seaycee// one shots

By sandk2125

65.4K 1.9K 312

-just for fun More

plane tings
beyond my control
worthy of my love
worthy of my love pt.2
wish come true
new york pt.1
new york pt.2
I can't live if you hate me
i see the light (pt 1)
i see the light (pt 2)
seventy two hours
seventy two hours later
the way to a girls heart (1)
the way to a girls heart (2)


5.9K 148 14
By sandk2125

"and we're here" I said, as I pulled into the driveway. me and her unbuckling our seatbelts and jumping out to grab our bags. We had just finished class and I had somehow convinced Kaycee to sleepover at my place, complaining that the house was too lonely, seeing as my sisters and parents were out of town.

I unlocked the front door and held open the door as she walked through.

"it is quiet in here when no ones home" she said, confirming my complaints. This wasn't the first time Kaycee had slept over, after all, she was my best friend. She had countless times during world of dance because our practices tended to run late into the night, but this was the first time without anyone else in the house.

We placed our bags in my room, mine landing on the air mattress that was already laid out waiting. I always insisted, much to her dismay, that she take the bed. I took in a deep breath and looked at kaycee, admiring her as I always do.

"its not too late yet kayc," I said reaching up to scratch the back of my head,  " lets find something to watch on Netflix or something." She agreed and we made our way down the stairs to the living room, plopping ourselves on the couch, kaycee seated a few feet away from me. I turned on the tv and she started scrolling through Netflix, when our favourite show popped into view.

"FRIENDS!" she yelled excitedly, and immediately clicked without awaiting consent. I laughed quietly to myself, as she smiled at me, full of joy. After a few minutes, and multiple laughs, I saw she was shivering.

" a little cold?" I asked,

"kind of..." she replied giggling and looking shy.

I pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa and held it out to her, as she reached for it, I hesitated.

"only if you share." I said with a slight smirk on my face. she laughed and moved closer to me so we could share the warmness of the blanket. As the episode continued, I kept stealing glances at her, she was beautiful, which I told her constantly, even if she never once believed me. Her gorgeous hair, that she had started to wear curly around me after i kept telling her that I liked it that way. Her long lashes, free from any makeup, she didn't need it, and her smile... the one that lit up my world, her laugh echoing in my head, always, the pure joy the shines through when she looks at me... rainbows. After a good while of me taking in small dosages of her beauty, trying not to be too obvious, she noticed.

"Sean Lew, why do you keep looking as me like that?" she asked me, shielding her face from my view. I pushed her hand aside as I gazed at her,

"you're just so beautiful kayc, I can't help it." She blushed, and leaned closer to me, tucking herself under my arm. She softened at my touch and relaxed into my side. I smiled to myself and looked at the amazing girl right next to me. our breaths became more and more even as we slowly grew more and more tired. After 2 or 3 episodes, I could tell she was falling asleep.

"kayc, do you wanna go upstairs to bed?" I asked running my hand gently through her hair.

"im too tired.." she yawned and leaned in even farther into my side. I didn't fight back as I helped her reposition so her head was in my lap, creating a makeshift pillow for her.

"is this ok?" I asked, not really expecting a reply based on how steady her breaths were.

"perfect." she muttered in an half concious smile. I smiled and relaxed as I continued running my hand through her curls, guiding her to sleep.

After a while, I started nodding in and out of sleep and decided to head upstairs. I managed to carefully lift Kaycee up, trying my best not to wake her, and went to my room. as I laid her down on my bed and covered her with the blanket we were using on the couch, she yawned.

"Sean...?" she said, quietly confused about what was happening. I crouched beside her face and ran my hand down the side of her face.

"its ok kayc, go back to sleep." I spoke quietly and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. She seemed content so I stood and started walking over to the air mattress laying on the floor across the room. before I could take a step away, I felt a small hand pull on mine, I turned around and saw her reaching out for me. "whats wrong kaycee?" I asked, worriedly searching her face.

"stay with me." she said blatantly, tugging on my arm towards the bed where she lay.

"kayc, im not so sure.." I said, unsure of what to do.

"please Sean." she whispered, pleading with her puppy dog eyes.

As soon as she said my name I was lost to her. I crawled onto the bed and tucked myself under the blanket beside her, laying on my back, kaycee facing away from me. as soon as I positioned myself I felt movement from her side of the bed, as she scooched over so that her head was resting on my chest, just under my left shoulder and her arm was draped across my stomach. I hesitated, my mind reeling. was she even aware of what she was doing? she couldn't be, she's half asleep.

me and kaycee had always been close, best friends for years, but never really in a physical sort of way, the only time we ever touched was when we danced together. I decided that I was too tired to protest so I relaxed into her and placed my arm over her side, pulling her closer to me. I felt her breathing slow, as she became comfortable in our position. I smiled as I placed my head on top of hers, taking in a deep breath. moments later, kaycee was soundly asleep in my arms, taking breaths at the same rate as me, our hearts beating as one. I kissed the top of her head, and said so quietly I barely heard it myself,

"I love you kaycee rice." as I slowly drifted into slumber.

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