The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis A...

By HoldinOnToDaylight

961K 33.9K 31.4K

{Completed; 14.11.2018} Louis is omega. That makes him one of the lowest of the werewolf ranks. With being an... More



27.2K 1K 1.7K
By HoldinOnToDaylight

"Okay, but why is it so fucking warm? It's the beginning of October!" Louis complains as he, Harry, Niall and Liam sit outside for lunch break.

The last days got rather hot for October in England. Also, Louis is mostly himself again and Harry couldn't be happier about that. There are a few moments where he is quiet and looks scared, but Harry knows how to act when this happens. Louis just needs a few cuddles and kisses and he is good again.

"I can help you!" Liam exclaims. He takes his water bottle and with a quick move of his hand splashes water into Louis' face, who sits opposite him.

The omega stares at Liam with an open mouth, shocked. "You didn't just do that." he says in a scary-calm voice. His hair is wet and so is his shirt and his pants.

The blue eyed boy jumps up, his own water bottle in hand and starts to chase after Liam, who got up and ran away. Louis is a rather fast little omega and with this quick to catch up to Liam.

The beta suddenly stops, turns around and ducks away just in time to avoid any water to land on him. Instead all the water is now tripping down Mr. Berk's face.

Louis bites his lip, trying not to laugh at the teacher's angry face. "I am so sorry, Mr. Berk." he half-lies, because he kinda is sorry, but kinda isn't.

"You little useless, stupid omega." Mr. Berk seeths and Louis' half-smile falls at the words. The teacher steps closer, eyes turning slightly red. "I never liked you, but this is too far. I'm going to suspend you and--"

"It was an accident!" Louis interrupts, crossing his arms. He steps back to get a comfortable distance between them. "I didn't do it on purpose and I'm sorry it happened, Mr. Berk. Accidents happen!"

"Watch your mouth, omega." the teacher growls, spitting out the omega in disgust.

He is just about to insult Louis more, as a voice beats him to it. "I would advise you to watch your mouth around the future Luna, Mr. Berk."

While Louis relaxes, knowing Harry won't let Berk do anything, the teacher freezes and looks confused as Harry stops next to Louis. "You are not mated." he states.

"That's right, we are not mated yet."

Berk's eyes move to the necklace Louis is playing with innocently. He usually wears it underneath his clothes, not wanting everyone to see it. Not that he is embarrassed to be mated to Harry, it's just the whole Luna thing.

"Where did you get that?" Berk asks shocked.

Louis frowns. "Harry gave it to me." he answers truthfully.

"I'm sure you know what it means, so I advice you to apologize to Louis and also stop treating him as if he is the worst omega on earth, because he isn't. He is amazing."

Louis smiles at that and kisses Harry's cheek.

Berk takes a deep breath before apologising to Louis. The omega waves him off. "It's fine. I know you are still living in the past where omegas are to be very submissive, but that's okay. Other than you I don't expect you to change. I will survive the few month til graduation and after that you don't have to see me again. That often."

Louis smiles at the teacher before taking Harry's hand and walking back to their friends.

"God, I love you so much, cub." Harry says fondly, making Louis giggle before sending a glare towards Liam.

"You are an ass, Payne. A Payne in my ass." he says, sitting down and smiling again.

And Mr. Berk actually stopped annoying Louis for being so un-omega.


It's late January as Louis and Harry walk through the woods in their wolf form. Louis is jumping around, loving the snow. He acts like a puppy who is in snow for the first time, but Harry can just smile fondly at him.

"You know what?" Louis asks through their mind-link.

Harry tilts his head as they both stop, signaling Louis to continue talking. But instead Louis jumps at Harry, throwing him off-balance and into the snow. They start play-fighting, Harry not going too hard on the omega.

"You are one weak ass alpha!" Louis chuckles as he pinned Harry down.

The alphas eyes turn the slightest bit red as he growls lowly. With a little more force than he used while fighting with Louis he manages to turn the tables. Now he has Louis pinned down. Harry opens his mouth as he places it over Louis' neck. His teeth are touching the sides of the omega's throat, not hurting him. Louis moves his head with a small whine so Harry has more access to his throat, showing the alpha trust that he won't kill him, what Harry could by simply biting down.

Harry moves away, liking over the omega's throat and getting off him, standing again. He shakes his whole body to get the snow out of his fur. Louis sits up and starts to lick Harry's chin, a sign that he is lower ranked than the alpha. He does that for the first time and Harry's inner alpha is doing somersaults of happiness.

As Louis stops, Harry places his head on Louis. "I love you." the alpha says, making Louis' tail wag happily.

But Harry jumps up and gets in front of Louis protectively as the scent of another alpha - and omega - hit his nose. Louis behind him whimpers as he recognizes the scent as well.

Just a moment later two wolves step out of the trees, stopping in front of Harry and Louis. The omega moves to stand next to Harry, wanting to see what will happen next.

"What do you want?" Harry growls. Even though Jason got his punishment, Harry still doesn't want him around Louis.

Instead of answering, the omega - Nick - drops down on his stomach and starts crawling towards Louis through the snow.

"I'm sorry." the omega says. "I'm sorry for treating you so badly." he apologises.

Nick stops crawling as he reaches Louis, sitting up and doing the same thing he did to Harry - licking his chin, showing he subjugates to Louis.

"It's fine, Nick." Louis says, not wanting Nick to lick him - that's plainly weird. "While I appreciate that" Louis says as Nick steps back, looking at the white snow. "never do this again. That's weird."

Nick nods and moves back to Jason, who now steps forward, getting a warning growl from Harry. Louis nudges Harrys neck with his nose, telling him that it's okay.

"I wanted to apologize for what I did, Louis."

"You already did that." Louis notes confused.

"I know, but I can't apologize enough for that." Jason claims, so much sincerity in his voice as he bows his head in shame. "And I wanted to thank you." He looks back up. "Thank you for bringing Nick and I together."

Louis' tail wags at that happily. After he recovered from the Jason-incident he remembered what he told him. Jason said that Harry took Nick away from him and so the omega figured Jason fancied the omega. He talked to Nick about that - Nick thinking he is making fun of him and not believeing him. Nevertheless he went to talk to Jason and now they are mated.

"It's fine. I'm happy that I could help."

Jason and Nick bow their heads again before leaving. Harry looks at Louis fondly, who looks back, tilting his head.

"What?" the omega asks.

"You are so beautiful. Inside and out." Harry presses his nose gently to the side of Louis' snout.

"Shut up, Harold." Louis says, happy that he is in his wolf form so Harry won't see him blush.


"Nervous?" Niall asks, sitting on Louis' bed. The brown haired omega nods. "Naw! We are just graduating. You don't have to worry."

Louis rolls his eyes as he looks through his clothes, looking for something to wear after the graduation ceremony. "Yea, but do you know what tomorrow is?" he asks.

"Harry and I will mate." Niall and Louis say at the same time, Niall having a mocking voice.

"I know." He gets up and hugs Louis. "And it will be amazing. Don't sweat it." he says. "It's just Harry."

Louis snorts. "Yea, Harry who will be the Pack Alpha as soon as his dad retires, making me the fucking Luna of this pack."

"But please don't swear that much when you're Luna."

Both omegas turn to see Harry and Zayn smiling fondly at them in the doorway.

"How much did you hear?" Louis asks blushing.

Zayn and Harry exchange a look before saying in unison "Harry and I will mate."

Louis groans sitting down on his bed before falling on his back, hands over his eyes. He feels the mattress dip next to him and also notices Zayn and Niall leaving.

"Are you really that nervous?" Harry whispers, close to Louis ear before nipping gently on it.

Louis just nods, hands still over his eyes. Harry sighs, moving the omegas hands away from those gorgeous blue eyes he loves so much.

"You will be an amazing Luna, cub. I know that." Harry says, placing his chin on Louis' chest.

Louis looks down at Harry. "How could you possibly know that? I'm sure I'm gonna be shit."

Harry frowns. "Not possible." He shakes his head. "You know why?" Louis raises a questioning eyebrow. "Because you spend so much time talking with my mom about that and you read a lot of books and you don't even need that because you are going to be amazing at being the Luna. A natural."

Louis blushes at his boyfriend's words. "Shut up." he mumbles and looks at his hands.

Harry chuckled before helping Louis choose some clothes.


"Okay, the food was amazing." Louis says as he and Harry are in the car back to the woods the next day.

"It was really good. I'm glad you liked it." Harry claims. He was worried Louis would've wanted something more fancy, but Pizza was totally fine with the omega.

"I loved it." Louis leans over to press a kiss to the alpha's cheek. "So, uhm, were to now?" he asks nervous again.

Harry puts his hand on Louis' thigh, rubbing his thumb up and down soothingly. "Not gonna tell you." he says smiling. "We have to go there; it's in the woods."

Louis groans, throwing his head back. "Harry! Please tell me!" he pleads desperate. His nerves are killing him.

"Nope." Harry says, popping the 'p'.

"I hate you." the omega grumbles and crosses his arms.

The alpha just chuckles amused.


"I swear, if I slip and die, I will haunt you and never let you sleep." Louis warns as he walks into their cave, Harry having his hands over the blue eyes.

"You won't slip, love." Harry chuckles and stops as they reach the cave. "Ready?"

"Yes, now take your dirty fingers off my face." Louis says, trying to overplay his nervousness with sassiness.

Harry smiles fondly as he moves his hands away and stands next to Louis, taking his hand.

Louis' eyes are wide open in surprise. The whole cave is decked out with blankets and pillows everywhere. In the middle is a tray with some champagne and chocolate covert fruits.

"This is so cliché." are the first words the blue eyed omega says. "But I love it." He turns to the alpha, who watched Louis the whole time, and smiles.

"I knew you would." Harry mumbles, pecking Louis cheek before leading him to the drinks and the fruits.

The alpha gives his boyfriend one of the glasses filled with champagne. Both hold it up, but before the glass can touch, Harry looks serious at Louis. "If you wanna stop at any moment or you are not sure anymore or you don't feel comfortable, you need to tell me, you must tell me, okay?"

Louis rolls his eyes fondly, but he knows how much Harry loves his vocal answers, especially when it's something he is so serious about. "Yes, I will stop you." he says, pecking the alpha's lips. "But I won't."

Harry smiles before clinking their glasses together. "I love you." he says before taking a sip.

"Love you too." Louis says and takes a sip as well.


The champagne is gone and so are most of the chocolate covert fruits. Just as Louis eats the last strawberry, some chocolate sticks to the corner of his mouth.

"You've got--" Harry starts, pointing his finger at his own lips, before leaning forward and kissing the smaller boy, licking away the chocolate. "You had chocolate there." he whispers as he moves away just a little bit.

Louis mumbles a thanks before kissing Harry again. The alpha growls lowly and Louis lets him take over the kiss. He gets lowered onto blankets and pillows, Harry hovering over him. The green eyed boy has both hands next to the omega's head, who holds onto Harry's shirt for dear life.

Harry starts moving his left hand down the smaller lads body as he moves to kiss along the tan jaw of Louis. His lips move behind Louis' ear, who moves his head so the alpha has better access to the spot he desires. He starts to nibble there, biting the skin and sucking on it. Louis whines, arching his back.

"Alpha." he breaths out as he feels himself produce slick. He whimpers once more as Harry growls once again.

The alpha moves away from Louis' ear, happy with the mark he left there. His eyes are slightly red as he lets his inner wolf take over partly.

"You smell so good, baby." he says seductively and Louis never thought a sentence like this would turn him on so much.

"Need you." Louis whispers and that's all it takes for Harry to finally claim the beautiful, blue eyed omega his. To knot him and mark him as his.


Harry is the first one to wake up the next morning. He smiles at the brown haired boy in front of him, placing kisses onto the hair. The kisses move down until they reach the part where the alpha had bitten Louis while knotting him.

The omega's eyes shot open as Harry kisses the mating mark lightly. He whines as he feels himself getting aroused.

"Harry, you bastard." he says as he tutns around in the alpha's arms. "Why did you do that?" He whines as Harry kisses the same spot again.

"Because after yesterday that's all I wanna do." he admits before pressing a kiss to the omega's lips. "I love you so much, Louis."

Louis blushes lightly. "I love you too, and now fuck me." he growls impatient.

Harry chuckles. "You know our family is waiting for us?"

Louis groans and climbs on top of the alpha's chest. "I don't care! You started this and now I need you." He leans down to whisper into Harry's ear. "Alpha."

With an aroused growl Harry takes Louis' hips before turning them both around so he is on top of Louis. "As you wish, my omega."

And Louis never thought he'd love to hear those words out of an alpha's mouth. But it isn't just some random alpha. This is Harry Styles, his alpha, his mate, his love of his life and his soulmate.

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