Between 2 Hearts [Goldie X Fr...

By Uncooked_Ham

7.3K 126 89

(This story does NOT contain ANYTHING from the real game. The past in the game doesn't exist in this story. E... More

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 1
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 2
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 3
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 4
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 5
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 6
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 8
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 9
Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 10
Bewteen Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 11

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy] Chapter 7

441 10 0
By Uncooked_Ham

Between Two Hearts [Goldie X Freddy]



{About a week has passed already. Freddy has stayed with me all week, all day, everyday and night. He's been so helpful and supportive. My shoulders getting better but it still hurts to lift it up or put pressure on it. I'm honestly very worried for Freddy and Bonnie's friendship. Bonnie's tried to call me to talk to Freddy and Freddy just ignored his calls. Freddy has a phone as well and every time Bonnie called, he just ignored him. He told me earlier that he's about to block Bonnie's number if he doesn't stop. I get why he's so upset with him but.. I wish he can just forgive him and move on. I can't just let my injury mess with Freddys friendships. And with Bonnie. He's known Bonnie longer then he's known me. He can't just erase their memories of them being together.. I'm going back to school on Monday.. it's Sunday.. I'm scared about them and how Freddys gonna act..}

I set my pencil down on my stomach and read my writings. I was laying on the bed with my upper body propped up on the wall and pillow. I looked over my journal and looked at freddy. He was just in the chair just drawing or writing on a paper. Not sure what but I didn't bother asking. I closed my journal and set the pencil in its slot. I set it on my nightstand and rested my head on the wall. I looked to the side and put the window. There wasn't really anything going on outside except some cars passing by. I looked back over at freddy as I heard him sigh. I looked down at the end of the bed when I heard something. It was his phone again. He sighed again and got up. He set the paper on the chair and walked to his bag. He got the phone out of a pocket and lowered his ears again. I'm assuming it's Bonnie again. He let the call go through and dropped the phone back on his bag. He walked back to the chair and sat down after grabbing the paper. 'Should I say something..?' I thought. I sighed quietly and just looked at him. He didn't look at me once. I looked back over when his phone rang again. 'Uh oh..' I thought as he got up and growled in anger. He marched over and picked it up. He opened it up and put it on speaker. "What do you want you stupid idiot!?? Leave me alone!!!" He screamed into the phone. "... uh.. freddy this is your dad.." I widened my eyes as he smacked his face. "Uh.. sorry dad.. that's wasn't meant for you.. guess I didn't look at the name.. sorry.." he told him. "It's okay bud. So you two still aren't talking?" "No.. he keeps calling me and I keep ignoring.. that's why I thought you was him.." "I see.. well.. I'll leave you alone. Hope you two will make up soon. You both are best friends. I don't want to see you both split apart." "... yeah.." "okay I'll let you go.. see ya soon freddy." "Bye dad.." he replied and turned the phone off again. He set it down on his bag and walked back tot he chair. He sat down and lowered his head a bit. 'What the heck do I say after that??' I thought again. He looked up at me and lowered himself a bit. "You done writing in your journal?" He asked me. I nodded. "Sorry Goldie.. I didn't mean to yell.." "it's okay. Just surprised me to figure out it was your dad." I told him. He blushed a bit. "I should have read the name.. oops.." I gave a quiet giggle out of nervousness and so did he. "Goldie..?" He asked my name. I looked at him. "I.. I'm kinda scared to go back tomorrow.. like.. what's gonna happen with Bonnie..? I know he doesn't go there anymore but what if he decided to show up? Or everyone else? Teachers.. the school.." He asked worriedly. "Whatever happens tomorrow just remember that I'll be there with you tomorrow. We don't have the same classes but we can always meet up at break and lunch and afterwards. You won't be alone my sweet freddy." I told him. He gave me a soft smile. "Thank you goldie. Um.." he did. "Come here freddy." I told him and patted the bed again. He stood up and walked over by me and sat down. I raised myself up and hugged him from behind. "Everything will be okay freddy. I'm not gonna let you go through this alone." I told him as I rocked him back and forth slowly. "Thank you my sweet goldie. I love you so much." "I love you too." I replied and kissed his shoulder. I heard him let out a quiet giggle. "How is your shoulder feeling?" He asked. "Um.. still hurts to lift it up but it's getting better." I told him. "That's good. I'm glad you're healing so well." "Me too."

(Next day)

I woke up the sound of my alarm again. I groaned quietly and shut it off. I looked over as Freddy started to wake up as well. He looked over at me and sighed. "Morning." He told me. "Morning.." I replied. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. I sat up as well and looked around my room. I got up out of the bed and started getting my bag ready. Freddy did as well.
We soon finished everything and headed to the kitchen. My dad was already in there just sitting at the table. "Morning guys." He told us. "Morning." We replied. "Um.. how are you guys gonna get to school? Goldie still can't lift his arm to drive and it's not very safe to drive with just one hand the whole way there." He asked us as we sat down. "Freddy can drive. He has his license." I told him. He looked at Freddy. "Really? I've never seen you drive before." He asked. "I do but it's not often. I have a car to but I just walk to school most of the time cause I'm not as far as you and Goldie." He told him. "Oh okay. Just making sure." He told us. "You hungry?" He asked. We both nodded. "Here. I made some breakfast for you both." He said and handed us a plate. "Thanks dad." I told him. "Yeah. Thank you sir." Freddy told him. "No problem guys."

We both ate and started to head out. Me and Freddy walked to the door and stopped at it. I grabbed my keys off the hook and handed them to Freddy. "First time driving your car huh?" He told me. I nodded. "I trust you. You're a good driver." I told him. He let out a quiet giggle and opened the door. "Bye dad!" I called out as I walked out the door. "Bye goldie! Be safe buddy." He told me. "I will." I replied as I shut the door. We walked to my car and he unlocked it. I got in the passenger side and he got in the drivers side. He started it up and put his seatbelt on and shut the door. I put mine on and shut my door as well. I set my bag on the floor and took his from him and put it by mine. He started backing up of the driveway and kept an eye out for cars or people. It was clear so he backed up completely and headed to the school.

We arrived pretty quick. Freddy pulled into the parking lot and parked in a spot. He turned the car off and handed me the keys. I took them and put them in my bag. I handed his bag to him and he opened the door and got out. I got out as well. I walked around the car to him as he locked it with the door lock and shut the door. We started to walk into the school and to our spot. We reached the corner where we turn to see Chica and foxy but got interrupted by someone calling my name. "Goldie! Goldie! Where have you been!!" I stopped and turned around. It was another one of my friends. She came running and hugged me tightly. She almost knocked me down. "O- ow..!" I cried out. "Oh shoot sorry..!" She said and let me go. "W- what happened?" She asked. "Uh.. I'll explain later but it still hurts to touch." I told her. "Oh.. I'm sorry Goldie. I didn't mean to hurt you.." "no no it's okay. It just surprised me cause I haven't felt it all morning. But it's okay. Don't worry about it." "Hey Goldie. Where have you been?" I heard another voice ask. I looked over and seen another person walking to me and freddy. "Hey Johnny." I told him. He was another guy I knew but we wasn't really close. I just have him in a couple of my classes and we talk. "Hey have you heard what's been going around the school?" He asked me. I looked at Freddy and back at him. "No.. I haven't been here all week.. remember? What's going on?" I asked. "Um.. it's not good.. it's actually about you.." he told me. "??" I was so confused. "Um.. I- I got to go Goldie.. see ya in class.." he told me and walked away. I looked at my other friend in confusion. "What's going around?" I asked. "Um.. you'll see.." she told me. "I've got to go goldie.. see ya buddy." She said and patted my unhurt shoulder and walked away. I looked at Freddy with nervousness going through my body. "Um.. what was that about..?" He asked. I shrugged. "I have no idea.." I replied. We started to walk again and walked around the corner. We seen Chica and foxy standing there talking. They looked over at us when we got closer. "Freddy! Goldie!!" Chica yelled and ran to us. She hugged us both at the same time and almost knocked us down. "I missed you both so much last week!" She told us. "Haha we missed you too Chica." Freddy told her. Foxy came by to and patted us on the shoulders. "I missed you guys too. It's been so boring without you two." He told us. Chica let us go and nodded. "Um.. question. My other friend told us that there was something going around the school and it's about me..?" I asked. "Oh really? I haven't heard anything." Chica said. "I've heard of it but I didn't see anything. I know it is about you and it's about Freddy." Foxy told us. I looked at Freddy. "Um... you don't know what it's about?" He asked. Foxy and Chica shook their heads. I looked up at the Bell when it rang. "Uh.. lets go to class." Freddy said. We all agreed and headed to our classes. I had the longest way to my first class so I had to go a completely other way then everyone else.

I walked to my class and looked around at everyone as I noticed they kept looking at me. I blushed and kept my head held low in embarrassment cause I didn't know what they were thinking. I looked over a bit when I heard some laughing and whispering. I looked around as i noticed more people looking at me. I slowed down and looked around at everyone. 'What the heck? What is everyone's problem??' I thought as I reached my class. I walked in and walked to my desk. "Goldie!" I heard my name being called. I looked over and it was my teacher. I stood up again and walked over to him. "Yes Sir?" I asked as i stopped behind his desk. He motioned me to lean over a bit and whispered to me. "Hey buddy I think now is not a great time to be here.." he told me. "What? Why? I'm feeling better now.." I told him. "It's not that.. um.. have you checked the school website lately? You know students can post there and blah blah blah?" He asked. I nodded. "Someone posted a picture of you and your boyfriend... uh.. let's go somewhere else." He told me and stood up. "Go outside." He told me. I nodded and headed out. I stood at the door as everyone else walked in. I heard him tell them to sit down and stay put. He walked out and shut the door behind. He came by me and rubbed the back of his head. "You really don't know what's going on?" He asked. "Not at all sir. I just got here 20 minutes ago.. I haven't been here all week." I told him. "Teachers haven't called or counselors?" "No.. sir what's going on?" "Do you have a phone or anything to check the school website?" I nodded. "Well.. I have an IPod but it can do everything like a phone can do except call." I told him. "Log on and looked up.. Uh.. 'goldie and Freddy..'" He told me. I nodded and took my iPod out of my bag. I opened it and went to the page and logged on. I typed it in and waited for it to load. I looked up at him. He pointed down and I looked at it. I was in complete shock at what I saw. It was literally a picture of me and Freddy having sex. I literally dropped my iPod on the ground and covered my mouth with a hand. He bent down for me and picked it up. "Uh.. I'm not sure what you feel like you should do.." he told me. "B- bu- w- who posted it??" I asked. "I'm not sure Goldie." "There's no way to check to see who posted it???" I asked nervously. "We can But I can't. It has to be the counselors or someone else in the office." He told me. "W- what do I do now!? I can't be here anymore..!" I yelled quietly. He shook his head. He handed me my iPod again and I took I. I looked back at the photo. I felt myself getting sick. "I.." "I would go home if I were you.. knowing this school.. it's not gonna stop.. you know how it is to. What do you want to do?" He asked me. I don't know what to say. I just felt embarrassment take over my entire body. "Do you want to call your dad?" He asked. I nodded. He walked back in for a few seconds and came back out. He handed me his cell phone. I took it. "Thank you.." I told him. He nodded. I opened it and dialed my dad. I put it on speaker as I waited. "Hello?" He answered. "Dad.." I told him. "Goldie? Are you okay bud?" He asked. I felt my eyes water a bit. "C- can you come p- pick me u- up..?" I asked in a broken voice. "Uh.. of course buddy.. what about your car?" "I- I'll figure out how to give the keys to Freddy.." "why are you crying buddy?" "I-..." I sniffled. My teacher took the phone from me as I sat down on the bench by the door and covered my eyes. "Hello sir? Goldie's having a hard time today.. something's going around the school about him and Freddy." He told him. "Well.. what's going on?" He asked. "Someone had posted an inappropriate photo on the school website of them both.." "has anything else happened to him today?" My dad asked. I nodded at the teacher. "He said yeah. What's been going on bud?" He asked me. "People are laughing at me and whispering  and some were pointing at me.." I told him. "W- what inappropriate thing got posted?" My dad asked. I shook my head vigorously to not make the teacher say. "Um.. he'll tell you when you come and get him. Okay?" "Okay.. I'll be there soon.." my dad said. "Okay." The teacher replied. He closed the phone and looked down at me. "Why don't you go to the office? And wait for your dad." He told me. I nodded. "You said something about keys? Who's the student you're gonna give them to?" He asked. "My boyfriend.." "what's his name?" "Freddy." "Fazbear?" He asked. I nodded. "I have him next. You know what? Let me call his teacher now. I'm sure he's figuring out everything as well.. I'll have him head over and to your car. Okay? Give me your keys and I'll call his teacher so you can just go to the office. I'll call them and tell the them that you're leaving." I nodded and stood up. "Thank you.." "You're welcome." I took the keys out of the pocket they were in and handed them to him.

I quickly walked away from the room and started to jog to the office. I seen students walking around and I didn't want to be seen anymore. I reached the office pretty quick. I walked to where students get checked out and sat on the chair. "Goldie?" I looked up and looked at the person at the desk. "Your teacher called?" I nodded. I looked down at the ground in shock and embarrassment. "Goldie how old are you?" "18.." I replied. "Thank you. Okay. Since you're 18 and now an adult, you can check yourself out. You can just check out and walk out now. Okay?" She told me. I nodded. I stood up as she handed me a paper. I started to sign it when I noticed her looking at my shoulder. "What happened?" "I got stabbed.." I replied. "Oh no.. are you okay now?" She asked. I nodded. I finished the paper and handed it back to her. "Thank you.." I told her. "You're welcome." She replied. I walked out of the office and out the front door. I sat down on the bench and just waited for my dad. I felt tears in my eyes again and felt them drip down. I seen tear marks on the ground and on my arms. I covered my eyes and just sat there waiting.

I don't know how much time passed by. And I really don't care. I kept my eyes covered and just waited for my dad. I lowered my ears when I heard someone walking. 'Please don't let it be a student..' I thought to myself. I jumped when I felt someone touch my shoulder and drag their hand across my shoulders and hug me. I lowered my hands and looked. It was my dad. I leaned into him without hesitation and hugged him as best as I could. "Come on goldie.. let's go home buddy.." he told me and let go slowly. I got up and followed him to his car. I got in and so did he. He backed up out of the parking space and drove out of the school. We just sat in silence the whole beginning of the drive home. The radio was on quiet and was just playing quiet music. I just sat there. Not leaning back or to the sides but forward. 'How am I gonna tell my dad this...?' I thought again. I felt him stop the car. I looked up and seen the red light. "Goldie?" He asked. I looked at him. "What is going around the school? The teacher said something inappropriate? What could be inappropriate about you and Freddy?" He asked me. I swallowed hard. "Um.." I did. He drove off again when the light turned green. "Please tell me goldie. I won't get mad.. I promise." He told me. I looked back down at the floorboard and sighed. "A photo got posted to the school website of me and Freddy....." I said quietly. "Of you and Freddy what?" He asked. "Doing things..." I told him and covered my eyes again. "Oh.." He replied. "Is it really that bad?" He asked as he stopped the car in the driveway of our house. I stayed silent and got out. I grabbed my bag and shut the door. He got out to and followed me. He unlocked the door and we walked in. "Goldie?" I heard him say. I sighed and walking into the living room and sat on the sofa. He came in and sat on the other little sofa beside me. I crossed my arms in embarrassment and looked at the ground. "Is it really that bad son?" He asked once more. I looked at him and lowered my ears. I got my iPod out of my bag and went to the website and picture again. I hesitated before I showed him but just handed it to him. He took it from me and looked at it. "Ohh..." He did. I blushed hard and covered my face again in embarrassment. I leaned forward and rested my arms on my legs. I heard him set the iPod down and scoot closer to me. "It's okay goldie.. don't be ashamed or embarrassed.." he told me. "But it's all around the whole school..! What do I do now??" I asked. "I'm just wondering how someone took a picture of you guys. You're room is pretty closed up." He told me. "I know. I don't get it..! I'm so embarrassed and ashamed... I should have waited to do that.." "no goldie.. don't be ashamed.. it's okay.." he told me and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and held me. I felt him put a hand on my arm and lower it.

"Listen. I know I'm your dad and I know it's kinda awkward to talk about these things with me unlike it would be with your mom. I mean I'm not sure if you'll be comfortable talking to a male or female about this stuff but I know you and your mom was really close. But I know for a face she'd be saying the same things I'm saying now. There is nothing to be ashamed of goldie. You're 18 and he's 20. You both just got in a relationship and everything's so new and exciting. Sometimes people's bodies just take over and make you want things more then you thought. You both are adults. You both love each other very much. It's new but your body was probably wanting to do that. Probably to relive some stress since you're going through a lot right now. It's your last year of high school, there's a lot of stresses with that. Good grades, not missing, making sure everything is correct. It's your last year and you want to make the most of it. You was almost forced to have sex with a girl you don't know, you got stabbed and blamed for something you didn't do. You probably just wanted to find a way to relax. Probably Freddy did to. He's been so stressed to and very upset. Im never gonna say that is was wrong of you guys to do that cause it wasn't. You're both adults and make your own decisions now. Whoever posted that photo is very immature and very stupid. They are invading your private life. And Freddys. I'm not sure he knows what's going on yet, he might, but they are invading his privacy to. Let's see what happens when Freddy comes back. Just know goldie that I'm not upset with you or disappointed in you. I'm just upset and disappointed at the person that's trying to hurt you. You're my son. My only son. And I want what's best for you. And for you to be safe." He told me. I looked down sadly at the ground. "I know to this day.. it hurts you for you mother to not be here anymore.. I'm sorry.. it hurts me to. I think about her everyday and miss her even more and more. But we have to move on. It's been 11 years.. she's not coming back. And we have to accept it. We will never heal but we will learn to accept it. I see it still affects you to this day. Especially now.. I know all you want is your mom to hold and hug you right now. I want that to. But.. I'm here. Freddys here to give you that love. And so am I. I may not be as soft as her or as lovable as her but I still will give you a hug and tell you I love you. And I know freddy will to. You aren't alone in this and we'll figure out what to do. Okay?" He told me again. I sniffled and nodded. "She would be so proud of you goldie. Seeing you all grown up and a high school senior about to graduate." I looked at him and at the door when I heard it open. It was freddy. I stood up and he looked at me sadly. I practically ran to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me as well. I just let myself fall to the ground and he did as well. I felt him put a hand up behind my head and rubbed me gently. "I'm so sorry Goldie.. I.. that's the last thing I would ever think to happen.." he told me. I leaned my head back a bit. "It's not your fault freddy.. it's someone being stupid.." I told him. "I should have never suggested it and done it with you... I'm so sorry Goldie..." he told me again. "No no.. don't be sorry.. it's not your fault.." I told him and rubbed his back softly. "I'm so freaking embarrassed I don't even want to show my face to anyone.." he told me. I leaned back a bit and looked at him. "You aren't embarrassed to show me yourself are you?" I asked him. He shook his head. "Not you.. my parents.. your dad now.. our friends.... especially Bonnie.." he told me sadly. "You don't have to be embarrassed to sow yourself to my dad freddy.. he really cares about you. I told him everything that's going on and he's okay with it." I told him. I felt another hand on my shoulder and seen Freddy looking up now. I looked behind me. "Don't be embarrassed freddy. It's okay. Just stupid people trying to get to you." He told him. "But.. How? I can't even show my face at school anymore.." He asked. My dad shrugged. "That's all on you bud. Do what you think you should do." He told him and walked away. I looked at him again and he looked at me. I felt him lower his arms down mine and stopped. He lowered his ears and looked down. "Um.. I.." "freddy?" I asked. He looked up at me with his eyes. "Let's call our friends.." I told him. He looked at me nervously. "Including Bonnie.." I said. He looked down again. He sighed and nodded. "Let's call them so we can meet up somewhere or here... today.." he sighed and nodded.

We waited for the school day to be over so we could call Chica and foxy. We stayed in the living room the whole time as we waited. When we knew school was over, we both got up and walked to my room. He grabbed his phone out of his bag and called Chica and foxy first. They said that they'd be right over within 10 minutes. Now it was for Freddy to call Bonnie. He dialed his number and put it on speaker. He just stood in front of me as I sat on the bed. It rang a few times before getting picked up. "Hello?" I heard Bonnie's voice. Freddy didn't say anything. I got my hand and motioned him to speak. He took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his head. "Bonnie? I- it's freddy.."

Bonnie: "oh.. why'd you call? I thought you hated me..?"
Freddy: "Bonnie I need your help.. please.. I'm stuck with something and I don't know what to do.."
B: "really? You call me when you need something? Any other time you'd ignore me.."
F: "Bonnie I'm sorry.. I just need to tell you something.. its serious and can ruin my life.. it already has started.."
B: ".. what could be so bad to ruin your life freddy?"
F: "just please come to Goldie's house in 10 minutes and I'll explain everything.. Chica and foxy are coming to.. there's something going around the school that I need to tell you in person.."
B: ".. fine... you better not be joking."
F: "I'm not.. but please hurry.."

Bonnie hung up and so did freddy. He set his phone down on the nightstand and sat next to me. "What do you think they can do? They can't do much.." he told me. "At least let them know.. since Chica and foxy don't know what's going on.. and obviously Bonnie doesn't know.. we need to tell them.." I told him. I looked at him as he looked to the side. He grabbed my pillow and hugged it. He laid his face into it and fell to the side. I put my hand on his leg and rubbed him softly. "Calm down freddy.. it's gonna be okay.." I told him. I stopped moving my hand as I felt him trembling. 'I knew he was scared but I didn't know he was that scared.' I thought as I looked at him again.

We just now waited for everyone to come over.  And as they said that they'd be here soon, they were. My dad had let them in and they came to my room. Foxy and Chica was here already but we still had to wait for Bonnie.
Freddy was still holding the pillow but was sitting up now. Chica was sitting on the chair and foxy was on the bed with us. I honestly wish Bonnie would hurry up.
"What's going on goldie? Did you figure out what's going around the school?" Chica asked me. "Very.." "So is it about you and Freddy?" Foxy asked. I nodded. "Let's just wait for Bonnie.. before we answer.." Freddy said quietly. I nodded and everyone stayed quiet.

I heard voices outside my door after a few minutes had passed. It sounded like my dad and Bonnie. It was. My dad opened the door and let Bonnie in. He walked in and my dad shut the door. He walked closer to us and looked at freddy. I looked at freddy as well. He still had his head resting on the pillow but was looking down. I heard Bonnie sigh and seen him in the corner of my eye. He walked to freddy and got on his knees.

(Freddys POV)

I looked at Bonnie in the eyes as he bent down onto his knees. He set a hand on my arm and just looked at me. "Freddy? What's going on?" He asked. "Now they can say.. since we are all here.." Chica said. I sighed and raised my head up. I looked at Goldie and he looked at me. We both blushed and looked down. "Tell us.. we won't say anything.." Foxy said. "There's a picture on the school website going around.." I told them quietly. "What picture?" Chica asked. "It's a picture of me and Goldie.." I told them. "Kissing or what?" Bonnie asked. "No.. I don't know who took it or how or why but.." I said but stopped. I looked at Goldie again in embarrassment. "Don't be afraid freddy.. we're your friends.. same with you Goldie.." Foxy told us. "Just Tell us.." Chica said. I heard Goldie sigh. "Its a photo of us.. having.. sex.." he admitted. I quickly shoved my face into the pillow again and hugged it tightly. "Oh gosh.." I heard Chica say quietly. I peaked out and looked at Goldie who covered his face with his hands. I jumped when I felt someone hug me tightly. I raised my head a bit and it was Bonnie. He soon let go and then hugged Goldie. I raised my head up as he let go of Goldie. "I don't know what to do Bonnie.. I can't show my face at that school anymore.. and I know goldie can't either.." I told him. "Change schools." He told me. "What?" Goldie asked. "Change schools. It's the only way at the moment to not get laughed at or anything." He told us. "But.. if me and Freddy change schools.. we're gonna leave Chica and foxy.." Goldie told him. "No you're not." Foxy said. He stood up and so did Chica. "Huh?" I did. "Without going into much detail or anything. We are all friends. We aren't gonna leave you two. Wherever you two go, we go to." Chica told us. "Really?" I asked. "Yes." Chica and foxy answered together. "We don't want you to change schools for us. You don't have to." Goldie told them. "Nope. If you guys leave, it won't be the same. We all grew up together and grew up together in school. We aren't leaving each other." Foxy told us. "Are.. are you guys sure?" I asked. "Yes. You guys are our best friends and we love you. Wherever you decide to go, we go to. We work together with whatever problem comes our way. Even if it's an individual problem. We are friends and we don't leave each other." Chica told us. "And eve though I don't go to school anymore, I agree. No argument, or anything will separate us. We work together with our problems. Nobody gets left behind or left alone and stuck." Bonnie told us. Without thinking, I stood up quickly and hugged Bonnie. He hugged me tightly as well. "Thank you so much Bonnie..!" I told him sadly. I let go a bit and looked into his eyes. "I'm so sorry Bonnie for saying I hate you.. I didn't mean it.. I was just upset.. I'm so sorry.. will you ever forgive me?" I asked sadly. He nodded with a smile. "Of course crazy. You're my best friend. I'll never leave your side no matter what." He told me and let go. I smiled at him.

(Can't remember if I published this already. If I did, I have absolutely no idea how and why it got deleted)

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