You Found Me ☓ McCall [1](EDI...

By hereticz

863K 16.9K 8.9K

Camille Granger, or Cami as she likes to be called, is swept away when she moved to Beacon Hills. Scott McC... More

I. New Beginnings and Hot Tea*
II. I Totally Lied To Myself*
III. You Got Me Like*
IV. Jealousy is the Ugliest Trait*
V. I'm Calling A Foul*
VI. What Just Happened?*
VII. Mission Impossible**
VIII. Well You Asked for It
Thank you for 500+ reads!
IX. Servants of the Moon
X. Be Careful What You ask For
XI. And You Sort of Snuck up on Me
XII. Til❜ Reality Sinks In
XIII. If the Shoe Fits
XIV. We're All in this Together
XV. Father Knows Best
XVI. Father Knows Best (part 2)
XVII. Always and Forever, RIght?
XVIII. All is Fair in Love and War
XIX. You Deary, Worry too Much
XX. Darkness doesn't Always Equate with Evil
Thank you for 11k+ reads!!
XXI. My Mind is Telling me Yes, So is My Body
XXII. You Did This
XXIII. Break Me, Just don't Hate Me
XXIV. It's not What it Looks like
XXV. Shots Have been Fired
XXVI. Shots Have been Fired (part 2)
XXVII. For the Love of God
Official Cast of YFM!
XXVIII. Almost is Never Enough
Thank you for the 52k+ reads!!
XXIX. Sharp Knife of a Short Life
XXX. Going Going Gone
XXXI. You Better Batter Up
XXXII. Let's Get Ready to Rumble
XXXIII. It's the Final Countdown

XXXIV. It Never gets Easier Honey

10K 171 236
By hereticz

Oh how I can barely contain myself right now..Here's to the last chapter of You Found Me!! :(

I love you all so much, thank you so much for making this fanfiction bigger than I could ever imagine. I never expected to have something that means so much to me come to an end! But let's get through it together ❤️

I remember when I first discovered Wattpad, I only read Derek Hale fan fictions then slowly other teen wolf fanfics and told myself that I'd never be able to write my own fan fiction, but here I am writing the last chapter to one that has reached 100k+reads!!!

Previously on YFM:

Chris Argent and Andy figured out a way to bring back their Camie.

Everything questioned had come full circle.

Liam is finally dead, but he wasn't the only one who was taken down.

Never have I ever imagine anywhere I'd move to impact my life in anyway, I always told myself not to grow too attached to another home because it was ALWAYS temporary. Almost a year ago I moved to Beacon Hills, a little town that was in the outskirts of Sacramento, California.

" Sweetie, how would you like to go to California?" My dad asked as we sat together at dinner.

"As a vacation or moving?" My parents looked at each other for a brief moment, their eye contact saying, just tell her.

Already knowing the answer to that, I slumped into my seat and say, " it's a good thing I didn't unpack all of my things." Playing with my food, I rest my elbow on the table and let out an annoyed sigh.

By now I am use to it, moving was constant and I never really had any hard goodbyes to say. It was an inconvenience though, I always had to think of ways to work with moving all the time so I can enjoy my last few years as a teen. These are, after all, the best years of our lives.

Of all the places we've moved to, Portland has to be the best. It's not too city like nor is it too rural. It was perfect but I knew from the beginning it would never be my permanent home. After our moves became constant I accepted the fact, no where will be my permanent home and I won't ever grow fond of where we will reside.

" When is the moving date?" I push my plate aside, and give my attention to my dad.

"We're looking at the 8th." He cleared his throat, and my my mother pursued her lips.

" Wait- whoa the 8th of this month?! That's when school starts again! I hate being then new girl. The 8th is next week mom, dad can't we wait til after I graguate to move again?" I tried to beg, knowing I never win an argument, especially when it came to moving.

" Like you said it's a good think you didn't unpack all your things!" They tried to jokingly laugh, but my serious, quite annoyed face told them I didn't find it funny at all.

"Sweetie, I promise you'll like it there. Plus the job offer I'm getting there is looking a great! And if you don't like it, I can almost
promise you it won't be our last stop." She smiled warmly at me.

But it was.

Beacon Hills, California was our last stop. I never imagined my life to come to halt. not now, not ever. A question that I always asked when I was little: " If we know that we die eventually, why does it sadden us to see someone go?"

What I didn't know then is when you have something that means so much to you that you'd rather be dead then them, it will sadden you when they go. And losing my parents had answered my question instantly.

"No, n-no. Come back. Please." My head begins to thrash from side to side as the image of my dad dying replays in my head. Sleeping has been terrible for the past 2 weeks. Each day just getting progressively worse.

"Please!" I sit up, and I scream the word for the 4th time tonight. I look around the dark room with the moonlight casting a light glow.

I squeeze my eyes and push my hair back, and breath of relief to be in my bed, err, new bed.

The night after that horrible events I couldn't stand to be in my house, it held too much memories to handle. I didn't want to be on a place where my life had once been happy, especially without my parents.

So Chris agreed it'd be good to move into his house with Allison. They could both use the company and even though I am 18, I didn't hesitate to move in at all instead of leave Beacon Hills.

I've had the hardest time sleeping, doing things during the day, eating, just living. It's normal to feel this way under my circumstance, it's just not normal to be having the nightmares I've been having.

So I went to see someone who can hopefully I help them stop.

"Just have him walked everyday and he stood be feeling better. See you later Ruckus." Deaton helped his last customer before turning the closed sign on his door. He was the only "vet" I trusted to help me with this that aren't quite normal.

I am a werewolf after all.

" So every night?" He asked me as we sat together in the examination room.

" Since that night. My sudden waking up had simmered down a bit though the dreams are exactly the same. It goes back to the moment my dad is running towards me the get Liam off me, and each night I get closer and closer to stop that beta from kill him. I'm at the point of getting up." I fiddled with my fingers as I explained, I don't think there is anything worse than a child watch one of their parents die in front of them.

"I think if we wait a few more nights we'll find out what happens when you get to your father. It's normal to relive it for a few nights but it's 2 weeks and that isn't so normal. But I can promise you together we'll figure this out ok?" Deaton smiled at me sweetly, and rubbed my lower back. The doorbell chimed even though the sign says closed.

" Hey, howcome the sig-- oh hi, sorry I didn- hi." Scott cutely stammered upon entering the room to see Deaton and myself.

"Just our normal talks but I actually am about to open up again, I'll be right back. Why don't you talk talk for a bit? I have feeling you two haven't been seeing much of each other." Deaton smirked as we both huffed a breath of awkwardness and annoyance.

I stood gathering my things, because Deaton was right we haven't.

Before the fight with Liam, Scott and I flat out admitted that we needed each other. The kiss was blissful and perfect, I felt so sure that once Liam was gone that I was going to rush back to Scott. Of course he understood that loosing my dad, I'd need space, but it's been a couple a weeks and I've had a fair amount of space but I just can't find it in my heart to jump back into his arms, even though I really want to.

" Wait, Camie wait please, " I stopped at the door frame, with my back facing him. " I get space, we both agreed to it, and I know these past 2 weeks have been stressful but I want to know where we are. " And he deserved that, so turned around and I gave him the truth.

"Okay, here's the truth. Yes I know that we needed things to cool down, and time figure out how everything is going to work out, then came that night. I felt so sure, so confident that once all of it was done, I'd come home to your arms, and I want to. Believe me I've had the right amount of time to contain my feelings but that night, what I said and felt? It was out of adrenaline. I-I didn't mean it." He turned his heel and  paced around the room.

" So, none of what you said is true?" He said with a hint of sorrow in his voice.

" I still love you, no doubt. You're in my heart forever but right now, even though I said what I did, I just can't. I can't move on from what happened and go back to normal circumstances right now. Maybe later, at the end of summer maybe?" I shrugged my shoulders, do I sound harsh or understandable? 

" When it's time for you to leave for Stanford?" He whispered.

oh shit.

" I haven't decided on that just yet. I don't know when my heart will tell me what to do, until it does have the best summer of your life. Go do stupid things with Stiles, go beat Isaac up for falling for Allison, have dinner with your parents, work more hours here. Live Scott, life is, unfortunately, too short." I smiled and turned to make my way out.

Camille Granger, you have so much sorting out to do in that brain of yours.

My normal afternoon run was longer than usual. Night began to fall but I was still out, trotting through the perserve, although it was a crime scene. Okay, com'n you think we were gonna leave dead bodies in the middle of woods? No, we're more clever than that. And we put a lot of people at risk doing this but I decided to light the perserve on fire to make it look like an accident.

"This is a crime scene you know?" Out from behind the bushes came Jackson.

Where has he been the past two weeks? Staying with his stepdad- who was very baffled seeing him returning, especially his behaviors. It was said Jackson was never this selfless, his biggest concern while living in Beacon Hills was his Porsche and himself. Sometimes Lydia mattered, although I know that they honestly care deeply about each other.

" I could say the same to you Mister." I laughed at bit, being around him always made me feel lit up a bit more. It was weird but regardless it made me feel more positive.

"I come here from motivation. What happened that night, wasn't suppose to happen. Your dad didn't deserve to die. You and him were suppose to have a future, move away from here and live like a family.  I failed you, I promised to keep you and your loved ones safe, and I couldn't I hurt you, and I'm sorry." He began to tremble, and any guy crying brings tears to eyes. I hurried to his side and embraced him into my arms.

" None of what happened was your fault. You had no control over what Liam had planned, okay? In fact I think you gave my dad that few extra minutes, if you hadn't snapped that beta's neck, he could'be killed my dad on impact. In a way, you became a hero. So thank you, for it all." I smiled, and held back the pain I've been subsiding for the past week.

" I wish I could've stopped him- if I just knew If I jsut knew he'd be, " What I knew is Jackson would keep rambling on, so I did what most guys do to shut a girl up, I kiss him.

His lips felt foreign, and he did the unexpected and pushed me off pretty roughly.

"Um, ow. A simple head jerk back would have sufficed." And massaged my shoulder.

"Care to explain what that was for? I mean to be honest I thought you would have kissed back. I did it to shut you up by the way." I still hadn't understood why he'd reject it, I mean I'm not miss faithful for kissing another guy but it wasn't because I'm in love with him

 " I can't do that to him." Him? As in Scott?

" Scott and yours relationship still remains and it's because of me that you two aren't together. So I'm not going to stand here, kissing you back and make that any worse. You and him,  that's destiny. You and I? That's disater." He looked and sounded so truthful and I knew he was right, that if there even was a 'He and I' it won't work, like Scott and I.  

" Look, I'll be 100% honest with you. I fell for you instantly, and I haven't felt that feeling within me since Lydia. And I was so frustrated that you and Scott were together, jealous even. But if I learned things in life, is don't ruin things that are meant to be. I just want you in my life as a friend, ok?" I stared in astonishment, the vibes that I've been getting from Jackson this entire time, wasn't 'just friends' but the gut feeling is back and he's telling the truth indeed.

My eyes watered because he was so sweet, and I respect him so much more right now. I blinked away the tears, and tippy toed to peck and kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you, I'm so glad to have you in my life, Jackson Whittemore." My arms wrapped around his waist, and my cheek rested on his toned chest.

" I am too, now get your stinky butt to a shower, and get to Scott and undo what I did." He smirked and I pushed him away playfully.

" I don't know about that. I just can't find in me to get back with him so soon. I can't explain why, just I need more time. We both do actually, so I just- I don't know." Thinking about getting back with Scott always had me mind- boggled.

"You mean to tell me that even that sudden act of love you two had that night did spark back anything? Camie, when I said you two are destiny, I meant it. You can't find it in you because you still hold this guilt. That you feel- or felt something for me. That's the only reason, and I can guarantee you that you'll make a mistake if you don't fix it now. No matter what you say, you know Scott with be your always and forever. Sometimes, forever won't wait. And neither should you." And once again, Jackson has managed to blow me away with his sophisticated words. It took me a second to feel that spark, that made me realize Jackson was right. That I can't wait, because whose to say Scott won't move on by the time I'm ready again? 

" You surely know your way with words," I began running " Thank you!!!" I sprinted out of the preserve to go and get me destiny back, because I don't want to live another day not being his

Okay, Jackson was right, I stunk so bad. So I was on my way to my new home to fix that and I'd be on my way to Scott's.

But when I pulled up the to the Argents. his motorbike was in the drive way. Which had me utterly confused, I mean I guess it's better that he's here?

"Chris?" I said walking in, but got no reply.

"I have to Allison!" I heard Scott's voice slightly yell. 

So I made my way up the stairs and followed that voice, which led to Allison's room.

" Scott, if you do, do you know how much worse things will get? She'll be so upset." Allison said back. She? Are they talking about me? 

" Allison not telling her will make it worse! I love her, I need to tell her now, or I'll never get her back." Okay, by now I'm get more curious. I can tell now that they're talking about me, but what about? I want to go in there and ask but I have a feeling they would stop their conversation and change it to something completely different.

"I have- We have to tell her. Please Allison!" Scott quietly yelled at her again.

" Yeah tell Camie that the night you two broke up, you came crying to me and we had sex? Yeah that's a smart plan."

When people say they feel their heart breaking, it isn't a lie. Cause I feel mines breaking right now. They did what? How could he? I get that he was mad about the kiss but coming to his ex and having sex? That's uncalled for, and he's the unfaithful one. My hand covered my mouth to muffle the sobs. And I don't think Scott and I are getting back together.


I swiftly exited the house after finding out about Scott and Allison, to drive to my old house and cry my eyes out. In that moment I was ready to take Scott back but this entire time they've been keeping this from me, and the day after the did it, they looked at me in the eyes like nothing ever happened.

I woke up to the sun in my eyes, laying on my parents bed. And my phone blaring with Chris' collar ID.

" Hello?" I said with that groggy, morning voice.

" Jesus, Camie! You had me worried. Where are you?" It probably would've been best to, at least, text him where I went.

"Sorry, sorry um, I'm at home. I just wanted to come back for night. I meant to text you but fell asleep. Sorry.

"You should have, now get home. I'm making breakfast." He hung up and I didn't want to go there, I didn't want to see Allison. I don't understand how they're doing it. How they can look at me and hide it so well.

I don't want to confront either of them, I want them to tell me themselves.

Then my mind go pulled to my dreams. The same one occurred, and this time I got out of Liam's grasp and got to the beta before he could get to my dad, I snapped its neck before he could impale my dad, but I just awoke from that point, and I knew that I'm closer and closer .

So I called Deaton to tell him about it, and he asked me to come down to talk.


" It's something I need you to really think about. But what we can do is put you under a sedative, and if this dream is really repetitive, than you might just find out what happens, or even what's causing it. Also I'd like to draw blood to see if this is psychological- what I mean is if something up there is right." He told me and it was a lot to think about, should I do this? I really do want to know what happens next.

" Let's do it. Now." He nodded his head and gestured me to lay back. Oh and Alan Deaton is much more than a vet, considering he has this giant CAT scan machine in the back of his clinic.

Nervousness filled within me, although this will help me get my mind off Scott and Allison.

" Okay, I'm only giving you so much. But basically, usually what would send a impluse to normally jerk you awake won't happen. You'll stay asleep, and possibly see what happens. You'll be okay, in the mean time I'll Chris down here. Are you ready?" He asked, and with a shaky breath, I nodded my head.

The prick of the needle entered my wrist and the sedative was flowing in. My head felt fuzzy, and soon darkness came over.

It wasn't dark for long, I began feeling the air in my lungs decrease and a hand clamped down on my neck. Liam's face came into view, and like every night, I turned my head and hear my dad say,

" This was originally my fight"

I get my hands around Liams face, and snap his neck, and race towards the beta that is charging towards my dad. What I hadn't noticed this time, was no one else was here. Not Chris, not Scott, no one but my dad, Liam and the beta. 

I pounce onto the beta and snap his neck as well.

Rugged breaths escape my lips, and my dads hand touches my shoulder. But what I did next, the power I felt, is what made me want to wake up, want to how jerk out of this nightmare.

My hand clamped on my dad's neck, and lifted him of the ground.

"Camie! Camille! What are- what the hell are you doing?!" My dad tried to yell.

I felt my canines enlong, and my claws grew out, and was piercing onto my dad's skin.

"This- this is all your fault. You put this on us, all of us! I'm like this because of you! You're the reason my life is messed up, you're the goddamn reason your wife is dead. Your daughter, and family." I yelled at him, and clamped harder. His face became red.

" You don't think I-I know th-that? I live with it everyday." He yelled out, I through his to the ground.

" Not any longer. " My arm lifted and claws met his neck. The blood splattered around my face, and I smiled in relief. 

But darkness came over, and I suddenly awoke to the roof the machine. My hand covered my mouth as I sobbed loudly. 

Deaton quickly came over to help me out, and he had a look on his face that he had no idea how I awoke.

"I don't understand how, you weren't suppose to wake. What happened?" He asked, and I cried for a bit more before explaining.

" I killed him, I killed my dad. Why? I'd never ever do that! Especially to my father!" Chris came and rushed to my aid. He held me and rocked me. Trying to soothe me. And he was as close as my father as it was gonna get.

What is wrong with me? Why is this happening to me?

I washed my face in the bathroom, and Chris waited in the car. What happened was enough experimenting for today, Deaton wanted to speak with me before I left.

"I think your reason for dreaming what you did, is your new impulses," I looked at him confused " Camie you're a werewolf now. You have new instincts, the urge to kill will get stronger closer to the full moon. You probably had the hidden urge to blame your dad for what came to be your life. And that is understandable, it surfaced when you became a werewolf."

He explained and I understood, but I just needed to go home. I have way too much on my mind right now.

" Thank you for everything. I'll be sure to call you if anything else happens." I grabbed my bag, and made my way out the door.

" Wait- actually there's something esle I found." I looked back at him, and waited to hear what else disater I have wrong with me.

"What could it be?" I said jokingly.

He looked at me with a face full of concern, and said,

"You're pregnant."

THERE IS IT IS.. THE LAST CHAPTER! And holy cliffhangers!!!! :O

I swear to god I amaze myself, half what was in this chapter was no where near what I planned from the start but I love how it turned out!!! 

Sooo um, #scamie shippers hate me? heh.

But the scene with Jackson and Camie was closure, #Jamie will not happen, and they will not ruin #Scamie anymore! I loved them together but this is, after all, a Scott McCall fanficition!

Allison and Scott hooked up?

Camie had the urge to kill her father?

She's pregnant?!

WHAT IN THE HELL @hawaiilover87? The fricken feels are deadly in this chapter.

I'm sorry, but hey with all these cliffhangers, it surely means there will be a sequel!! I will post about that later on! :)

Thank you all.. Thank you for making this fanfiction come to life. For loving it, for loving me! It's been an honor to create something you all enjoy, and I cannot wait to create more! I've met some great people on here and I love you all so so so much! 

Once again, thank you and I love you!!!!!


xoxo hawaiilover87

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