Kitty's Secrets

By darcyjog

162K 7.6K 1.7K

Kit has a secret that he has been trying to desperately keep for years now. However, on the last night befor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter 1
Epilogue 2 - Copter and Jenny

Chapter 28

3.3K 183 52
By darcyjog

A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

I had originally intended for this story to be a short one and I'm going to stick to my plan, so with that in mind, we are coming close to the end for this story.  Yes, I will do an epilogue but the main story that I wanted to tell will be finished shortly.  I would like to take the time to thank all my fabulous readers for reading my story and sticking with me through to the end.  It has been an amazing time and I can't wait to see you at my next book.  

Not even a year ago, I took the plunge to try and write my first fanfiction.  I never dreamt that I would get the amazing response that I have received and I've also gained some amazing friends too.  Now, I'm addicted to writing and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.  I couldn't have done any of this without you, the amazing readers.  Love you, guys.

Okay, back to the story.


I'm still a little shocked. Yesterday, I found out that I'm pregnant again. However, this time around, Ming is here, and I don't think anything can tear him away from me and our children now.

The love and tenderness that he showed me last night was amazing. I never dreamt in my wildest dreams that I could ever have a relationship like this. It is just perfect. Well, not exactly perfect, but as perfect as I can get. I feel so fortunate to have such an amazing fiancé and his parents are just as amazing.

However, I keep putting off the topic of where we will live after we get married. I'm so torn. I really want to go back home to Thailand and be around my friends and Ming's family, but the picture is always shattered when I think about my family. Why do I have such a hard family to deal with?

My dream now would be that my family can handle the fact that I'm marrying a guy and we have children together, but I'm not going to risk my life with Ming by allowing my family back into our lives. I'm just not going to risk it.

Cough. Cough.

I'm startled out of my thoughts and I look up at Brenda, who is clearly concerned. I quickly try to brush it off and ask, "So, did you need something?"

Brenda doesn't say anything, but just stares at me for a moment, before she finally says, "A penny for your thoughts."

Oh, Brenda can read me like a book. That is one of the reasons that I have always saw her like a mother to me. In my mind, a mother should be able to do that with their children, even though my mother has never been able to do it.

I lower my head and softly mumble, "I was just thinking about my family and where Ming and I are going to live after we get married."

Brenda slowly sits down in the chair in front of my desk and lets out a sigh. "Have you talked to Ming about this?"

Still with my head lowered, I take a deep breath and reply, "Well, he already heard them on my phone call to them. What more is there to say? My father hates me because I'm gay or that he will try to break us apart as soon as we return to Thailand. What part of all of this will he understand?"

Brenda softly says, "Ming will understand. Him and his parents know exactly what you are dealing with. They were all there along with your friends when you were talking to your parents. I'm sure that your friends aren't going to let anything happen to you either. Not to mention, that if your father tried to do something to your children, I think that your friends will bring a whole army down around your father."

I crack a small smile as I think of Yo and his dad along with the rest of my friends and family standing up to my father. For once, I think my father may even get scared. He usually isn't afraid or scared of anything, but I think having two of the most powerful people in Thailand standing in your way, may just make him shake in his boots.

I slowly bring my head up and look at Brenda's concerned face. "What should I do? Do I risk a confrontation with my father by going back to Thailand to be closer to my friends and Ming's family? Ming can work in the family company while I can get a job at Ai'Pha's hospital. It shouldn't be too hard to get a job there, N'Yo and Ai'Pha are the owners of the hospital."

I pause for a second and then I continue on. "Or do we stay here in the United States where my job currently is, but we keep Ming and the kids away from Ming's family? Plus, Ming would have to work from here for his family's company which would be harder than if he was in Thailand. It wouldn't be completely undoable, but it would be harder."

Brenda slowly shakes her head. "That is a decision that you and Ming have to make for yourself. It isn't something that others can do for you. The only advise that I can give is to talk to Ming. If you are worried about your father, talk to Ming's parents too. Ming's parents love you so much and they would do anything to be close to both you and the grandkids."

Well, I couldn't argue with that. I can already see that Ming's parents are completely taken by Copter, but who isn't taken by Copter. He is such a cute and adorable little boy and I'm sure that our next child will be the same.

Oh, I'm not going to like to have to do this, but I guess tonight, I'm talking to Ming and his parents about this. I don't think that we can wait too long to make this decision.

Plus, with Pha and Yo currently here, it is actually the perfect time to discuss this. If we end up going back to Thailand, Pha and Yo can tell me if they will give a job at the hospital or not.

Finally, I announce, "I will talk to everyone tonight about it. Maybe my friends will have some helpful advice for me."

Brenda finally smiles. "I'm sure you will work it all out. Don't worry."


I was nervous the whole way back to the house. I'm so afraid of what will happen, but we have to discuss this. I can't keep putting it off. Ming could immediately tell, but surprisingly, he didn't say anything to me.

When everyone is finally seated around the table and we are eating supper, I take a deep breath. Oh, please let me have the courage to get through this conversation. Please.

I clear my throat and I hesitantly say, "Uhm, can I talk about something?"

As if Ming knows what I'm going to say, he puts his hand on my leg and begins to gently pat it. "P'KitKat, we are all ears."

The table suddenly turns quiet and everyone is now looking at me. Okay, I can do this.

Slowly, I begin. "Okay, so I have been thinking about where we are going to live after we get married." I stop for a moment, and I turn and smile at Ming, who is lovingly smiling back at me.

I then turn back towards everyone and I continue. "Well, you know that I don't get along with my father, but I really want to go back to Thailand. I'm afraid that my father will try and do something to tear Ming and me apart, and with my pregnancy, I don't want to risk the health of our child. Do you have any suggestions?"

Pha immediately says, "Ai'Kit, if you want to go back to Thailand, don't worry about a job. You can have a job in our hospital."

Yo quickly adds, "Yes. You have a job with us."

Ming's dad clears his throat and calmly says, "Son, where do you want to live? We will support you no matter what you decide."

Ming softly asks, "P'KitKat, where would you like to live?"

I glance around the table at everyone and I slowly take a deep breath. Oh, this is harder than I thought it would be. I suddenly think about the house that Ming has already bought for us. "I want to live in Thailand in the house that N'Ming has bought for us, but I don't want my father to cause trouble. He will never accept the fact his son married another man and has children with that man."

Ming's mom instantly scolds me. "Don't you worry about your father. My husband and I know just how to handle him. Plus, if we need some additional help, I'm sure that N'Yo's father will be more than willing to help. Ming is like a second son to him and he won't want to see him hurt. These last five years have been hard on him too."

A slight wave of relief washes over my body, but I'm still worried about what my father will do. He isn't someone to just sit back and do nothing. If he knows that I'm in Thailand, I'm sure that he will try to force me to go back home with him.

Forth suddenly adds, "Ai'Kit, we all will make sure that your father doesn't do what he wants to you. Did you forget that I was a head hazer and I have a lot of engineering students that I'm still friends with? We all have your back."

Yo calmly says, "Even if we have to put a bodyguard or two on you, we will make sure that your father can't do anything. Okay. So, am I hearing that you will be moving back to Thailand after the honeymoon?"

Ming leans into my ear and whispers, "I'll go where ever you go. I'm not losing you again."

Ah, I have such loving and caring friends. Why didn't I talk with them about this sooner? Oh, yeah, I was afraid that Ming would reject me.  I should have had confidence in my friends, and I shouldn't have let my fear of my father and Ming's possible rejection, keep me away for five years.  

I confidently sit up and proudly state, "We are going back to Thailand."

Ming instantly snakes his arms around me and kisses my cheek. Once again, he whispers into my ear, "I'm taking my KitKat and our son back home. I love you so much."

This time I giggle and whisper back, "I love you, too, Ming."

Copter, who had been sitting quietly this whole time just listening to everything, suddenly blurts out, "Will I have my own room there, too?"

The whole table instantly bursts out into laughter as Copter innocently looks at us anxiously awaiting our answer.

Ming chuckles and quickly replies, "Yes, Copgi. You have your own room, so will our next child."

Copter instantly starts to clap as he giggles in excitement.

Oh, our son is just so cute. We are so fortunate to have such an adorable and smart boy.

My spirits are lifted, and I think things will finally work out for me. I have been running and hiding for so long that it is a wonderful feeling having friends and now a family that is so supportive and caring.

Posted November 1, 2018

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