I will be In navay ' s house till we get divorce then back to my native" nan walks away. 

She brings her bag and moves out.

" bhabhi maa don't go plz. U stay with me plz. Plzzz" he cries. 

" maddy plz leave" nan moves. Maddy kneel down and hold her tightly. 

" plz don't go plz. U want to make me  lonely again. I never felt missing maa when u were with me. Plz don't make me orphan again plz."  maddy cries 

Nan pushes him and moves out crying badly. Maddy runs behind her. 

" bhabhi" she shouts. He falls while running. Manik runs and holds him and pulls him back. 

"bhabhi plz stop" maddy shouts manik pulls him back. And shouts. 

" she is gone leave her now come in" manik shouts. 

" bhabhi" maddy shouts. Manik pulls him and push him to the floor. 

" I said stop. She doesn't want you she left just go inside." manik shouted in frustration 

Maddy cries badly. 

" bhai plz  call bhabhi back plz or I will go with her plz plz" maddy requests while crying. Manik don't know what to do. 

" cabir take him to his room" manik says calmly. 

" I won't go  I won't go bhai" maddy cries cabir takes him to his room. Manik is in tension he hold is hair. He is frustrated. 

After some time.

" let's marry" sona says. 

Manik looks at her shockingly

She laughs. 

" I was joking" sona said. Manik turns. 

" smile na buddy" sona says

Manik smiles. 

" I will ask u something u don't love nandini. Tell me" 

 Manik looks. 

"  if u say I don't that is a lie. And if u are ready to live with that lie  throughout your life surely I will help u to live with that lie. Think about it buddy u r going live with a lie or truth". sona said. 

Sona leaves

Sona pov

I know manu u love nandu. I even know u won't tell it.  But this separation between both will bring u both together forever. Wait and watch manu. U will reach ur love soon. 


Manan meet again

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