How do you feel?

By GirlyCorpse

1.6K 84 44

Craig has fall in love with Tweek so hard he can't stop thinking on how miserable his life would be if he los... More

PART 1: Fear.
PART 2: Communication NOT FOUND.
PART 3: Missing
PART 4: Search.
Part 5: Lullaby
Part 6: A plan.
Part 8: Confrontation
Part 9: Talk.

Part 7: Hide and seek

136 8 4
By GirlyCorpse

The forceful wind blew tearing all the remaining leafs on the trees away, Craig looked at them while passing the church on his way to the woods and the Library, they were dead and naked, just like he might be soon if Tweek catch him up.

He was exhausted yet seemed to hold it better than Tweek now, the blond was fast, but just like his panic attacks every outburst consumed a lot of his energy, not eating properly and his lack of vitamins reflected in his height condemned him to just quick but violent outbreaks and after a minute he began to be left behind creating some distance between him and Craig, who wasn't the best runner but could hold a little longer.

Between the trees he finally spotted the building, and knowing the blonde was on his heels he decide to just jump through the window charging like a bull, breaking the glass and falling to the floor.


Craig cried out once he realized some pieces of glass were attached to his skin. For someone who likes the logic and reasonable thinking that wasn't really smart. Glass was different to people anyways.

"At least is not that bad..."

He exterminated his injuries, none of them were too deep, thank God only the smallest crystals decide to crawl on his skin. His palms were dye red and his soaked clothes just helped extending the blood all over him and the floor making it look worst than it actually was.

Struggling a little feeling dizzy for the impact he finally stood on his feet and walked between the book sheds leaving a bloody trail behind him on the floor and everywhere he touched looking for support to stand up.

It didn't take Tweek for too long to reach the place, while trying to catch up on the skinwalker he could hear a noise and a growl. He looked up at the window, it was broken...


Pieces of glass of different sizes and shapes decorated the floor on a chaotic disarray and a red path started from there and inside the building, there was blood on the book sheds too. Like if something has been fighting for it's life and got dragged away trying to hold on anything to not be murdered.


Tweek put his hands on his mouth, what if this was the place were Craig was being hold against his will, what if that thing dragged him to hide him or kill him knowing Tweek was gonna find out this place!? WHAT IS CRAIG WAS STILL ALIVE AND FIGHTING RIGHT NOW FOR HIS LIFE!?


The scream echoed in the empty building lasting a few seconds before die. The noirette looked around for either a place to hide or Tweek's figure, he hoped he could find the first one before seen Tweek.

He wasn't bad injured but it still hurt, the tiny glasses encrusted in his palms were painful and didn't allow him to apply enough strength to move heavy objects and shield himself, he had to find an easy access soon as some steps could be heard crushing the crystal shards.

He walked around in silence. As a high level thief, sneak around without being noticed was piece of cake, yet the environment didn't help him at all. It was way too dark and the pain in his body turned his usually smooth movements clumsy as he bumped into a pile of old books.

"Agh! Fu-!"

"Craig?...." Silence, the raven froze at the call. He was close... "Where are you?..."

Last time talking didn't end up good. Craig's brain finally yelled at his legs and started running as he could. He was almost falling the whole time, heavy breathing still on pain for the window crash and trying not to hit anything in the darkness.

God heard his pray when he stepped close to the stairs. Old and dusty wooden stairs with a hidden door beneath. He turned the old tiny nob and quickly made his way inside allowing him to breath... almost. The huge amount of dust made difficult such basic activity as breathing.

Between coughs and quiet curses Craig took his phone from his pocket, touching the screen gave him a tiny light to confirm his theory, spiderwebs all around were hanging from the roof to the floor. Spiders of many sizes and colors walked around the white bridges without trouble.

The room was almost empty, just a few forgotten books here and there, they were all grey. Yet placing a finger on the cover revealed how colorful the books actually were and how time had coated their bright colors with a dense layer of dirt. How many years has passed since actual people used a library? They had one at school, but few used to go there and they were all students forced to pick a book for a research or a specific lecture.

Looking up Craig noticed a few cracks, all the way down he could see between the stairs planks whenever spider town leaved a clean spot.

"Oh, shit!"

Craig yelled whispered feeling the spiders crawling on him, he shoved the little intruders away from him still figuring out how to breath properly. The dust was flaying around and sneeze was not a great idea right now.

Looking back at his phone he decided to call for help, if Tweek wouldn't listen to him maybe someone else could talk to him and finally solve everything. Token was out the options thanks to the last call. He had just one option left.

"Craig...? Do you know what time it is...?"

"Clyde please! I need your help."

"The great Craig Tucker asking a simple mortal like me for help?"

"Clyde! I'm serious!"

"Why are you like yelling but not loud?"

"Tweek is chasing me... I can't let him hear where I am right now!"

"WHAT!? WHY!?"

"Shhh! Don't talk too loud! You can even hear someone breathing in this place. He might hear you..."

"Oh-Ok, sorry... why is he chasing you?"

"I dunno at all! At first I tough it was a Cartman's thing, but seems like he is not involved at all..."

"At all?"

"He is crazy, but I still feel like he did something to me to fall for Tweek, it's weird."

"Ok, so if that's discarded what now?"

"Well... he said something about... ehm... Tweek being sexually frustrated?"


"Clyde! Can you keep it the fuck down!?"

"Sorry man, but... I dunno... I don't think so"

"What do you mean? You don't think so?"

"Ehmm... yes and no."

"Mind to explain?"

"Well, look dude... we all know Tweek's parents didn't show him much love at all. The poor thing has been years starving for affection until you appear in his life as his boyfriend... so he might be a little lovesick, and considering how passionate the guy is when he wants wouldn't surprise he has had some... impure thoughts involving you on them."

"Thanks! Now I feel better since you confirmed he wants to rape me, asshole..."

"What? He wouldn't! Tweek will just be Tweek and either yell it at your face or give you fools proof hints about it."

"Dude! He has been chasing me with a knife! And while running away he told me he wanted my body!"

"Oh shit... But that makes no sen-!

"Shhh! He is coming!"

Slow and heavy steps approached the stairs, Craig covered the phone screen trying to mute Clyde's voice and killing as much light as he could. The steps stopped at the base of the stairs like if Tweek knew he was hiding somewhere around but not on the second floor...

Tweek was so scared to go upstairs. His eyes were used to the darkness spotting gnomes moving at 3 am since his parents forced his lights out at a determinate hour, yet it was too dark... The storm outside killed the moonlight and without any other illumination, the second floor with no windows was worst than the first one...

A lightening roared in the rainy sky again making Tweek jump, he hold his screaming biting his lower lip, the skinwalker might be hiding up there, and will for sure escape if he made any sound. Tweek took a deep breath and his shaky feet began to made their way up, his insecure feet making the wood tremble.

The stairs cracked more than necessary, it was a boom! Followed by an echo that disappeared some time later, like when the T-Rex was approaching and you could see the water move in the glass. But this time with every booming step dust fell to the ground along with some spiderwebs and of course... spiders.

The freaked out creatures ran on every direction they could when they felt their homes were trembling, looking for the firm ground to wait until everything was over, unfortunately for Craig. He covered his mouth with his other hand, one sneeze, one cough and everything will be over for him. His skin shivered at the touch of the hairy legs of the spiders crawling on him, he tried to shove them away but was hard with both of his hands busy.

He shouted his eyes and used all of his will power not to scream. He was stressed out, he wasn't breathing properly and his lungs began to cry for air, he feared Clyde could talk or yell at any moment and he couldn't wait to being finally able to move again and stop feeling the hundred of tiny legs walking all over him.

The steps finally made it all the way up, they stopped again but soon kept moving into the second floor they were still close but far enough to make Craig allow to move again.

Cleaning himself from the disgusting creatures was obligatory the first task. After shake them off and step on some of them as quiet as possible, specially the biggest ones and the ones brave enough to crawl to his face and head.

"Hey, Craig... you still there?"

"Yeah... sorry about that."

"No problem, dude. That was hella creepy! I could hear the steps too!"

"I told you you could heard everything, so keep it down. He is still near..."

"But why is he so after you like that? Tweek is a little crazy but... he would never hurt you. You are like the only thing he has since he keeps refusing my BFF affection."

"Can't blame him, you are fucking annoying."

"Yet you are calling me right now!"

"Whatever... any ideas?"

"Have you like... try to TALK with him?"

"I did, but just made it worst!"

"Like... talk-talk? Or Craig-I-dunno-what-I'm-saying-talk?"

"... the second one... Look! I'm not good at this, ok?"

"Yeah, I confirmed it for the million time this morning."

"It's dumb! Stop asking about it, thanks to you Tweek didn't stop asking either and we almost got into a fight again..."

"If it's dumb why you didn't tell him?"

"Because it's difficult! It's... about how I... feel..."

"Oh~! Craig Tucker has feelings? No way!"

"You are being too loud again!"

"Sorry... but seriously. What is it that you can't talk with him?"

"It's dumb!"

"Talk stupid to me, Craig~ "

"Agh... fine... I was just thinking how things will be without Tweek, I mean... If I lose him someday... The guys started to call me 'soft' and I don't want that. If I'm changing is because of Tweek, and I don't want to be in love but I can't see myself without him."

"Yeah, it's dumb. But now I know why you were so off at morning..."

"It wasn't that bad."

"Dude, you need to talk to him! Tweek is extremely emotional and any single thing can be a detonator for him."

"What do you mean?"

"You are hiding something! Don't you think his Tweek-mind will blow up with theories about what is it? Maybe he thinks you are cheating or just killed someone and don't know how to dispose from the body!"

"I guess... you are right..."

"Talk to him, Craig. You let him talk to you the whole time anyways."

"But I'm not Tweek! Last time I faced my emotions I ended up beating the shit out of him!"

"Ok, you just need to get some pants, and say 'Tweek, I love you. The thought of lost you has been bothering me, and you need to ask for my dick and not just take it...'

"Clyde! Shut it!"

"Just saying~ I've seen the way you look at him from time to time~"

"Clyde, I swear to God, if you don't shut up-"

"Ok, ok...But seriously dude, talk. Things will just get worst if you don't!"

"How do you know?"

"We live in fucking South Park, man..."

"Ok... but how should I start...? If it's just me he might attack me again!"

"You need to do this like a man! Like... a gay man! That sounds like some superheroe..."

"Clyde, I know you are our class proclaimed total retard, but focus."

"Easy, Cregory~ Mr. Clyde Donovan is here to help~" There was some silence as Craig's anxiety grew. He knew what he had to tell to Tweek now, but he was bad starting a conversation... Did Clyde actually had an idea to help him talk to Tweek?... He could hear Clyde taking a deep breath at the other side of the line, as he...? Oh no!




Happy Halloween!

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