My Sweet Little Kitten ( Yand...

By uneey2008

28.3K 765 79

Y/N and her Dad just moved and she is trying to find her feet in this new place, some people still font like... More

Maid's Duties and Meeting Master
Trailing Tom's and Luxurious Home
Getting Comfortable...Almost
A FERAL turn in events
Personalities Take A Twist
All Boarders Close In
Away From Watching Eyes
Forcing Heat To Rise
When A New Day Dawns
As A New Horizon Peaks
Some Will Covet, Some Will Cower
Ripples Turn To Waves
Conflicting Mind's At Work
The Scales Are Tipping
Loose Ends And Sharp Tongues
Attention To Detail Is Key
Being Dependant Has Its Price

New School, New Life

7.7K 141 29
By uneey2008

( Y/N POV )

Moving closer to the class room I tried to ignore the stares I got, I had only recently moved here and being a new girl was never a nice feeling but with me being... different it made it worse; Dad said it would pass but I wasn't so sure. Looking up from my schedule I found I was at the right door at last after two girls telling me to go to the wrong side of the school, I had left early this morning to make sure I got to school and would have time to find my classes but their mean trick ruined that plan; sighing I slowly walked into the class room trying to ignore the staring eyes of my new class mates and focus on the teacher instead. She was a middle aged woman with black curls and warm almond eyes, and as soon as I saw her I felt myself perk up a little being in her presence; I had always been a fairly good judge of character and I could tell she was nice. "Well good morning, you must be our new student; I don't normally forgive lateness but since it's your first day I will let it slide this once. Class this is our new student Y/N Good, Y/N would you come introduce yourself to the class; don't be shy" The gentle tone she used helped me gather enough courage to stand in front of her and the board looking out over the others in the room, some of them looked bored while others were shocked or awed by my appearance; it wasn't the first time and I knew it wouldn't be the last time I saw those looks but they still unsettled me a little. Clearing my throat slightly I tried to keep my own voice calm and steady, putting a calm smile in place and doing my best to look calm; despite knowing some of my body language gave me away. "Good morning, I'm Y/N and I just moved here with my Dad; and I hope we get along" There was silence for a few moments before I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look back to the teacher behind me, her smiled more warm this time but her eyes showing me she understood my unease; gesturing up she nudged me to move along. "Thank you Y/N, you can take the empty seat by the window at the back; open your book to page twenty two" Smiling in thanks I moved forward down the space between desks heading for the vacant one I had been told to take, ducking into the seat I gathered what I needed before looking forward; feeling eyes glancing at me from behind. Glancing back I couldn't see anyone looking at me so I shrugged it off as nerves, turning back I tried to pay attention to the teacher who apparently was called Mrs. Lanett if the sign on her desk was right; but I just couldn't get rid of the feeling someone was watching me.

( ? POV ) 

Watching the new girl I was took in every detail of her appearance, I had never seen a neko up close and she was nothing like I thought one might be; her features complimenting her feline features perfectly in my mind. Her ears were a creamy gold which peeked out of her hair which was a shade lighter making it a almost white blonde, her tail was the same as her ears and both had silky looking texture and flowed a slight amount away from her tail and ears; it reminded me of a cat I had seen in a book once called a turkish angora. Her eyes had captivated me when I first noticed them, one was a clear ocean blue while the other was a deep but clear forest green; I knew it was rare in humans but I wasn't sure if it was in neko's. I remember people talking about when they came out into the open years back, they had some issues with rights like different ethnicities did but laws had been passed since then to make sure they had the same rights and chances as anyone else; it didn't mean they always got a good welcome though. Most neko's kept to themselves from what I knew, and this girl was only the third in the whole school; the other two a third year boy above us and a first year boy who came into the school this year. The fact this new girl was entering the school after a full term only made her stand out more, but seeing her tail twitching while she introduced herself ears laid back slightly was cute; I enjoyed being able to see her real emotions. Most girls here were either two faced liars or self absorbed bullies, and I couldn't stand either one of them; but this girl was different. Even as she finally took a seat I couldn't help but watch her, glancing away when she looked back knowing getting caught would do me no good; in fact I wanted to watch her a little longer before I approached her and find out what other cute things she did. Would she get afraid if the other mean girls approached her, even now many of the popular girls were glancing at her glaring or looking her up and down; no doubt jealous of the attention others were giving her. Other boys did much the same and I instantly hated it, I wasn't sure why but I didn't like anyone else watching her; forcing my eyes back to the teacher I ignored the thought. I would watch her for now and keep my distance, later I would get a little closer to her and sate my curiosity; and maybe find out just how soft neko fur was. 

( Y/N POV )

Groaning as I finally got home leaning back against the door I let my eyes close as I remember how my day went downhill, after being late for class a few girls had taken to bullying me; and two boys in the school who were also like me started following me. They were convinced since I was like them that meant I was automatically part of their group, the younger of the two had no sense of personal space and the older I was sure was a sadist; the only good thing that happened was getting to have macaroni and cheese at lunch which I managed to eat outside giving me space. "Y/N, is that you? Dinners almost done go have a shower and then come sit at the table; I want to hear all about your first day!" I wanted to groan again at my Dads yelling, I loved him but he had really needed to learn to come talk to me; no matter how good my hearing was yelling through the wall still annoyed me and made it difficult to understand him. Not in any mood to face him just yet though I called back through heading up the stairs, I didn't want to worry him so it was better to relax in the shower before I told him about my day; maybe then it would look better to me too. "Okay Dad" Moving into my room I groaned at the boxes still needing unpacking, my clothes were mainly still packed away with my uniforms out ready for the week; I planned to finish unpacking my things at the weekend since all my furniture was already up and where I wanted it. Grabbing my towel I went into the bath room turning on the shower letting it heat up as I disguarded my dirty clothes into the wash basket, finally stepping inside I hissed slightly at the heat but didn't change it wanting the hot water to ease my muscles; reaching out I got my shampoo and began washing my hair. Once done I conditioned before moving to get my special wash bottle and began lathering my tail rinsing it off once done before moving on to my ears, the special routine was second nature now but when I was little I had hated it; my Dad having to force me to let him clean me when the time came to wash my sensitive ears and tail. Sighing feeling clean I washed the rest of my body before stepping out of the heat shivering a little at the chill I felt, quickly towelling down and wrapping myself I headed back to my room reaching for an essential appliance that stayed by my bed; my hairdryer turning on with a quiet rush of warm air as I began drying my hair ears and tail. 

By the time I was done drying off putting my hair into a braid and slipping into a soft pair of pyjamas the smell of chicken took my attention, heading down stairs I went to the dinner table finding my Dad putting cutlery down; his warm blue eyes meeting my miss matched ones. "Hey there sweet heart, dinner is done; sit down and I'll bring it in" Returning his smile I sat down watching him gather plates, he had changed since going to work in pyjama top and trousers; he was just like me in that way changing into his comfortable clothes or pyjamas as soon as he got home. His ears sat up while he sang to himself tail swaying contently side to side, the white fur pristine like always leaving me still mystified how he kept it like that; his platinum hair sitting around his shoulders messily like always. Unlike my tail and ears my Dads was short fur which made it easier to keep tidy in a way, he said I got my fur length from my grandfather; I didn't remember him much but I did know he had longer fur than mine from the photos of my grandparents. My thoughts were cut short when a plate of chicken with cheese and bacon, rice and vegetables at the side was placed in front of me; instantly I began to stare at the food with longing but waited for my Dad to sit and pick up his fork before I took mine to begin my dinner. I never ate before my Dad since he had been at work all day, when I was little it was because I wanted him to try the food I helped him cook; now it was out of respect for him and what he did for me. Taking a bite out of my chicken I almost groaned at the cheese and bacon mixed with it, I was lucky to not be intolerant to dairy like my Dad was and I enjoyed a wide range in my diet; milk being one of the biggest alongside cheese my dad added to my food specially. "So how was your first day at school, make any new friends?" Glancing up at my Dad I shrugged my shoulders taking a fork full of vegetable chewing slowly as I tried to think of how to explain my day to him, I didn't want to tell him it was terrible but I wouldn't lie either; finally I swallowed glancing up to answer in a quiet but calm tone. "Well it was a little rough but I'm still getting used to it, I'm not the only neko so that's a plus I guess; oh and I met my teachers. They are all really nice so I think I will enjoys my lessons, I spoke to them about work I missed and they've given me some notes so I can catch up; it shouldn't take long since I was ahead before we moved" 

Glancing up from my dinner I found my Dad's eyes watching me, I felt my ears lower and his soon followed both of us stopping eating for a moment; before he finally replied his tone sadder than his usual happy self. "I'm sorry sweet heart, I know things are tough but it will get better; and I promise to make it up to you as soon as we finish unpacking and settle in" I smiled back at my Dad as his hand settled on mine feeling his thumb stroke over my hand, I knew he felt guilty for making us move but we both needed a fresh start; people where we had been living weren't as welcoming after my grandparents died. My grandfather was well liked by most and my grandmother was very giving in the community which made others like us too, but after they passed and others moving in their old house things changed; the new family were wealthy and didn't like neko's which made a scary mix. Soon enough they turned people on us making my old class mates shun me and my Dad's co-workers to do the same, in the end when my Dad got another work offer here he took it so we could start a fresh; and I knew that without my grandparents the memory of my mother was harder to ignore. She abandoned both of us the day I was born, I was conceived on a one night stand and my Dad found out about me when she went into labour; my mothers family didn't like neko's but they were religious and didn't believe in abortions. So once I was born my mother left me in my fathers arms and walked away, my grandparents said I looked nothing like her but I could tell with how my Dad looked at me sometimes that wasn't true; but even now he said I was the only good thing to come from her. She died a couple of years back and because I was the only heir to the family I got all their money and property, I didn't want it but wouldn't turn my back on it either; when I was old enough I would go through everything properly but I knew they were wealthy. The money I was allowed every month meant we could live as we wanted and Dad didn't have to work weekends anymore, so I was thankful for that much; so I knew when we were unpacked me and Dad would keep his promise and spoil me for the weekend. 

"Its okay Dad, I'm a big girl... but if I get suspended for beating up a boy don't ground me; for some reason the neko boys think I'm theirs just because we are alike" At my light humour Dad finally cheered up as did I, eating again we turned to more pleasant convocation; like a nice little café nearby my Dad had found. It was apparently run by neko staff and was like a fantasy place with a aster and servant theme, I had worked in a café before we moved and I enjoyed it for the most part; maybe I could find a after school job there? "Would you mind if I asked to see if they needed any help? I know we don't need the money, but I could use it if I want something; and then you'd have time to yourself as well" I watched him chew his food in though, blue eyes clashing with mine showing he didn't hate the idea; finally his playful tone gave me my answer and made me giggle at the same time. "Well you always did like your job in the café, and a little hard work now will look better for jobs in the future too; so I don't see the harm. If you start bringing home boys though I might have to get the old claws out" Putting the last piece of chicken and rice in my mouth I finished my dinner taking my Dad's empty plate with me into the kitchen, whoever cooked didn't have to wash up so today it was my turn; tomorrow I would cook so it was always fair. Clearing away and hearing the tv being turned on I retreated into my own thoughts, trying to think what I could do in school tomorrow to make it a bit nicer; avoiding the other neko's being at the top of the list. Maybe joining a club too, I saw a few I like today that had spaces my favourite being athletics'; I'd always liked sports minus swimming. It wasn't that I couldn't swim but more that I hated the swimming cap, I had to wear one to keep water out of my ears; but they not only constricted my ears but looked horrible on me. An idea in mind I turned to put the last dish to dry as I headed off to bed, placing a kiss on my Dad's cheek as I passed hearing him purr gently in return; to others it might sound odd but it was normal to show our more animalistic side when in our homes. After all if we couldn't be ourselves here, where could we? 

( ? POV )

I couldn't get that girl out of my head, I had watched her most of the day even when she snuck off to eat lunch outside; something about her just drew me to her in the worst way. I had always been fond of cats having one of my own at home, my black siamese who I had always thought was stunning paling when I compared them now; and I found myself wanting to have here in my home along with my cat to welcome me home. I lived alone thanks to my parents wealth, they saw to it that I got what I wanted so when I asked for an apartment of my own they gave it to me; it made it easier when I brought girls home of course. None stayed long once they got here, I got what I wanted from them and then I kicked them out; I didn't need stupid women in my sanctuary unless I had a craving they could sate and after that was done I wanted to be alone again. Now though as I sat on the sofa my cat curled next to me purring at the light striking I was offering I found myself conflicted, I didn't want what I usually did from women from the new girl; and even if I did I never got involved with girls at school. It got too messy and they tried to attach themselves to me, I had made a point to keep my wealth under wraps as well keep a low profile; I didn't need school or anything in it following me home. Picking up my cell from the side table I speed dialled a familiar number, my eyes only glancing at the tv that continued to fill the room with background noise; I didn't even know what was on as my thoughts continued to wander back to the neko. "Leon? I have someone I need information on, a neko girl called Y/N Good; find everything you can on her and bring it to my place. Don't tell anyone about this, I want it between us for now; got it?" I barely waited for conformation before I shut off the call, glancing down at my cat my mind once more returning to the girl from school; would she purr if I touched her ears? I'd wait until I got more information on her, then maybe just maybe; I'd find out.

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