I wish I could

By simran_chawla

4.1K 274 149

I’m a simple girl with simple dreams but I wish I had a simple life. From being sexually harassed at the tend... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Important Author's Note!!!

Chapter 16

78 10 3
By simran_chawla

Liam and I slept on the couch itself without even realizing it. And the loud thumping of the door and the continuous ringing of the doorbell woke both of us up in the morning.

I went to open the door while Liam started arranging the photographs and the other stuff in the room which I was showing him last night.

I opened the door to find Harry.

“Hey...” He said in a rough voice with a smile spread across his face knowing it very well that even his smile wasn’t going to make amends for what he said yesterday.

“We’re not talking from now onwards.“ I said giving him the look he deserved and as I was just about to close the door, he pushed it and entered my house.

“What’s your problem? I told you that I’m not going to talk to you ever again.” I shouted.

“Hey hey hey, Zara, please calm down. Look. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean any of the things I said yesterday. Not a single one. I promise...Just please listen to me once Zara.” He pleaded.

“I am not taking any of your bullshit today.” I yelled again.

Liam noticed the change of my tone and the voice level and jumped in to save Harry.

“Zara, calm down. Let him at least give a chance to justify his words. At least listen to him once. Please.” Liam said.

“He’ll again make up stories and get away with everything he said. He does it every time Liam. And I’m tired of this thing now.” I said in a comparatively low voice.

“I’ll not do this again, I promise! But at least listen to me first.” Harry said.

“See, this is the last time he’s talked to you like that.” Liam said and I sighed.

Harry always fought with me for no reason and then he used to come back pleading that he will never do any such thing again. But again he used to repeat everything. And Liam would always defend him by saying that it was good for me to fight with Harry over silly things as it brings out the childish side of me because in our two year old relationship, Liam and I had never fought. Never ever. And that was always because I never cared to think of anything so much so as to fight with Liam but Harry...phew. But this time, I wasn’t going to listen to him.

When I did not respond in any way, Harry did.

“Zara, you knew I was upset right? Yes, I was upset but I lied to you that I wasn’t. And when you kept on pushing me why I was upset, I lost my mind and said things which I didn’t even mean. I’m sorry Zara, I really am. Forgive me please. Please.” He said and my head cooled a bit and he noticed that.

“And I know it’s not that a big deal for you to forgive your best friend, is it?” He said and Liam smiled at me.

I looked at both of them and they smiled. They knew they had got what they wanted. And I hated myself for letting go of my anger so easily. But this was how I was. And they both knew it.

I sighed and they both again smiled which made me laugh too. And then we all started laughing and suddenly I noticed the time and the smile vanished.

“Oh my goodness, look at the time! I’m so late for office. It’s eight already and I have a show at nine. I’m so late and Jane and Alan are going to kill me today. Oh my god, six missed calls already.” I said checking my phone.

“Yeah, you better hurry up now.” Liam said.

“And I better leave now unless you need me to drop you at your office. Or Liam will do it?” Harry asked.

“I’ll do it. Don’t worry about that.” Liam said.

“No, I don’t want HARRY STYLES or LIAM PAYNE to drop me to my office. You guys will only invite a traffic jam if anyone recognizes you and I’m already too late to get stuck in a traffic jam. So please. I’ll manage myself. Now I better head to the shower.” I replied.

“And I guess I should leave now. See you guys later.” Harry bid us goodbye and I went to the shower.

I had a super-quick shower and managed to get ready in twenty minutes for the first time in my life and while I had surprised myself, Liam was sort of a bit startled.

"A woman getting ready in just twenty minutes and still looking gorgeous is quite...shocking. Isn't it?" He said.

"But when a woman like me is late, she gets some kind of super power to be at her office on time. And now please don't distract me any further. I have to leave right away because even after getting ready in twenty minutes, I'm still late. I was supposed to reach the office by eight and it's eight twenty one right now and I'm still here." I said and quickly grabbed my stuff before heading to the door.

"Lock the house when you leave. Alright? " I asked Liam.

"I think you forgot something." He said and I stopped.


He leaned on to plant a soft kiss on my lips and I blushed.

"You forgot this." He smiled. "I'll see you in the evening then. Bye and I love you." He said and hugged me.

"I love you too." I whispered.

So finally we were marching towards a normal relationship. Hugging each other and saying I love you's. Liam had taken this initiative previously also but I was dumb and depressed enough at that time not to acknowledge these gestures of him which I loved the most.

I was finally able to feel all these things again after a long time which felt like ages after what happened with Steve.

And finally I was trying to leave my past and most importantly my fears behind. Fears. Fear of losing Liam. Fear of being alone. Fear of not being loved. And fear of the guilt of my past that I may develop due to my fears alone.

As I reached my office with my head full of thoughts about my life, I had totally forgotten about the show I had in less than thirty minutes. I had even forgotten that I was late until I saw a fuming Jane and an equally annoyed Alan who were there to welcome me.

“So finally Miss Zara, who has become so huge a celebrity so that to avoid her boss’ repetitive calls, has finally arrived. “ Jane said sarcastically.

“I won’t make any excuses because I know it’s my fault. But just give me twenty minutes and I’ll cover up for all the inconvenience I’ve given to you today.” I said politely.

“Yes, you better do that or I’m afraid you’ll be having your last day in this office today. I never expected such an irresponsible behaviour from you Zara. You’ve disappointed me very badly today.”

“And I’m going to support Jane today.” Alan said.” When you knew that we had this show today and you had to make sure that everything goes well, how could you even think of being late and then not answering our calls?”

“That’s what the problem is. I had not been thinking since yesterday that’s why I forgot. But now just please let me finish this work off because we have only twenty four minutes before we go live.”

“Hurry up. And meet me in my cabin after the show.” Jane said and turned to leave as I sighed which she heard and immediately turned back. “And do make sure that everything goes well, otherwise you’re going to have some real problems.”

I nodded and hurried with all my research papers and other stuff to get myself prepared for the show. I was about to interview Mr. Warren Briskly, the business tycoon who had made headlines when he was declared the richest man of Britain by the Forbes and I literally knew nothing about him except that.

God! Love brings senselessness also to your mind. I’m a journalist in broad terms and I ought to know about what’s happening in the world, who’s who and who is doing what. But Liam had made me forget everything in just two days with his love.

And now with just fifteen minutes to go in the show, I was flicking the pages of my research papers.....


Two hours later, I thanked Mr. Warren Briskley for the wonderful show which was made possible in such a short time due to his co-operation and made by my way to Jane's cabin when Alan bumped into me.

"I can't believe you did that. Great Zara, amazing job. Jane must be really happy." He said.

"I really hope that she is happy. Actually I'm also a bit shocked that everything went so well. Mr. Briskley is a very nice person I must say." I said.

"Yeah, I know he is. He saved your job, you can say. By the way, you're going to Jane's cabin?" He asked.


"Okay, meet me after you're done with her." He winked and I nodded.

When I entered Jane's cabin, she simply smiled and asked me to take a seat.

"Well, you know you saved your job. Do I need to tell you that?" She said playfully.

"I know that. But I want you give me a review of today's show." I smiled.

"It was perfect. I think it's your best so far which makes me consider your lateness in a bit more generous manner because I've been noticing since a very long time that pressure brings out the best in you. But this also raises my expectations. So keep this thing in mind whenever you're late next time." She said.

"Sure. Anything else?"

"No, you're good to go now. You don't have any project to work on right now, do you?"

"No, I don't."

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. On time!" She smiled and I reciprocated.

She makes a good boss. Dedicated but kind too.

I checked my phone to find two missed calls from Liam and a text from him.

"You did an amazing job! Give me a call wen u're free. We'll go fr lunch/dinner watever u like...luv u

I wanted to call him but I thought it would be better for me to go and talk to Alan first. So I went straight to Alan.

"I have something really important to talk to you about. So I think we should go out to some restaurant and have our lunch too. What do you say?" He asked.

I wanted to tell him about my plans of having lunch with Liam but then I decided against it.

"Okay...as you say." I said and we left.

All Alan had to talk about was Liam's proposal and my reply. And I had to explain him all the things which had happened in the last two days since Liam had proposed me and all he had to say was the same what Liam had been saying for the last two years.

I sighed and explained him my fears and feelings and he calmed my nerves down with his soothing words.

"Look Zara, I understand what you are going through and I know it very well what you have gone through in the past. But life and time are not static dear. And you have to understand that. He loves you, you love him. I don't think if you know that thing, you should let anyone or anything ruin this. Not even your fears. Look at me. I love a girl madly and she doesn't even acknowledge it yet alone reciprocate my feelings. You know you are the most luckiest person on this earth if the person you love decides to love you back. So just leave eveything aside and cherish what you have in your hands right now. Got it?" He asked.

"Woah, that dialogue!" I exclaimed.

"Which one?" Alan asked.

"That you know you're the most luckiest perosn on this earth if the person you love decides to love you back. this one. I think I've heard that before." I said thinking.

"That's OneTree Hill babe. Nathan Scott." He said.

"Yeah right. Nathan Scott."

"Leave it aside. Did you get what I was trying to say?" He returned back to his serious tone.

"I know you're right and I'm trying my best to just leave everything behind." I said. "And don't worry about Natalie, she's going to regret it later and then she'll realise that she made a terrible mistake by not giving you a chance."

"Leave it. I just don't want to spoil my mood again by thinking of her again and again."

"Okay, fine. So I'm going to meet Liam now. He texted me asking for lunch or dinner whatever I'd like to have depending upon what time I get free at. But since I've already had an early lunch with you, I'm going to just hang around with him in our house now." I laughed.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye and do please think over what I've told you. Do not let anything ruin your relationship with Liam. Okay?" He said.

"Yeah, I will definitely not do any such thing." I said and took his leave.

I drove straight to Liam's place without even informing him that I was coming.

Finally when I couldn't access the door code and nobody was there to help me out also with that, I decided to call him.

"Where are you, Zara? I hope you got my message." He said.

"Yeah, I did and I'm standing at your door for the past six or seven minutes and you're not opening the door and that's why I called you up." I said.

"Oh I'm sorry. I had told Martha not to let anyone enter the house so she changed the code as I was busy choosing my clothes for the conference. I know it's a stupid reason but that's how I am. Stupid. Am I not?" He laughed. "Wait, I'll just tell her to change the code back." He added and hung up.

Martha changed the code back and I went straight into Liam's room.

"Your conference is scheduled for today? You didn't tell me that. And you were asking me out for lunch." I said making a face.

"The management pre-poned it for today as soon as they got to know that Harry came back. And don't worry, we'll go for dinner if I come back in time for dinner. Otherwise, we'll have it here itself." He said and I sighed.

"And did you have your lunch yet? Should I ask Martha or somebody else to make something for you?" He asked.

"No, Alan took me out for Lunch. But when are you going to come back? Because I'm totally free today. I've got nothing to do. I'll get bored in here." I said in a sad tone.

"I can't say anything right now and I'm sorry that I'm leaving you like this but I just got to know that and I have to go. You can go out with your friends, Alan also if he's free. Or you could just focus on your book. Write a bit, maybe?" He suggested.

"Umm...Okay. I'll see what I'm going to do." I sighed.

"Sorry." He said and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Okay, so I'm leaving now. I'll call you whenever I can. Okay?" He asked and I nodded and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

Then he left and I stood in his room which I knew was going to be OURS someday alone.

I wanted to write a bit but then I decided against it and instead started looking at Liam's collection of music CD's.

And while I was looking through his music stuff, I found some pages crumpled and hidden in the corner of the cupboard. I took them out and found things scribbled in a beautiful cursive handwriting which I immediately recognised. It was Liam's.

And I figured out that they were the pages of his diary which I was definitely going to read in the next few hours.

~~ extreme apologies for the late update...!! I'm really very sorry people. I had been super busy all this month with some really important stuff and wattpad also wasn't working in my PC and my laptop both & it's still not working.  So I wrote this on my mobile,  and you may find a few errors which I'm sorry about. And I'll try to update a bit early from now on, weekly most probably. But please do tell me what do you guys think of this chapter in your comments below and please please if you're reading, then please vote. Thankyou for reading and bearing with me people. I love you all xx~~

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